Forbidden Desires: A Targaryen Tale (Completed)

Chapter 28: Chapter 28: Daemon's Departure from Sunspear

Daemon watched as the ships with the Unsullied disappeared among the horizon of the sea, he was going to escort them with his dragon, he didn't want any encounter with some Greyjoy fleet. He felt someone come up to his right side, Daenerys crossed her arms looking at the horizon. "Come on love, take that scowl from your face." He brought his arm up around her shoulders.


Dany looked at him and rolled her eyes. "We are going to be apart for almost a month, if not more!" 


He nodded. "Yes, I like it though. I need a vacation from you." Daemon grinned at her.


Daenerys scowled and punched his arm, he laughed, and he turned to face her, brought his hands up to cup her face. "We will see each other soon, besides you'll have Egg and Rhae." He said while he brushed his thumbs on her cheekbones.


She held his wrists and moved forward, their lips touched softly. "They are not you though." 


He shook his head. "Yes, I'm five times better than they are." 


"That's a bold statement." Rhaenys appeared. 


"I'm just stating the truth dear sister, if you can't take it…" Daemon shrugged, and let go of Daenerys.


His sister just narrowed her eyes and hugged him. "I'm going to miss you little brother." She squeezed him. 


"Me too." He hugged her back. He saw Aegon approaching.


"Try to not burn all of them, a few hostages would be good." Aegon said putting his hand on his shoulder, Rhaenys stepped back and let both brothers embrace each other.


"I will do my best." Daemon stated. After he said farewell to Ari and Missandei he wrapped his arms tightly around his wife and kissed her deeply. "I love you." 


Daenerys sniffed. "I love you too." She murmured, Daemon turned around and walked till Lyx, his Dragon lowered her shoulder and purred, he passed his hands over her scales and climbed on her back, he strapped himself to the saddle and gave his kin a last look.


"Sōves." He ordered the dragon, Lyx took impulse and flapped her wings, the beast screeched and took to the air, they gained altitude quickly and before Daemon could realize it, Sunspear was a just a small dot behind him. The other three dragons roared and screeched to Lyx making her roar back, the three other beasts turned and flew back to their riders.


Daemon breathed and held tightly on his dragon's spikes, they flew fast until they were above their fleet. He looked down searching for the ship that Ty and Nym were on, quickly he found it. It was the big one in the middle of the fleet with House Targaryen sigil on its sails. Both his lovers waved, and he waved back.


Giving a last look to the Sand Snakes, the prince lowered himself and urged his dragon forward. They had a long way till the Reach.



Rhaenys watched as her brother disappeared in the far sky, Dany left with Ari to the castle leaving her with her husband. "I think now our invasion has truly began." Aegon mused offering his arm, she smiled weakly and laced her arm into his. 


"I just hope our little brother don't cross limits." She mumbled.


Aegon raised his brow. "Why'd you say that?"


Rhaenys shrugged slightly. "His tactics are quite… barbaric, this is not Essos. I hope he doesn't burn half of the Lannister army." Rhaenys admired her little brother, his mind for war was impressive, Daemon always made his strategies focused on the victory, and the victory only. No matter the cost, if he has to burn a castle down, he will. That worried her a little.


Her husband hummed. "perhaps he can be quite aggressive with his methods, but we can't deny that they are effective… I can understand what you are worried about. The Targaryens coming back after the fall of our mad grandfather, who used to burn people, and now they are doing that just like him. Burning people. But this is different times, Rhae, we are at war, and I understand that most of the soldiers in our enemies army are just obeying orders but we are not burning innocent people like Aerys."


Rhae breathed and nodded to the guard as they entered the Palace. "I know, but people will talk and lies will be spread, I'm just worried." 


Her husband stopped and held her face. "Everything will be fine, by the end of the year we will be seating on the Iron Throne and no more war."

He kissed her gently, their tongues brushed slowly for a few seconds before he pulled back giving her one last peck. "Now if you excuse me, dear wife, I have a meeting with Olenna." Aegon murmured with a grimace.


