
Chapter 26


- Jorad -


I've assembled my best fifty men and made sure that no civilians will come at the set time to the field.
Twenty will attend directly with me, while the rest will secure our way back and survey the area.
Naturally, I've raised the guard for the time of my absence.
Deliberately I've chosen a place one cannot see from the town to avoid any unknown factors from my side.
While I didn't describe the exact location, given that they claimed to have sufficient intel they should find the place where I'm waiting.

Naturally, I scouted the area in advance.
They reported me the sighting of several of these new, small wolf-like creatures in the area, which were to an increasing degree spotted recently.
I guess now I know what these were about.
My men never made it to catch one of them but they also were never attacked directly.
And I've ordered not to follow behind, so they wouldn't run into a pack since I couldn't afford any casualties in the current situation.
Since they were encountered in my whole territory, the forces I'm up against must be considerable.

With nothing else to prepare there's nothing else left but to head out.
I came early, to avoid running into some kind of ambush but this has the disadvantage that I now have to wait in the open.
There's never a perfect decision.

I've let a table and chairs bring to show my hospitality.
Also a carpet, yet a tent would've been too much.
Even if I have to stay wary I should listen to what they have to say.

Suddenly there is a quake close to us.
The border always had these to an extent and being a native to this land it is no unusual occurrence to me.
But then a terrible thought comes up.
At this moment the earth shifts and promptly a hole opens up.



This explains the stare when I've called this my land.
How long have they been here?

First, some of these intimidating, clawed creatures emerge.
A considerable force assembles, maybe even surpassing those which gathered at the gate.
My men all draw their weapons but the monsters keep their distance.
Then something else emerges.

A girl?


There is a young woman.
Maybe just of marriageable age.
Wearing a coat and glimpsing nervously out of the hole.
I need to remind myself of the situation.
This girl has surely a reason to be here.
So I smile at her, trying to make a friendly impression.
She looks still intimidated.


"Screeak!" (L)


What was that?
The girl looks startled down the hole and hurries to crawl out, still staring below.
Are there these princesses?
Is this girl some kind of translator?
Soon, as expected, an insect emerges.
Similar to the one I spoke with in appearance, yet more muscular, sturdier, poised.
This must be the princess.


"Scriec!" (L)


The girl looks nervously at this creature.
What is the backstory?
She must be scared stiff.
I should say something.


"Good day! My name is Jorad Hawkspear and I'm the lord of this town." (J)


The girl approaches slowly.
She appears to be intimidated.
I can't hold it against her in this situation.


"L-likewise, milord. Was that right? Sorry, I don't know how to address you in this situation." (E)

"I guess Jorad is fine under these circumstances. Lord Hawkspear was always a bit too cumbersome for my taste." (J)


This princess is the whole time staring at me without even a fraction of movement.
I point at the seats.


"It was said we had to discuss something. Why don't you take place?" (J)


The girl gazes at the seat and looks flustered.


"I-I'm sorry, but that won't be possible." (E)


Her gaze wanders to this princess and then down at her.
I follow it and after giving it some thought I realize.

Oh damnit, the wings!

It won't be possible to sit against the backrest with these.
And this girl surely won't be the only one to sit down.


"Ehm, then we should maybe get started." (J)

"Yes, this here is princess Liseti. She doesn't speak human words that well yet. While she can pronounce them, your ears would probably hurt in a short amount of time and that wouldn't be good. So I should talk primarily!" (E)

As I thought, a translator.
Yet the other insect talked fine, why not this one?


"Good, I understand! First, could I ask a question?" (J)

"Ehk, sure!" (E)

"I was told that two princesses would attend. Did something happen to the other one?" (J)


It would be bad if they separated so that the other one right now prepares the attack while I'm distracted.


"Ehk, no. This is... I'm... You know..." (E)

"Creac, scree!" (L)

"I-I know, but this is embarrassing!" (E)


Is this girl now in trouble because of me?


"Nooow rEevEeeeal yuuuursEeelff!" (L)


Ouch! I think I understand what she meant by hurting ears.
I'm certain my ears wouldn't survive an extended talk like this.
But what did she mean?


