Fishing Beauty Dressed As a Vicious Stepmother

Chapter 42 - [It takes a few steps to destroy Jack Su] [VIP]

“Let me hug for a while…”

His voice is damp, and his people are damp. The smell of pheromone fills the room like water mist in heavy rain, overflowing the window.

Qiao Sha stretched out her hand to hug him, she stroked his black hair and his back, she did not stroke the glands on the back of his neck, but his pheromone still did not stop secreting, even thicker and thicker.

He likes her to hug her and touch him, and he rushes to be happy for a simple hug and touch.

He lifted his head from her arms, looking at her like Chunshui because of his red eyes during the emotional period, and asked her: “Will you stay forever and stay by my side?”

He is so pitiful. He was the hope of the empire since he was a child, but he has never been treated as a child, so he is so persistent and “will not be left behind.”

Qiao Sha lowered her head and kissed his forehead, his cheeks, and his earlobes, and gently said to him in his ear: “Yes, I will stay by your side forever.”

There was a sweet and moist sound in his throat, and he hugged her tightly with trembling, rubbed his ears between her lips, and muttered sadly: “Liar.”

He knew that she was lying to him, that she was a hypocritical woman with a series of lies, but he was immersed in her lies and deceived himself over and over again.

Maybe she will stay forever and belong to him forever.

“But it doesn’t matter…” His voice trembling when she was rubbed against her, calmed himself and said: “No one is stronger or more powerful than me… The right is me, the empire is me, you can abandon Li Yin and choose me…”

He has become strong enough to be her “tree”.

As long as he is the strongest existence, she won’t look for others, right?

She smiled lightly, lowered her head and bit on the gland on the back of his neck… (Good auditor, no follow-up)

His muffled voice and pheromone spread out of the window together, but neither he nor her can take care of it, letting the spread of desire spread…


Li Ming waited outside the door for more than an hour, until he gave up in despair, letting Rongjia’s pheromone taste attract all the cats and dogs in the neighborhood to the window, looked curiously at the window and sighed: this broken little There are such pure and sweet omegas in the town.

He just didn’t care, anyway, no one in this shabby town knew that Rongga was the warlord of the empire.

Later, Shao Yi drove the group of cats and dogs away.

Rong Jia’s door finally opened. He stood pale and weak and said to Li Ming: “Come in with the medicine box, Qiao Sha has a fever.”

“?” Li Ming stared at his face and felt that something was wrong with him. Normally, he would not call Qiao Sha by name, either “Mrs. Qiao Sha” or “she”, who is yin and yang.

Why did he suddenly change his mouth now?

Li Ming carried the medicine box in, and was almost tempted by the smell of omega pheromone. Fortunately, he took a long-term suppression injection.

The room has been sprayed with suppressive spray, the windows are closed, and the air conditioner is used to change the wind.

Qiao Sha leaned on the bed, her cheeks flushed as if after strenuous exercise, she looked at Rong Jia and smiled, but she didn’t know what she was smiling.

Rongga turned and went into the bathroom.


Li Ming always feels that the atmosphere that flows between the two has changed very strange, but he can’t be blamed.

He checked for Qiao Sha and found that she did have a fever, and the fever was not low, and Qiao Sha’s physique was very special, and it seemed that it was not just a fever caused by a cold.

“Have you been receiving intensive injections before?” Li Ming asked her, she seemed more like a high fever response after cessation of intensive injections.

“Yes.” Qiao Sha didn’t hide it, “I used to have the injection to strengthen to become an omega, but it stopped recently.”

Li Ming nodded, as expected, “Madam not only catches a cold and has a fever, but the immune system will have such a situation after stopping the booster injection.”

Rong Jia stopped by the bathroom door.

“But it can be treated. It needs a few weeks of good conditioning.” Li Ming first gave her anti-fever medicine, and then said: “Intensive injections are better to be given less, it will cause irreversible damage to the body.” Just like Rong Jia.

