Chapter 2: 2| Night Shifts with Strange Men
The following day as I sat in the lab studying a thin layer of a leaf under a microscope, had a royal employee stepped in looking like he had a stick up his ass in his perfectly tailored and ironed suit.
"May I help you?" I sighed and took the glass slide out.
"The King has requested for me to deliver this letter to you and hopes to get a response as soon as possible," he handed me a black envelope made from the highest quality paper I had ever seen. It was sealed with the Kings Signature wax seal. I remembered the first time I had received this whilst I was finishing my last year in university. It felt like such a great honor that the King had requested me specifically to work for him. That was until I found out that the King did not personally pick out his staff. He had people do that for him and he just approved.
That was why even after working at the palace for two years I was still yet to meet him. When I opened the letter my heart fell as I read through it. King Adonis was requesting for me to study the plants at night to record their habits during the nightly hours for only two hours. I knew it was technically a part of my job, but I felt irritated that he was requesting for me to take time from my personal hours. "Is he serious?"
The royal employee tilted his head as if wondering why I was such an idiot. "Our King never jokes," he said with such a serious tone I felt myself physically recoil.
"Well it's not like I have a choice," I sighed and signed that I had received the letter and agreed.
"Have a good day Cloud Belmont," he smirked and left the lab. I did not understand why the King did not just send an email. Humans were blessed with the knowledge to make technology and make life easier, but there he was sending letters with messengers like it was the Middle Ages. If I ever met him I would strongly suggest it and what did he do with the paper anyway. Just store it in one of the palace rooms that had all their records or something. He could easily save an email to an internet backup program, but I was just saying.
Enraged with my responsibilities I packed up the lap and decided to go home early. If I had to be at the Palace at night then it would be a good idea to have an early dinner and a quick nap before leaving. Adriano was not going to be happy about this at all. Three times a week I would be at the Palace at night meaning I would not be harassed into watching whatever movie had caught his eye during work hours. Actually this was low key a blessing because if I watched another chick flick again I would die.
It was like the Greek Gods were against me because when I arrived at my apartment Adriano was standing there looking at me with suspicion. "So I heard the King delivered a letter today."
"Argh don't remind me," I stuck my tongue out as I put my key in to open my door. Adriano had a mini fling with one of the royal staff members so he always knew if something was being delivered to me.
"What was it about?" he went over to the fridge and took out two cans of beer for us.
"I have to study the plants at night for two hours three times a week. At this point I think he just enjoys making me suffer. Not that it matters the man does not even know my name," I rolled my eyes and took a sip of my beer then threw myself on the couch.
"As if life could not get any worse. Do you want me to order pizza? You can't go to work without eating something."
"Yes please," I smiled. Adriano just got me.
After our pizza had arrived and we had stuffed ourselves full, I got ready for work once again! Adriano decided to go see his lady friend aka his almost girlfriend as I went to my pending doom. Since I was studying the plants at night I could not bring huge amounts of torches as they would the plant cell, creating a false environment of it being the day. I took a thermal reader which would capture the data that I would be able to process once I got to the lab.
The King had specified I was to study their family tree and the surrounding plants in that area specifically. I wondered why the King had a sudden fascination with the plants on Palace grounds. Normally I just did what I was supposed to do and no one bothered to tell me what to do. I delivered my monthly reports and reported whatever I felt needed the Kings attention and it was taken off.
To be honest I perfect job, but it was not the perfect job I wanted. I loved being challenged and doing things that made me uncomfortable. At this job I had a routine and I felt too comfortable. This was the first time since I had started working that I felt a bit uncomfortable about coming to the palace at night. This was when the Royal family was home and the chances of interacting with them had increased. It was not something I looked forward too.
I was dressed in a warm knitted jersey since it got a bit chilly at night and light, washed, straight leg denim jeans with sneakers. I prayed no one important saw me since dressing like this around the Royals was absolutely a huge NO. My palms were sweating as I set up my station and took out my laptop.
