Flashy Adventurer System : Show Off to Get Stronger!

Chapter 697: Wendy Primrose, Bestower of Victory


Tableware clinked loudly as a recently recovered young man was grabbed by the collar once more, eliciting smiles from other youngsters.


They were Yon Augenn's youth representatives! Anything less than first place is seen as a failure!

Naturally, even the usually composed Lord Hale Eversong was furious—not just because of their defeat, but more so due to Aziel's foolish reaction to it.

Losing was still somewhat acceptable, but acting like a sore loser was not; it made them appear like clowns.

As the leader of the youth representatives, Aziel should have handled the loss with dignity.

"Aziel!" Lord Hale loudly called out.

Upon hearing this, the Yon Augenn youth representative leader flinched, fully aware that the esteemed head director was displeased with his behavior.

"I-I apologize for my poor conduct, Lord Hale," Aziel stammered awkwardly, releasing his grip on Glenn.

He quietly returned to his seat, falling silent without ever offering an apology to Glenn.

Glenn was naturally furious.

Yet, he didn't have the nerve to demand an apology from Aziel, feeling ashamed of his own defeat.

All he could do was glare at Seira from across the hall, her irritating presence and name etched in his mind.

Revenge would come later.

Meanwhile, like the Valenzians, the Fanfirians were in an exuberant mood.

With the Yon Augennians losing another match to the Valenzians, their first-place finish was basically secured.

Why did they think so? Simple—they could just ignore the Deltrans and focus on the Valenzians.

After all, the two remaining youngsters on their roster didn't seem intimidating.

They'd been observing the orange-haired female warrior for some time, and based on their observations, the Fanfirians believed she lacked the confidence to win against competitors from higher-ranked regions.

She had to be the weak link, especially considering how the other Valenzians had turned out to be unexpected monsters.

They were about seventy-five percent certain that Shirley wasn't as skilled as Siegfried and the others in combat.

As for Wendy, she was a priestess—what could she possibly do in a duel?

In fact, in the next round…

"I, Oriel Chopra, challenge that Valenzian Priestess!" A Fanfirian scout brazenly declared.

For several rounds, Fanfir had declined challenges from the Valenzians, only to reveal they had been dodging the unpredictable contenders and were once again aiming for an easy victory.

Priests and priestesses rarely attended the Heroes' Banquet.

Furthermore, challenging them was widely considered dishonorable, as it would be seen as a shameless act, earning scorn from young contenders across all regions.

Although most of them attempted to participate in the Inter-Regional Sparring Matches, they consistently lost, and it was always them who issued the challenges.

The young contenders from other classes could only wait for the priests and priestesses to challenge them.

In fact, some even believed that being chosen as a sparring partner by the priests and priestesses was a blessing from the gods and goddesses, as it almost ensured a guaranteed win.

Sure, there have been a few thrilling and unexpected victories by the support-type class in the past.

However, over the millennia, there have been fewer than ten such triumphs.

Therefore, Aziel, despite harboring mild resentment for Valenzia, felt compelled to stand up in defense of Wendy.

"Shameless! You Fanfirians have gone too far! Challenging a priestess to a duel? That's desperate and embarrassing!"

Unfortunately, Oriel was the most thick-faced youth from the Fanfir region, simply smiling in response to Aziel's reprimand.

"Huh? Since when is it 'too far' to challenge a youth representative from another region? Wasn't she selected to participate just like I was? Aren't you disrespecting and underestimating her a bit too much?" he replied, quickly turning his attention back to Wendy. "What do you say, Miss Beautiful Priestess of Valenzia? Will you grant me this honor?"

Fanfir now had eight wins and zero losses after the Chellionne region made the foolish mistake of ignoring the plan and challenging them in this round, resulting in yet another victory for the Fanfirians.

If he could persuade Wendy to accept and they won this match, they would officially become champions.

The Deltrans, Yon Augennians, and Valenzians would each have two losses, while they would only have one, even if they lost their final match.

Oriel had to put forth his best effort to cajole the Valenzian priestess to accept, showering her with sincere praise as much as he could.

Alarm bells instantly went off in Aziel and Lord Belford's minds. They couldn't let Wendy accept!

Otherwise, the champions would be determined right here and now!

"Miss Priestess of Valenzia, don't listen to this bas—"

"Why, thank you for your kind words, Sir Fanfirian. I, Wendy Primrose, accept your challenge," Wendy replied, interrupting Aziel with a sweet smile.

She had been fooled by Oriel! Or so Aziel and Lord Belford thought.

The old Valenzian director, on the other hand, recognized that he might have been getting a bit too greedy after seeing the impressive performance of his youngsters.

Initially, he had been content with their three wins in the event.

Since neither their sole hero nor the youth representatives were opposing Wendy's decision to accept, Belford felt that he, above all, had no right to object to her choice. Enjoy more content from My Virtual Library Empire

He could only sigh and console himself.

'Sigh... Oh well, at least we still have a chance for second or third place, and we've exceeded everyone's expectations. This is already more than I anticipated; I shouldn't be too greedy.'

Meanwhile, Oriel, the Fanfirians, and their director felt ecstatic upon hearing that the Valenzian priestess had chosen to invoke the gods and goddesses of victory to smile upon them.

At last, the moment had arrived for them to surpass the arrogant and condescending Yon Augennians, even if just for this one event!

"Hahaha! An excellent choice, Lady Wendy! I, Oriel, promise that I will never go overboard and ensure this sparring experience will be both enjoyable and educational for you."

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