Formerly, The Fallen Daughter of the Duke

Chapter 11

11. Again

Claire was distant in consciousness, but suddenly brightened in front of her the moment she thought she would fall.

I thought Aurora, who was covering the sky, had come down, but apparently things were different.

This light is a fluorescent light.

“Was that, Minami, consciousness flying now?

says Riko.

When the eyes get used to brightness, Mimi understands.

… This is my room I’m used to seeing.

“Yeah, I was confused”

I answer reflexively, but I’m not at all uncomfortable with this voice, which is not Claire’s voice either.

Today, it was not the beginning of the report.

On the day the fanbook of my favorite maiden game, “Become ♡ ETERNAL LOVE,” is released, I have just returned from purchasing the real thing with original booking privileges at the Hondo bookstore.


In the kitchen, the water sounds boiling.

(Yes, there was a flavored tea I had prepared because I thought Liko was going to be happy)

When I thought so, my body moved naturally.

But what is it?

(This, it feels like I’m not myself anymore…)

When I make tea and go back to the table, Lizi pinches the caramel nuts and dried fruit she bought herself.

(It was like Janduya before this……)

The more I get my head on, the more my memories come back.

And when I saw the fanbook spread out on the table, Claire was stunned.


Says Riko, who noticed Minami’s expression.

“Your fiancée Claire’s page, it’s amazing how many! Well, the heroine in this game is as guessy as the title suggests, but my fiancée Claire is a healing flower among them. I mean, she’s too high spec a perfect lady, so she’s more popular than heroines and offensive characters!


I get a dry reply.

“Uh, not unresponsive!? Minami cared about her fiancée Claire! Dear Asbert, what happens to Claire when she attacks the route? Dear Asberto, I’m sorry to hear that on the route, but on the knight route and the brother route, you reigned as the Virgin who treats the offending subjects as children with that ability to spell too high.

Riko’s rap never stops.

“That’s right… wow”

But Claire also knows that’s for sure.

The scenes of scolding Asberto and sending advice to the knights made me think back with colorful footage on the monitor.

“Hmm? Minami? Words, not like usual?

This world is a lot more real for a dream.

The fanbook in my hand is a lot tighter and weightier, and even has sweet notes of apples and apricots from freshly brewed flavored tea.

What was more realistic than anything was that everything that I was wrapping around me now would snuggle uncomfortably.

I remember when I bought this tea, and I even think of the face of my friend/Liko’s parents in front of me.

I should be sure I was standing on the coast barefoot until just now, but Minami’s feet were puffy with mockingbird wearing pressurized socks.

And I’m considered not Claire…. here.

(I wonder which is the dream)

Liko continues while Minami is confused.

“To celebrate the fanbook launch, you can download additional scenarios exclusively for buyers! I was looking forward to being advertised on SNS that the hidden characters to be attacked would be put in -! It looks like they can’t get into the route unless it’s from the True End, a state of compatibility with everyone, not the Happy End… we’re all up tonight!

Ask Liko, who’s getting hot.

“Hey, did” Grow ♡ ETERNAL LOVE “come out as Lindell Island?

“Lindell Island……? It’s me playing this game pretty hard, Lindell Island? shouldn’t come out. Similar words only remind me that my fiancée Claire’s mother was born in the former Lindell Country.”

(Claire’s mother is from Lindell Country…… what do you mean?

“Yeah, hey.”

There’s some kind of heartbreak, turning the fanbook page at hand.

(… what is this…!

There, on one side of the opening two pages, the view of Lindell Island, which I had just seen during the day, was spread out in colour illustrations.

The beautiful blue sea, the small but majestic atmosphere of the castle and the colorful and lovely flowers are all intact.

At the top right corner of the page you will find “True End’s Sequel Special Story! Who is the prince whose heroine has reunited on a beautiful island ‘.

Faster heartbeat.

I want to turn the next page, but I also don’t want to know the answer.

(In the first place, what was it like to be a True End)

Minami digs up memories of playing.

Graduation party at the Royal College of Aristocrats. Heroin watches Asberto and Claire enter with admiration, and the offensive crowds flourish around. Congratulations to all of you on your friendship, the diagram of.

The graduation party was unusual and also a formal engagement unveiling party for Asberto and Claire. The royals of the surrounding countries were also invited as guests to the evening club that would be held later, and I felt it was an unproductive ending where heroines would squeeze around while building a harem to be attacked while a huge party was held.

(That… is definitely in there…)

In the background in my memory, I can’t say enough about him as a young man or a boy, with an emerald green eye catching his eyes on his blonde hair.


Says Riko, who was wondering if Minami was hesitant to open the next page.

“I’m worried about the new attack target prince!

And I turned the page with momentum.


It was Veek, as expected, painted on an open page with his mind unprepared.

“Ah. He was a little at the True End Mob, wasn’t he?!? I just thought it would be a little better! Good for you tough Asberto, but nice cute boy system too!!

Lizi peeks in high tension.

(The only thing that looks like a boy is his appearance and voice. The contents are even nicer…… is that it?

Claire in her heart hammers at Lizi’s words.

Minami’s head continued to be in havoc.

Second, reach for the caramel nuts on the plate. When transported to the mouth, the crunchy touch and sweet caramel flavor made the mouth peel.

(Yeah, it’s not a dream)

Next, I’ll twice-crush your cheeks. Be weak first. And be strong the second time.


(That’s right)

Incredible feelings mingle with the feeling that it was natural, but my consciousness as an impersonator was stronger.

“Liko… Was this game a VR or something?

I know the answer, but I can’t help but ask.

“What do you want to dream about! But don’t worry about it. I’d love to attack this game with a VR! I can’t believe I can see the target of the attack in real life doup……!!

Riko seemed to have totally traveled to My World.

Minami is a college student who lives alone and has all his favorite treats, games, drinks and even his favorite blankets and pieces in this room. Indeed, it is this modern city of Tokyo that lives there.

Nonetheless, Minami clearly remembers interacting with the characters in the game.

Donnie’s smile, Keith’s dimpled face. Lewis’ warm hands, who witnessed the magic of protection, the exhilaration when Veek’s shoulder was right next to his gaze.


(I mean, I’m entering the world of this game?

The moment he reached that answer, which was hard to believe himself, Minami was attacked again by a steep sleeper.

“Glass… Son… Me…”

Before I could tell everyone, Minami fell this time.

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