Fishing Beauty Dressed As a Vicious Stepmother

Chapter 33 - [It takes a few steps to destroy Jack Su] [VIP]

Routine her?

Qiao Sha looked at 101 with a smile, “Does it mean that once I enter the spring dream of this extra bonus, I will start the next task by default?”

101 has a feeling of being seen through, and it answers truthfully: “Yes, host, this is the rule of the main **** system, I don’t have the authority to provide anything to the host.”

“S-level system, isn’t it the highest level system?” Qiao Sha asked it, “Is the main **** system?”

“Yes, the host.” 101 replied: “The S-level system is only the highest level in the tasker system. But the highest system is the main **** system, which serves the main **** and controls us and the taskers.”

“Then you can upgrade to the main **** system?” Qiao Sha asked it.

101 laughed.

This is the first time Qiao Sha has seen it smile, smiling normally, like a normal human.

“The main **** system is set by the main god, and it is not necessary to upgrade.” 101 said: “Besides, I’m just a junior S-level system now.” It called out his system interface to Qiao Sha.

The above is blank, with only one task-[S-level task: “White Blade” task in the novel world: “A few steps required to attack Jack Su”].

This is the first task after it has been upgraded to an S-class system.

If it fails to complete an S-level task within one year, it will fall back to the A-level system during the annual assessment.

Of course, it didn’t say this to Qiao Sha, it just said: “The new mission, although you are a supporting role, is an extremely important female partner, so it can be said that you are the second female partner.”

She was indifferent.

It also said: “After you have completed several world missions, you can upgrade to the heroine mission. You can even choose any world to be the heroine mission. Don’t you want to experience different worlds to be the heroine? ?”

This makes Qiao Sha somewhat interested, and can choose any world, ancient times, fairy tales, and other matrilineal societies.

101 immediately said: “You only need to complete a few more tasks, and you have the opportunity to upgrade to S-level. At that time, you can choose whatever you want.”

Qiao Sha looked at it, “Do you think I will accompany you on the task?”

101 paused, and then replied in earnest: “Because I think you are the most efficient and most suitable task host for me.” It bowed its head again to salute her, “I apologize to you before I am for me.”

Qiao Sha smiled lightly, she liked its attitude.

She reached out and touched its head.

101 was touched for a moment, and subconsciously wanted to hide, but heard her say: “It turns out that your hair also feels like a human hand…”

101: “…”

“It feels good.” Qiao Sha retracted her hand satisfied: “I will accompany you on another mission.”

101 looked up in surprise. She lightly used the reason “It feels good in the hand” and promised to continue doing the task…

It’s like a reward.

“Send me into this [extra reward].” Qiao Sha said again: “But I want to re-select. Just now I just looked at it first. It’s not really a choice. I want to choose [the happy moment of the male lead].”

101 is stuck, but there is no such rule… It’s a choice if you read it…

“How?” Qiao Sha saw it stuck in place and asked it, “Can’t it?”

101 was silent for a while and said, “No, maybe I can. I can try it for you.”


This is the ethics that a qualified system should have. Everything depends on its host and unites with its host to break those unreasonable regulations.

Qiao Sha patiently waited for it to try, only to see it clicked to select-[the happy moment of the male lead].

The screen turned on all of a sudden.

101 was also pleasantly surprised: “You can host, please close your eyes, and after three seconds, you will be teleported into [the happy moment of the male lead].”

Qiao Sha closed her eyes-

3, 2…



Qiao Sha was pulled out of this body and sent into another body.

She was hugged tightly, her body was so cold, even the lips that were on her back were cold, only a hint of warmth from her breath.

“Don’t leave me… I just got you…”

Qiao Sha: “?”

She listened to this line at least twice, once in the holy church with Surya, and once in the system space [the male lead’s painful moment].

Why is this sentence again?

Qiao Sha opened her eyes and blinked to see the scene in front of her. It was in a… prison like a ward?

There are snow-white walls on all sides, and not far away is a door emitting a faint blue light.

She was lying on a cold bed, held from behind by a man, his sweat and tears wet the back of her neck, this scene… Isn’t it [the hero’s moment of pain]? ?

101 was also confused and reconfirmed, and replied: “Host, the confirmation found that the moments of pain and pleasure of the male lead seem to be the same…”

Qiao Sha’s swear words are just on his lips, so why give two options? Do you want to tell her that the hero is both painful and happy? ?

Take off your pants and fart, superfluous.

But Qiao Sha quickly felt the wonder. She smelled an extremely strong, extremely sweet scent, which was like the fragrance of flowers frozen in the snow, the scent of epiphany, the scent of turmeric…the scent of crow and crow.