“Don’t fight anymore.” Qiao Sha took the anti-fever medicine. After she passed it through, she stopped the intensified injection and didn’t plan to continue the injection.

She likes the setting of “normal BETA”, which is not controlled by pheromone, and can be paired with a or o, and it is not easy to get pregnant.

In her eyes, this setting is too perfect, especially when her ordinary BETA makes the noble ALPHA Prime Minister itchy and cannot be ignored.

She quickly fell asleep after taking the medicine.

This raging high fever made her ill intermittently for more than two weeks before the high fever was considered to have retreated steadily.

She was completely ill. She couldn’t taste the tongue for several days, and finally the fever subsided. She tasted the pineapple that Li Ming bought, and her sour teeth and tongue were all numb.

For more than two weeks, the kid came to sell pineapples every day, and he had to yell until Li Ming bought it before he was willing to leave. At first, Rong Jia took two bites, but later he had so bad morning sickness that he couldn’t eat anything after taking out the nutrient.

Pineapples filled the living room, and whoever saw them frowned.

Because of Qiao Sha’s illness, Rong Jia steadily stayed in bed with her for more than two weeks. He no longer bleeds. The fetus has been saved, but Rong Jia still suffers from morning sickness, and sometimes antiemetic drugs are also used. Spit it out together.

But the complexion has improved a lot.

Time in this remote town seems to be static, nothing has changed, repeating day after day.

During these nearly three weeks, Qiao Sha did not receive any news from Li Yin, and only occasionally learned some news from Shao Yi’s report to Rong Jia, such as where Qiao An and the others stayed for a few days, or Qiao Ann and the others are preparing to leave the Blue Star, and the Alliance army coming to pick up Qiao Ann finds an ambush, and fights with the Imperial Army…

The rebels of the Empire and the Alliance seemed to be fighting, but there was no news from Li Yin, and I wonder if Shao Yi deliberately avoided mentioning it in front of her.

Qiao Sha took her temperature again and determined that she did not need to take medication for a complete recovery.

The child outside the window yelled again, but this time he said, “I picked a different fruit today! Fruits like dinosaur eggs!”

Qiao Sha looked out curiously, and saw the child holding an “avocado” that was bigger than his head, which was strangely big.

She became curious about the mutation area where children pick fruits, and asked Shao Yi enthusiastically, “Vice-General Shao knows where the mutation area is? Let’s pick some fruits too?”

Shao Yi paused and looked at Rong Jia.

She also looked at Rong Jia. His complexion has improved a lot recently, and his hair has grown to the bottom, and he hasn’t been cut. “It’s been boring for so long. It didn’t rain today. Let’s go for a walk.”

Rongga looked at her slowly and asked her, “Are you dating me?”

Qiao Sha knew that he wanted to go very much, and deliberately said: “Of course, if your majesty is not free, please allow me to ask Lieutenant General Shao or Dr. Li.” She walked to Shao Yi’s side and gently put her hand on his shoulder. superior.

Rong Jia looked up at him, and Shao Yi was a little fidgety.

If he is free, of course he is free.


Qiao Sha walked to the balcony and asked the child to wait downstairs for a while before taking them to the mutation zone.

She changed into convenient clothes—a sleeveless white shirt and wide-leg jeans.

When she came out, I saw that Rong Jia had also changed his pajamas. He changed into a formal outfit like a white shirt and suit pants, making it as if they were actually going on a date.

He **** his black hair loosely, and brought Qiao Sha and Shao Yi downstairs.

Li Ming said to make up his sleep and not to go with them. He only asked Rong Jia to pay attention. Although the fetus was saved, he had to be careful after three months.

Qiao Sha walked out of the attic. The moment he was exposed to the sun, she felt like a world away. She had been ill for so many days and had not stepped out of the attic.

The fruit seller stood beside her, staring at Rong Jia blankly, his eyes straightened, and Qiao Sha nodded his head before reacting, blushing and smiling at Rong Jia and said, “You really Beautiful, more beautiful than the prettiest omega rich lady in town!”

