Former Crown Prince favors the Villainess

Chapter – 6

Back at his building, Arthur was sitting in his room.


“So annoying…”

I mean mother...did you really have to marry such a man?

With every second, he seems more miserable. 

“Is everything alright, Your Highness?”

“Well, at least I got back everything mother gave me. With both of our lands combined, mother had a particularly large project she wanted me to finish.”

I said while looking at the laptop in front of me.

“It’s going to be quite difficult.”, Sebastian commented.

“Of course, but not everything can be easy, right?”

“Will you be able to convince the others?”

“I have no idea...we’re talking about the future of several people here. It’s normal to have some voices against my movement.”

“ have changed, Your Highness.”

I have changed, huh? 

I mean, it is true that I was always in the background of my mother and the Emperor. She especially made sure that none of the nobles knew too much about me.

And now that the existence is no more, it’s up to me to decide how I talk.

But it still is tiring.

Thanks to Diana, my mana is steadily rising. I will be unlocking that skill, once my mana pool is completely filled.

But the tiredness I am facing right now isn’t really because of my lack of magical energy. Rather it has to be something with my mind.

Psychological problems are a pain to deal with.

“Your Highness, it seems we have a guest.”

“And who might that be?”

Nah...if it’s someone not important, I will not be meeting the-

“It’s the Prime Minister, Duke Landon.”

“I am going. Is he outside?”

“Yes, he insisted on staying out.”

I wouldn’t really care if it was other nobles, but Duke Landon is somewhat different.

Unlike others, he sees a bit far into the future. His actions are always in the best interest of the Empire and his family.

Rather than snake-like heads of other Dukedoms, Duke Landon is someone I prefer to talk with.

Straightforward and no beating around the bush.

Opening the front door, I was able to see Duke Landon leaning on his car.

He came alone huh…

“Good Evening, Duke Landon.”

“Ah...Your Highness, I apologize for coming without notice. I hope I haven’t disturbed you.”

“Of course not, I just came back from the main palace. Is something wrong? I believe it’s the first time you have sought me out yourself.”

That’s’s the first time we both have talked in private like this.

“No nothing is wrong...It’s just...Your Highness, if you don’t have any appointments right now, how about we go for a walk?”


We both then started moving away from the car and moved along the road which had no one in it.

“Your Highness, are you really thinking of accepting everything that is happening in the palace right now?”

“....” that’s what he wanted to talk about. 

Of course, I am not alright. I don’t really like to see Lady Camilla taking my mother’s position. I don’t like the look William has on his eyes.

The only thing I am able to accept is Diana’s presence. She is just too innocent, an existence with whom I don’t have to put my guard up against.

“Duke Landon, if I were to say that I won’t accept how the palace is right now...will it really change?”


Of course, it won’t change. Or rather, I don’t really have anyone to complain to. That is excluding Uncle’s family and Sebastian.

“So, you are going to give up?”, he asked while locking his eyes on me.

“Give up? Duke Landon, I don’t really have many choices. There are countless nobles who are waiting for me to cast my dissatisfaction. These nobles are the ones who want to bring down the powerful families and get power for their own.”

What I said is true. If I really wanted, I could cause a civil war...sit back and relax.

But that would cause the economy to crash. The Empire which is stable would be engulfed in the flames of war overnight.

It’s something neither I nor Mom wishes.

“Then about the Emper-”

“Yeah, he is an absolute jerk who toppled my position in the palace. I mean, the powerful heads as William’s master? Even novels don’t have a plot as crazy as this!”

“Haha~ I don’t have any answers for this.”


We were still walking in the middle of the door, which was heading to the main palace. With ample light from both sides, I was able to see Duke Landon’s Platinum Blonde hair and Azure blue eyes.

“There was a letter from the Emperor.”

Duke Landon said while turning towards me.

We both stopped in our tracks, looking at each other’s eyes.

“It to put a hold on Fiona’s engagement talks.”



“I am sorry, Your Highness.”, Duke Landon said looking deep into my eye.

I was able to see various emotions running through his eyes.

Rage, anger, and...regret.

For a third person listening to our talks, they might not understand the reason for Duke Landon to be apologizing to me.

But to us, it has a deep meaning.

Putting a hold on Lady Fiona’s engagement talks.

The sentence itself seems simple...but it carries a much deeper meaning.

Fiona Hastings...the only princess of the Hastings Dukedom. 

Duke Landon’s dear daughter. With features similar to Duke Landon, Platinum Blonde hair, and Azure Blue eyes...she is a Lady with dazzling beauty.