I remembered the first time I knew I wanted to study botany. My father had taken me to a botanical garden in France just before we left the country. I remembered the way the plants smelt, the cool breeze causing the leaves to rustle softly which created a heavenly ambiance. I read every single brochure about the plants in the garden as if it was my religion and from then on my obsession with the science of plants just exploded. My own apartment was filled with them. Adriano said sometimes he felt as if he was getting drunk off oxygen.
A pure idiot.
"You're back," the deep, authoritative, melodic voice from last night said behind me.
I sighed already exhausted with his nonsense and turned around. The moon was barely out today so the only light source I had was from my laptop which barely lit up my face enough for the mysterious stranger to see. "Back to bother me again?"
"I would like to think of it as keeping you company," the mysterious man chuckled. His very chuckle had the hairs at the back of my neck standing in attention. How could someone make you feel so flustered from just their laugh?
"Well I prefer to do my work alone," I rolled my eyes and focused on my laptop once again. I heard movement behind me and when I looked back the large, muscular man sat a few meters away from me, with his knees bent so his arms could hug them close to his chest.
"Well then I volunteer as your assistant," just from his tone I could tell he was smiling which only irritated me further.
"What is my assistants' name?" if he was going to bother me then I might of as well-known his name so I could ask about him later.
"Ezekiel," the man answered.
"Do you work for the Royal family?" I looked over my shoulder hoping I could make out his face but all I was met were his outline. He had curtain bangs which covered his face fairly well that the only part of him I could see well were the tip of his nose, structured jaw and just a fraction of what looked like plump lips.
"Yes, feels like a lifetime," Ezekiel sighed.
"Well if it makes you feel any better I have been working here for the past two years and the only people who know my name are the guards," I laughed and shook my head.
"Surely that can't be true. What is your name?"
"Cloud Belmont," I chuckled knowing what reaction I was going to get from him.
"Cloud? That's unique," he sounded intrigued unlike the other people I had met. Everyone always laughed and asked me what time of name was that. It was the first time I met someone who thought it was unique and not funny.
"Apparently to my mother when I was born I reminded her of a cloud. I still don't understand what that means," I shrugged. How did a baby remind you of a cloud? I always thought it was because I was a chubby pale baby, but my mother said one day I would understand and figure it out.
"Well maybe if I could see your face in the light I could figure it out for you," he turned his head ever so slightly and looked at me for a split second.
"Well I work here during the day as well," I shrugged and looked back at my laptop.
"I wish I could, but I'm often away during the day. Maybe one day I will come to see you," the way he said it made me believe he would never have the time.
I decided not to respond and continued my work. The man sat there with me the whole time, not uttering a word. It may have sounded strange to just sit with someone you had no how they looked, but his company was pleasant. I liked people who knew when to talk and when to keep quiet. I know it sounded anti-social, but I was anti-social. That was why I loved plants so much because they were a silent species to our ears.
"Have you ever met the King?" Ezekiel asked out of the blue.
"No, but I know he is a busy man. I don't think he would have time for a small scientist like me," that was the honest truth. Even though I complained about King Adonis I had respect for him. He never had scandals and he had completely devoted himself to serving our country from his early teens.
"I think that should change. Every employee is important especially those who keep the Palace running," he sounded so upset I thought that way of myself, but it was the truth in my eyes.
"I think the King does a good job keeping this country as wealthy as it is. Think about it. He has sacrificed his whole life to serve us from such a young age. Sometimes I feel sorry for him, he never had the opportunity to live a normal life and experience the things you and I have. It takes a lot of courage and dedication to not act out. Sure I have my opinions, but I think it is admirable."
"It's the first time someone has said it like that," he looked at me for a few seconds and shook his head, "You are truly special Cloud."
"Thank you," I laughed.
"I have to go, but please make sure you do not leave too late. You need to rest," he stood up and I could see his attire. It was what looked like loose grey sweatpants and a large hoodie. Ezekiel had no shoes on and that helped calm me. He was dressed like a normal person so I knew he was too close to the Royal family. Anyone close to the Royals was dressed in expensive attire. Walking barefoot was strictly prohibited since it was not considered proper to the public.
"I will. Enjoy your night Ezekiel."
"Same to you Cloud," and with that he disappeared into the darkness. I would have to ask about him when I got the chance.