Firm: Opal’s Story

Chapter 22

I’m woken up again by cold water on my poor white skin. Rude.

I feel heavier waking up, wet too, but that’s expected now. I can’t exactly look myself over, the stocks blocking my vision. Wiggling around a bit, my legs can feel my stomach against them. I look over at Tasha, can I call her Tasha if she hasn’t told me her name yet? Anyways, she’s awake now so I decide to ask her.

“Hey, how big is my belly, I can’t see it but I feel heavier than usual?” She turns towards me and gets a surprised look on her face.

“What the fuck Opal! I just saw you last night, how is it so big already, is this normal for orcs!?” I hear her ask in a panicked voice, but I can’t exactly answer her, this is my first time. The bucket orcs are still going around waking us up and rinsing us off. A woman behind me answers her.

“Damn Opal, how did you manage that so fast? To answer your question.. no this isn’t normal for orcs, she just had a small bump yesterday. Maybe it’s how many of them have been fucking her, it has been way more than usual.” she starts but then I hear a sigh and she continues “It looks like we’ll have to do without Opal today everyone, remember if you can’t take it just go limp and hopefully they’ll leave you alone. Opal, they’ll probably be taking you after the caretakers are done washing everyone up. Don’t fight them, it’ll just make it worse.” Once she finishes talking I hear even more sighs from behind me.

The one woman said it’s easier where they’re taking me, it just won’t last long. I do feel a little bad for the women who will be staying behind here though, I hope I can get back to my new friends soon.

As I’m having that thought, two of the bucket orcs stand in front of my stocks and I hear them making piggy grunts and other sounds at each other. Soon I feel my head and hands being forced up with the part of the stocks holding them, it seems that the restraint part of it can be detached from the posts holding it up. I’m not ready for it and I fall forward, the two orc’s unable to hold up my weight. They probably assumed I wasn’t heavy, lots of stuff does that, they should have asked the ones who dragged me here in the net. I would have fallen on my face if the wood restraining my wrists and neck wasn’t there, good job stocks.

Sadly they don’t miraculously break for me, oh well. I hear the orcs squealing, probably for help in moving me. “Okay my new human and elf friends, I’ll hopefully be back soon.” I say with a happy tone to the women behind me as two more orcs come and they all force me to stand. It’s a bit difficult to walk, but the one woman told me not to fight them, and I don’t feel like being dragged again. So I let them lead me out of the structure. It’s my first time being outside for a few days, I can’t really see much though since my wooden restraints cover a lot of my vision, and the orcs holding it as I’m led along take up a lot of the rest of it. The ground is still brown with dirt, heh shorty.

We don’t go very far before they lead me into another wooden structure, this one similarly lit with torches and the light from the entrance. There isn’t much in here, I don’t see any other women, which makes sense since I was told they are only here for about a day, and I’ve been in the other structure for more than a day without seeing any other women leave. Probably.

The orcs pull me towards some chains stuck to a post and clip my restraint to them somehow… I think. They leave soon after so I decide to take a closer look. The chains are some kind of dark metal, not as shiny as the sword Guard had, closer to black. They are wrapped around a very thick post that goes from floor to ceiling in the structure and it’s definitely connected to my detached stocks, since it pulls back against me when I try moving too far from the pose, the chains rattling with the movement. I don’t think I can fight with my head and hands in this, so I don’t try to break it off this time. Better to wait till I’ve gained more levels using the new title.


New Quest!

You are about to give birth to the children of orc. As a Breeder can you survive long enough to birth 200 children from them? Survive and multiply.

All Classes (Level up) x2, +300 Credits, Relationship + with all birthed Orcs and Elves

Track? Y/N

Track yes! A quest, that should speed up my leveling a lot, and 200 doesn’t sound like a lot. It seems like free levels almost, odd… I should probably finally check how many spawn I have with this pregnancy, it feels like a lot, but I can’t see my belly from here, stupid wood from stupid trees.


Current Status: Pregnant(11)

Does it still count as being pregnant if the number is so small, is my first thought. How do I feel so much heavier with only 11 babies in me? Maybe orc babies are bigger than frogmen babies, I don’t see any water around for me to squat in either. Strange.