But it’s not just the me, looks are nothing but a trifling matter. But the intelligence she carries is something I can’t make light of.

The short conversation we had in the past was so entertaining, that I still remember it till now.

You see, Fiona had only one engagement talk…

And that was with me.

So, he finally decided to pull the Landons to William’s side.

“It’s not something you should be apologizing for, Duke Landon.”


“I don’t have the time, Duke Landon.”


“I don’t have the time to indulge myself in something as petty as an engagement. Yes, Lady Fiona is a really gorgeous person...both inside and outside. But I am afraid, in the last two priorities have changed too much. To the point where I don’t even know which I should start first.”

“Is that so?”

“Unfortunately, it is. So, you don’t have to worry about me. You are free to move along the words of the Emperor. “, I said while starting to move again.

“She will be sad.”, he said while sighing.

“Then that’s unfortunate. And, I am pretty sure, that Lady Fiona wouldn’t want to be with someone who had his title stripped.”

“Haha~ I don’t think I can refute it.”


“Her Majesty’s land...It seems you have gotten it back.”

“He is honestly a major pain to deal with.”

“Again...I don’t think I can refute it. What will you be doing with the land? Your land is drowning with jewels and crystals. And Her Majesty’s land is perfect for a city, both commercial oriented and industry oriented.”

“I have yet to decide on the general outline of mother’s land...but I do have some ideas. My land isn’t that big, so it will be completely industry-related.”

“I see...if there’s something you need, don’t hesitate to call me out. I’ll be there to help you.”

“That’s reassuring, thank you...Duke Landon.’

Though the situation might never arise, I have the Prorins after all.

“When will you begin?”, he asked.

“Probably next year...After I hand over my title.”

“Is that so…”

Our conversation then stopped. We didn’t really have much to talk about.

He probably just wanted to inform me about the Emperor’s orders.

It angers me...yes. But not to the point where I want to storm into his office like I did for the land.

No...the anger I had today was blinding. Even think-


“Is something wrong, Your Highness?”, Landon asked Arthur who all of a sudden stopped in his tracks.

Arthur’s bright red eyes, which seemed to shine even in the dark were concentrated at one spot. 

Deep into the trees on the side of the roads. 

“What are you doing here? Haven’t I made myself clear, I don’t anyone from your division guarding me. Get the hell out of here.”

“What is happ-”

Landon couldn’t understand to whom the viciousness of Arthur’s voice was. The boy who was talking freely to him before was now emanating killing intent far superior to his age.

“Final warning...Get out.”

Arthur said while pointing his hands towards the main palace.

Even Landon who was someone not well versed with combat was able to feel it. The slight movement of a body heading towards the palace.



I said to the Duke who seemed to be surprised. I guess he wasn’t expecting my voice to get that dark.

“They have been lurking around my building for a few weeks. Even when I ordered them to leave me alone.”

“Shouldn’t you file a complaint?”, he asked looking concerned.

“Haha~ Duke Landon, please. They are all people my mother initially took care of. They are here because of their guilt. They didn’t want me, their master’s only child to be alone. Such idiots.”

I said while chuckling.

“So, you really don’t hate them huh.”

“Hate? No...I don’t have enough room in my heart to hate them. That space is fully occupied by the Emperor. But, considering these guys...I would just say I am disappointed at them.”

I mean...even before consulting with me, they headed on to protect Lady Camilla. Sebastian however stayed with me all this time.

They’re feeling guilty and sad? Like I care. Let them suffer...not my problem.

Then both of us headed back to the car.

“Then...Your Highness. I guess it will be a while before we talk to each other.”

“That seems to be the case, Duke Landon.”

“Until next time.”


Once the car disappeared into the darkness. I headed back to my building.

Inside my room, I take the laptop and…

“Arthur~ If you are seeing this...then I must be no more. Well, we all knew this was who it was gonna end. But...for you, who now probably has no idea on what to do. I have a simple assignment for you to complete~! Of course, there are several such projects. But it is up to you to complete them. Now shall we start~~?”

In the most luxurious room of the building, there was a black-haired boy listening to the voice of a person who is no more.

Age skip~! The next chapter will be a couple of years in. What did the Empress want Arthur to do? Stick around to know about it~!

Alright, Alright...I'll stop. Anyway, this chapter is quite small. It was supposed to be to along with Diana Diaries...but...I didn't want to, because Diana is nowhere near them. As I have already decided, there will be no acid part of the story. Instead, we will be dealing with other characters and the assignment the mother has left for Arthur.

I will try to post another chapter in three-four days. From my experience, rushing is the worst thing I could do.

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