Forbidden Desires: A Targaryen Tale (Completed)

Chapter 9: Chapter 9: Blood and Betrayal

They stood a mile away from the forest, Daemon was sitting in a carriage looking at the trees, he looked to his side and caught Gerold eying him oddly. He lowered his head and smiled a little at the man's suspicions.


"Why is he looking at you like that." Tyene asked pushing his legs to the side and sitting in front of him, she was wearing a leather armor with a short skirt, trousers and boots.


"My battle plan…" He told her.


"What? It's a good plan." She frowned.


He nodded. "It is, I just don't think he is happy with me burning people alive… doing the same thing my not much sane grandfather did."


She cocked her head and a second later her eyes widened slightly. "He think you are mad?!" She whispered.


Daemon hummed. "Nah… I mean, I don't know. Aerys wasn't the Mad King till Duskendale happen, his paranoia began after. Well at least that is what Arthur heard from Barristan, he probably think the same of me, I don't know, maybe he is just being careful." It hurt him a little that Gerold had this doubt of him.


Tyene eyes softened and she shifted position sitting by his side. "You are not mad." She held his hand. "And if you got mad, I'll kill you myself." She grinned.


He shot a weird look at her. "…thank you?"


She laughed. "They are the last ones." She nodded at the twenty horsemen approaching.


You see, his plan was to set fire in the forest while the enemy army was passing, trapping and killing them, and if his plan didn't work… well they were fucked.


"Their scouts?" She asked.


"Dead, our men made them talk, apparently this Tattered Prince wants to use the forest in their favor the forest is really dense so they plan to hide in there, their siege weapons and other types of things that are too large will go around the woods."


"They are going straight to where you want them to go." She shook her head with a lopsided grin. "Both of them, their special weapons are going in direction of the men you sent and the soldiers in the middle of the jungle."


He just smirked and shrugged.


"Oh, I'm almost forgot. Your bird is there." Ty pointed to the cage with a raven inside. "Tell me again why do you need a bird?" She rested her head on his shoulder.


"I will warg into him." He said.


"The fuck is that?"


"Skinchanging, I will enter the bird's mind and control him. Well at least I will try." He explained


"That's invasive… and odd."


He nodded. "It will be fast, just to see where the enemy is."


"We are ready." Aymee stopped in front of them, he nodded at her.


"Ready?" He asked the dornish girl.


She raised her head from his shoulder. "Of course."



Daemon and Tyene stood behind a thick bush, he stared at the raven's eyes and slowed his breath, he blinked and his eyes turned white. Ty opened the cage then held his body, the bird flew from the cage and flapped its wings and flew away, Daemon looked down and he felt his breath hitch with the height, he turned the bird's head and he could see almost the whole forest.


He flew for another minute till he saw an army entering the woods, he flew closer and he could see that almost the whole soldiers had passed the trees.




Daemon blinked and he was back at his body, he opened his eyes to see Ty staring down at him. "Are you back?" She snapped her fingers, he nodded.


"Give the sign." He said shaking his head and rubbing his eyes.


She took the bow and arrow and put the tip of the arrow on the small bonfire beside her, she aimed to the sky then released.



Far away from them, soldiers let a torch fall into the pool of pitch close to them, the flames began to trail quickly through the dry grass traveling quickly to where the enemy was and in seconds the fire surrounded the Tyroshi army.


Daemon heard footsteps from behind and their soldiers began to run in direction of the enemy.


"Be careful, don't die." He said kissing her.


"You too." She said and both ran in their enemies direction.



It didn't took to much time for them to arrive on the battle, his archers were from far shooting at the other sellswords while the swordmen and spearmen took care of the others, a man ran in his direction and tried to hit him but he dodged and passed his sword on the back of the man's knee sending him to his knees then passing the blade on his neck.


From where he stood he could see Ty gutting a man with her dagger, in front of him men screamed as they rolled on the ground trying to put the fire out of their bodies. Daemon kept fighting till he lost the count of how many men his blade touched.