Qiao Sha smiled, that’s inevitable, this male protagonist is the most beautiful omega in the empire.

She turned her head to look at Rong Jia, his eyes slightly squinted by the sun, glowing white in the sun, an imperial flower.

“Lead the way ahead.” Shao Yi twisted the child’s head over to stop him from talking nonsense, and gave him all a dozen star coins.

The child happily said several thanks, but didn’t notice that the straw hat on his head was taken away by Rong Jia, and he ran forward to lead the way.

Rong Jia held the straw hat with thin white fingers and patted it lightly. The straw hat was still clean and looked like it had been washed by a child. He raised his hand to cover Qiao Sha’s head.

Qiao Sha was stunned, but he just said: “Clean.”

He couldn’t help being kind to her.

Qiao Sha smiled.

The child ran back and said loudly: “Madam, sir, hurry up. There are many red roses with straw hats in the mutation area. The sir can pay me, and I will pick the wife that you gave to you.”

Qiao Sha smiled and touched his head, “He is not my husband, he is my…son.”

Rong Jia frowned, he didn’t like this name very much.

The child opened his eyes in surprise, “Son…you look so young! Is this your husband?” He looked at Shao Yi again.

Shao Yi hurriedly interrupted him, “Quickly lead the way.”

Qiao Sha smiled and did not deny, she stretched out her hand and took the child’s hand: “Let’s go, take me to see the red rose with the big straw hat.”

Her hands are really soft.

The child was embarrassed by her grip. He felt that he was dirty and would stain the beautiful lady’s hand. He became shy and pointed forward, “You follow me.” He clasped Joe tightly. Sha’s fingers smelled the fragrance of her body.

This lady is so gentle, even the smell is gentle.

Qiao Sha pulled him forward, and the sunshine stretched the two of them.

Rong Jia followed her shadow. He looked at her and watched her holding a child by the hand. She also held his hand when she was a child, but he even hoped that she would turn around and hold his hand now.

But she just turned around and waved to him, “Hurry up, Rongga.”

He sighed softly and walked towards her.


The mutation area is not far away, the town is not big, the mutation is on a barren hill outside the town.

The child led them in through the path, and Qiao Sha saw a yellow mountain field with all kinds of strange plants growing on the mountain field.

The huge pineapple tree, the tall red rose forest, even the mushrooms grow like a huge umbrella.

She seems to be in outer space, and every common plant grows wildly and strangely on this loess soil.

This world has shown its peculiar side again.

Rong Jia leaned to rest under an umbrella-shaped mushroom. He watched Qiao Sha pulling the child to pick some weird-shaped flowers and fruits.

Her face was reddened by the sun, and her eyes were full of curiosity. She seemed to have become a deer curious about the world.

He had never seen these expressions.

It was amazing. She was full of enthusiasm and curiosity about some flowers and a fruit in this world, but she didn’t care about the people in this world.

“Madam, be careful.” Shao Yi reached out to support her arms, lifted her up and brought a dead tree that fell to the ground.

The child picked a trumpet flower that could be used as a hat, and handed it to Qiao Sha excitedly, “Madam, this flower is for you, no stars.”

Qiao Sha took it in her hand in surprise, and asked him: “Give me flowers for free? Is this a common way for men to express their affection?”

The child smiled embarrassedly and looked up at her and said, “If I grow up a little bit and have a lot of money, I also want to marry a beautiful and gentle wife like my wife.”

Qiao Sha bent down and smiled at him and said, “It’s not enough to have money. You will probably become a fighter like this big brother Shao Yi before you can own me.”

Shao Yi stood beside her, only feeling the sun-burned cheeks hot.

101 saw his favorability rise to 80%, and even the kid was brushed out by the host…

She didn’t even let the children go.

Rongga looked at her and laughed slowly. It takes more than a lot of money to own her. It is very powerful. It also needs a lot of love. Love to indulge her every lie, and the right that no one can compare to, in order to hold her tightly. Keep her.

