From Blueprints to Kamehamehas


Roshi stood at the base of the towering fortress, its jagged silhouette outlined against the fading light. Somewhere inside, Violet was being held captive, and he knew this was a trap. But that didn't matter. He wasn't leaving without her.

The massive doors creaked open as he stepped into the fortress. Cold air hit him, and the flickering torches cast eerie shadows across the stone walls. Roshi's senses were on high alert. He could feel the danger lurking, but his expression remained calm and composed. He'd faced worse than this.

Suddenly, a group of armed goons emerged from the shadows, their weapons gleaming under the dim light. These weren't just ordinary thugs—HydroCorp had sent their best. The leader, a towering figure with a scar across his face, sneered at Roshi.

"You're brave coming here alone," the leader taunted, lifting his gun. "But you won't be leaving alive."

Roshi's gaze didn't falter. "Step aside."

The leader barked a laugh, his voice echoing off the walls. "Get him!"

The goons charged all at once, guns raised, but Roshi's ki surged within him, heightening his reflexes to superhuman levels. Time seemed to slow as bullets flew toward him, but he moved effortlessly, dodging each shot with swift, fluid movements. His body was a blur of motion as he closed the distance between them.

The first goon swung his rifle at Roshi's head, but before it could connect, Roshi caught the weapon mid-swing, twisting it out of the man's grip. With a single, well-placed strike, he sent the thug crashing to the floor.

Another goon lunged at him with a knife, but Roshi sidestepped the attack, his movements graceful yet precise. He countered with a swift elbow to the attacker's gut, followed by a powerful uppercut that knocked him unconscious before he even hit the ground.

The remaining goons hesitated, their confidence waning. But Roshi wasn't done. He advanced on them with a calm determination, disarming and neutralizing each one with surgical precision. His fists moved like lightning, every strike landing with devastating force, yet controlled—efficient.

Within moments, the floor was littered with the bodies of the defeated. Roshi's breath was steady, his expression unchanged. He stepped over the unconscious thugs, making his way deeper into the fortress.

At the top of the fortress, Roshi found Violet tied to a chair, unconscious. Relief washed over him, but there was no time to relax. His every muscle was tense, his senses sharp. He moved toward her, but a slow, mocking clap echoed from the shadows.

From behind a pillar stepped the Boss of HydroCorp, a smug grin on his face. "You made it here, Roshi. I have to admit, I'm impressed. But I'm afraid you're too late."

Standing beside him was a hulking figure dressed in black—a martial artist assassin, known across the region for his lethal reputation. The assassin cracked his knuckles, his eyes locked on Roshi. "If you want the girl, you'll have to go through me."

Roshi's fists tightened, his ki flaring up around him. The room seemed to hum with energy. "I didn't come this far to lose now."

Without warning, the assassin lunged, his speed blinding. His fist shot toward Roshi's face, but Roshi dodged by a hair's breadth, feeling the wind from the strike rush past him. The assassin was fast—too fast for an ordinary human. But Roshi was no ordinary opponent.

The assassin attacked relentlessly, each strike aimed to kill. His fists moved like pistons, but Roshi's ki-augmented reflexes allowed him to parry and counter with equal speed. Sparks seemed to fly as their blows connected, the force of their clash sending shockwaves through the room.

The assassin swung a powerful roundhouse kick toward Roshi's head, but Roshi ducked under it, using the momentum to launch a devastating counter-kick to the assassin's ribs. The impact was like a hammer, and the assassin staggered back, grimacing in pain.

Roshi pressed the advantage. He moved in with a flurry of punches, each one charged with ki, delivering bone-crushing power. The assassin blocked most of them, but Roshi's relentless onslaught was too much. A sharp hook to the jaw sent the assassin reeling, but he recovered quickly, snarling.

In desperation, the assassin changed tactics. His eyes flickered toward Violet, still tied to the chair. He lunged toward her, hoping to use her as leverage, but Roshi saw the move coming.

Not a chance.

Roshi's ki flared, and he closed the distance in an instant, intercepting the assassin's attack. He delivered a thunderous blow to the assassin's midsection, his fist glowing with concentrated energy. The impact was explosive, sending the assassin flying across the room. He crashed into the far wall, crumpling to the floor, unconscious.

Roshi's chest heaved, but his gaze remained cold and steady. He turned toward the boss, who stood frozen, fear flickering in his eyes.

"It's over," Roshi said, his voice low but firm. "Let her go."

The boss's smug grin faltered, replaced by panic,"How could the assasin lose? Impossible. My plan was flawless."

In a desperate move, he pulled out a small remote from his pocket, his hand trembling. "If I'm going down, I'm taking you with me!"

The walls of the tower began to shake violently. Explosives rigged throughout the building began to detonate one after another. The ground trembled beneath Roshi's feet, but he didn't waste a second. He dashed toward Violet, cutting through the ropes that bound her and scooping her into his arms.

"We're getting out of here. Hold on."

Roshi sprinted through the crumbling fortress, carrying Violet as explosions rocked the structure. The sound of falling debris echoed behind them as the walls collapsed. His ki-enhanced speed was the only thing keeping them ahead of the destruction.

Chunks of stone and wood rained down, but Roshi moved like the wind, dodging the falling wreckage with ease. He leapt over gaps in the floor and vaulted through crumbling doorways, his mind focused solely on getting Violet to safety.

As they neared the exit, the tower began to collapse in earnest, the explosions growing louder and more frequent. With a final burst of energy, Roshi sprinted through the collapsing doorway, leaping clear of the fortress just as the entire structure came crashing down behind him.

The force of the explosion sent a cloud of dust and rubble into the air, but Roshi landed safely outside, Violet still cradled in his arms. Gently, he set her down as the dust settled, and she stirred, her eyes fluttering open.

"Roshi..." she whispered, her voice hoarse but steady. "You... saved me."

Roshi's expression softened as he knelt beside her. "Of course. You're safe now."

Together, they looked back at the smoldering ruins of the fortress. HydroCorp's grip on the village was over, but the fight was far from finished.

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