Fishing Beauty Dressed As a Vicious Stepmother

Chapter 80 - [It takes a few steps to domesticate the gods] [VIP]

Should he report to the director?

Isaac lowered his eyes and looked at the phone screen. If he reported to the director, he would probably be temporarily locked into the central tower for dredging counseling, and he could leave the tower until the psychological test was normal, then Qiao Sha…

“Give it to you.” Qiao Sha suddenly stretched out her hand and placed it on his mobile phone screen, “The stars are like you.”

Isaac was taken aback and saw a star made of paper lying in her stretched palm. It turned out that she had been folding stars just now: “Like me?”

“Always with the moon.” Qiao Sha stretched out her palms and waited for him to take it.

Always accompanied by the moon, then who is the moon?

Isaac looked at her, wanted to ask but didn’t ask, took the star out of her palm, a small paper star, “You can origami originally.”

“I know a lot.” When she was hospitalized, the psychiatrist made her origami paper every day in order to calm her, which was annoying.

Qiao Sha smiled and put a newly folded paper hat on Rong Yin’s head in a daze, “Fold a hat for the puppy so that it won’t get wet when it rains.”

Rong Yin was stunned for a moment, looked up at her, and the small paper hat on his head fell from his hair and fell into his palm.

He saw Qiao Sha’s soft and funny smile. She was playing tricks on him, but his tight heart loosened gently. As long as she was by her side and smiled at him, he felt very relieved.

He heard Isaac smile slightly, as if laughing at her “puppy” name.

But his eyes are a little hot, and he likes to be her puppy.

His throat moved sorely, he leaned down slightly, bowed his head to her, and said softly: “You put it on for me.” He put the paper hat in her hand again.

Qiao Sha pursed her mouth and smiled, and gently combed his hair with one hand. Did the puppy hide something on her mind?

In the quiet carriage, Isaac lowered his head and looked at the stars in his palm, and gently curled the corners of his lips. This was the first time he received a “present”.

No one gave him anything, Qiao Sha gave him a paper star.

The stars always accompany the moon, who is his moon?

There is always a shadow in his heart swaying gently-the weak girl cried and retracted into his arms, crying and saying to him: “I never believed that God would have mercy on me, but when I met you, my **** was I have come, even though I lied to it…”

Who is this shadow?

He couldn’t remember, but he thought that if he was a star, then his moon might be the shadow.

The phone shook, he moved his palm away and saw the message from Aran.

[Aran]: Your personal and private mission is to guide Qiao Sha to hunt down non-human Qiao Sisi.

Isaac stayed there, watching these words over and over again, this task, as if he didn’t recognize those words.

What’s the meaning?

Didn’t Director Aran send Qiao Sha to lead them to protect Qiao Sisi? Why is his personal task… Lead Qiao Sha to hunt Qiao Sisi?

He subconsciously raised his eyes to Qiao Sha, would she hunt Qiao Sisi?

He did not understand.


The car quickly drove into the crew.

Today, Qiao Sisi will be filming in the new crew, and they will enter the crew as Qiaosisi security personnel to protect Qiao Sisi.

The car stopped.

Qiao Shala got out of the car and stopped when she saw the white holy church in front of her.

The bells of the church rang, and the white doves were flying in front of the church. Under the haze, all this seemed very familiar.

She turned her head and saw a white rose cemetery arranged by the crew not far away, and a small stone house beside the cemetery.

How could she not recognize it.

Isn’t this the place where she and Surya first met?

The rose burial chamber of his mother, and the holy church where he shot his father.

Is this the new play by Jossie? Is it called “A Few Steps to Dye the Father in Darkness”?

Does Aran feel that restoring the memory of a world is not enough, and he wants to restore the memory of another world for Rong Yin?

Qiao Sha looked at the scene in front of her and raised her eyebrows. He didn’t seem to have any tricks anymore.

She gently sniffed the smell of roses in the air, really missed.

“Host, the state of concealment doesn’t seem right.” 101 suddenly said, “His spirit fluctuates greatly.”


Qiao Sha looked sideways at Rong Yin, who was standing next to her. His face was pale and confused and looked at the scene in front of him dullly, as if he was thinking of something, but he seemed uncertain.

Even his lips are a little bloodless.

“Are you okay?” Qiao Sha reached out and touched his face.

What a cold face.

He trembled, and hurriedly held Qiao Sha’s hand on his face, and looked at her blankly, “I’m not good…”

He opened his mouth, “I want to talk to you, I dreamt…”

He seemed to want to confess something to Qiao Sha.