There was a muffled thunder in the sky, and the yellow ground under my feet vibrated faintly.

A gust of wind blows violently, scatters her straw hat and red rose petals, and rolls away. She is like a thin petal, almost blown down.

She hurriedly supported Shao Yi’s shoulders, and her black hair was blown away.

“What’s that?” She followed the direction of the wind and looked over, and a mushroom cloud of sunset color suddenly rose up in the distant sky.

Shao Yi stared at the mushroom cloud and frowned.

A red fruit was shaken off her feet.

“Madam wait a minute.” Shao Yi stabilized her, turned and ran towards Rong Jia.

She turned her head and saw Rong Jia staring at the magnificent mushroom cloud in the sky. What is that?

“It’s a bomb cloud.” The child at her feet picked up the red fruit and said to her: “Have you never seen it? This is the cloud where the star field is fighting and the bomb exploded.” He pointed in the direction of the cloud, “I Grandpa said that when he was a child, he had seen bomb clouds the size of a planet, and bomb clouds one after another, when the Alliance defeated the empire.”

Qiao Sha stood there staring at the sunset-colored “bomb cloud”, as if the ground under her feet was still trembling, as if the smell of cannon fodder was coming from the wind, and she listened to the child telling her about war in a story-telling tone.

“I heard from my grandfather that many people died in the empire at that time, and bomb clouds can be seen every day…”

Many pictures were drawn in her mind, the war of the empire, the defeat of the empire, and the crying and artillery fire. She was caught on the battleship, and the little Rongga hid in her arms, with tears on her face. Say: “I will protect you, and the Prime Minister will definitely come to save us…”

She saw that she was pulled out of the prisoners, and countless men’s smiling faces were smiling and commenting that her, the Queen of the Empire, was nothing more than—


“The long one doesn’t have OMEGA hooks…”

“Maybe the bed is very powerful to seduce the emperor of the empire…”

She knew that no one came back to rescue her.

She was overwhelmed to the ground, and she saw a pair of army boots walking towards her, and the man yelled, “What are you doing!”

Everyone stopped and let go of her.

She was pulled up from the ground by a big hand. She saw Li Yin’s frowning face. He said to those people: “You don’t have a wife or a daughter?”

She hugged Li Yin’s arm and started crying, shivering and crying. She almost begged Li Yin and begged him: “Help me…”

No one will come to save her, she can only save herself.

A cold hand suddenly grabbed her hand, she trembled in surprise, turned her head and saw Rongga’s face under the sun.

He looked at her, seeming to perceive something, and held her hand tighter: “It’s time to go back, Qiao Sha.”

“Rongga.” She asked him in the sun, “Is the alliance at war with the empire?”

Rong Jia answered without hesitation: “Yes.”

“What about Li Yin?” She asked him again, “How is he?”

Rong Jia stretched out his hand to support her waist, held her up, hugged her from behind the dead tree to his side, combed her wind-blown and scattered hair, lowered her eyes and said to her: “You want to hear, The battle report just sent over?”



In Rong Jia’s bedroom, Qiao Sha sat quietly by the bed, listening to the battle report from Rong Jia’s communicator.

Rong Jia was sitting on the sofa opposite her, keeping his eyes on her, observing her every subtle expression.

She was surprisingly quiet.

She listened to the battle report saying: Alliance rebels are fighting against the imperial army. Admiral Li Yin lost control of his mecha in the explosion. Admiral Li Yin’s life or death is unknown, and his whereabouts are unknown.

She listened to the battle report and said: The rebels of the alliance are fighting stubbornly, and their leader Qiao An is also missing in the explosion, and his life is uncertain.

After listening to the battle report, she finally said: Miss Fu Rou and the rebel leader Qiao An’s mech are also missing, and they have not been found…

Qiao Sha slowly lowered her eyes.

Is she sad?

Rong Jia couldn’t see a trace of emotion in her expression, she just quietly lowered her eyes, and a tear fell.

she cried?