"O-okay, I do. Please, lord Jorad. was that right? Ehk, don't stare please. Y-y-you know, my name is Erys and i-it seems I am nowadays a princess of the swarm." (E)


While saying these words I can't really believe, the girl lifts her coat and reveals a crudely crafted green dress.
Shortly followed by...

Several wings extending from her back!


Also, her eyes around the black iris in the middle extend to reveal a color as dark as the void.
Naturally, I'm startled yet as I have to live up to my position I need to catch myself.


"A-Ahem, there are some obvious differences between you and the other." (J)

"Y-yes, I'm sorry for the wasted effort with the chairs, but it hurts badly when the wings get squeezed." (E)

"May I inquire about your... situation?" (J)

"Now... I'm not this sure about that, but if it helps to get over this. Around a little less than a week ago I've got kind of... taken. I was a peasant on your land before but then, I don't really know what exactly happened, but after I got stung I slowly... transformed, I think. Now I'm like this and... I'm sorry milord but I don't think I can live up to any bonds to you anymore." (E)


How shall I respond to this?
I guess no one here expects me to accuse her of treason.
Nor would I have any way to enforce this.


"G-good, f-fine then. What is then the reason for coming here?" (J)

"You know, the... No, my swarm just discovered the surface and I had to introduce them. I'm aware that their appearance might look uncommon but I really would like to create friendly relations. It's just that I as... well, a former human would want to prevent any bloodshed. And princess Liseti here is supporting me in this matter." (E)

"So this is a serious offer?" (J)

"NaeturAllyEe! ThEere ieez noo bEenEfiet ien such a poieentlEss confliEect!" (L)


God! This hurts!
But I need to stay considerate here.

Just proceed to smile, Jorad.


"Could I ask a bit about who I am negotiating with here? What kind of nation I'm up to?" (J)


Information is for now the best I can get.
The girl, or whatever she is, looks at the insect princess, which nods.


"Alright. The culture is rather basic, I guess, but very efficient. There is a hive some distance away from here, but there are others, spread to very far places, linked by tunnels. This one here is something like the central one. There live... what was it? More than a million drones, I guess." (E)


I stare in disbelief.
This child just said something outrageous.
Alone my town only houses around eighty-thousand people and is like this already considered as one of the biggest in this country.

Maybe she is lying?
That would make sense.
Trying to make them look stronger than they are.
But how to prove this?


"About the intended relations. We would under friendly terms open up for individuals if it's also the other way around. And also I would like to establish trade. Yet, as you might know, there would be some issues. Nonetheless, I would like if we on both sides could smooth things over." (E)

"You mean I shall open my town for your kind?" (J)


This girl obviously doesn't think of herself as a human.
And judging by my men's gazes neither do they.
So I don't think it's a diplomatic slip-up to refer to her like this.


"And the other way around. We have a well-maintained network below the earth. I cannot promise for any underground creatures but the traveling should be safe to a degree and the tunnels are regularly patrolled." (E)

"An underground network?" (J)

"As I've said, the hives are linked by a system. It is... really vast. Eee-and like I said, we would offer trade. As long we are treated considerately that is. Princess Liseti prepared some presents!" (E)

"Presents?" (J)


This other princess looks to the hole.


"Screak!" (L)


No idea what this was, but my men immediately tense up at this rumbling there.
A moment later more of those four-legged monsters are emerging.
And they carry large plates with them.
The first one carries some black stuff.
The second some stones, yet this white shimmer.
Is that silver?
And the third, could that be gold?


"You know, while we have no real processing instruments down there, the workers are properly outfitted to dig out the ores. Also, princess Liseti wanted to show you a sample of our harvest. Food has its own value, was the thought." (E)

"And you are just giving it like this?" (J)

"Yes, but if we want to trade I would need to hope that we are treated fairly. It would be an issue if we get cheated regarding the prices. And also it would be bad if our units on their errands would get attacked. I would need to ask for the help of your guards if that happens. I think we both wouldn't want our subjects to solve such matters by themselves." (E)


Jorad, calm down!