But he was interrupted by someone who ran over not far away.

It was Qiao Sisi’s manager, Tapir, and he came to pick them up.

As soon as he approached, Isaac stepped forward and stood beside Qiao Sha, whispering in her ear: “The smell of non-humanity, it seems that Qiao Sisi is not the only non-human being here. Be careful.”


Qiao Sha looked at the tapir brother who was approaching. He was tall and thin, with a horse face and a gutter nose. He looked a bit like a tapir. I heard that he was called Li Mo, but because of his appearance, everyone took the nickname Tapir.

Is he non-human?

Isaac was not sure, but he smelled a non-human odor. If Tapir wasn’t, he must have just been in contact with a non-human, not Joss. The non-human smell of Joss was different from that of Tapir.

The day after the typhoon was muggy and hot.

Brother Tapir wiped his sweat and led them into the shooting shed, next to the stone hut in the cemetery.

Today is Qiao Sisi’s first scene, she is changing clothes and makeup.

Brother Tapir asked them to wait under the shed.

Qiao Sha looked at the stone house a few steps away. It was already set up, including lily of the valley with a big water cup. If she guessed right, Qiao Sisi’s first scene should be in the stone house. She stole Su The first act of the Ring of Riya.

Sure enough, Qiao Sisi came out of the dressing room, with neat makeup-a white lace skirt, long black hair, and her makeup closely mimicked her appearance in the first world.

I wonder if she has the lamb’s tail installed?

“Rong Yin.” Qiao Sisi’s eyes fell directly on Rong Yin, and she walked towards him with a slight smile.

Rong Yin suddenly took a half step back very exaggeratedly.

Like a cat with a stress response.

He reacted so violently that Qiao Sisi was stunned a few steps away, with a pale smile on her face.

Qiao Sha looked sideways at Rong Yin. His reaction was much greater than yesterday. Did he… remember something? So he “feared” Joss, afraid that he himself betrayed her?

Qiao Sha didn’t speak, her gaze swept over Isaac again, and Isaac was also staring at Qiao Sisi from head to toe.

Huh? Isn’t Isaac thinking of a starting point?

Is he the fairy godfather Yves?

“Thank you for coming, Rong Yin, I am very happy that you can come.” Joss smiled bitterly at Rong Yin, turned around and walked into the stone house to try the show.

Not like.

Qiao Sha wrapped her arms and looked at Qiao Sisi. Qiao Sisi was nothing like her. She would never show such an expression after chasing a man so hard, she would let him come by herself.

Not like.

Isaac stood on the spot and frowned and stared at Qiao Sisi’s figure. The moment she just came out, she looked like the weak shadow in his memory, but she looked at Rong Yin, and the expression on him was so different.

In his vague memory, the shadow was weak and weeping, but it did not show that kind of “lowly pleased” expression.

But everything here is so familiar.

The rose cemetery, the stone house, the holy church, the pigeons… these pictures seemed to be where he had seen them, but he couldn’t remember them.

“Suria?” The director in the stone house called out.

Something flashed through Isaac’s mind.

And the face beside him trembled suddenly.

The director came out: “Xiaoxia who plays Surya hasn’t come yet?”

Xiaoxia’s agent hurriedly greeted her and explained that Xiaoxia was suffering from heat stroke and would come over immediately.

The director couldn’t help but frowned and said, “First find someone to replace Xiao Xia to walk around, find a height reminder that is similar to Xiao Xia, and let the photographer walk through the position of the male and female lead.”

Qiao Sisi’s voice rang behind the director: “Can you hide it?”

Yes, Aran arranged for Rong Yin to re-experience the previous plot.

Qiao Sha looked at Rong Yin, his condition was very, very poor, fingers tightly grasping his right wrist, the veins appeared with force, and a little red blood was leaking under the sleeves of the white shirt.

“Can you come over and help me?” Brother Tapir walked over and said to Rong Yin: “Just sit in the position of the male lead, walk around, and it will be over soon.”

Rong Yin subconsciously wanted to open his mouth to refuse.

“Go.” Qiao Sha stretched out his hand and grabbed his wrist, took the hand he was holding on to the other wrist, and said to him: “It’s just a walk.”

Rong Yin looked down at her, did she want him to go?

“Host.” 101 said, “Rong Yin is now in the past, and may get more memories, corresponding to Qiao Sisi… This is very bad for you.”