Rhaenys giggled. "That's interesting, I also have a meeting with a Tyrell." 


"Rhae…" He started.


"Shush," She waved. "Just analyzing my potential next lover? Can I not do that?" Rhae crossed her arms.


Aegon hummed a chuckle. "Don't spook her." He leaned in and kissed her cheek and walked away.


Rhaenys turned and made way to the garden where she had been informed that Margaery Tyrell was. Rhaenys eyes landed on the brown-haired woman who was sitting under a tree, she got close to the woman, now seeing her better. The rose was wearing a light blue sleeveless dress, that showed an appealing amount of cleavage.


Nice breasts. Rhaenys thought admiringly then shook her head to focus.


"Lady Margaery." She said. The woman turned her head, and the sun lit up her face.


Fuck, she's beautiful. Fuck, fuck, fuck.


Margaery stood up and bowed. "Your grace." 


"May I?" She pointed to the bench.


"Of course." Margaery stepped to the side, Rhaenys sat down and motioned for the woman to sit beside her. 


"How are you liking Dorne?" She crossed her legs.


"It's beautiful here, hot, but beautiful. The people here are… quite free, different from the rest of Westeros." She said.


Rhaenys nodded. "And the hospitality?" 


"They treat me well, but with a certain disdain. Dorne and the Reach have never been so embracing of one another. Our ways of life make us out to be potential enemies, I suppose." Margaery continued.


The Queen nodded. "Hm, your grandmother?"


The Rose eyed her before answering. "You don't trust me." 


She raised a brow. "I just asked about your grandmother… she's old." Rhae shrugged.


Surprising Rhaenys, the woman didn't take offense, she instead giggled. "You are a different woman, your grace. Nobody never talked to me like that, they always feared me… or my grandmother,"


The corner of Rhae's mouth curved into a smirk, she tapped Margaery's shoulder and pointed to the sky, where the white dragon was hovering. 


Margaery swallowed. "A beautiful creature." 


"Hmmhmm. She allows me to talk to people the way I want, who's going to face a dragon?" Rhaenys looked at her intensely.


The former Queen shifted slightly. "No one," She let a humorously laugh. "No one can face a dragon, Your grace."


"Exactly," Rhaenys breathed and intertwined her hands on her lap. "My husband wishes you on our council… what'd you think of that?"


Margaery cleared her throat. "It's an honour, Your grace. But I'm sure he will find a better person for it."


Rhaenys brows furrowed. "You don't wish to go back to the capital? To have a position of power?"


"All my life my grandmother promised that I would be Queen, instead all my husbands have died, even if I didn't loved them. I'm not quite fond of Kings Landing anymore, that place is horrible, I was taught how to scheme and manipulate… all my life I did that. My father died, my brother died. I'm tired of it." Margaery explained, and her eyes filled with tears when she mentioned her dead kin.


Ok… why have opened up with me.


Before Rhaenys could speak, Margaery blinked and chuckled softly. "Apologies, Your grace." 


Rhaenys narrowed her eyes. "Are you trying to manipulate me? By pity?"


Margaery shook her head. "No… I could though, but no."


Rhaenys chucked. "You couldn't, believe me."


A small smirk appeared on her mouth. "Don't doubt me, your grace." 


Rhae hummed, she stood up and offered her hand, the woman took it and got to her feet. "Walk with me, we have a lot to talk."



"I still can't believe you are not going to stay in Kings Landing permanently with us." Daenerys scowled as Arianne told her that she wouldn't stay in the capital.


Ari looked to the fellow princess. "I am the ruler of Dorne, Dany. Not your personal whore." She grinned walking to her direction and handing her a cup of wine. "And no way in the Seven Hells, will I hand it to my brother that easily."


Daenerys took the cup and shook it lightly. "Hmm, it was a little silly on my part to think that you would live in the Capital." Ari grinned down at her and sat beside her, they were in Arianne's solar. "But, you can't blame me, the thought of having you as my personal whore completely clouded my mind." Dany raised her brows, smiled seductively, and took a sip.