Qiao Sha couldn’t tell what the scent was. She only felt that the scent hooked her, causing her to drink the crow crow grass. She began to feel numb, blood rushed, and hallucinations-phantom limbs.

The fantasy limb moved.

“…Not an illusion, the host.” 101 reminded her: “The novel “White Blade” contains ABO settings. Your body in this world is a female beta. Although it is the most common beta, you also have two The accessory organ, but the male pair is usually hidden in the female pair. It will only appear when you are awakened to desire.”

Qiao Sha looked at herself in surprise, it turned out to be real, really…not an illusion.

The strange and attractive fragrance is…

“The pheromone smell of the male protagonist.” 101 said: “The male protagonist hides the omega. This is the first period of affection after his split. He has just split in this dream.”

It entered the setting of abo into Qiao Sha’s mind. In the setting of this world, a is a powerful attacker, protector, and ruler.

And o is the fragile and beautiful “protected” and “controlled”, but has the ability to reproduce and multiply.

b is the most ordinary person. There is no pheromone and no estrus. Although there are two organs, they are hidden. Few female betas can activate another hidden male organ, and male betas also have no fertility. Ability, the female pair will gradually disappear after the age of eighteen.

Female betas are often very, very difficult to give birth.

Therefore, in this world, we call b [the species to be eliminated].

People in this world, usually between the ages of sixteen and eighteen, will differentiate into AO, or the most common B.

At this moment, the male protagonist, twenty-six years old, ushered in his split, and fell into the emotional period when he split into O.

Qiao Sha didn’t finish reading the information at all. Who doesn’t understand ABO! She was amazed by her novel experience.

Da Jinjiang.

Great Jinjiang is proud of.

She was surrounded by the hallucinogenic sweet smell, seduced, this damn, wonderful pheromone smell.

She had never experienced such a scent from above, and she guessed that Crow Crowweed was not as comprehensible as this scent, and she couldn’t help herself.

What information is blurred in my mind, only instinctive desire.

She turned her head and looked at the person who exuded the sweet breath. The moment she saw him, she was shocked by the beauty of that face—his skin was as white as snow, and his lips were like roses. Charming, hair as black as ebony… He closed his eyes slightly emotionally, and his damp eyelashes covered his eyelids like feathers.

If Surya is the gentle beauty of the Holy Spirit.

The person in front of him was the beauty of a pure white blade, cold and bitter, frozen tulips, only slightly closed his eyes when he was emotional, without any other expressions.

But he was melting, melting wet.

An impulse to his head prompted Qiao Sha to put him on the cold bed, almost instinctively biting the back of his snow-white neck…

“En” He made a short sound, and his whole body was shaking.

101 panicked, and immediately said: “The host can’t! You are only a female matchmaker in this world, you can’t mark him! You are his…” Before the stepmother was uttered, it was too late.

The two let out two short breaths, making 101’s scalp numb, with only two words—it’s over.

Qiao Sha didn’t listen to any prompts at all, and instinctively took possession of the o who tempted her.

The 101 heart reached the freezing point. It hadn’t thought that this kind of situation would happen. The host was starting the game and completely overturned the world without entering the plot.

The host directly raised the difficulty of the task to the **** level.

It’s over, how can the male lead be matched by a female, or his stepmother, possess, mark…

It’s over.

And its host, indulging in an experience that he has never experienced before, turned the male lead’s cold face, and watched him frown, even more uncontrollable.

What is the host thinking?

She was thinking: So this is the happiness of men…

It is completely over, and the world host is even more uncontrollable.

Obviously this extra reward is not used like this…


The extra rewards ended very quickly.

Qiao Sha was sent directly into the new mission world. She first heard the voice of the main **** system-[You have entered the mission world. “A Few Steps Needed by Jack Su of the White Blade” Please complete the mission as soon as possible. ]

Then she opened her eyes, and she was still in the pure white cell, even the door with blue light was the same as the bed under her.

But she was the only one left in the cell.

She seemed to have had a damp dream and woke up with dampness.

At the same time, there was also the young emperor sleeping in the pure white hall.

Rong Jia woke up from that dream, sweating in the sleeping cabin. The strong pheromone smell in the sleeping cabin made him completely awake.

It’s this taste again, and this dream again.

Two months ago, he suddenly began to dream about this dream of the splitting and emotional period, and his pheromone, every time after he finished this dream, he changed from the aggressive cold cedar taste to sweet and greasy temptation. O taste of people.

This will happen every time, and every time he wakes up from this dream, he needs to inject inhibitors and medicines that strengthen the smell of A pheromone to suppress the smell.

He had to sleep in a closed sleeping cabin to avoid this pheromone from being smelled by others.

He reached out and pressed the ventilation system to change the smell of this pheromone, and then opened the hatch, wanting to inject inhibitors and strengthening needles.