Even if he doesn’t go there, Aran can still restore his memory if he wants to.

Qiao Sha raised her eyes and said to him: “Go, tolerate, I’ll stand here waiting for you.”

She wanted him to go, and Aram had set up such an elaborate round, and she had to follow his round and see what else was left.

Rong Yin pursed her pale mouth, nodded, she let him go, and he also went.

He followed the tapir into the stone room, and many fragmentary memories followed him into the stone room step by step, and they became clear and coherent step by step-he seemed to have been lying in this stone room. Someone fed him water with fragrance. Bend down and hugged him gently, stroking his back, he called her mother in his sleep… He stroked the pearl buttons behind her…

“Suria.” Someone called him, a back in front of him swayed, and pearl buttons were tied from waist to neck. Jossie turned her head and smiled softly at him, “You are called Suri now. Ya.”

Surya… Surya…

The concealed memory gave birth to a knife, and every picture was painful, stirring in his mind, his painful lips were tingling, so he wanted to retching.

“Here.” He was pressed on the stone bed in the stone house with his shoulders supported. He raised his eyes to see Qiao Sisi in front of the many swarming memories.

She lowered her head and smiled at him, and whispered to him: “Suria, I offer my purity to God, before I wither, do you want it?” She smiled again, “This It’s a line I like very much…”

Rong Yin couldn’t hear the rest of the words, his ears were roaring, and his mind was surging.

There was no trace of blood on his painful lips. These words and this picture merged with the dream that he could not wake up last night-he dreamed of the holy church, the wailing of the patient, the painful night between him and the woman in his dream , He couldn’t see her face clearly, but he remembered every word she said.

She said: “Surya, I dedicate my purity to God, before I wither, do you want…”

She cried and nestled in his arms, opened herself little by little, and dedicated herself to him.

She was like a wet lamb, and his tail was all wet.


He could not restrain the pain and joy of himself and the woman in his dream. He thought it was Qiao Sha, but the scene in the dream suddenly changed to Joss calling him Rongga…

This made him feel sick and disgusted with himself. How could he dream of a woman other than Qiao Sha, how could he dream of Qiao Sisi…

All the pleasant **** and love in the dream turned into sin and nausea. He didn’t like this, he hated this kind of self.

Love belongs to Qiao Sha, happiness belongs to Qiao Sha, and his sexual fantasies should always be Qiao Sha and Qiao Sha.

He thought it was the snake that he swallowed that made him sick, so he used pain to ban the sick snake.

He wanted to confess to Qiao Sha, but he was afraid of her being angry.


Rong Yin looked at Jossie in front of him, and all his memories became real. He suddenly realized that those might not be dreams, but actually happened…

At this moment, he couldn’t help the feeling of tumbling in his stomach, pushing Qiao Sisi away in front of him to rush out.

But it suddenly became pitch black in front of him. He stepped into the soft black cloud and fell suddenly, “Qiao Sha!”

He only had time to reach out to Qiao Sha, who was gradually unable to see–


“It’s a dream-eating tapir!” At the moment when it got dark, Isaac stretched out his hand to stop Qiao Sha’s waist and slammed her off the ground.

The ground turned into a sinking black cloud and swallowed everyone, including Rong Yin and Qiao Sisi in the stone house. The world suddenly turned into pitch black, as if in a dream.

Only when the tapir brother just glanced at them, he hurriedly hid in the darkness.

Sure enough, he is that non-human.

Isaac hugged Qiaosha and pointed her toes on the simple shed, and several ups and downs fell on the holy church, placing her next to the huge cross.

At this moment, the place where you can see is pitch black, no one, no screaming, only the quiet holy church, cemetery, stone chamber and the sea of ​​white roses sleeping among the black clouds.

Qiao Sha grabbed the edge of the cold cross, looked down at the darkness and called 101, she wanted the information of [Spirit Body——Eat Dream Tapir].

“Host, the information of [Spiritual Body——Eating Dream Tapir] has been searched for you.” 101 immediately checked it out for her. “Dream Eating Tapir can peep into other people’s dreams, and confuse others by creating dream illusions, and devour others. Humans and non-humans, this dream-eating tapir should not have swallowed other humans and non-humans, because his dreams are pure black. If it swallows other humans and non-humans, the dreams should be blood-colored.”

Is he here for Rong Yin? Or is it Qiao Sisi?

