Chapter 18: 18| To Have Him
King Adonis
"Yes… oh I had no idea you two were friends… is he at the lab often? Ah I see… well that's wonderful… yes thank you… same to you," Apollo smiled even though he was speaking on the phone.
I sat on my office chair silently watching him. I had no idea if what we were planning was a good idea but I trusted that he and Ezekiel had their best interests in mind for me. He eventually put the phone down and sat down in front of me.
"So what did he say?" Ezekiel asked excitedly.
"Apparently the King's boy is always at the lab. If he isn't at the lab, he is at his apartment or here. He seems to be a bit of a hermit to be honest," Apollo looked surprised and puzzled, "I think we should go forward with the party. We will be able to see how he interacts with you better."
"But I can't just ignore everyone so I can spend time with him during the day. If he spends too much time with me he might make the connection that I am 'Ezekiel'. We can't judge his intelligence," I sighed.
"Just do that King thing you do," Apollo waved his hand.
"What King thing I do?" I chuckled.
"When you're all pose and Royal like. He won't make the connection," he shrugged.
I pursed my lips and thought for a few seconds, "Fine but what if he doesn't show up? We could have gone through all this effort for nothing."
"I'll personally invite him. It is highly offensive if you are personally invited and you don't show up," Apollo offered.
"Ezekiel do you mind getting the car ready whilst Apollo and I quickly get ready?"
"Of course," he smiled and left the office.
"I'll wait for you in the car. Don't say anything stupid Apollo and don't act suspicious it will make it obvious," I warned my brother as we put on our suit jackets.
"As if I would ever be suspicious," he smiled and winked. I grabbed the personal invite that I had actually written by myself since I figured the change in handwriting might convince Cloud more.
I had no idea what had changed in the past few hours, but I had not stopped thinking about Cloud for the past few weeks. I had no idea if it was due to the fact he thought I was a ghost but the fact he wanted to help me without knowing me just spoke volumes about his personality. The more I got to know him the past few weeks the more interested I was in him.
I was slightly excited about the party because it would be the first time I would see Cloud in the daylight. I knew he would connect the dots about 'Ezekiel' and I, but being able to speak to him as myself without fearing he would find out by himself was a stress reliever. I could see who he was when he knew I was a Royal.
"He is adorable," Apollo gushed when he entered the car, "you are going to die. His cheeks just seem so rosy like he is always blushing. He didn't seem that excited about the party but he will definitely come."
"That's good," I smiled.
Hours later just a few hours before I had to meet Cloud for his nightly research I received a call from one of the government officials in Sweden.
"When do I have to be there?" I spoke already stressed. I had been communicating with them for years in order to get renewable energy sources to our country. When it came to renewable energy they were one of the countries that had caught my interest. My father had been working hard to have a deal with them for years and unfortunately just before the deal went through he passed away.
It was extremely important for me to get this deal through since not only would it make our country use clean energy but help curb the effects of global warming. This was a huge deal and it could help unemployment in the country.
"As soon as possible. The Royals are eager to start the process, you know how they like to change their minds," he laughed.
"I can be there in two hours," I looked down to my watch and already started packing my things.
"Excellent," we quickly ended the call. I called Brittany, Apollo and Ezekiel to let them know we had to leave the country. In the quick panic of getting everything we would need I realized that I could not meet Cloud tonight. I knew it should have been the least of my priorities but I could not help but feel guilty that he would think I just did not want to see him.
That was when I decided to quickly write a note for him and tied it to our family tree. I knew he would stop by there. I just hoped he would see the note that I placed on a lower branch so it was in his reach.
"As the King can see our jewellery collection is extremely limited. There were twenty of these known to be made they are extremely treasured," the woman spoke as she took us through the expensive jewellery store.
I had been in Sweden for a day so far and like normal the Royals loved to show us the countries prized possessions. That included the best jewellery makers in the whole of Europe. To be honest I had no interest in them but figured I could get something for Iris since she loved anything shiny and expensive enough to make my eyes water.
Apollo had already gotten something for Maria since he spoiled her rotten. I on the other hand was struggling a bit. That was until we got to the very distinctive and unique cloud necklaces. The thin rose-gold necklace that had a beautiful cloud pendant encrusted with diamonds had caught my attention. From my first look at it I was immediately reminded of Cloud.
I paused causing the whole convey of people following me to stop as well.
"Is this one for sale?" I asked the women out of curtesy. Even if it was not I would get it.
"Oh yes your Highness. There were only ten of these made in the world so it is a bit pricy. It was made in 1917 for the late Princess," she spoke.
"How much is it?"
"Two million euros your highness," she spoke hesitantly. She knew I could afford it since even though I was the King, I owned multiple businesses also making me a billionaire. Money meant very little to me. Apollo on the other hand nearly choked. He seemed to want to question me about the purchase since he knew Iris did not like rose gold and only loved anything silver or platinum.
That was until he carefully inspected the necklace and once he saw the cloud pendant he easily put two and two together. A smirk spread on his face as he eyed me. I just prayed he did not open his big mouth.
