For My King

Chapter 15: 15| Eyes as Bright as His

King Adonis of Kommos

"I don't think it's a good idea Adonis," Apollo sighed as we continued to run next to one another on the treadmills.

"I think it's a great idea. It is his job after all and I don't understand why it is so late this year. Normally it is in full bloom around this time," I stressed. My shirt had clung to my back due to the sweat, my hair was slightly stuck on my forehead and the nape of my neck.

"I know but he sent us a report about it just last week. Cut the kid some slack man. He is busting his ass every day working on research he really doesn't need to conduct more tests on a tree he checked last week," my brother quickly looked over to me as if I was stressing over nothing.

"We can't be too careful, if there's nothing then there is nothing wrong, if there is then good we caught it early on."

"You know global warming is a factor to why the blooming may be later than usual," he raised his left eyebrow and decreased the speed to a walking pace.

"I know but also diseases. We pay him a lot, he will remember that when he comes to check it once again," unlike I placed my legs on the sides away from the moving conveyer belt and stopped it completely. "I'm going to notify Brit."

"You go do that," he shook his head and continued with his workout.

Before I went to my quarters I stopped by my office and rang for Brit.

"King Adonis, how may I help you?" she answered kindly. Brittany had been my assistant for the past five years and she was extremely good at her job. I had not been tempted to fire her once and she was always around no matter the circumstances.

"Could you please ring the botanical scientist and ask him to check our tree once again? It has not bloomed yet and I'm worried."

"Would you like for me to draft a letter or would you prefer an email?"

"Letter please," my father always used to send letters to employees and somehow I had adopted that nature as well.

"Very well. I will bring it to you when I am done so that you can sign and seal it."

"Thank you Brit," I smiled even though I knew she could not see me.

"My pleasure my King," she laughed softly. She loved to tease me by calling me 'her King' even though I had asked her to call me Adonis. She had been working with me for so long it practically felt like we were family at that stage.

I checked my agenda for the day and realized I was running late. I had two meetings and I had to stop by the parliament to pass the new law I had made a month ago. I had finally gotten enough votes from fellow ministers and politicians to allow the less advantaged to earn grants and jobs in order to survive. I always preferred reinvesting in the country and uplifting our people. I found it ridiculous that our lower class citizens were not being supported. They were supposed to be our first priority.

I checked the time and realized I had an hour before I was meant to leave. I ran to my chambers which was in the other wing of the Palace. Luckily due to the fact this was our private quarters I did not have to worry that anyone would see me being so frantic.

I ran into the King's chambers and immediately jumped into the shower that could fit a small choir. After riding my body of the sweat and grim of the day I quickly blew dry my shoulder length hair, raked gel through the strands so that my hair lay its usual clean pushed back style. I quickly brushed my eyebrows since they starting to grow out once again and I was in a desperate need of a trim.

I looked through my multiple suits and once again opted for a black clean suit, since I was going to the parliament I needed to wear the Royal Order of the Garter sash with my multiple medals earned as King, Crowned Prince and military services. It was exhausting to place every single one of them in the correct order. If I did not it would offend the country and fellow Royals all over the world.

Being a Royal was different from being a President or politician. This was not a choice. I had the responsibility to ensure my country was one of the best simply because I was born into a bloodline that had to. That was chosen by the original founders of this country to rule.

I never hated my role as King, this was a privilege to do and that people still wanted me to rule showed what trust they had in me. The only thing I hated was the fact I always had to look perfect without trying. Which in reality was a full time job. I had to make sure my suit, my clothes, my face, my hair, my body and even my voice had to be the definition of perfection.

Plus the fact my parents named me after a god did not make things any easier. Unlike like most King's I was not fully prepped into this role. I woke up one day at the age of twenty-one and found out I was the King of Kommos. Not only did I have to deal with the grieve of losing my parents but I had to now take care of a whole country, take care of my nineteen year old brother and my thirteen year old sister.

I do not think I ever had time to fully grieve. I still did not think I had fully grieved. King's had to be strong and hide their feelings. There was no time for weakness.

Just as my thoughts spiralled I heard a knock on my door. With a deep inhale, I straightened my back, cleared my throat and took in my appearance one last time before I headed to the door. On the other side stood my personal guard Ezekiel.

People often said we looked alike, although Ezekiel had dark brown eyes, a birth mark on his chin and a slight moustache situation going on. We all had begged him to just shave it off but he was adamant he could grow facial hair despite him being unable to all his teenage years. Even his wife, Lucy, had tried but that fell on deaf ears.

Ezekiel and I were the same age; thirty-two, and he was appointed to be my guard when I was twenty-one. Everyone thought it would be better if I had someone my age to be around me twenty- four/seven. At first I found it irritating how he practically became my shadow but the more we got to know each other, we quickly became best friends.

"Always looking like a snack," he smirked causing me to roll my eyes.

"Don't start Zeke," even though I tried to act annoyed I could not help but smile. The man was a nuisance.

"I came to tell you that your Royal carriage awaits you," he dramatically bowed with a smirk.

"Is my brother ready?" I asked as we walked down the hall.

"Yes he is waiting for you with Maria," he wiggled his eyebrows.

I sighed already expecting for them to be all over each other. At first I was a bit apprehensive about his relationship with Maria, since she was a celebrity and all. Some liked to date my brother just so that they could be referred as a potential Princess, but over time I could tell her intentions were pure.

They loved each other so much that at times one wondered if it was possible to live and breathe a human to that extent. Wherever she was he was, and wherever he was she was. I was happy for my brother and I was pretty sure they were going to get married before the year ended.