I can understand to a degree.
If they speak true this might be an unbelievable chance.
Just thinking about the assets I can obtain here.
And if this "harvest" is truly edible, something they seem to believe, that might solve my problem regarding the food shortage.

However, I would need to secure the order in town.
They are right when they won't trade with someone who lets them end up dead.
And this girl has certainly human intelligence.
So while I don't know about the insect's abilities I at least need to expect common human knowledge.
Things being like this I cannot think to betray them in a one-sided deal.

And the way they offer access to this "system".
It makes their words about such a giant empire below me terrifyingly believable.
I only have the chance to appease them here for now.
And maybe by time gather more information what I'm up to.


"So we would try to coexist in this matter and try to leave the other party stay unattended as much as possible? How can I be sure that only those coming for trade enter and no hostile forces? I'm sorry but as you pose another force I have to be wary to maintain security." (J)

"For sure we would allow you to set up controls regarding our sent units. This way we can directly make sure that no one gets lost or in the worst case there will be at least a thorough investigation. Some guards at the tunnels' key points to the town should suffice." (E)

"Wait! Are we talking about already existing tunnels?" (J)

"E-ehk, I'm sorry, yes there are. B-but we will show them all!" (E)


Right now it becomes clear that all this is just goodwill.
If they were hostile they would simply use those tunnels and enter the town while I am bound here.
The fact that I raised the guard on the wall isn't helping at all.
If anything I diverted attention to the wrong places.


"How many of these tunnels are there?" (J)

"Ehk, Liseti?" (E)

"NiiieEennn, moooust ieen diEeffEreEnt diEstriEctz. YeEt foor thEe kEeypoieentz, theeere aree onlyEee thrEEee." (LH)

"Could you understand her?" (E)

"Y-Yes, I did." (J)


And my ears need soon some rest.
But as my town isn't burning yet, I might go a little calmer on this.
However, I have no way to know if this princess was true here.
There might be countless secret ones.


"So to summarize: You want to establish trade and the permission to enter my town yet after an inspection but ultimately unhindered?" (J)

"On our side, we would add the right to use the tunnels and maybe even limited access for chosen people to the hive. This offer will be for now limited to your town. It is kind of an experiment to show if it works and might help to prove our good intentions instead of directly approaching all towns at once." (E)

"You want to minimize risks." (J)

"Anything else would surely lead to conflict. Things being like this, we would be glad for your word on our behalf should our appearance be discussed once between the leaders of this country." (E)

"I understand." (J)

"Also, we are aware of the ongoing war. In this regard we need to say that we won't take sides for now in this." (E)

"I can relate that you have no reason to partake. Under those circumstances I think I can agree on the terms. I would soon set up a document then." (J)

"Ae dociumEent? Whaat iez thieez?" (L)

"He will put down what we agreed on with symbols for the words on parchment, something like a white sheet, and then put the symbol for his name on it to show that he stands with his name for the said. If he breaks it, it will show that it is not wise to negotiate with him. He puts his honor in this. And this is quite much in his social system." (E)

"UndEeerstood. AgrEeAble!" (L)

"I will need some time for this. Can we meet up tomorrow again?" (J)

"Yes, sure we will await you then." (E)


Finally, I need to ask one last question.


"Could I ask? What would have happened if we decided to fight your approaching soldiers with the envoy?" (J)


The girl looks troubled at the princess.


"NaturaEllyEe youu all wouuld haevee diEeed! WEe couuldn't aellow such a thrEeeat thieez cloose to thEe hiEvE!" (L)


I think I'm getting pale.
This wasn't a threat.
This was the cold hard truth.
Thank you Ashton for being so reserved.

I prepare to take my leave.
This was all rather straining.
Yet suddenly this girl speaks up.


"Ehk, one more thing!" (E)

"Yes? How can I be of help?" (J)

"My family, still normal humans came here as refugees. While I am aware that the provisions had to be rationed, I am glad that they were granted shelter. As such I want to thank you on their behalf." (E)


I reply with a smile.


"You are welcome." (J)


Decisions, huh?

One never knows how they might turn out.


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