From Goblin to Goblin God

Chapter 82: Going to the Ancient Dragon Clan for Recognition

TL: Sungmin

Crossing the sea, he finally saw the familiar yet somewhat strange Dragon Island.

It was already overgrown with wild grass, and there were many wild animals he hadn’t seen before.

A few small turtles basking on the beach, upon seeing Lin Tian, were so frightened that they quickly hid in the sea.

He ventured deep into Dragon Island but didn’t see a single dragon.

Lin Tian frowned slightly, “Hiss, it seems the Purple-Gold Dragon Mother mentioned something before. Was it at most a year or so? She had to return to the Ancient Dragon Clan.”

She had said she actually ran away from the Ancient Dragon Clan just for fun.

In the Dragon Clan, her age was roughly equivalent to a fourteen or fifteen-year-old human, and her size wasn’t the largest.

“She probably went back home. After all, she did run away to play.” Lin Tian felt a bit helpless.

The Purple-Gold Dragon Mother had mentioned before that the Ancient Dragon Clan was at the base of the World Tree.

To find it, he just needed to fly towards the center of the continent.

This approach was a bit time-consuming and risky.

After hesitating for a moment, Lin Tian decided to give it a try. At least once he found it, there would be a much higher margin for error.

If the Purple-Gold Dragon Mother didn’t know, perhaps the other ancient dragons would.

Using the shadow of the sun, he precisely determined the directions.

He then set off towards the central location.

Due to the flying speed and endurance of a wyvern dragon being far inferior to Nidhogg, the little black dragon born from the Purple-Gold Dragon Mother, it took him five whole days to reach the central area of the continent.

“No way, such a huge tree!”

When he saw the World Tree, towering like a pillar, with its branches and leaves forming a green canopy supporting the sky, Lin Tian was dumbfounded!

Such a visual impact was something his previous world could never provide!

An entire skyline being a single massive tree—what a concept.

The closer he got, the more he felt like he was being shrunk. Compared to this tree, he was less than an ant.

Yet after circling around the tree for a long time, he didn’t see any ancient dragons nearby.


At this moment, Xiao Huan let out a low, fearful sound.

Lin Tian noticed a chasm ahead. “The bottom? Damn, I thought it was on the ground. Turns out it’s underground. Is this really a dragon clan?”

Immediately, Xiao Huan overcame its fear of higher-ranked dragons and carried Lin Tian into the chasm.

Passing through the dark fog, they finally reached the magma layer below.

A scorching sea of lava lay before them, where a slight misstep would reduce one to ashes.

Flying dragons were different from ancient giant dragons; they couldn’t withstand the heat. After flying for a short while, they could barely endure it.

They quickly found a small island in the magma to rest.

Seeing Xiao Huan panting, parched and uncomfortable, Lin Tian could barely stand it anymore either.

Even dragons couldn’t handle it; he certainly couldn’t.

“Damn, was I tricked? How can anything survive in this place?”

Lin Tian wiped the sweat off his forehead and looked around.


In the distant magma, something seemed to be swimming rapidly towards them!

Xiao Huan seemed to sense something beforehand and hid behind a rock, trembling.

Lin Tian also cautiously drew his weapon, ready to strike at any moment.


A ferocious, violent dragon roar echoed throughout the abyss!

From the magma, a giant dragon the size of a mountain emerged.

Covered in scars, it was none other than Scar.

Its cold, penetrating eyes scrutinized Lin Tian, “A goblin? And a low-tier flying dragon. This isn’t a place you can come to. If you don’t leave, face the consequences!”

Scar flapped its wings and flew out of the magma, golden, boiling lava dripping like raindrops.

Lin Tian dodged quickly. If one of those droplets hit him, it would burn right through him.

However, the seven-hundred-meter giant Scar left Lin Tian utterly shocked!

This was a true ancient giant dragon!

Compared to this, the Purple-Gold Dragon Mother was just an underage kid.

And Xiao Huan was even less significant.

Scar stood on a small lava mountain, high and mighty, exuding an aura that made one retreat in fear.

At this moment, several more dragons crawled out from the mist-covered rock walls, resembling lizards.

Each one had a body several hundred meters long.

Seeing the low-tier flying dragon and goblin, they all looked disdainful, “In our Ancient Dragon Clan territory, anything dares to come now?”

“Eat them!”

“Bah, I wouldn’t want my mouth to stink. Just throw them into the magma.”

“Scar, what are you waiting for? Aren’t you the one the Dragon King sent to guard the entrance? Kill them already.”

The dragons urged one another, their eyes full of amusement and mockery towards the weak creatures.

They didn’t even regard them as living beings.

Scar’s expression turned grim, remaining silent.

Seeing this, Lin Tian quickly explained, “Wait, we are friends of the Purple-Gold Dragon Mother, and we mean no harm.”

Purple-Gold Dragon Mother?!

Hearing these words, the group of dragons that had come to watch the commotion all showed a sudden shift in expression!

Including Scar.

“Ferbis?! Could it be that you are Despair’s father…!!!”

Scar’s eyes were filled with astonishment and disbelief.