Twenty? Thirty? Fifty? He didn't know, he just knew it didn't matter how much men he killed more showed up.


"This is hell." Tyene sided with him, she wasn't different from him, her hair and face was also coated with blood and sweat and she was painting.


"Come on." He called her and began to walk to where the fire was dying.


As both made their way into the woods, a couple minutes later they went still with the sight in front of them. A huge man stood in front of them, he was probably seven feet tall and thick, his beard red as blood just like his hair, in his hand a long ax that he began to swing at them.


"Shit." Both of them said.


Their eyes widened and they jumped when he waved the weapon on their direction, the redhead went on his direction and tried to hit him again, he rolled to the side and got up, he attacked the man but he blocked with his axe, the man held on Daemon's wrists and headbutted him, Daemon stumbled back and let his sword fall. The gigantic man smirked and marched on his direction, he raised his weapon high in the air and when he was about to lowered on his target he screamed dropping his ax.


Tyene pierced her dagger on his back and kicked his leg… but for her bad luck he barely moved, he turned around and gripped at her neck and raised her in the air like she was a child, she squirmed and tried to let go of his grip. "Fuckin whore." He snarled punching her cheek.


Daemon shook his head and his dizziness began to fade, he passed his fingers on his cheekbone and flinched when he felt a sharp pain and his skin open. He look up and saw the sellsword holding Tyene in the air by her neck, her face was turning red and her eyes were closing. Daemon's blood boiled, his eyes went to ground and he saw the the man's axe, he stood and took the ax, he swung the weapon hitting the redhead ankle almost chopping off his foot.


The sellsword howled in pain and dropped the sand snake, the man fell on his back holding his feet who were attached to his legs just by a flap skin, Daemon watched as the man rolled on the ground and screamed from the top of his lungs. Daemon groaned and buried the blade into the man's skull stopping his cries.


He quickly went for Ty and knelt beside her, the girl laid flat on her back gasping. "Fuck… look at me, are you fine?" He put his hand behind her neck raising her head slightly, seconds later her breathing began to become normal again.


"Holy… fuck…" She blinked. "Ugh, the fucker punched me." Tyene held her jaw.


"Did he broke it?"


She shook her head, he stood up and helped her to her feet. "Can you still fight?"


"Yes." She said hoarsely.


"Are you sure?"


"Yes!" She snapped at him then clutched her throat.


Daemon raised a brow. "Fine my throat is killing me, I was just choked by bloody giant."


"We can come back to camp if you want." He eyed her neck.


"No… let's fight, I want continue." She reassured him.


Daemon knew to not push her so he just nodded.


"Good… oh by the way you dagger is still on his back." He pointed at the dead body.


Tyene looked at the corpse that certainly wasn't light and sighed.



A hour later Daemon was on top of a horse chasing a grey haired man. "Closer!" Ty said from behind him making him urge the horse faster.


She took her dagger and threw at the other horse's leg, the stallion let a pained cry and fell dropping the Tattered Prince. Daemon grimaced as the horse rolled on top of the man, he stopped his horse and dismounted, he knew that the Tattered Prince was a old man but he was more old than he thought, the old man groaned and tried to stood up but he held his leg and cursed.


The man chucked. "A green boy and little whore." He said when he looked at them.


"Well this green boy just ambushed your whole army and this whore is the reason of why you leg is probably broken." Daemon smiled at him. "So I'll appreciate some respect."


The Tattered Prince snarled at him and spat on their feet.


"So childish." Tyene shook her head and walked till the Tattered Prince, he tried to pick his sword but she kicked his leg making him scream. "I will take this and… this. Thank you." She said picking his sword and knife.


"Ty" He called her then nodded at the whimpering horse.


"You bitch, if you kill my horse… " His words died when she pierced his sword on the stallion's head ceasing the animal cries.


"He was in pain, it was the best for him." He told the man.


"He was in pain because of you two!" He shouted.