When we got to the large garage that kept all Royal vehicles I was pleased to find that my suspicions were correct. There stood my brother dressed in a black suit with his Royal sash and medals. In his arms Maria who was dressed in a cream white wrap around summer dress. He whispered something in her which caused her to giggle and blush.

He smiled down at her and whispered something again which caused her to gently hit his chest. That caused him to burst out laughing and like a cheesy romance movie he pressed his lips to hers. Zeke and I both cringed at their public display of affection. All the guards themselves seemed a bit shy as they all looked in different directions.

"Okay that's enough you love birds," I interrupted them.

Apollo immediately looked at me with a pout, "party pooper."

"Keep it in your pants Apollo," I grinned.

Maria giggled softly and once again blinded us with their love, "I will miss you for every second you are away."

"And I will count the seconds until I see you again," Apollo held her hand in his, raised it and kissed her knuckles softly. Zeke faked wanting to vomit causing me to burst out laughing.

After what felt like forever we were finally in the black Rolls Royce being driven by our driver and Ezekiel at the passenger seat. Three cars filled with guards were in front of us and another three behind us.

"I think I'm going to propose to her," Apollo smiled.

"Really?" as if I did not see that coming. Even though I was happy for him I was slightly worried. Apollo and Maria had been dating for almost seven years now but marriage changed everything, "I'm happy for you Apollo."

"Thank you. Now I know before you warn me, I know as Royals we can't technically divorce but I love her, and I don't believe I would ever want to be separated from her." I knew my brother well. He never did anything this big without thinking it over millions of times. He knew our position and knew the duty we had to our country. Something like a divorce would weaken our foundation.

"Well then if that is the case I am proud of you Apollo. When do you think you will propose?" I gave him an encouraging smile.

"After the annual ball in honour of ma and pa," he smiled, "I just feel like it would mean more."

"They would be so proud of you," I squeezed his shoulder. He gave me a happy yet emotional smile, we always thought that the day we would all get married to our future partners that they would be there. I thought our dad would be there to hand down the title of King to me and that they would be there for the day I was crowned.

"Thank you Adonis," he looked down to his lap and quickly blinked away his tears. Soon after we arrived at the Parliament.

"That was exhausting," Apollo dramatically yawned and threw himself on my bed. "I don't think I'll be able to make it to dinner."

"Me either. Luckily Iris is out so we don't have to stress about dinner," I took off my tie tired of being strangled by it. Even though Iris was the least Royal-like out of us, she loved having family dinner every single night and threw a fit if one of us did not make it.

Truthfully I blamed myself, after our parents passed away I felt the need to ensure we had a strong family unit especially for her since she was so young. I made sure we were all there for dinner so she could feel like she always had us to talk to. Although, that quickly back fired when she grew obsessed with them. We never complained because secretly we all loved our nights together.

"Well I'm off. I promised Maria a fun filled night if you get what I mean," Apollo winked, jumped off my bed and walked out my room with a happy stride. I was grateful his chambers were far enough from mine that I never heard of their late night activities.

After a shower and dinner by myself I decided to take a walk in the garden. It was late at night so I knew no one would be there. I decided to go to our family tree and just as I sat down I noticed something vibrate just a metre away from me. I grabbed the sleek blue iPhone and tilted my head in questioning. Maybe it was one of the employees.

With a heavy sigh I went back into the Palace gave the phone to one of the guards to keep by the lost and found until someone came to claim, then finally made my way back to the garden.

It was like the universe was against me as I noticed a small man crawling about on the floor. I cleared my throat wondering if the intruder knew he was trespassing. Only employees were allowed on this part of the Palace grounds at night and I had never seen the man a day in my life.

To my surprise the man stood up, dusted himself off and looked at me with irritation, "Can I help you?" I was surprised by his bold statement and wondered if the man could even see who I was. By the looks of it he could not. My eyes were used to being in the dark for long periods of time therefore I could clearly see him.

"Why are you kneeling down on the ground like some sort of animal?" I spoke.

"I lost my phone," he sighed.

"How did you get access to the Palace grounds?"

"I'm the Palace's botanical scientist," he frowned, but there was a slight edge to his voice.

"Interesting. Well regarding your phone it is at the guard house I found it earlier." The blue color of his phone matched his eyes perfectly. I had never seen eyes as bright as his.

"So have you just been watching me for the past ten minutes knowing fully well where my phone was?" he lowly growled.

"Yes," I chuckled, "I'm not used to seeing people kneel."

"You're sadistic," he commented and proceeded to walk away. Just as he passed me I reached out and took hold of his much smaller cold hand. He gasped probably surprised by my action. My own action surprised me. I had no idea what had possessed me that I did not want him to leave without me knowing his name.

"What is your name?" I asked lowly leaning down to whisper in his ear.


"Na- what?" I chuckled.

"None of your business," he laughed and snatched his hand out of mine. "Next time you hold a man's hand ask for consent."

"Blue eyes and ginger hair, I will find out your name one day." The small man was extremely adorable to me. His skin was as pale and smooth as a pearl yet covered in freckles. His red hair seemed to glow despite the darkness and his clothes were extremely unique. He clearly did not care about fashion.

"Good luck with that," He rolled my eyes and walked away, "Don't stay out here for too long. I hear the King likes to walk the grounds at night."

"You don't say," I laughed. That explained his sharp tongue and wicked attitude. He really had no idea who he had spoken too.

Whoever he was he had peeked my interest.

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