"I'll take it. Brittany please handle the purchase, and find something for Iris. You know what she likes," I waved my hand already exhausted with the tour. I was extremely anxious to get back home at that point. Sweden always brought back memories I would have much rather preferred to forget…
Tonight I had made an effort to dress up… well if you could call black jeans, a matching hoodie and for once shoes an effort. I hoped he noticed the effort I put in just for him. I was surprisingly a bit nervous about seeing him. I even showed up thirty minutes before I knew he would arrive just so I could see him the second he stepped on the grounds.
I noticed him approach me and just from his appearance I was lost for words. This time he looked like he had put in much more effort as well, his jeans were cuffed at the bottom and he wore a white shirt with a light blue oversized knitted jersey, with brown ankle boots.
"Hi Ezekiel," he greeted before I could utter a word and placed his bags down.
"Cloud, I hope you did not miss me too much," I chuckled, indirectly telling him I had missed his company.
"Of course not," he lied, his cheeks turning red causing me chuckle. My heart fluttered knowing he had missed me too. "How was your trip?"
"Stressful, but informative," I answered and sat down next to him. For the first time I was not afraid of sitting so close to him. Maybe it was stupidity or sudden bravery because I knew the chances of him figuring out who I was were higher.
"I thought you went off for a little vacation," he teased.
"I wish. Working for the Royal family does not give you much time to yourself," it was the truth. The last time I had a holiday I was probably twenty. At times it felt like I barely had time to even soak in the tub because no matter the hour I was always needed.
"Well at least King Adonis achieved something great. This is going to change the lives for everyone in the country," he smiled. His approval and compliment to my work made me smile. I had everyone's approval but his seemed to matter more than the rest.
"I believe so too." From then he continued working and talked about the tests he was conducting. After an hour we decided to enjoy the fruit salads he had brought and just talked about my trip. That was when I decided to mention the present I had gotten for him. "Whilst I was in Sweden I got you something."
"Really? You didn't have to," he looked at me in shock.
"I know, but I just saw something and it reminded me of you," then asked, "May I?"
"Of course."
I sat down next to him, much closer this time, that I could actually smell his scent. I knew it was strange to describe someone's scent like this but he smelt like summer. Like peaches, watermelon and honey. It immediately made me dizzy with dozens of nostalgic memories from my childhood. Just his scent alone made me happy.
I pulled out the small rectangular box from my hoodie. "May I borrow your torch?" I put on the torch on the lowest setting so my face was not exposed but the necklace could be fully seen. I noticed him frown probably noticing what I had done and for a second I felt bad. Until I opened the box and looked at his priceless reaction.
If amazed was a person.
"The rose-gold reminded me of your hair and the cloud well, because of your name. It reminded me of you," I explained praying he loved it just as much as I did
"It's beautiful. I can't accept it. This must have cost you a lot of money," if only he knew.
"Please I insist Cloud. It would make me extremely happy," I took the necklace out and presented it to him hoping he would take my token of well… romantic interest, "at least try it on first before you make up your mind."
With a small pout he turned around and allowed me to put it around his neck. My fingers brushed against the soft, smooth skin of his neck and I would be lying if I said my body did not tingle. I had never felt anything like that just from slight contact. Unconsciously, my fingers continued grazing his skin.
I noticed the way Cloud stayed still. As if he himself could feel what I suddenly felt. I wanted to say so much to him but I could not bring myself. I hoped the necklace said everything I could not say to him. Why did he affect me so much?
"What do you think?" I whispered in his ear. I suddenly craved his skin with such an intense thirst. I wanted to taste him. To taste the skin that had my head buzzing with need. He seemed to be lost for words himself. It seemed he was not even breathing. "Words Cloud."
"It's beautiful. I…I don't know what to say," he held the small pendant in his hand and looked down to it. It looked perfect on him. As if it was made for him.
"How about thank you?" I chuckled at how cute and amazed he looked.
"Thank you Ezekiel. Thank you so much," he smiled and just as he turned to look at my face I moved away. Even though I wanted him in more ways than one I had to keep my guard up. Just to be safe.
"Pleasure Cloud. I have to leave, but maybe I will run into you tomorrow at the party." I needed to leave before I lost control of myself, because with the way he was looking at me I was afraid I would kiss him without thinking twice.
"I will finally get a chance to see your face," he joked and stood up to stand in front of me.
"Wouldn't that ruin the fun," I laughed, "I look forward to seeing you in the day light small snowflake."
"Same to you," he blushed. I had no idea where the pet name had come from but it suited him.
"Goodnight Cloud."
"Goodnight Ezekiel," he whispered. It was obvious he was disappointed I was leaving. Without thinking twice I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him tightly. His small body fit into mine perfectly. I smiled as his small arms wrapped around my waist hugging me back.
"Don't work for too long, you have a long day ahead of you," I rested my head on top of his and enjoyed the scent of his hair. His hair smelt refreshing, it sort of reminded me of how a baby smelt.
"I won't," he responded weakly. I hugged him for a few more seconds not wanting to let him go but eventually did.
By the time I got back to my chambers Apollo was already waiting for me in my bedroom, "So how did it go?" he smiled brightly.
I looked at him not sure what to say, but in the end chose honesty, "I have to have him."