"Hmm, if I remember I told you to surrender, you clearly didn't. So here we are." Daemon opened his arms.


The grey haired man chucked. "My men will arrive soon, you stupid boy, you think my whole army was on that forest?"


"Of course not, your scouts told me that. Your siege weapons and the others weapons that couldn't cross the woods… you sent them to go around the forest. My soldiers are probably fighting them by now." Daemon crossed his arms.


A scowl passed through the man's face. "Just kill me already boy."


"As you wish." Daemon shrugged and Tyene flung her dagger on his face.


"Oh wow." Daemon's eyes widened when the dagger entered the man's temple.


She winked at him.


"Cut his head off." He said.




"I have an ideia." He smiled.



Five hours later he stood under a tent on their camp, Daemon observed the map passing hit finger through the lines. "They can be here… or they can go to Chroyane."


Gerold hummed. "They could runaway using the Rhoyne."


"Send the riders, the rest of Tyroshi army can't be too far. They'll be able to reach them in a couple of hours." Daemon commanded


Ser Gerold nodded then left with the others captains.


"How many soldiers we lost?" He asked when Aymee entered the tent.


"Almost four hundred, maybe less." Aymee reported.


Daemon nodded. "Keep me updated and send this to Tyrosh." Tyene handed the bloodied bag to Aymee.


Aymee wrinkled her nose and took the bag with the tip of her fingers. "Eww." She murmured leaving them.


He looked at the Dornish girl and he saw her shaking her head. "What?"


"Send the head to Tyrosh?"


He shrugged. "It will send them a message, look at the size of the army they gathered, twenty fuckin thousand. But… we still won. It will send a message to the Tyroshi, Lys and any person out there. They can't beat us."


"Hmm, cocky much?" She Tyene raised a brow at him.


He scowled. "Let me enjoy my victory."


She stepped close to him. "I will, just don't let it go to your head."


"As you with mother." He nodded.


She pursed her lips and slapped his head. "Why did you did that?" He rubbed his head.


"You are annoying some times, now, please go ask someone to prepare a bath. I'm looking like a corpse"





Daemon got off his bath and dried himself, he walked and moved the curtain entering his chambers and he was greeted with a equally naked Tyene in his bed.


"Does it hurt?" He pointed at the bruises on her throat.


"It did it before, but a healer gave me potion. I'm barely felling any pain." He nodded.


He turned around and picked a hairband and tied his hair, he held a chuckle when feel two pair of eyes burning a hole at his back. "Yes?" He looked at her.


Tyene grinned. "I was thinking, I almost died… I think I deserve some attention tonight." Tyene pouted pointing at the bruises on her neck.


He cocked his head observing her body, her damp hair, tits, smooth belly and legs and the soft hair above her cunt. He climbed on the bed and she pressed both feet on each side of cock, she rubbed her toes around his dick and moved back and forth, he sighed and watched as her cute toes passed against his skin.


"I want to receive special attention today." She purred raising her leg and passing her big toe from his crotch till his bottom lip, the corner of his mouth raised and he held her ankle, he kissed the sole of her foot. She giggled.


"Kiss my toes."


He narrowed his eyes at her. "Don't you think you are abusing your power?"


She shook her head with a toothless smile then raised her other feet and brushed on his cheek. He held her other foot and kissed.


"Suck…" She wriggled her toes.


"You have luck you have a pretty feet." He murmured making her giggle, he gave her feet wet kisses then sucked her toes, from the pinky toe to the big toe, after he sucked them he brushed his lips on the inner side of her feet and began to trail kisses from her calf till her inner thighs. He laid down and she opened her legs for him, Daemon hummed and licked his lips with the sight of her already wet pussy, he passed a finger on her folds gathering her juices then brushed his finger on his tongue.


She taste so fucking good.


