Chapter 4: Chapter 4
I just finished my class. It's my birthday today, and I just want to finish with this day. Last year, I spent it in Cancun with my so-called friends, while this year I only received one message, the one from my dad. Not even a word from my mother. I go back home. I want to write to James but since he has my number and hasn't contacted me since last time, I don't want to. I would give anything to change my life, despite my amazing closet. My dad thinks I'm celebrating my birthday with my friends, and I don't want him to find out I don't have any friends left. I order a pizza and dive into bed to watch movies.Kyle calls me around 11pm but I don't pick up. Knowing him, he'll just taunt me and remind me how worthless I am now, and I won't be able to hold back my tears. It's almost midnight when he shows up at my dorm room with a cake in his hand.- "What do you want?", I ask him.He enters my dorm without my permission.- "I tried my best not to call or visit you, but I couldn't. Even though you're a fucking bitch, I can't leave you alone to destroy yourself. Happy birthday Tiffany. I hope you realize that you're growing up, that you're not in high school anymore and that now all your actions have consequences", he tells me, and I refuse to let my tears fall.He knows I'm not going to say anything. As much as I want to scream thank you to him, I don't. He lights the candles and puts the cake in front of me. I blow them out, making the only wish I have, to be happy. We eat the cake and then lie side by side watching the movie I had put on. I turn to him and start to kiss him, but he pushes me away.- "I'm not here for sex Tiffany. I just want you to stop what you're doing. You're worth more than that," he says.- "I'm not going to change Kyle, you should get that through your head", I tell him- "I won't let you destroy yourself Tiffany, no matter what you do to push me away."We end the night on these notes. Kyle spends the night in my bed, next to me.When I wake up, he is already gone. I get a call from my mom.- "good morning sweetie, happy birthday!"- "you know it was yesterday, right?" I ask her.- "of course, I do. If you checked in with me as often as you do with your father, you would know that I had something important yesterday."- "What, Mom? A gala dinner? A party? Maybe if you acted like my mother, I would think more of you", I say to her as I hang up.I take a deep breath so that I don't start my day on a bad note.I go to my classes and then meet Kyle to study. At some point I get a message from James saying he wants to see me. I answer him that I am available tonight.- "who is texting you?" he asks- "my new lover," I tell him with a broad smile.He continues to eat in silence. I didn't do anything wrong, I just answered him. He takes me home at the end of the day without any words exchanged.I get ready to meet James. I will have to put everything in place tonight. I wear a black dress with my Louboutin and put my hair in a ponytail. I arrive at the address he sent me. I recognize the restaurant. I came here last week with the one who had offered me the car I sold. I go inside and join James who is already there.- "I see that you have a punctuality problem", he says with a wide smile- "Good evening James, it's been a while. How is your wife?"- "I see that you are also obsessed with my wife. Jealous?"- "Me? You are insulting me. I'm not jealous of anyone, least of all an old woman", I tell him.- "I hope not, because she's a pest and if she ever finds out about you, you're screwed."- "I know how to manage the plagues", I say to him. "Did you order?"- "Yes, I ordered for you, I'm sure you'll like it. So, tell me about yourself, Tiffany."- "I just turned 21. I'm studying communication and marketing. I don't have many friends, people hate me. I love my father and I hate my mother. That's it"- "Wow, what a summary. I am impressed."- "Thank you. Your turn"- "as you know I am married, I am 38 years old. I work in the computer field. I have a 7-year-old daughter. I love my mother, I hate my father and my wife," he says.The waiter brings our food, and he ordered for me what I usually order.- "do you like it?", he asks meI nod.- "it's delicious",- "what are you looking for Tiffany?"- "a serious relationship with a man who knows how to take care of me"- "you are honest, I appreciate that."- "not to waste any time, do you think you can be that person?" I ask him.- "Yes, but I don't want drama in my life and I'm not going to divorce my wife. If you think you're okay being the other woman, we have a deal."- "as long as you respect me, I have no problem."- "well then, it's a deal", he answers meThe waiter brings us the dessert.