Before I can think about the quest further an orc comes into the structure in front of me, but it’s not completely naked like the other orcs I’ve seen. It has a fur cloak around its shoulders and I see a bunch of bead necklaces around its neck, hanging down to the middle of its chest. It doesn’t have anything else though, so I can still see it’s penis. The orc looks more wrinkly than the others too, it’s probably old, but I don’t know why I think that. It starts making piggy noises at me, but I don’t know what it’s saying at all. I just sit there and stare at him and he huffs, walks up to me and starts by first grabbing my stomach, I can feel him feeling all over it. I think I feel him place his big pig floppy pig ear against it for a few seconds and then I hear him let out an excited squeal. Weird.

He then grabs my breasts roughly, but I can see his face and he doesn’t seem to be leering at all. I of course don’t fight back, he’s probably the shaman the women told me about before. I think he’s the one in charge of the pregnant women here. Since I’m the only one here, it’s not really that embarrassing to have him touching me like this. Probably.

He leaves, but I don’t really have anything to do here so I just lay down on my back and look at the ceiling. It’s not very comfortable with the thick wooded stocks so I sit up again, rude. He comes back before too long though with what looks like some bread which he puts in front of my mouth. Another thing I can’t remember how I know, bread, it tastes better than the stuff in the bowl the orcs gave me before… but I don’t have to eat. Well it’s better to have the orcs think I’m human too. Maybe.

I finish eating it and the orc shaman brings water to my lips, forcing me to drink it too. Having to eat and drink is tedious, poor weak humans. He pulls back from me and sits on a log on the other side of the room, looking at me every once in a while, but mostly he just looks out the entrance.

We both sit like that for a few hours before I start feeling a pressure inside of me and I start feeling a need to get rid of it. It’s kind of like when I was about to spawn before, but I don’t get a compulsion to squat over a pond. I want to grab my stomach but I can’t, I start huffing and struggle a bit, ending up on my back again, with my head and hands held up by the wooden restraints. I’m not there by myself long as I feel who I think is probably the shaman, I can’t see him because of the stocks so I’m not sure, pulling my legs apart and raising my knees. It feels natural to me for some reason, and some of the pressure on my stomach lessens for a little bit. The pressure quickly intensifies though and I hear the shaman squeal something piggy. I scream out loud as a feel a pain run up my spine, and then suddenly I’m a little lighter, and I hear a small squeal. I don’t have time to think about it though as the pain hits me again and I’m screaming once more, then another release followed by one more additional squealing. This happens another 6 times before something different happens, this time it’s not a squeal following the pressure release, it’s a baby crying. I don’t really care about it much right now though since it’s not over yet. After it’s all over and I don’t feel the pressure anymore, I’m laying there huffing and puffing, I don’t need to breathe though so it’s probably from the strain of having the babies.

Suddenly I hear someone say “Ten males and only one female, an extremely fertile breeding slave.” then someone else with a deeper voice says “Good, get the children their first feeding, make sure she isn’t going to die and then send her back.” I take the effort to sit up, and see just as the large orc is leaving the room. The shaman turns to me and speaks. “Good, you can already move.” I see a group of ugly pink things crawling around in front of me, they all say -Orc- Lvl 1 above their heads, except for one which looks less ugly and says -Elf- Lvl 1. The elf is more pale than the orc babies, how is there an elf baby too? Strange.

Oh that’s right, I can understand the orcs now… because that part must have carried over to my Mother Opal title. I didn’t even think about talking to the frogmen still after it combined. I don’t think I should let them know I understand them yet. If I could understand the elves before though, then that makes them Players still right, orcs who are monsters can make elves that are players? As far as I know, all of the frogmen were monsters, even my babies. I’m brought out of my thoughts as I see the shaman grab a couple of the babies and bring them up to my chest. I can’t see them, but feel them sucking on my nipples, it feels natural so I let it happen.

After a while it seems like he’s held all of them to my chest because he leaves and I’m left alone with my crawling babies. “Come to mommy my cute babies.” I tell them in a gentle voice, but only the elf starts crawling towards me. I can’t see it anymore when it gets too close, but I feel it crawl onto me and hug its little arms around my stomach. I sniffle since I’m happy at least one of my babies likes me.

The shaman comes back before too long though and ruins the family time by feeding me some more bread and making me drink more water. He then pulls the elf baby off of me and starts touching me all over with his hands. He even puts his face close to mine, staring into my eyes, grabbing my mouth and opening it, looking inside it and even up my nose. He yells out “She’s already fine, get in here and take her back.” I see 4 orcs come in and move to grab my stocks. I hear them taking the chain off as it rattles to the floor. One of them splashes me with a bucket of water, and it rinses of the filth I feel near my slit and on my legs.

As they start leading me out of the structure I catch a final glimpse of my babies. Do they already look a bit bigger? Strange.

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