Or is it that Aran arranged for him to assist Joss to confuse Rong Yin and make him fall completely?

It turned out that his game was so big.

“This dream-eating tapir should be the first time he has used his spiritual body.” Isaac looked around, “His breath is very clean, without the smell of blood.” This non-human should have never eaten humans.

Qiao Sha didn’t speak, she was asking 101, why didn’t she and Isaac fall into the “dream state” of the dream-eating tapir?

101 said: “Isaac is probably because of his special mental body, unable to be hypnotized by the dream-eating tapir, and fell into a dream. You probably have no dreams in this world.”

Qiao Sha suddenly realized that she did not seem to have ever dreamed in this world, and in fact she rarely dreamed.

“Those who don’t have dreams, dream-eating tapirs cannot hypnotize them and pull them into dreams.” 101 said.

She knew it.

“What is your mental body?” Qiao Sha suddenly turned to ask Isaac, “Meng-eating tapirs are not effective for you. Can your mental body break the dream?”

Isaac paused, looked at her, and shook his head, “My mental body has no attack power.”

No attack power?

Qiao Sha remembered seeing him for the first time. He jumped into the floor-to-ceiling window. It seemed that he hadn’t seen his spiritual body. He relied on physical fitness?

“I see.” Qiao Sha stretched out his hand and drew the gun behind his waist. After she entered the special group, Yalan did not grant her the gun.

Isaac was taken aback for a moment, and then saw her suddenly jump from the holy church holding a gun. Her black hair and white shirt were preached like a butterfly about to spread its wings, “You…”

Isaac hurriedly followed and jumped down, reaching out to support her waist when she landed.

Then the two of them fell into the soft black cloud together, swallowed by the dark cloud, and fell continuously.

“Boom, dong,” the two people landed at the same time, and Isaac held the staggered Qiao Sha tightly to make her stand firm.

“Why are you jumping down?” Isaac couldn’t help asking her.

She hushed her finger and asked Isaac to look forward.

They seem to have fallen into the “inside” of the holy church. The layout here is exactly the same as in the holy church, except that the people who were on the ground-director, crew, actors…

They fell on the ground and chairs as if they were asleep.

“It’s natural to jump down for…” Qiao Sha held the gun and patted the face of the person who was sleeping at the closest distance. He was motionless, and he couldn’t take pictures no matter what. “I don’t want to complete the task assigned to me by Director Yalan. Let him down.”

Her voice was light and fluttering, “He saved me and is all my hope for survival, so even if I hate Jossie, I will definitely protect her.” She turned her head and smiled at him: ” And photographed her mental body.”

Isaac looked at her, feeling unspeakable. Director Aran was all her hope of surviving… She jumped down for Director Aran, even if she hated it, she would protect Qiao Sisi.

However, did she know that Director Aran gave him a private task-to guide her to kill Joss.

He still didn’t understand Director Aran’s intentions, but he only had to think that she might not be able to complete the task that Director Aran gave her, because Director Aran wanted her to kill Joss, so he couldn’t look at her again.


Why did Chief Aran do this?

“What about concealment?” Isaac asked her uncontrollably. She did so much for concealment. The expression like that in the theater also liked concealment, right?

She thought about it for a while and answered him: “Director Aran is the sun I never deserve, and she’s concealed…” She smiled, “It’s my favorite and most reluctant puppy.”


Isaac didn’t quite understand, he followed her, “Aren’t you afraid? Do you know that it’s hard to get out of the dream of a dream-eating tapir?” Isn’t the non-human being afraid of her?

“Find Brother Tapir, grab him and you can control his mental body, and then you can go out.” Qiao Sha walked in slowly, looking at everyone one by one, there is no hiding, no Qiao Sisi.

Where did Rong Yin go by Joss Ribbon?

“Aren’t you afraid?” Qiao Sha turned her head and asked him, “Just jump down with me like this? You can wait for me on it.”

Isaac ran into her eyes. Yes, he could wait for her on the top, and he could split his head to find Brother Tapir faster, but he didn’t know why, so he jumped down with her in the first reaction.

As if, as if, he couldn’t see her alone in the darkness.

“Do you like me?” she asked him with a smile.

I was stunned, and my ears turned red unconsciously, do you like it? How could it be that he and her didn’t know each other for long, not long together.

“It’s a pity. If I hadn’t met Director Yalan earlier, I would definitely like you.” Qiao Sha smiled lightly and looked at him: “I always think I should have liked you for a long, long time, maybe even kissing you in the rain. .”