The Dornish princess snickered. "I've been your whore since the day you stepped onto Dorne, Daenerys. It's quite funny actually, I had this thought of you being a shy and dutiful princess… boy was I really wrong." Ari mused taking off her sandals and crossing her legs on the couch.


Daenerys flushed slightly, barely visible. "Well, I was shy, my kin made sure to change that." 




Dany nodded. "You should see my first time with a man that wasn't Dae or Egg, Rhaenys tricked me saying that we were going to bath, when we arrived at the bathhouse it was full of men and women, naked."


Arianne laughed and drank her drink. "Ohh, bathhouse orgies are the best."


The Targaryen princess raised her cup in agreement. "Hm, since we are in this topic, what about my two lovers? I want them back." Ari pointed out.


This time was Daenerys turn to laugh. "Sorry Ari, they are mine now." 


Arianne gaped at her. "What?! No, absolutely not."


Daenerys smiled widely. "Just temporarily then."


Ari brows furrowed. "Your word?" She extended her hand. Dany rolled her eyes amused. 


"My word." She shook her hand. 




Daenerys breathed and drank all her wine. "Well," she stood up. "Since I have your two lovers for a short amount of time, I'd better go enjoy them." 


The silver haired princess got up and walked to the door. "Good luck with that, I didn't see any of them today." Ari murmured.


"Of course not, they are in my chambers. I'll see you tonight Ari." Daenerys giggled and closed the door, leaving Arianne shaking her head.



Luckily enough for her, her chambers were close, so she would not have to waste time getting there. Before she stepped into her room she looked around the hall way and fully turned to step into her room. 


The first thing she noticed that pleased her very much, were both men on her bed waiting for her, Gerold Dayne and Daemon Sand stood up and walked to her, she licked her lips and untied her dress, the material opened revealing her cunt, both men groaned at the sight of her slit and pink lips that hanged slightly from her cunt, Gerold was the first to touch her, he held her neck and brought her to a deep kiss, Daenerys moaned when Daemon squeezed her arse, then pressed himself to her back, his soft and hot cock rubbing on her spine made Dany shiver.


Daenerys sucked against Dayne's tongue earning a mewl from the man, he pulled back slightly and took her bottom lip between his teeth, he pulled back making her hiss in pain and pleasure. She felt Daemon turn her head and bring her lips to his, Gerold busied himself lowering his head and kissing and sucking her neck, Daenerys gasped on the bastard's mouth, Dayne's hand went down to her cunt making her hum, he passed his two fingers on her folds.


"Already wet, princess?" He sucked her pulse.


"Fuck…" She gasped letting go of Daemon's mouth, Dany nodded. "Yes, bed, right now." Came the order, both men smirked and obeyed. 


The princess discarded her dress and climbed in the bed, she laid on her back and Gerold and Daemon knelt beside her head offering her their cocks, Daenerys sucked her lips as lust filled her body, she held both soft cocks and brought Daemon's to her mouth, she sucked the head and wriggled her tongue around it. He breathed and pinched her lips, the other man's hand went to her wet pussy gathering her juices and using to help his fingers enter her cunt.


Daenerys moaned around Daemon's cock making him groan, she sucked his cock a few more times before she changed to Gerold's. With him she did something different, she took one of his balls and hallowed her cheeks and sucked his testicle eagerly. "That's a good slut… went straight to the balls." He sighed and gave her pussy a light slap, Daenerys let a little yelp and she shamelessly let her body fill with pride as he praised her.


The princess gave his nut one last peck before she took the other and gave the same treatment. After she left his sack wet with her saliva, she held both cocks and touched their heads, she put her tongue out and licked both cockheads. "Gods…" Daemon Sand moaned taking her nipple and twisting, she whined and took both in her mouth gaining more moans from them. 


"Who would've thought the Silver Princess would suck cock so well…" Gerold smirked down at her, Daenerys blushed slightly, she enjoyed being praised, mainly on something people would be shocked seeing her doing.


