Firm: Opal’s Story

Chapter 27

I look around the room and spot Sapphire with -Human- Lvl 14 above her head. I know she has Firm and unlike her sisters, is tier 2 in her first class, so I should get her help first. The first group of orcs is at me already though and one of them lunges at me with a tackle, dumb orc. I Power Attack him, punching a hole through his chest. I slide his limp body onto the floor just in time to have my other arm get grabbed, but that orc quickly loses his head to a second Power Attack. Something hits me from behind hard, but I barely budge and hear a sharp snap sound. I have time to look behind me and see an orc with dead eyes and his neck at an odd angle, I’m very heavy.

I’m not newly tiered up anymore, these orcs don’t stand a chance, but I’m not going to be careless. That’s what got me here in the first place. I use the other orcs focus on me to cast the skill I got for level 10 of Radiant Progenitress, Flash. A bright light envelopes the room and the orcs rushing at me stop in their tracks. I rush towards Sapphire’s pillory before they even start rubbing their eyes, to the side of the room with the most orcs I use Dark Tendrils which I got for level 20 in Dark Maiden. Black tendrils start forming and grabbing any orc nearby, I don’t stop to admire it though, lunging with another Power Attack at the hinge of Sapphire’s pillory restraint. The orc who was assaulting her punches me face, but his squeal of pain proves that he is weak. I ignore him and punch her restraints one more time, breaking her free.

To her credit she only takes a few seconds to stand up normally, probably casting Healer skills to get rid of her fatigue. The blinded orcs now turn to us again, and I cast another Dark Tendrils underneath me. I notice my mana running low already, it seems the total is shared between my two bodies. I tell Sapphire “Quickly defend yourself and cover me while I use power attacks to free the women with levels.” she brushes herself off a bit and responds “Ok Mom.” A short answer, but we hardly have time to gossip, I rush to Tasha. She’s close and also the highest listed level in the room, she’s looking at me as I approach, I can almost see a fire in her eyes. As I punch her pillory the first time, I get lucky and it snaps open. Sapphire is having a hard time behind me, but she manages to brush two orcs off with the help of tendrils. “It’s my turn.” Tasha says with an evil smile, now on her feet. I see a fireball fly from the back of the room and burn an orc followed by a yell I recognize as Steph “If you have ranged spells use them, now’s our chance to leave this hell!”

I see a few more spells fly and a purple see through armor covers Tasha, who looks down at herself like she didn’t do it. “Anyone have a weapon skill?” she yells out, but nothing materializes in her hands. “Oh well, it was worth a shot.” she says while lunging at the nearest orc. I turn and run to the back rows where 2 other human women have higher levels than 1. Steph is level 20, only in her first tier, but its better than nothing, and Sue who’s level 23 in a second tier fighter class. Sue can help me free other women so I’ll get her first. Not many orcs are here in the back rows, preferring my babies who make lots of noise up front. So I only have to punch 2 orcs to death between Tasha’s pillory and Sue’s. Two Power Attacks and she stands up and shakes herself. “I still have power attack too, but it’s gonna hurt my fists to use it without a weapon.” she tells me so I think as fast as I can but she gives me a solution. “Do you mind breaking this pole for me.” she says, pointing at her pillory’s post. “I’m gonna shove it up their asses.” she adds as I Power Attack the pole 3 times before it snaps at the base. She picks it up and grips it with both hands. “Thanks Opal.” comes out of her mouth before she lets out a war cry and dashes off to the biggest group of orcs, currently fighting Tasha and Sapphire.

I move to Steph and quickly release her as well, thinking about adding her to my party I get a chime back.


Stephanie added to party

I didn’t add Sue since she’s tier 2 and will be able to party with level ones and get them some experience for this fight. Steph seems weak though, and is a mage so she’ll have to stay near me. We turn to the rest of the room and see a group of orcs coming towards me around the ones fighting in the larger group, my tendrils are also holding more than a few orcs in place. I run at the orcs approaching us, another fireball flies past and burns one of them. I swing at the lead one, killing it with one hit, then quickly finishing the other 2. We join up with the other women with levels, covering each other as we take a few minutes to clear out the remaining orcs in the building.

I break Amber out of her pillory and add her to my party, now at the max of 4 Players. “Why aren’t more coming?” Tasha asks. Well that’s because my other body is having a hard time out there distracting them, but instead I say “Because I’m out there fighting them. Amber, you stay here and free anyone else with Firm and Fighter for their first class, work together with them to release everyone then come help us finish off the camp. Everyone party up quick, we need to help me now.” I get a lot of weird looks but everyone listens and we quickly leave the structure, leaving Amber and the other level one orcs behind.

-POV in front of birthing room Opal-

About 5 minutes ago

I’m making good progress with my other body, but it’s starting to get annoying here, I’m surrounded by dead orc bodies and I keep tripping over them or slipping in the mud.

