From Fist Wisdom Blade To Muscle Daming King

Chapter 25 Thousand-year stunt, that’s it?

"There's so much blood."

Seeing Leng Kong with a ferocious face and bloodthirsty eyes, Zhu Mei shrank her head behind Ziyin, pinched her sister's forearms tightly with both hands, and did not dare to look any further.

"Sister, is Mr. Leng okay?"

"Why is it completely different from usual?"

"It hurts so much, damn girl, are you trying to kill me?"

Ziyin pushed Zhu Mei's palm away, then looked at the bloody fingernail marks on her arm, and said angrily:

"Does this mean you don't want your sister now that you have a lover?"

"What can happen to him?

"Aren't you enjoying yourself?"

"You're talking nonsense about me."

Ziyin's words caused a blush to appear on Zhu Mei's face. She moved her lips and murmured in a low voice that she could only hear. Then she couldn't help but peek out from behind her sister to secretly observe the battle.

My sister seems to be right. Leng Jun really enjoys it?

I saw Wu Lian punching Leng Jun with his fist, and the sharp fist scratched several blood marks on the skin. But Leng Jun not only did not show fear or pain, but instead raised the corners of his mouth strangely, with an expression of great joy, and then used more force Dao fought back.

"Doesn't it hurt?"

"What other attributes has Leng Jun developed?"

Zhu Mei rested her chin on her sister's shoulder, her eyes full of confusion.


After the fierce fight, Wu Lian pulled away slightly, took a deep breath and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, trying his best to adjust his body, which was close to the limit.

The blood flows at high speed, and the blood vessels protruding from the surface of the skin flash out with purple light. Then the knees are slightly bent, the toes are firmly clasped on the ground, and the body is leaning forward.

"Wu Jiaji!"

Holding back his last breath, his body rushed into the cold sky again.

He will fight tooth and nail for the reputation of the Wu clan!

The killer industry is all about reputation. Even if he released the Wu clan's ghost transformation in front of the public, he still couldn't get Leng Kong.

The family myth has been destroyed, and no one will be willing to spend a lot of money to hire the Wu family in the future.

In this way, even if he is not beaten to death by Leng Kong, he will be scolded to death by his grandfather Huiliyang when he returns home.

"The thousand-year stunt is here!"

Leng Kong's spirit instantly tensed up, and his vigilance reached its limit.

You don't need to think about it to know that the Wu family's skills, which have continuously attracted martial arts experts and integrated many martial arts for more than a thousand years, must be extraordinary.


Just as Leng Kong was on guard, two fingers magnified infinitely in his field of vision.

"Eye insert?"

"No, the Wu family skills will definitely not be that simple!"

Leng Kong suppressed the urge to fight back and raised his hands to protect his face.

Although the moral principle of Jeet Kune Do is to complete the counterattack while defending, but if he is not as fast as Wu Lian after he is released, the counterattack may expose loopholes.

Don't be careless when facing the Wu family skills that have been passed down for thousands of years.

I'll bear with you first!

"Buddha kills!"

Seeing that the ward was ineffective, Wu Lian did not pause at all. He instantly bent his arms and stabbed Leng Kong's face with the tip of his elbow, but was blocked by Leng Kong's arms like big shields.


"Haven't you really launched your move yet?"

Leng Kong was slightly confused.

"Just now!"

Wu Lian turned his body sideways and slammed into Leng Kong's body with his shoulder.

"Iron mountain support?"

Leng Kong's doubts increased, but this did not affect his actions.

The moment Wu Lian was about to get closer, his left foot slipped backwards, his body squatted slightly, and his center of gravity sank. With the support of his huge body, his stance suddenly became as stable as a rock. Wu Lian almost missed himself when he bumped into him.


Wu Lian let out a roar, green light flashed in his eyes, and he launched another roundhouse kick.

What the hell?

The names of the moves are shouted louder and louder, and the momentum is getting stronger every time, but this is obviously a basic move that can no longer be basic, right?

The patience of the cold sky was gradually worn away.

