Fragmented Heavens (Sui Tian Gou)

Chapter 65 - misfortune

In the middle of the practice field, as the battle ended, it gradually became quieter.

“How is it, little guy, how did you think about it?” Ling Ruhuan looked at Ning Tian and immediately squinted his beard.

Ning Tian did not regret the previous move to the ring to save Xiaosi, and he had already made plans to give up entering Chiling Academy, but now this opportunity is in front of his eyes again, why there is no reason to cherish it ?

So Ning Tian just wanted to answer a good word, and suddenly there was a thunderous laughter in the sky.

“Haha, when is Tang Chi Chi Ling College, when will it run to such a barren land to accept students?”

Hearing this arrogant and disdainful tone in his mouth, the faces of the village chiefs on the high platform also began to dignify, and they almost stood up together and looked towards somewhere in the sky.

Although this time the result may not be as they thought, but at this time someone suddenly came out to provoke, and the tone was still so crazy, which made their four old guys face put?

“I don’t know which expert, why do you want to come to the hunting festival held in my four villages? Please show up!” Lei Kong’s character is prideful, but he is not a careless person. If you don’t wear it, where is the person in the sky? It is conceivable that the coming person is at least much stronger than him!

“Oh, the old man is not malicious this time, please rest assured that several village heads!”

The voice just fell, and a figure like green smoke slowly fell, giving a feeling of illusion and lingering, and finally fell in front of Ling Ruhuan and Ning Tian.

Ning Tian’s eyes were slightly condensed, and he lifted his head with no trace of his forehead, and looked at the person who was speaking. In front of him, there was a man with slightly gray hair. There were some wrinkles on the man’s face, but it was difficult to hide. The breeze and arrogant demeanor, when I was young, I thought that I was quite energetic, but there was a trace of the lunar calendar hidden in the eyes, which made people feel uncomfortable.

He was wearing a set of green robes, and on the front of the left chest of the green robes, a black meniscus was drawn, which was quite in line with the green robes.

“Why, old man Ling, I haven’t seen you in five years, really, this Chi Ling Academy is really getting worse and worse !?”

The old man in the green robe turned his jade finger on his thumb casually and asked, and there was a hint of ridicule in his tone.


A wave of turmoil came out of the practice field, everyone’s eyes were raised at this moment, and finally, with curiosity, he looked at the old man in Qingpao.

Who is this old man, dare to talk to the mentors of the ten colleges, and listening to his tone, it seems that he knows who Ling Ruhuan is, and dare to be so confident!

“What are you doing here?” Ling Ruhuan asked angrily after seeing the old man, and soon the kind eyes of the old couple also became sharper.

The old man in Qingpao didn’t seem to care at all. He laughed loudly, then clapped his palms, turned around and clenched his fists towards the village chiefs on the high platform. Qinghong Yun, the tutor of Qingxi College, if you are bothered, please forgive me! “

Qinglong College? !

Several village chiefs were so dumb, I do n’t know what to do now!

Under the stage, most people’s curious eyes suddenly turned into awe of awe, looking at the domineering figure from the top, even if they were from the usual unruly arrogance in various villages, they could not help but slightly humble. Get down.

They are all very clear that on the vast southern part of this huge sky-breaking continent, they have the reputation of being regarded as the domain of paradise by students, because there are ten colleges, each of which is based on one side According to the walking speed of normal people, I am afraid that if I do n’t eat, drink, sleep, or spend half of my life, I ca n’t get out of the area occupied by one of the colleges!

It is conceivable that a certain area in the central and southern part of the whole continent is so huge. Let’s think about how big the whole continent is.

Perhaps the answer can only be known to those who are at the top of the pyramid!

Of course, these are just off-topics, and the real reason why the pride in their respective villages are lowered is because of the four words of Qingqing College, this college is the true overlord among the top ten colleges, and even many cities and forces need to be attached. Only under this college can we survive.

This kind of strength is beyond the reach of the other nine colleges, so the foundation and strength of this college is too large to be imagined. Moreover, according to rumors, the strength of their college has already entered The top three of the countless forces in the southern part of the earth-breaking continent. These things alone are enough to make them bend their proud body.

In the practice field, there was silence, and the eyes looked respectfully at the old man in the green robe above the ring. Anyone here no longer has the arrogance of the past!

Ning Tian was closest to Qing Hongyun, his eyes fixed on the latter tightly, his brows slightly wrinkled, his lips lightly pursed, and from the old man, he felt a very strong pressure, that invisible power The pressure seems to be stronger than Ling Ruhuan.

“Be careful, try not to align your eyes, this old man is very strong!” The little gorilla also quickly communicated with Ning Tianxinshen.

The surprise in Ning Tian ’s eyes is even deeper. He usually rarely hears the high-pitched chimpanzee saying such things. ~ ~ Let ’s not talk about Qinggui College, this old man alone ca n’t be small Look around.

Teacher of Qingxi College, what are you doing here? Ning Tian also had some doubts, but this doubt was immediately brought up by Ling Ruhuan.

“Qing Hong Yun, what the **** are you doing?” Ling Ruhuan’s dry and old hands became tighter, and then he asked again.

Qing Hongyun chuckled and said, “Old man Ling, you old man, his temper is still so explosive.” Speaking of which, he paused, the smile in his eyes was more intense, and then said: “The old man happened to deal with something, see It ’s so lively here, just stop by and see, who would have thought that you old guy would be there too. “

“Bah, fart!” Ling Ruhuan was completely angry, no wonder that on the way to here, he always felt that he was being followed by something, it turned out to be him.

Qing Hongyun showed an irresponsible expression, and did not want to quibble at all, nor seemed to want to chatter with Ling Ruhuan much. He glanced across the practice field, smiled softly, and immediately looked down at Ning Tian in front of him, saying: “Before I saw that your kid has a good talent, would you like to return to Qinggui Academy with me?”

Hearing this, Ling Ruhuan suddenly realized that the guy in love was robbing!

As a party, Ning Tian’s expression pretended to be slightly embarrassing!

Said in his heart, these ten colleges do not seem calm!

(First, please click, collection, flowers, thank you very much!)

This book is first published from the 17K Novel Network, the first time to read the genuine content!

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