From Arrogant Guy to Sexy Maid

Chapter 2

Thank you for the amazing support! We have about 10 free chapters of this story ahead, which is about 50% of the whole book - the rest will be available for purchase through the usual channels (links below, story first). As always, I will be in your care, and thanks for reading. Please enjoy and remember: do not piss off reincarnation goddesses!

Titania, goddess of the Exalted Realm, is having second thoughts. It’s not something that happens often – in her many years of service as Great Cycle station attendant, she has seen many lost souls. She can deal with people who died with many regrets, she knows what to do with souls that are angry or sad, that yearn for belonging and another chance. 

But if there’s one thing that she can’t stomach...

“So, are we finished yet?” Asks the gruff voice coming from the translucent soul in front of her; it has yet to take form, but she can safely pinpoint its origins as a human with too much pride for his own good. The first thing he asked for was to be remade as a King – isn’t that a little too much? – that’s certainly not how it works. 

“Your request is unusual,” Titania bites her lip and makes a token effort, skimming through the pages of the ancient tome she has summoned in the starry void between Cycles.

She cannot see it as the lost soul has yet to take on a new form for his next life, but she can clearly picture him crossing his arms over his chest. 

“Well, that’s not my problem, is it? I was promised a second, better chance, and I told you what I want, and I want it now!”

“Just...” then it strikes her. This is not going to look good on her resume, but as long as it’s a mentor and a friend... “I’ll contact the higher ups! I have someone who might be able to help you! I’ll be back in a moment!”

She leaves the soul alone in the void and walks through the endless corridors of the intermingled Realms, until she reaches a bubble suspended in the cosmos: it’s a large valley with a placid large river resting in its bosom. A beautiful city of silver and glass, all towers and pavilions and arches and veils that rise from the verdant grass. Small grey slimes jump around together with crowds of industrious people.

Titania bites her lips again. She promises herself once again that one day, one day, her Realm is going to look at least half as good.

She bows at the bubble, clasping her hands in prayer. 

“T-Teacher... I need your help! Do you have a moment?”

The bubble flashes silver.

From behind steps forward what looks like a beautiful, slender woman, made from goo that shines like a starry night, when the sky is brightest with nebulae and galaxies. She gives her a large smile as soon as she recognizes her.

“Titania! It’s great to see you here! What do I owe this unexpected visit?”

Titania’s godly heart beats fast – Teacher Siosi is always so welcoming and helpful!

“I’m... how to say this...” it’s embarrassing. It’s almost like being back at the Great Cycle Academia for Reincarnation Attendants. In her memory, Titania is once again a young redhead goddess, her blue eyes shine with promise and hope, and the first figure she sees crossing the gate is this tall woman looking like she’s made of transparent slime, with such a gentle smile... “I’m having a bit of a problem with one of my souls.”

“Oh, that’s unfortunate.” Siosi comes closer, gently cups her shoulder with her goo hand. “But I’m sure you’ll manage to find a way to make it work. You always do.”

“Thanks, but... I’d really like some help,” she whispers. “I’m just starting two work on my own realm and if I allow him to get everything he wants the other souls already in it are going to be upset, or worse. I don’t think he deserves to get special treatment.”

That gives her pause. Siosi taps her finger over her mouth – the same gesture she used to take even when she was their teacher.

“You have looked at his previous life, I reckon. Seen anything you don’t like?”

Titania shrugs. 

“Arrogance, general lack of respect, a huge ego... and he asked me to make him a King! I mean, right out of the reincarnation gate.”

“Hmmm, that’s not a good start.”

“So, I was thinking... maybe you have some better ideas. Or some advice. I can’t make a mistake right at the start, or the Nor-Moirai are going to look down on me and I don’t want to waste my chance to build a beautiful world...” her eyes move over to Siosi’s Realm. “I mean, you have always been such an inspiration, Teacher.”

“You’re so sweet!” She pats her head, then leans in conspiratorially. “Tell you what. For my favorite student, I might just have an idea...”


If you want to read the full book is available below (just click on the cover)!



All in all, I have to be thankful once again. For your support, and for your patience. I cherish every read! 
I will see you in two days with the next chapter!


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