"Broken mountain!"

With another powerful roar, Wu Lian turned his body onto his side and punched Leng Kong's face and chest with both fists.

"Made, isn't it just that the wind blows through your ears?"

In addition, the front wards, elbow strikes, and turning kicks are all basic moves. Do the Wu clan think that adding a cool name to the basic moves can turn them into special skills?

This time Leng Kong couldn't bear it any longer. He tensed up his muscles and used his body to catch the punch, and his hands clasped Wu Lian's wrists at the moment when he was at the end of his strength.

"Is this your Wu family skill?"

"Thanks for waiting so long!"

The terrifying brute force made Leng Kong shake Wu Lianyi like a puppet.


The next second, Wu Lian was hit hard on the ground.

The cement floor cracked directly, and blood seeped out from the pores crazily.


After receiving such a heavy blow, Wu Lian opened his mouth and vomited out a large pool of black blood. Just a moment later, his eyesight turned black and his internal organs seemed to be shattered.

"It's useless to give you a chance!"

"Wasting my time!"

Leng Kong raised his arm and struck again.




Broken cement blocks flew everywhere, and blood surged.

It wasn't until a deep pit was made on the ground that Leng Kong threw Wu Lian, who could no longer see clearly, into it.

"The Wu clan was defeated?"

"The Wu clan was actually defeated?"

"How. How is it possible?

"That's the ghost of the Wu clan!"

"Is a new "ghost" about to be born?"

The incredible scene excited the onlookers and shouted wildly.

"Leng Jun, are you okay?"

After the battle was over, Zhu Mei was no longer afraid and rushed in immediately holding a towel.

"It's okay, but I feel more relaxed than ever before, haha."

Leng Kong took the towel and wiped his body. The white towel was soaked with blood after just a few wipes.

Some of the blood was his own, but more of it was Wu Lianyi's.

"Keke, you are bruised and swollen in many places on your body, and you are still bleeding."

Zhu Mei looked at the wounds on Leng Kong's body and wanted to touch them but didn't dare. She was so heartbroken that she couldn't breathe, and her big eyes were filled with tears.

"The corners of my mouth and nose are cracked, and my face is swollen. It must be very painful."

The girl stood on her tiptoes and carefully touched Leng Kong's red and swollen face with her fingers. Finally, her eyes could no longer contain more and more tears, flowing down her pretty face.

"It's okay, it's just a broken capillary. The swelling will subside in a few days."

Leng Kong, who had never seen a girl cry before, was suddenly confused.

Woman, can you please be reasonable?

Although it looked scary, he actually suffered a skin injury.

There is no muscle protection on the face, and it is inevitable that he will be injured in the crazy fight just now. Leng Kong also feels that his face is burning.

But the opponent almost turned into a ball of rotten flesh and collapsed in the pit.

Are you crying?

He had no choice but to look at the girl's pitiful little face and her tear-filled eyes. Leng Kong had no choice but to awkwardly stretch out his fingers to wipe away the tears on her face.

"Are you satisfied with this opponent?"

Looking at Wu Lianyi, who was almost smashed into a pulp, a trace of worry flashed in Ziyin's eyes, but after walking over, he pretended to be fine.

Leng Kong's attack was too harsh. If he couldn't withstand the Wu clan's challenge later, he wouldn't be able to beg favors from that old ghost Huiliyang.


Ziyin glanced at Zhu Mei, who was almost clinging to Leng Kong, and said secretly: "Unless Leng Kong is married into her, the Wu clan has always had a fine tradition of borrowing seeds from strong young men."

But this was the last resort to save his life. Ziyin was reluctant to give Leng Kong to the Wu clan as a last resort.

If it doesn't work, we can only put pressure on the employers of the Wu clan.

As long as he is relieved of the mission, the Wu clan will have no reason to target Leng Kong. They still have this professional ethics.

"Satisfaction means satisfaction, but it's just not satisfying!"

Leng Kong exhaled a breath of turbid air, and smiled with his mouth that was almost broken into four parts.

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