All of Rongga’s attention was on her tears, and the emotions that he couldn’t say in his heart surged. Didn’t she say that her tears are only kept when they are useful? What is she crying for now?

He couldn’t think of what she could get from crying at this moment. He couldn’t convince himself that her tears were not for Li Yin.

She was crying for Li Yin.

She never shed tears for him…

Under her tears, the emotion became more and more turbulent, and he didn’t even understand or perceive it. His emotion at this moment was jealous.

He gave birth to jealous emotions that had long been missing, and he was jealous of Li Yin uncontrollably.


—[Congratulations, the male protagonist’s hatred value has increased by 10%, and the hatred value is now 10020. ]

Qiao Sha was shocked by the sudden system sound, so much? Just because of her tears?

She thought it would only increase by 5% at most.

101 is surprised, the host is acting again?

Of course not all.

Qiao Sha raised her hand and wiped away the tears on her face. She was more or less worried about Li Yin, although she knew that Li Yin had a high probability of not dying, but was “dead” with Qiao An.

It is impossible for the heroine to have the protagonist’s halo, and as long as Li Yin follows the heroine, he will definitely not die.

It seems that Li Yin has decided to throw away everything about the empire and join forces with Qiao An.

Even better, Fu Rou didn’t save it.

Qiao Sha stood up and walked outside the door.

“Where are you going?” Rong Jia stopped her immediately.

Qiao Sha did not answer, and walked towards the exit without turning her head back.

Rong Jia stood up in the battle report, and reached out a few steps faster to stop at the door, blocking her way, “Qiao Sha, where do you want to go?”

He looked at her red eyes and raised her chin. She said to him in a rage: “Where can I go? The Alliance does not have a place for me, nor does the Empire. This is what your Majesty wants. The result?”

She watched him, “You’re taking revenge on me, aren’t you? Rongga.”

Rongga’s throat moved, “Will you kill your husband to avenge you? Will you be heartbroken for your husband?”

Has she ever been heartbroken for her first husband? Is she now heartbroken for her current husband?

Rong Jia wanted to see through her heart that is good at disguising.

But she smiled and said, “No, of course not. A liar is not sincere.”

Her tears glided gently over the end of her eyes and cheeks, and hung tremblingly on her pale chin.

Rong Jia’s heart was faltering with her tears. If she were a liar, she would be the perfect liar in the world, the most swindled liar.

She said to her: “But Rongga, have you ever thought that everyone will think that I killed two husbands. I will be accused, verbally abused, and stigmatized and unable to gain a foothold in the empire. The only way to wait for me is Burial for her husband.”

“No one can do this to you.” Rong Jia’s fingers gripped the door frame tightly.

“Really?” She smiled contemptuously.

Without waiting for her next sentence, the sound of cars, the sound of knocking open the door, and the voice of Shao Yi, “Prime Minister, you can’t break in.”

Oh roar, here it comes.

Qiao Sha listened to the footsteps, and said softly to Rongga, “That person has already arrived.”

With the footsteps getting closer, the Prime Minister came up from the narrow staircase, with a cold face, gray hair, a black suit, and his eyes staring at Qiao Sha colder than the muzzle.

Your honorable Prime Minister, how could he let her go? In the heart of the Prime Minister, she “killed” his precious daughter!

Qiao Sha was inexplicably excited, a feeling of excitement finally waiting.

Prime Minister Fu Sifeng stopped outside. He glanced at her in disgust and looked at Rong Jia, “Your Majesty, please forgive me for breaking in. I think you have received the battle report. My daughter is in the battle led by Admiral Li Yin. Here, the whereabouts are unknown, and there are many bad things and bad luck.”

He paused, and said coldly: “I implore your Majesty to find out whether Admiral Li Yin has joined forces with his wife to betray the empire and collude with the Alliance rebels. I also implore your Majesty to take Li Yin, an accomplice of the imperial traitor. The Admiral’s wife, Qiao Sha, was taken into prison for supervision and execution.”