Tyene eyes darkened and her hand went to his bun and held tightly, Daemon lapped his tongue on her folds then sucked, he did that for almost a minute before he sucked two of fingers and inserted them inside her, he moved in and out curling them. Ty moaned and rested her head on the pillow, he put his tongue out and licked her clit. "Fuck…" She whispered squeezing her breast.


Daemon flicked and rolled his tongue on her clit making her spread her legs even more and his hand travel to her breast, he took her nipple between his fingers wringing it. "Dae…" She moaned.


He sucked her bundle of nerves then let go with a pop. "You taste so good Ty… so sweet."


Tyene moaned as he retrieved his fingers from inside her then rubbed his thumb on her clit. "Are going to cum?"


"Yes… I'm so close, please Dae… make me cum." She whined.


Daemon licked his lips and his mouth went back on her, his tongue lapped fast on her swollen nub and she began to raise her hips but he held her down, her hand tightened on the sheet while the other went to his head almost scalping him.


Tyene moaned loudly not caring if anyone heard her, her hips trembled and her toes curled as she rode her orgasm. She began to push his face from her. "Too much…" She mumbled, he took his mouth from her and watched as her cunt pulsate and a couple seconds later the thick white liquid began to ran down from her entrance till her arsehole.


He gathered the liquid in his finger and climbed on top of her. "Open." He said.


She opened her eyes then her mouth, he passed his finger on her tongue and she wrapped her lips around it licking and sucking tasting herself.


"How do you taste?" He whispered, his cock twitched as she sucked his finger.


"Sweet… so good." She answered him pulling his finger out of her mouth.


Daemon kissed her deeply making her taste even more of herself on his lips, he supported himself on his forearm and his hand took his hard cock guiding him to Ty's entrance, he slid into her easily making her gasp in his mouth.


"Fuck, you are soaking." He breathed.


She nodded. "You make so wet Dae, ugh you are so big." She moaned and he began to thrust into her.


Her legs intertwined with his and her hands gripped his back. "You said you wanted special attention, so today I will fuck you till the morning." Daemon nibbled her neck.


She gasped. "Yes please, use me, I'm you whore."


He chuckled softly. "You are."


His thrusts increased. "I'm going to fuck till you beg me to stop, when I finish with you won't be able to walk for the day."


Tyene cried out his name and passed her nails on his skin earning a groan from him as he hammered his cock into her.


Daemon gripped her hair making her hiss and touched their foreheads. "Who this pussy belongs?"


She shook her head, he groaned pulling his head back, his other hand collided with her cheek harshly making her grunt. "Who?" He said slowly and she shook her head in defiance, Daemon let go of her hair and raised his body, his hand wrapped around her neck and he mercilessly drove himself inside her, her tits jiggled and short cries escaped her mouth.


Tyene gasped when his hand make contact with her cheek again, then again and again and again. "Yours." She cried.


"Hmm?" He groaned.


"It's yours, my cunt it's yours, it belongs to you-" She moaned and her words died in her lips, he closed his eyes and gasped when he felt her tight heat wrapping around him, her hands held tightly on his wrist and he watched as her back arched. "Oh gods…" She whimpered when she came for the second time.


He let go of her neck and held her face. "That's it my dornish Beauty, cum on your Prince's cock." He passed his thumb on lips while thrusting slowly, his orgasm came right after, he shuddered filling her with his seed.



Daemon did as he had said and fucked her till she begged him to stop, it happened when she was on top of him with her hands on her back being held by his while he thrusted into her, it was between her fourth or fifth peak that she had cried and begged him to stop. He would had if he wasn't so close to his third orgasm, due that he kept going till he reached his third and she her fifth. When the girl rolled of the top of him she was a complete mess, her hair was on her face, her skin drenched in sweat and she couldn't barely breath, her body was shaking and spasming while her hands were tightened in fists and her toes curled. He looked at her minutes later and she was completely passed out.



He grinned weakly and began to drift off, in his dream he saw Dany, Ty and another dornish woman on their knees, one sucked his cock another his left ball and the other his right and when he woke up he had a idea of who the third woman was.

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