For a moment, the dragons that had been clamoring earlier shrank back into the shadows in fear.

Lin Tian couldn’t help but feel curious, “Despair? Ferbis?”

Upon hearing this, Scar responded, “Ferbis is the name of the Purple-Gold Dragon Mother, and Despair is the offspring of the Purple-Gold Dragon Mother and a goblin, named Nidhogg.”

In the Ancient Dragon Clan, only those with absolute power and status could have nicknames.

Dragons like Scar, Sin, and Thunder Calamity had lived for several hundred years, were over five hundred meters in size, and were immensely powerful.

Scar was a dragon that had survived a severe assault led by the Sword Saintess and her followers, which left it heavily injured.

Even being attacked by the Church, the Empire, and the Dragon-Slaying Guild combined did not kill it, making it quite a formidable existence.

Sin, as his name suggested, had committed many heinous acts, including the destruction of entire cities.

Thunder Calamity, being a descendant of thunder dragons, could unleash overwhelming lightning storms.

“Since you know her, can you take me to see her?” Lin Tian breathed a sigh of relief and said.

Because the dragon before him had a strength of over six thousand!

There was no way he could fight it.

But it seemed to be a reasonable dragon, not one to act rashly.

Scar pondered for a moment and finally decided, “Follow me. Let that low-tier dragon wait outside; otherwise, it will die from the heat.”

“Xiao Huan, you wait outside. I will come find you later.”

Lin Tian said, and then Scar allowed Lin Tian to ride on its back.

It carried him deep into the dragon territory.

Once they left, the dragons in the shadows dared to come out, their faces filled with fear.

“Oh my, that scared me! It turns out he’s Despair’s father! I’ll never talk big again!”

“If he complains to Despair about us, we’re done for. We’ll all die!”

“Is it really this little goblin that fathered that terrifying dragon anomaly?”

“Even the proud Scar let the goblin ride him. Despair, oh Despair, what will you bring to the dragon clan?”

On the other side, Lin Tian and his companions flew for a long time, passing through the sea of magma, and finally arrived at a dark rock wall.

In the center of the rock wall, there was a visible black cave.

Lin Tian was puzzled. On the way here, there had been dragons everywhere, but as they approached this black cave, not even a dragon scale was in sight.

Could this guy have brought him here to deal with him?

When they reached the outside of the black cave, Scar didn’t dare to land but said, “Go down by yourself. Despair is inside. If you are indeed his father, I will come to pick you up later. Now I must inform the Dragon King.”

An inexplicable sense of unease surged in Lin Tian’s heart.

Swallowing hard, he said, “Alright, thanks, buddy.”

The moment he landed, the scorching black rock strangely had a chilling feeling, sending shivers down his spine.

It was like the feeling a human gets when entering the territory of a ferocious beast.

That was the scent of a predator.

Lin Tian groped his way into the cave. As he approached, he realized the cave was vast, at least over a thousand meters wide!

Inside, it was full of skeletons.

And it was clear that these were the skeletons of giant dragons! Some of the skulls were estimated to be those of five hundred-meter-long dragons!

“Does this guy eat his own kind?”

Lin Tian felt a bit terrified, but remembering what the dragon had said earlier, this should be the child of him and the Purple-Gold Dragon Mother.

No matter what, it wouldn’t kill its own father, right?

The environment was eerily terrifying. Lin Tian turned to leave, but his mind couldn’t fully comprehend it.

He examined the inside of the cave with a bewildered look.

Suddenly, the ground seemed to become hotter and softer, and it even smelled bad.

He turned his head.

A massive tonsil came into view, followed by what seemed like a bottomless abyss.

In front of him was a row of tonsils ten times larger than Lin Tian!

A huge black dragon, clad in black armor and with double horns, lay on the ground, its long tongue sticking out.

Its dragon tail wagged like a dog’s, looking very lively and excited.

Lin Tian stood on its tongue. A few more steps, and he would be in its mouth.

Seeing Lin Tian standing still, the black dragon decided to stop playing and snapped its jaws shut!

The sound of teeth clashing was deafening!

Lin Tian quickly backed away, finally getting a clear look at the dragon. It was enormous, almost as big as Scar!

Its armor gleamed with a black light, and the green markings had turned into solid green crystals.

“Wait! I’m your father!”

Seeing that it was about to bite again, Lin Tian quickly raised his hand to stop it.

Nidhogg paused, blinking in confusion, carefully examining Lin Tian’s appearance, “You’re lying. My father is a goblin. What are you?”

“You silly child, if I’m not a goblin, then what am I? A lingob?”

Lin Tian felt speechless. How could a goblin prove it was a goblin?

Nidhogg looked skeptical, “Then come with me to see my mother. Let’s go!”

With that, it grabbed Lin Tian in its mouth.

Turning, it dived into the sea of magma, swimming through it as if flying through the sky.

They quickly swam downward.

After an unknown amount of time, a giant cavern appeared ahead. As they entered, everything changed.

There was no magma, only a network of tree roots extending endlessly.

Compared to these roots, Nidhogg seemed insignificant.

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