The new orc war chief, my son is now directing the other orcs to attack me in waves, trying to get them to surprise me or catch me when on the ground after slipping. Lucky for me, they don’t know I can understand everything they’re saying, so it’s more like they’re helping me by coordinating with speech. “She’s looking at me grab her from behind now!” my son yells and I dodge to the side, two orcs crashing down where I just was. I like these Dark Tendrils a lot, the tendrils are helping both of my bodies tremendously, too bad I don’t have endless mana for them. I see a group of orcs trying to enter the birthing room behind me so I cast Glowing Visage, which is the skill I got for level 15 in Radiant Progenitress. The group of orcs turns to me and rushes my way, I can’t have them hurt the women in there or use them against me.

I was distracted and I feel 3 orcs slam into me from the side.

They manage to get me to the ground and try to overpower me, perhaps they’d be able to if I was still fresh from a tier up, but they just need to hold me long enough for even more orcs to pile on. Before they do though, I use the last of my mana to cast Charm on the war chief, I see him attacking the orcs near him before my vision is covered in orc bodies. It’s ok though, my other body is almost here with backup.

-POV Ruby-

I finish killing the male orc babies.

The other women are still too weak from childbirth to stand properly and I’m the only one with a weapon anyways. I’m finally able to see what my second skill from Mom really looks like, and it’s beautiful. A shimmering blade of blood extends from the dagger in my hand, it has grown to the length of a long sword already. Mom must be shedding a lot of orc blood out there. I want to join her, but I have a duty she left me here.

Another orc manages to sneak in past Mom so I pretend to cower, hiding the blood blade behind my shaking legs. He squeals and speaks his piggy gibberish at me, when he gets close I swing the dagger and it’s bloody shadow cuts off his leg, shortly before I plunge it into his brain. His body drops and I get Tina, the human woman, to help me drag his corpse to the corner with the others. If they don’t know to fear me when they enter, then I have a better chance of killing them with less stamina.

It’s not very fortunate for us that levels only come after combat has finished, and in this case it still counts us as part of the combat taking place outside. Once Tina has regained enough stamina to defend them, I’ll go out and assist Mom in her glorious bloodshed. I smile just thinking about it, with Firm, already very little can damage me.

The first two orcs that entered were able to put up more of a fight, I was without experience and my dagger’s blood extended only a little ways. They both managed to land several punches on my body, but they did no damage, maybe if they were a higher level or used a sharp weapon I would have been in trouble. I stabbed one in the eye, piercing their brain, and the other one got his stomach cut open, gross organs spilling on the floor. It was exhilarating.

A few more minutes pass and Tina finally informs me “I have enough now, go out there and help her.” I look to make sure she isn’t bluffing just to let me go and she seems solid, so I run out the entrance. It fills up with mud behind me and solidifies, blocking the entrance. So that’s what she had, thanks Tina, I think to myself, taking in my surroundings as my vision adjusts.

In front of me is a bloody work of art, not just my two Moms, but also sister Sapphire and the leveled humans. Orc bodies are stacked in some places 3 high, but still they fight the small number of war goddesses. I run forward and join them.

About 20 minutes later

I’m breathing heavily, barely able to block the ax blow from the orc in front of me. Not many of them have weapons but the ones that do, are much more difficult to make bleed. He pushes me back, but then gets knocked to the side by an orc tossed by Tasha, I take the opportunity given to me and stab him in the gut with my large claymore sized blood blade. Pulling it to the side it nearly chops him in half, so I swing it again, finishing the gory bisection. Glorious.

I hear yelling and look over to see the rest of my level 1 sisters rushing towards the battlefield. I grab the ax from the downed orc and yell “Amber!” As she sees me I toss it to her. She easily catches it and grins at me, joining in our slaughter of the raping pigmen. It starts raining.

-POV Sapphire-

I cast Soothing Rain, my level 10 skill for my Fresh Medic class.

It’s amazing, not only does it clean all this icky blood off of me, it also heals my allies over time. It’s not a lot, but I think everyone would agree with me that cleanliness is important. I don’t know why there are two Moms now but they sure are making a mess with these dirty orcs, was that an eyeball that just flew past me. Gross.

I see Sue take a hard hit to the back of her head and go down, so I run over to her and place my hand on her head casting Healers Touch. She groans and then rubs her head standing back up. “Thanks again Sapphire.” she tells me before rushing off to the nearest orc. How can they be so careless, she doesn’t even have Mom’s Firm skill. I get hit in the back of the head by a thrown rock, but it just bounces off. Rude.

-POV Tasha-

How are Opal and her children not considered monsters?

I just watched one of the Opals, that’s right there are two now, crawl out from under a tree sized log that fell off the camps gate right on top of her. I suppose that’s nothing compared to the countless strikes that I’ve seen just skip off her and her kin, not just punches and kicks from orcs either. Amber I think was her name, just got hit by an orc javelin that only stuck into her about an inch, then fell out. She went into a rage and hacked 3 orcs limbs off with an ax while they squealed in horror. It has to be said… she’s level 1.

The orcs just keep coming, how many has it been now? I’m glad Opal and her little monsters are on my side.

-POV End-

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