
Chapter 197

Okay, this princess is intense.
She's barely come into view and her pheromones are already deafeningly present.
Seriously, she's shouting as she speaks, so to say.
Also, she seems to be celebrating.


<Hah, this was a fine skirmish. Those surface dwellers make for unique opponents! A bit squishy, but quite ingenious! To think that such a challenge was waiting so close to me!> (I)

<Greetings, Sister. I see you arrived on time. I'm content that you didn't decide to personally partake in this.> (C)

<It is a shame. However, getting shot by one of these devious constructions would be an embarrassing way to go.> (I)

<Even in this manner, the havoc your attack caused was a welcome result.> (C)


Is Chera flattering her?
Doesn't seem a bit like her usual demeanor to be so polite.


<In any case, this battle brought valuable insights. Ones I can implement in the future to greater effectiveness.> (I)


So she already plans for future fights.
That's a bit concerning, as I didn't intend for things to go in this direction.


<How is Venara? I reckon she didn't accompany you?> (C)


Oh, that must be her co-princess.
Just like Chera wanted to make me for her hive.


<Venara is taking care of the hive in my absence. Without her, leaving like this would've proven difficult.> (I)

<Can she be trusted with this kind of task? I reckon there are issues with her background.> (L)


At this, her head snaps hard towards Liseti.


<I reckon you didn't just imply what your pheromones suggest. Venara is to be trusted! Whoever tries to challenge this assessment of mine will bear the consequences!> (I)


Suddenly she got quite emotional.
Is this level of attachment normal for co-princesses?
I suppose it's nice how they're looking out for each other.
On the other hand, I should probably change the topic, before those two extend their clawblades.


<In any case, I thank you for your assistance. Your attack was of great help to maintain this position.> (E)

<A trivial matter. Barely a challenge as little a fight those humans put up against us.> (I)


I wouldn't say so.
She just sent her elite units, which were outclassing them by far.


<On this matter, I notice that I'm unfamiliar with the design of the drones that bear your mark. They remind me of messengers, yet their physique was improved to the extreme. To a degree conventional, but on the other side, their reduced blades seem counterproductive. Yet the way they make use of their claws is intriguing. To make them utilize foreign objects is an interesting concept.> (I)

<Ehk, yes. That's my royal guard.> (E)

<I noticed. Who do you believe would win in a fight? Mine or yours?> (I)


That probably depends.
Those acid strikes were devastating, but a spear might have further reach.
Also, the environment is to be taken into account.
The surface would favor my winged fighters, while cramped space is good for hers.


<They each might do well in certain situations. I suppose mine could successfully fight yours.> (E)

<A bold response. Would you be willing to put this to the test? One against one?> (I)


A duel?
Oh hell, no!


<I'm sorry, but I can't allow this. This kind of fight wouldn't end with just scratches. Serious injury to death seems more likely.> (E)

<Of course it is. Otherwise, it wouldn’t be a qualifying test. Why would you be against such a thing?> (I)


Ehm, because they'd die?!


<I don't want to see my brood die for my curiosity. This would be inappropriate.> (E)

<Even if such insight could prevent further loss of life down the line? Knowing what works and what does not is the best way to implement improvement, and through this ensure survival.> (I)


I never liked this part of Formicean thinking.
Just because doing something might bear the smallest advantage to the majority, this shouldn't justify sacrificing a single life, even if it might seem insignificant in comparison.


<You won't convince Princess Erys. She cares too much about every single one of her drones individually.> (L)


So I'm in the wrong?!


<I see. An amicable stance, but not practical. Nonetheless, such care for one's brood is good groundwork for making decisions with them in mind, it just shouldn't compromise the ability for keen judgment.> (I)

<Speaking of keen judgment, I'd like to speak about our further strategy. We were able to see the flaws and advantages of the human way of preparation. Now the question arises how we'll prevent a repetition of this situation. Any recommendations?> (C)

"Ahem. May I say something about this matter?" (St)


Lord Stormheart?
Did he catch on that we'd receive Princess Inati here?
Well, I suppose they are kinda involved and it's not too hard to figure out where an insect army was headed.
Though, now I kinda feel bad that we didn't invite him to this meeting and he had to figure this out by himself.
At a closer look, the sweat and slightly narrowed breath tells me he was rushing to this place.