Qiao Sha leaned back lightly and leaned on the door behind her. She fluttered and said softly, “The Prime Minister is going to force me to prove my innocence, my country, my husband, and the death of my country as I did before? “

Fu Sifeng stared at her. He stared at this woman with almost disgust. This woman was the biggest flaw in his life. He failed to prevent this weed-like woman from becoming a queen, and let this humble woman sit to be better than him and an empire. Loyal soldiers and nobles have a higher position.

—Now he failed to kill this woman who could do his best, and let her confuse Rongga, killing his daughter!

“Why do you still have the face to stand here and talk to me?” Fu Sifeng tried to suppress his hatred, and said with dignity: “The loyal minister does not serve the second master. You sold yourself to serve the leader of the enemy country for prosperity and wealth. Now you are hurting again. If your new husband is dead, whether you and your husband treason or not, you should be buried for him.”

He bit the last two words extremely hard.

Qiao Sha’s heart jumped up with his words. Maybe she should shed a little tear at this time to let Rong Jia join the play, but she was so excited that she couldn’t cry.

The thunder and lightning should set off her atmosphere outside the window.

It’s a pity that there is only the buzzing of the air conditioner.

“Your Excellency, the matter has not been investigated. You shouldn’t say that.” Shao Yi frowned, unable to listen. “Her husband has just dedicated his life to the empire, and his life or death is uncertain.”

Li Ming also wanted to say something.

Rong Jia raised his hand and stopped the two of them. He was a little nauseous. He retracted his fingers on the door frame and pressed his chest. Without looking at Qiao Sha, he looked at Prime Minister Fu Sifeng, “The Prime Minister came just right.”

He turned around and walked back to the bedroom and sat on the sofa, “I just need the Prime Minister to draw up an announcement for me to become Admiral Li Yin.”

Fu Sifeng was taken aback, and quickly walked towards him, “Your Majesty is going to be Li Yinjiajue? He is an accomplice of the rebels. I found out that he contacted the rebels and disclosed your address…”

“I asked him to contact the rebels.” Rongga interrupted him, “In order to attract the crown prince of the alliance, I had ordered General Li Yin to pretend to contact the rebels and lure them to attack me in order to catch me. Crown Prince.”

Fu Sifeng froze there, looking at Rong Jia incredulously.

Even Shao Yi was dumbfounded, your majesty… isn’t your majesty lying? He never asked Admiral Li Yin to contact the rebels. Hasn’t your Majesty been investigating the contact between Admiral Li Yin and the rebels? Your Majesty lied for Admiral Li Yin and exonerated himself for Admiral Li Yin…

Only Qiao Sha didn’t look back at Rong Jia. She knew very well that Rong Jia was trying to protect her, and was picking up the crime of treason for Li Yin. What else? She wants more than that.

“That’s right.” Rong Jia lightly touched his finger on the sofa and smiled and said to Fu Sifeng: “The Prime Minister will also draw up an announcement to appoint Admiral Li Yin’s wife Qiao Sha as the first lady of the empire.”

“Your Majesty!” Fu Sifeng was completely angry. Does Rong Jia know what he is talking about? Add a knight to the rebels and a title to this woman!

The first lady of the empire, that is an honor that even his wife has not won!

Since the establishment of the empire, only one has been named first lady. That lady was born in the royal family. Her husband and son were all killed in battle for the empire, and she herself was named first lady after her death.

All nobles must salute the first lady as a show of respect.

Now your Majesty is going to give this honor to a traitorous, vain, and humble woman who killed his only daughter!

Qiao Sha slowly turned around and looked at Rong Jia. He was also looking at her, with an almost indulgent helpless expression in his eyes.

She lifted her chin and was quite satisfied. She actually didn’t know how high the title of the first lady of the empire was, but when she saw the prime minister’s gray face, she knew that it should be big and big. The noble Prime Minister is about to be **** off.

101 was shocked and didn’t know how to speak, the host she was the most terrifying woman it had ever brought, and there was no comparison.

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