Fishing Beauty Dressed As a Vicious Stepmother

Chapter 3 - [It takes a few steps to black my father]

The morning light penetrated in from the lush forest, like a beam of holy light shining on Qiao Sha’s beginning, bathing her and the godfather.

The birds and little things in the woods suddenly became agitated, and the trees surrounding her were chattering non-stop, as if they were protesting her treatment at this moment.

She was bathed in the morning light, stepping on the noble and holy messenger of the Holy Spirit, watching him bow her head piously, and kissed the back of her instep like a morning dew.

At that moment, the body’s pores seemed to be moisturized by the morning dew, and her body and mind were happy.

The wind blew her skirt, and the white butterfly seemed to be agitated. If the beautiful fairy godfather opened his eyes at this moment, you could see the garter button that fell on her leg.

But he closed his eyes piously, indifferently as if he had no desire for everything. God’s messengers are like this. I don’t know how ruthless the **** who incarnates her stepson should be?

The scars were healing, her throat was returning to nature, even her dying tail was healed, and she shook gently.

The male lead is treated well.

The ring of thorns on the neck floated in the morning light, and the chain broke and fell automatically. The ring floated and bathed in the holy light, converging and absorbing all the light.

The messenger in front of him raised his hands and held the ring, closed his eyes and muttered a few spells that Qiao Sha couldn’t understand. The light suddenly cut through his palm, and blood dripped and soaked the ring of thorns.

The shabby silver ring gradually turned into a bright red like jewelry, dazzling.

Okay, the plug-in is finished.

Qiao Sha guessed that it was the divine envoy who restored the divine power to this holy object.

Sure enough, the light gradually diminished and the ring turned into a dim red. The **** envoy opened his eyes in relief, holding the ring and saying to her: “Please let me put on the holy thing for you.”

His eyes didn’t look at any other place at all, he was looking at her, but it seemed to be looking at a statue of a god.

“This is…what’s going on?” Qiao Sha said the lines that the male lead should say at the time.

101: “You have repeatedly violated the rules, this shouldn’t be your line.”

The system warned her again.

But Qiao Sha knew very well in her heart that if she really violated the rules, she would be directly sent out by this system to terminate the mission. It just warned that she had not violated the rules.

According to her few experience, the violation is a real change in the plot of the hero and the hero, leading to a complete departure from the original plot and a collapse of the ending.

Before the end of today, she did not return the ring to the male lead, causing him to die here, or become paralyzed for life, which is considered a violation.

Therefore, she stretched out her finger, “You are so kind, and you must be the bright holy **** who saves suffering.”

The mood of 101 Qi fluctuates. It shouldn’t have such emotions towards the host, but at this moment it can’t help but think: When she fails and is discovered by the envoy and the male protagonist that she is acting as an impostor, it’s just playing herself to death. , Maybe at that time the hero’s hatred value was all over at once.

“No, I am not a holy god.” The godfather put the ring of thorns on her ring finger and said calmly: “Forgive me for not being able to tell you more things at this moment, and wait until one day when you recover all your memories. , You will understand everything.”

She knew that the male protagonist recovered his memory of his **** only when he married Princess Beth in the later period. Before that, he had always regarded the envoy as the “fairy godfather” sent by the dead mother to protect him, the sweetheart male protagonist.

The second Qiao Sha watched the ring slipped on, her originally rough fingers became extremely smooth and tender, like a new life, this plug-in was really awesome.

The morning light suddenly dimmed, and the divine envoy disappeared with the light in front of her. She held the loose ring and asked the sky: “Can I see you again, Mr. Fairy?”

His voice came from the weak light: “Of course, I will appear by your side as long as you want.”

“I think about it now.” She raised her head and stood up and said, “I want you to take me home.”

101: “What are you going to do again?”

The road was so difficult and so far, she didn’t want to walk back on foot, her feet hurt.

101: “…”

“Of course you can.” The light appeared on her head again, and the envoy appeared and stretched out a hand to her. She grabbed the handsome hand and was taken into the arm by the envoy and rose into the air.

She naturally hugged the angel’s neck and watched him fly over the woods and the sky that was about to light up. She squinted and said casually: “I will always remember tonight because of you. My happiest night.”

because of him?

The envoy paused slightly and turned his head to look at the girl in his arms. He stared at her for the first time tonight. With her pale face, tender red lips, and twinkling happy eyes, she smiled and looked in the wind. To him, looking forward and admiringly asked him: “Can you tell me your name? I want to remember you forever.”