But the moment he stepped out of the sleeping cabin, he froze.

His nightgown was soaked, and the subtle sensation on his body forced him to stop there.

How is this going?

Why did the things in the dream still exist after waking up, in his body?

His pain is very slow, and his other feelings are dozens of times slower than ordinary people.

Only uncomfortable foreign body sensation.

He raised his hand and touched the back of his neck. He felt blood, a little bit of blood, and was bitten by the blood on the back of his neck.

He walked quickly into the bathroom and saw his bitten back neck and other bruises in the mirror.

These are all dreams, why do they still exist after waking up?

Rong Jia turned around, looked at the claw marks on his back, and frowned a little.

This time, the dream is different from every time before, not only in the dream, but also after waking up.

Like, it really happened.

His communicator lit up in the virtual mirror, and it was his lieutenant.

“Your Majesty.” The lieutenant reported to him in the communicator: “The General Commander of the Bright Alliance, Li Yin, wants to meet you. He has agreed to sign the Surrender and Recruitment Treaty.”

The lieutenant paused and said: “It’s just that he has one condition.”

Rong Jia didn’t let himself appear on the screen. He leaned on the sink, his upper body naked, injecting inhibitors and strengthening needles for himself.

The needle pierced his arm, without a trace of expression, he said calmly, “Say.”

The lieutenant said, “He asks you to let go of his wife, Qiao Sha, to ensure her safety.”

After taking two injections, Rong Jialilu put on his nightgown again, turned around, and said without hesitation or thinking: “Reject his request and tell him that the first treaty to return to the Silver Blade Empire is to offer his wife Joe yarn.”

“If he is interceding for this woman, he doesn’t need to meet me.” Rong Jia turned off the communicator and walked into the shower.

He washed away the filth on his body as if nothing had happened.

The name Qiao Sha flashed in his mind. He could not remember exactly what this woman looked like. She was brought back by his father. He seemed to be only nine years old.

He only remembered that this woman was an ordinary beta, but asked his father to reject her as the queen.

Later, when the empire was defeated by the Bright Alliance and his father died in that battle, this ordinary female beta did not hesitate to join the Bright Alliance. After a short while, she became the commander of the Bright Alliance Li Yin. wife.

He can’t remember the emotions towards her at that time. The useless thing like emotions had already disappeared when he was strengthened.

He must kill her now because he needs to kill this traitorous woman and hang her body under the banner of the Bright Alliance to warn the group of surrendered Alliance troops and warn all the people of the empire-betrayal The end of the empire is a dead end.

She is just an ordinary chicken that kills chickens and curses monkeys.

He doesn’t like bargaining, especially from defeated opponents.

Soon, another figure in his mind replaced Qiao Sha’s figure-the woman who turned his face in the dream.

who is she?

Rong Jia touched the back of his neck and frowned slightly. He still didn’t know who the woman in the dream was. It seemed to be an A, but he had never seen her look clearly.

In his dreams, he was always groggy, the sky was spinning, and he couldn’t see her face clearly.

Why do you always dream of her?

Could it be that his strengthening needles did not work, causing O’s characteristics to become more and more obvious, getting closer and closer to differentiation, so that the dream of being marked and violated?

Rongga walked out of the bathroom and put on a bathrobe, thinking that he might visit his personal doctor again. At this juncture, he cannot be known to anyone that he was an omega.

The Silver Blade Empire only needs a powerful ALPHA to rebuild and take charge.

The communicator in front of him lit up again.

Still a lieutenant, he said apologetically: “I’m sorry your majesty…”

“Li Yin disagree?” Rong Jia asked, putting on his shirt.

“No, Your Majesty.” The deputy said: “Li Yin hasn’t answered yet, but…His wife Qiao Sha wants to see you, do you want to see?”

Rong Jia’s fingers on the button didn’t stop, and he replied, “No.”

A showcase of the victory of the empire is nothing but a waste of time.

The lieutenant did not close the communication, but hesitated and continued: “Your Majesty, she said that if you refuse her, let me tell your Majesty: She likes the smell of frozen tulips.”

Rong Jia’s fingers paused, and he looked at the communicator.

The smell of frozen tulips.

That’s… the pheromone taste of his omega.

How would she know?

The lieutenant saluted him and finished the communication.

He moved his lips suddenly, “Bring her here.”

The lieutenant was stunned. This was the first time that His Majesty changed his mind… Your Majesty always did what he said and did not hesitate.

Just because of the phrase “she likes the smell of frozen tulips”?

What’s the smell of frozen tulips?

The lieutenant naturally did not dare to ask, but he should, after turning off the communicator, clicked on Baidu, and typed in-what is the smell of frozen tulips?

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