Free Shinobi in Naruto(With Divine Purple Card)

Ch27- Smitten

"Good morning," Tsunade murmured, her voice soft and tentative.

"Morning," Kai replied, his tone devoid of emotion.

Tsunade hesitated for a moment, unsure of how to proceed. Finally, she asked, "How are you feeling?"

Kai seemed to consider her question for a moment before answering, "Fine."

Tsunade smiled wryly at his response, recognizing that it was probably the best she could hope for. She knew that Kai was not one to share his emotions, and she didn't want to push him too far.

Deciding that it was best to give him some space, she gently untangled herself from his embrace and slipped out of the bed. As she gathered her clothes from the floor, she glanced back at him, her eyes filled with concern.

"Kai," she said, her voice full of warmth and sincerity, "I just want you to know that I'm here for you, okay? If you ever need someone to talk to or just... be with, I'm here."

Kai simply nodded, his expression unreadable.

Tsunade bit her lip, sensing the distance that had once again formed between them. She knew that she couldn't force him to open up, but she couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness at the thought of him continuing to isolate himself from the world.

As they dressed and prepared to leave the hotel, a heavy silence hung between them. Tsunade could sense that Kai was withdrawing, retreating behind the wall that he had built to protect himself. She knew that their brief moment of connection had been just that – a fleeting glimpse of vulnerability that he had allowed her to see, but that he was not yet ready to fully embrace.

Still, she couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the time they had spent together. It had been a rare opportunity for her to connect with someone who understood the pain and loss that defined her own life, and she knew that she would carry the memory of their night together with her always.

As they left the hotel, Tsunade couldn't help but feel the weight of the silence between them. She glanced over at Kai, wondering if he was feeling the same sense of unease that she was. But his expression remained as impassive as ever, giving her no clues as to what was going on inside his mind.

As they rounded a corner, Shizune appeared in front of them, panting heavily as if she had been running. Her eyes widened as she took in the sight of Tsunade and Kai, her expression a mixture of shock and concern.

"Tsunade-sama!" she exclaimed, rushing over to her mentor. "Are you alright?"

Tsunade gave her a small smile, trying to reassure her. "I'm fine, Shizune. There's nothing to worry about."

But Shizune wasn't convinced. She noticed Tsunade's flushed face and disheveled appearance, and her eyes narrowed as she turned to glare at Kai. In an instant, she was upon him, grabbing him by the collar and pulling him close.

"You!" she hissed, her voice filled with anger. "You took advantage of her, didn't you?"

Kai stared back at her, his expression unchanging. He said nothing, allowing her accusations to hang in the air between them.

Tsunade reached out and gently touched Shizune's arm, her voice soft but firm. "Shizune, let him go. He didn't force me into anything. If anyone is to blame, it's me. I was the one who pushed him."

Shizune looked at Tsunade, her eyes searching for any hint of deception. But all she saw was sincerity and a quiet determination. Reluctantly, she released her grip on Kai's collar, her anger slowly dissipating.

"I'm sorry," she murmured, her voice barely audible. "I just... I was worried about you, Tsunade-sama. I didn't know what had happened, and I couldn't help but fear the worst."

Tsunade nodded, understanding her concern. "I know, Shizune. And I appreciate your protectiveness. But you have to trust me when I say that I'm alright."

Shizune hesitated for a moment before finally accepting her words. "Alright," she agreed, her voice still tinged with doubt. "But if he ever hurts you, Tsunade-sama, I won't hesitate to make him pay."

Tsunade couldn't help but smile at her fierceness, even as she shook her head in amusement. "Thank you, Shizune. But I don't think that will be necessary."

Tsunade, Shizune, and Kai continued their journey, the atmosphere between them tense and uncertain. Kai had agreed to follow Tsunade for the time being, owing her ten services for the debt he had incurred during their drinking contest. He walked behind them, his expression as unreadable as ever, maintaining a careful distance.

As they traveled, Tsunade and Shizune couldn't help but steal glances at Kai, each of them harboring their own concerns and suspicions. Shizune remained protective and wary, while Tsunade found herself wrestling with a confusing mix of emotions.

"Are you really alright, Tsunade-sama?" Shizune asked as they walked, her eyes darting to Kai and then back to her mentor.

Tsunade sighed. "Yes, Shizune, I'm fine. Kai didn't do anything to harm me. In fact, he's been nothing but helpful since we met."

Shizune frowned, unconvinced. "I just don't understand why you would let him get so close. He's an outsider. We don't know anything about him."

Tsunade hesitated, her gaze lingering on Kai's retreating figure. "I know it's hard to understand, Shizune, but there's something about him... He's been through a lot, just like us. I can't help but feel a connection to him."

Meanwhile, Kai walked behind them, his mind a whirlwind of conflicting thoughts. He couldn't deny the slight flicker of emotion that had sprouted within him after witnessing Tsunade's genuine and caring nature. It was different from Mei Terumi's calculated seduction, an attempt to bind him to her village. Tsunade's intentions were pure, and that purity stirred something within him.

As they made their way through a dense forest, Tsunade turned to Kai, her eyes filled with determination. "Kai, I know we still have a long way to go, but I want you to know that you're welcome to stay with us, even after your debt is repaid. We could use someone like you in our village."

Kai paused for a moment, considering her words. "I appreciate the offer, Tsunade, but I cannot make any promises. My path is not an easy one to follow."

Tsunade nodded, understanding his reluctance but still holding onto a small glimmer of hope. "That's alright, Kai. Just know that the offer stands."

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