<Ah, a human. It still intrigues me that we have tamed them to join our side. Beware, little human. Don't approach me carelessly. My brood is trained to eradicate any possible threats that enter my direct vicinity.> (I)


From what I've heard, you're not giving them much of a choice.


"Fine. Then let me speak from here. This blow will certainly agitate the enemy side. They spent a lot of time and resources on building that trebuchet. Not to mention the magically enhanced parts to hold something of this size together. In this situation, I would recommend we make use of your more flexible capabilities for warfare and start harassing the enemy. Especially, your flying units should serve the purpose well to disrupt enemy supply lines. With the wall as our safe retreat, it should be possible to prevent them from recovering from today's blow. Of course, while keeping proper distance to their weaponry. Maintaining an army such as this requires a lot of resources. Therefore, cutting them off will establish a sense of urgency. In the best case, we can continue this until they can't keep up their active warfare anymore, which would just align with Princess Erys preferred end to this conflict. But even if this doesn't work, they'll at least be prone to rash actions. This strategy would offer the best possible results at a relatively low investment I would say." (St)


Don't believe I didn’t notice the part about how we'd have to do all the work.
Liseti too emits slight indicators of agitation in her pheromones.
Yet I can see the merits of this plan.
Maintaining a troop of flying units dedicated to only attack where they aren’t prepared for this is relatively simple, at most costs four to five laying sessions to get it prepared, and shouldn't lead to any greater loss for our side if done properly.
Not to say that having those units to scout the enemy movements would be the kind of thing we should do anyway if we don't want to deal with any nasty surprises.
However, I'm not the only one to make this decision.


<It seems like a significant commitment that mostly the humans would profit from. However, objectively seen it's a sound plan.> (L)

<I'd agree to this course of action. Not only would it prevent another situation like this from arising, but we would also be in the position to claim whatever our interceptors could acquire if they attack enemy transports. In particular, food, and more of these materials for weapons could pose a boon to our side.> (C)


And here we have another episode of Chera trying to make a deal that benefits her hive.
Yet this leaves just one.


<I would have liked a more decisive way to end the fighting. But I won't deny that this proposal is a good way to weaken the enemy position. Making them fight on our terms would be best. Maybe we can provoke them to do so.> (I)


Seems like this is settled then.

I didn't say anything.


<Ehk, yes. I would agree as well. But only if we maintain extreme precautions.> (E)

<That's obvious. In this regard, your royal guard would be an asset. I’ve seen them fight. They do well against humans.> (L)

<Seriously! I want to see this!> (I)


Suddenly, Inati extends a curved blade and jumps in my direction.
On instinct, I do the same, but before she's even close, my royal guard has intercepted her path with spears, much to the agitation of her own escort.
Only a prompt signal from Inati stops her royal guard from charging at mine, as they perceive them as a threat to their broodmother.


<Good reaction time. Not you. That was sloppy. But I can at least estimate what they're capable of.> (I)

<Are you mad!? That could've ended in blood!> (E)

<Which would be a rather bad testimony to your royal guard if they were to act so uncontrolledly. Also, I had the situation under control.> (I)


Is she serious?


<There's no way you had this under control! This was the complete opposite of controlled!> (E)

<You don't believe my word?> (I)


Wait, why did she just send a stronger signal for her guard to stay put?


<Oh no.> (C)


Promptly, Inati steps again towards me.
My guard does its usual thing in going to protect me from what they perceive as a threat, even if killing her would have absolutely terrible consequences.
Yet before my guard can cause any harm, she grabs the first spear close to her, while dodging a strike from another angle, not deadly, but meant to incapacitate.
However, this lunatic just flings the whole spear holder away, grabs a new spear, coming from the side, and uses her hold with two arms to propel her knee right into the attacker's face.
At the same time, her still free other two arms grab each another spear and keep them away from her body, before she kicks, punches, and smacks with the acquired spear like a living whirlwind everything around her.

I can only let myself get pulled away, to find myself behind a wall of my guards, from where I end up finding Inati standing on a makeshift hill, consisting of ten of my guards, all lying completely crushed under her feet claws.
None of them dead, but certainly in no condition to stand up anytime soon again.
Those she just flung away not counting into it.


<See? There was never a cause to worry. So let's get back to business.> (I)


Just why is not a single being I'm working with in their right mind?!!


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