Isaac was stunned in place, as if something was ticked out by the words “kissing in the rain” in his mind, the vague shadow appeared again-the holy church, the heavy rain, she hugged him, and he was on the eaves Kissing, her lips are so cold and soft…

His brain was so painful that his eyes turned black, and he hurriedly reached out to support the chair beside him. Where did this picture come from? Why are there these pictures?

But why can’t he remember that face and who she is?


Qiao Sha looked at him lightly from a few steps away, and slowly tapped the palm of his hand with the gun. Oh, it seems that he really is Yves.

It turned out that it was not just a copy of Yves’s appearance.

Sure enough, in the “dream state” of this dream-eating tapir, people are more likely to fall into their own “dream state”.

Did Aran directly erase his memory and arrange him into this world?

“You just deliberately said those things to test him?” 101 asked her in surprise, “You also deliberately led him into the dreamland of dream-eating tapirs, want to try him?”

Of course, otherwise she said something nonsense.

101 thought that the host might have different feelings for Yves.

“Isaac?” Qiao Sha called out, and reached out to help him, “What’s wrong with you?”

Isaac hurriedly held her hand, put her hand on the arm of the chair, closed his eyes and said lowly: “It’s okay, I’m okay.”

Qiao Sha vaguely saw that some white feathers and wings behind him were looming in the pitch black.

Big white wings? His spiritual body is… an angel?

“Isaac, your mental body…” Qiao Sha just said, she saw a huge white dove flying out from behind him.

Qiao Sha looked at the pitch black in surprise, the white dove spread its wings, it turns out that his mental body is a white dove.

The white dove with no offensive power is the white dove symbolizing the messenger of the gods. It is a subordinate of the white eagle, so his ability is close to that of the gods, right?

He can smell every non-human spirit body, can keenly feel the strangeness and killing of non-human beings, to assist the white eagle and assist the **** to complete the “redemption”.

At this moment, Qiao Sha was extremely sure that he was Yves.

“Go find Shimengmo.” Isaac let out a breath, opened his eyes and commanded his mental body.

The white dove became smaller a little bit, spread its wings and circled in the dark holy church, and then headed in one direction.

“Come with me.” Isaac stretched out to grab Qiao Sha’s hand, but when he touched her, he withdrew his fingers again, “It’s too easy to fall into hallucinations in the dream of a dream-eating tapir, you have to be careful.”

Not an illusion, but your memory.

Qiao Sha reached out and held his hand. His hand was really ice, and she trembled when she held it, “Can you help me find the hiding place first?”

Can the homing pigeon of God find any non-human beings?

He looked at her and nodded slightly, her hand squeezed him tightly, pulling him to quickly follow the pigeon.

“Go to the black wolf.” He told the white pigeon.

The white dove flew into a corridor in the darkness and turned in another direction.

His hand was pulled tightly by Qiao Sha, and she made a “Da Da” sound in the corridor every step of the way. Her flying black hair and determined eyes made him feel familiar.

The white dove stopped in front of a room door.

Qiao Sha stood outside the door of the room, and instantly recognized that this was the room she dedicated to Surya for the first time.

A confessional in the church.

Isaac stretched out his hand and pushed it. The doorknob looked like a fake, unable to push it.

Here is the dreamland. The doors, windows, and everything in the dreamland are woven and set by the dream-eating tapir. This door is an unopenable door.

“Go in the dove.” Isaac ordered.

The white dove went straight through the door and got in.

Isaac’s eyes glowed faintly, and he could use his mental body to “see and hear”. Through the eyes of the dove, he saw the scene in the room.

He paused there, and suddenly understood that Director Aran’s instructions-to guide Qiao Sha to kill Qiao Sisi.

He saw Joss lying on a hospital bed in the room, crying and said to Rong Yin: “Suria, I dedicate my purity to God, before I wither, do you want…”

Qiao Sha…Do you like to hide?

She likes the most, the most reluctant puppy.

She killed number 36 in order to be hidden, ran around the supervision bureau, accompanied him to work, and took him to a special apartment.

At that time in the theater, Rong Yin left her for Qiao Sisi, so she left Rong Yin’s house and left Rong Yin…

Would she be sad or angry if she knew what was going on inside?

Did Chief Aran want to provoke her so that she would kill Joss?

He could not be sure.

“Is Rong Hidden inside?” Qiao Sha asked him.

He has a tight throat, tell her?


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