For My King

Chapter 7: 7| The King, the Prince and the Princess

My body froze as I heard the female voice behind me. Her voice did not sound like someone who was upset I was here, but found it rather amusing. Blood rushed to my face as I slowly turned around and laid eyes on Princess Iris. She was standing just a few meters behind me with a smile on her face as if she had just caught me stealing a cookie from a jar.

In fact I was shocked she even knew my name. I did not often see the Princess, but there were one or two occasions when I was working in the garden that I had seen her from a distance. She would wave with a smile and I would do the same. We had never spoken to each other before. Her voice was so sweet and gentle it had me smiling like an idiot.

Until I remembered I was not dealing with a normal person here but a Royal. I quickly bowed and with a much more serious voice said, "Your highness."

"Oh you don't have to do that with me. You can just call me Iris," she waved her hand and brushed a strand of her hair behind her ear. I was not extremely tall like my friends, but I was the average height. Princess Iris was shorter than me with a slim body.

"I might get fired if I do," I joked causing her to giggle. I had no idea if I was actually seeing things or was she really blushing?

"Don't worry as long as my brothers are not around you are safe. Adonis takes his role as King extremely seriously," she playfully rolled her eyes.

"And you do not?" I smiled.

"It's not that I don't. I just don't see why everyone has to be afraid to look into our eyes as if we are some sort of gods," she shrugged.

"Well you are named after gods, and you are as beautiful as one," I did not notice what I had said until it was already out in the air. It just hung there like a flying elephant. I was surely going to get fired for this.

"No one has ever told me that before," she blushed and looked to the ground, "Thank you. I think you are handsome as well."

Now it was my turn to blush as red as a tomato. I scratched the back of my head and before I could respond we both heard a powerful, authoritative voice from behind. "Iris you need to stop sneaking away," King Adonis spoke as he climbed down the small hill with Prince Apollo by his side.

Princess Iris sighed and looked back to her brothers, "I know I just wanted to speak to Cloud."

I bowed as they both approached me and I felt incredibly nervous to be seeing King Adonis in the flesh. He towered over me with an extremely strong body, he could probably pop my head with his biceps and not feel a thing.

"Cloud Belmont, lovely to meet you," King Adonis shook my hand which looked like a babies compared to his. I was shocked he had even touched me, I thought he was the no touch kind of King.

"The honour is all mine, Your Highness," I smiled rather shyly.

He gave me a smile in return, but I could tell he was always guarded. His eyes lingered at my necklace for a few seconds before he spoke. "Your work with the plants always amazes us. You are truly a talented scientist."

"Thank you, I love what I do for a profession," I answered.

"It shows. Will you be travelling to the other side of the island for the new species they found next week?" Prince Apollo asked as he stood next to his brother.

"Yes, next week Tuesday."

"Excellent, if you need anything do not be afraid to ask. We will have a meeting on your findings when you return," King Adonis grinned. A one on one meeting with the King! I had never done that before and I was finding it incredibly hard not to stutter under his gaze. How was I going to handle a whole meeting?

"Of course my King," I nodded.

"Come on Iris we have a lot of people to speak to," King Adonis turned to face his pouting sister.

"Can't I just speak to Cloud for a few minutes? I need a break," she groaned and slouched her shoulders.

King Adonis placed his hand gently under his sisters chin and raised it so she was standing up straight again, "Be good Iris you have responsibilities."

"I know but…"

"I'll make sure you get that ice-cream you love if you continue for a few more hours," he smiled.

"Fine. Bye Cloud I hope to see you soon," she smiled and gave me a small wave. I waved back at her as they all walked to the party. Who knew the King had a heart?

Hours later when the sun had set and I had changed into much more comfortable clothes I was back in the Royal garden under the family tree. Ezekiel and I laid down on the grass as we looked at the stars above us. He had not said much but neither had I. After the party I was extremely drained.

"Did you enjoy the party?" he asked as I tried to blink myself awake.

"I don't really like such large gatherings, but it was nice to meet the Royals," I softly said afraid if I spoke any louder it would disrupt the bubble of silence we had created.

"What did you think of them?"

My heart beat sped up a bit when I remembered Princess Iris. If she was not the most beautiful woman in the world than I would gladly wear a shirt for the rest of my life that said 'I am an idiot.'

"I think Princess Iris is extremely beautiful," I sighed as a smile played on my lips.

"And the King and Prince?" he chuckled.

"The King was surprisingly nice. He is huge though I felt like an ant compared to him," to be honest I felt like an ant compared to Ezekiel as well, but he did not need to know that. "He wants us to have a meeting next week when I come back from my mini expedition. I don't know how I'm going to handle that. He is intimidating."

"Just be yourself. He is not as bad as you think." We kept quiet after that and I felt my curiosity get the best of me.

"When can I see you?" I asked and sat up so I could look at Ezekiel. He was a few meters away from me again and I felt a bit frustrated he did not trust me enough to show his true face.

"Cloud, the position I am in is not something you would want to involve yourself with. It is better if we keep things this way. It's for your own good," he sighed.

"But it's not fair," I pouted. I could not force him to see me during the daylight because I did not have a reason to. Ezekiel was a friend and that was it.

"I know Cloud, but most of my life has been filled with unfortunate circumstances I don't want you to be a part of that. The time will come when we can meet like normal people, I promise," he sat up as well and turned his body in my direction. "Please be patient with me."

"I will try, and also here's your pen. You're an idiot for leaving it so out in the open," I tossed him his pen and he easily caught it with one hand.

"I have dozens of these," he laughed, "in fact you could keep it if you wish."

"So people can think I stole it? No thank you. I'm too soft for jail," I shook my head quickly. Plus I looked terrible in orange it just clashed with the hair.

"I insist. If it stops you from being upset with me. I can't take it when you're upset."

"That's blackmail Ezekiel. I should report you to the King," I smirked.

"I'm so scared," he teased. Before I could come up with a witty comeback, he shocked me by standing up and walked towards me. He sat behind me and just like out of a movie he wrapped his arms around me. I froze for a second wondering what the hell was going through his head, but I would be lying if I said I did not enjoy the warmth. "Thank you for agreeing to see me tonight."

"It's not like I had much of a choice," I sighed and allowed myself to rest my back against his chest. I was sitting between his legs and it occurred to me I had never done this with any of my friends before. Maybe Ezekiel was just the cuddle kind.

"You always have a choice with me. I'll never force you to do anything you don't want to," he said softly just above my ear.

I had no idea why his words shifted how I saw him. It was as if he had silently promised me something I did not yet understand but one day would. I wanted to ask him what he was implying, but decided not to. I did not want to stress over something that simply meant nothing. He said what he said and I heard what I heard.

"I'll take your stupid pen if it stops you from being all soft," I rolled my eyes.

"I'm feeling sappy today," he teased and squeezed me tighter. He should have controlled himself. The man had the power to break me in half like I was a twig.

"Yeah right." We both laughed and continued to talk about what I had experienced at the party.

As I cycled back home my mind drifted back to Princess Iris. I wondered why Ezekiel did not comment about my obvious attraction to her. He did not even seem slightly interested that she had complimented me and I was extremely chuffed about it. Ezekiel was proving to be more complicated than I thought. Which only raised more questions. Who was the man?

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