A princess sucking two cocks at the same time? People would be mortified if they knew this.


Daenerys sucked them till they grew hard as steel, Gerold moved back and laid beside her, she understood what he wanted and climbed on top of him, she settled herself on his crotch and raised her hips, her hand traveled to his length and held tightly, she positioned him to her entrance and lowered herself fully on him. Dany moaned loudly as he stretched her and hit deep, his hands went to her hips and aid her ride his cock, Daenerys lowered on his chest and he took her nipple on his mouth, she shuddered, and her eyes rolled in pleasure.


Daenerys moved her hips back and forth grinding on him; Gerold gasped against her nipple as she rode him, the man gave her breast a last suck before letting go with a pop. His big hands went to her arsecheeks holding tightly aiding her, he smacked her arse earning a loud moan from her. "Yes, slap my arse… slap my slutty arse." Hearing her words made him shiver.


"Whore." He groaned and slapped her again. Daenerys whimpered and moaned, this was degrading, a former Queen and a princess being treated this way, but she couldn't deny the pleasure she was feeling, after all, she was fucking him. The woman hissed when he took a handful of her hair and pulled back. "Ah!" She cried out. 


"Fuck…" He moaned when he started to raise his hips and fuck her, Daenerys stopped moving her hips and let him give her his cock, he buried his face into her neck and his hands traveled to her waist, he gripped tightly and drove his cock into her, Dany saw Daemon laying on the side and licked her hand, she wrapped her hand around his cock and stroked.


"Tight whore!" Gerold grunted, he bit her neck, Daenerys whined in pain, her body grew hot and she knew her orgasm was close.


"Uhum… fuck this tight whore. Stretch my pussy with this big cock of yours." She whimpered, Dayne growled, and his pace got more rough, the sound of their skin slapping was filling their ears. Daenerys grinned weakly when she felt the bastard twitch on her hand. Dany thought her peak would take a little longer to come, but she didn't expect Gerold's wet finger press against her unprepared arsehole, he didn't push inside, just rubbed the rim, that was enough for her to cum hard.


The princess body shook, and her walls squeezed him, she moaned and let the wave of pleasure take her body, her hand stopped working on Daemon and held the sheets tightly. To Daenerys' surprise, he didn't cum, he just groaned and pushed her from on top of him, Gerold quickly stood up on her bed, Daenerys hissed when her hair was pulled back by Daemon and she was put onto her knees, Dayne towered over stroking his cock fast, Dany flinched in surprise when the first jet hit her eye, she quickly closed and let him paint her face with his seed.


Daenerys moaned and opened her mouth and put her tongue out after the third hit, he aimed to her mouth throwing his cum inside. She swallowed his spunk and after he finished she took his cock and sucked the head trying to get every drop of cum she could, Gerold hissed and stared down at the princess and admired the work he did on her face, she had cum on her right eyebrow and eye who was dripping down to her cheek, she had on her nose, forehead and lips. Her whole face was coated with his seed.


"Yes… suck me off, your grace, till the last drop." He murmured closing his eyes, Daenerys hummed and sucked him a bit more till she was pulled back.


Hmm, I didn't forget about you…


Daenerys let herself being manhandled by Daemon Sand, who then placed her on her hands and knees and harshly entered her slickly cunt, Dany hummed in pleasure as the other man took her.


The bastard fucked the princess for ten minutes till he came inside her, while he fucked her, Gerold grew hard again, her mouth helped a lot, the sight of her being fucked in both ends aid Daemon to reach his orgasm and Gerold to get hard again. Daenerys didn't get a break, as soon the bastard filled her and left, Dayne entered and for another ten minutes until he used her to his heart's content in the end more cum was pushed inside her. 


By the end when both men emptied themselves on and into her, Daenerys had orgasmed twice and had an obscene amount of spunk dripping from her red and abused cunt, she laid between both men and her eyes felt heavier and heavier, soon enough sleep took over her tired body.


It was good having lovers to take care of her needs.

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