Flashy Adventurer System : Show Off to Get Stronger!

Chapter 707: Time for the Big Boys

"S-S-Shirley Locke of Valenzia wins!" Moderator Scarlet stammered, still in shock at the unexpected outcome.

Head Director Hale Eversong felt just a trace of bitterness, surprised and a bit disappointed that his youth representatives had lost despite having all the resources they needed, though he was genuinely more pleased with how things had turned out.

His youths were already well-stocked with resources, and the first-place rewards would surely benefit the young Valenzians more than those from his region.

Eversong was a wise and impartial figure who could see the broader picture, viewing the highly talented Valenzians the same as any gifted youth, regardless of origin.

In fact, he even considered them more remarkable, having achieved such strength through their own efforts, unlike his region's youngsters, who could easily access resources.

This was why he supported grooming all of them to be future pillars of Adthiopia, ones he could rely on in the future should the skies begin to collapse on them.

He was certain that quite a few of them would become Valenzia's Heroes in the future if nothing unexpected happened.

…Stepping onto the elevated platform, Lord Hale received the mana-powered microphone from the moderator, taking the reins of the event.

"Everyone, I hope you've learned a lot and enjoyed watching the inter-regional sparring matches," the head director began.

"Now, I'll announce the results before we move on to the next part of our event. With nine wins and one loss, Valenzia takes first place. In second is the Fanfir Region, with eight wins and two losses, and in third, Yon Augenn, with seven wins and three losses."

"Please keep in mind, this will not impact the official rankings of any region. Youngsters, you may claim the rewards from your region's WAA headquarters a month from now. That's all from me."

Following the straightforward announcement, Moderator Scarlet seamlessly transitioned the event to its next phase—another highly anticipated and educational segment for the youngsters: the sparring matches between heroes.

Aziel, Claudius, and the other Yon Augennians were deeply disappointed by their performance in the inter-regional sparring matches.

Yet, they couldn't deny the skills of the Valenzians.

All they could do was stew in their feelings of dejection and self-disappointment while struggling to suppress the dark urges in their hearts and minds to seek revenge on those who had defeated them.

Aziel, in particular, wrestled with more than just disappointment; he also contemplated ending his own life, convinced that there was no reason for someone like him—a loser—to continue living.

He had always considered himself among the best, only to be harshly reminded by reality that he was merely a second-rate genius at best.

The weight of it all was too much for his prideful elitist heart to bear.

It was indeed harsh to scorn the mediocre, only to discover that he was mediocre himself.

Nevertheless, resentment simmered in his heart.

Deep down, he longed to see the disappointed and dejected faces of the Valenzians as their pillar, Shye Crowley of the Black Dawn, crumbled beneath Yon Augenn's Alexander Aphelion of the Boundless Shadows.

This was the only thought that kept the hollow Aziel going for now.

But of course, it wasn't only him who thought this way.

The Deltrans and the Hakk'Shattans also yearned for redemption from their newly inaugurated young heroes, Van Smolders of the Roaring Flame and Axelle Vespertine of the Scorching Luminosity.

They, along with Alexander Aphelion of the Boundless Shadows, were the three newly appointed young heroes who were all roughly the same age as Shye.

Some of the veteran heroes would inevitably take part in the event and exchange insights with one another.

However, many were too lazy to engage, having already competed against each other numerous times in past Heroes' Banquets.

They already knew who was stronger and weaker than who.

Instead, their focus was on witnessing the clash between the four young, passionate heroes.

After all, while it may be inconsequential to the veterans, pride held great significance for the younger generation.

Thus, it was genuinely exciting for everyone to see who would emerge as the strongest among the four.

As Moderator Scarlet made her way to the center of the sparring area, she pressed a button on the remote control she was holding, causing the ground to tremble.

The floor then split apart, revealing an enormous blue dome that rose.

This would be the arena for the heroes' battles.

After all, the runic borders alone might not suffice to protect the onlookers from the heroes' attacks, especially since they would be allowed to use their own peak-tier weapons.

"Esteemed Heroes, I know that this portion will not have a lot of battles amongst the older generation." Scarlet declared, eliciting chuckles from the veterans.

Observing their reactions, the gorgeous moderator giggled sweetly, continuing her speech shortly after.

"Hehehe, thank you for recognizing this fact, esteemed veterans. I believe most of us are aware of what this segment's highlight will be," she said, pausing briefly to scan her gaze over Shye, Van, Axelle, and Alexander before continuing.

"I apologize if I seem disrespectful, but I kindly ask the older generation for their understanding as I request them to take part in the opening battles for the main event. Heroes aged twenty-eight and above, you may now challenge whomever you wish."

After the beautiful moderator finished speaking, a balding, middle-aged warrior hero from Phaskalda, possessing a robust physique, let out a hearty laugh and eagerly agreed to her request.

"Very well, allow me, Amir Dawson of the Growling Peak, to spice things up. I challenge Chellione Region's Albus Verona of the Poison Cloud! Young man, step into the ring; I'm eager to see if your reputation holds true."

"HAHAHAHA! Alright then, old man from Phaskalda, let me show you why I became a hero at the young age of twenty-nine!"

Albus Verona was relatively young.

However, since he belonged to a generation ahead of Shye, he was unfortunately excluded from the main event and was relegated to the opening act for the younger competitors, despite being rather young himself.

The guy was hungry for treasures, but he was indifferent to fame.

Hence, he was relieved not to be part of the so-called "main event" featuring Shye, Van, Axelle, and Alexander.

However, he still contemplated challenging Shye later, as they were now both heroes, unlike when they first met when Shye was still a regional champion and had yet to obtain his hero's crest.

It was only natural for him to want to assess Shye's true abilities now as a fellow hero.

Intentionally strolling past Valenzia's table, Albus cheerfully greeted Shye before making his way toward the blue dome.

It was time for the big boys to take center stage.

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