No one has ever remembered his name, his code name is only-the messenger of God.

No one has ever been happy or worshipped because of him, because all the glory belongs to the Holy Spirit of Light.

And this person is that high, undefiled, bright holy god, he would have such a hot eyes in the mortal world.

There was an emotion in his heart, the emotion of wanting to be remembered, he opened his lips and said, “Yves Adam Klein, my name.”

Halo, who can remember this name in China?

Qiao Sha smiled and nodded: “I remember.”

101: “You don’t even have the least sincerity.”


Yves placed Qiao Sha outside the manor, and Qiao Sha carried her skirt into the manor.

She heard the long, dull bell, and struck it six times.

At six o’clock in the morning, she returned to the old and majestic manor again, expecting that her stepson Hill must have been upset all night.

Sure enough, she stepped into the hall and saw the servant who was kneeling on the floor. Hill leaned back on the velvet sofa, resting his cheek in one hand, holding a delicate foil in his hand, and stroking the long thin blade with his fingers. , Her delicate face was glowing with blue light.

A shivering maid knelt at his feet, her shoulders and back were all drawn out scars, but she did not dare to cry.

That was Luna, the maid who served her dressing.

Hill raised his eyes and stared at her when he walked in. He sneered and kicked Luna away. Dirty slave den!”

Qiao Sha only glanced at him, and walked towards the stairs without stopping.

“Stop! Didn’t you hear me talking to you!” Hill was completely enraged by her contemptuous attitude, stood up and said coldly: “Come here now and kneel at my feet, maybe I can…”

The more he talked, the farther Qiao Sha went. Before finishing talking, Qiao Sha had already stepped up the stairs, with an attitude that didn’t even kill him at all.

“Humble slave!” Hill hurried after holding the foil angrily. On the third step, he grabbed her arm abruptly and stopped her.

What Qiao Sha waited for was to anger him, she turned her head and raised her brows more contemptuously, and she really ignited the angry puppy completely.

“Get off!” He clutched Qiao Sha’s arm, trying to pull her off the stairs and throw her to the ground.

Qiao Sha’s footsteps were unsteady, and she turned the external ring on the hand behind her in a circle the second she was about to fall.

Suddenly, a white light soared out of the ring, like an enchantment protecting her, instantly supporting her body and ejecting Hill who had offended her.

In the white light, she saw Hill flew out with a cry of exclamation, crashed under the stairs, and fell to the ground on the sculpture beside the piano.

All the keys of the piano “roar”, and the statue of a beautiful woman holding a bottle of height shook “clanging” when it was hit, trying to not fall down.

Qiao Sha stood on the stairs, bathed in the light of the external hanger, exclaiming, generally clasping her hands to her chest, and turning her ring again, the white light broke out again, this time completely knocked down the swaying statue and smashed it fiercely. On Hill.

“Master Hill!” the people exclaimed.

Qiao Sha followed the pale exclaimed face: “God…”

Will her poor stepson be crushed to death?

101: “…you are so vicious.”

Wasn’t she a vicious stepmother in the first place?

I don’t know if it was driven by the divine power of the sacred object, the portrait of the Bright Holy God hanging in the hall suddenly fell from the wall with a “clam”, and a flash of thunder struck the top of the hall, panicking everyone and kneeling on their knees. The ground exclaimed: This must be annoying the Holy Spirit of Light…

From the big bell tower in the distance, there was an abnormal sound of “rumbling, rumbling, rumbling”.

Qiao Sha was also getting numb at the soles of her feet, and her ring became hot, getting hotter and hotter as if she was deliberately punished.

This may be the warning of the Holy Spirit of Light to her, a mortal, to use sacred objects.

But so what.

She clenched her ring tightly and held on to the handrail of the stairs and said, “Hurry up and call the doctor! Help poor Hill!”

The kneeling servant looked at her in shock, especially Luna, stunned: “You…you can talk? God, is this a miracle of the Holy Spirit of Light!”

She stood in the white light as if sheltered by the holy light.

Yes, she always has to find a reason for her to speak, and she also makes everyone think that she is the person sheltered by the Holy Spirit of Light, and don’t annoy her, otherwise she will end up like her poor stepson Hill.

Today is a perfect day, and she is a little fond of being a vicious stepmother.

She looked down at Hill, who was pressing down on the white statue. He was in a coma, blood oozing from under him, stained the fine carpet red, and it looked like it was difficult to clean.

101 actually admired her shamelessness at this moment.

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