
Chapter 7: The Umbral Duke

**"Your composure intrigues me, Wolf,"** Roper Hanke's gauntleted hand stayed Bai Lang's blade. **"Had I not intervened—"** 

**"—three more corpses would litter these stones,"** the witcher finished. His gilded irises tracked fleeing mercenaries. **"Netherforce whispers truths your mortal ears miss, Baron."** 

The noble's retort died as new shadows coalesced—Duke Foltest's houndmaster emerged, nose bloodied but defiant. **"My lord will flay your—"** 

Hanke's armored fist became the man's liturgy. **"Deliver this carrion to the Ravensdungeon,"** he ordered guards, then turned to Bai Lang: **"Seek Foltest's manse come nightfall. Southwest turret reeks of wormwood and treason."** 

Dusk found Bai Lang coiled in meditation, netherforce coiling through meridians like liquid mercury. Feral cats fled his awakening snarl—he became shadow itself, scaling the manor's ivy-clad walls. 

**"Admirable,"** purred a voice velvet-wrapped in malice. Duke Foltest materialized from perfume-laced darkness, antidote phial glinting. **"Though not sufficient to pierce my alchemical shroud."** 

Mourngrim sang from its sheath. **"State your desire, viper."** 

**"Slay the abomination in the northwest spire,"** Foltest's goblet overflowed with blood-dark wine. **"Gold? Lands? Name your—"** 

**"—truth,"** Bai Lang interrupted. **"Why crave a princess's death who's already entombed?"** 

The duke's veneer cracked. **"That... creature's existence mocks House Ravenscroft's purity! Her very breath defiles—"** 

**"—your claim to Lionthrone?"** The witcher's smile cut colder than his blade. **"Spare me dynastic squabbles. Tell me of her weaknesses."** 

**"Sunlight sears her flesh,"** Foltest hissed. **"Her claws drip with peasants' lifeblood. Find the herbalist beyond the Mirebrook—he keeps records of her... feeding habits."** 

Bai Lang drained the proffered wine—a 1273 vintage laced with monkshood. **"Your poison lacks subtlety,"** he remarked, crushing the crystal chalice. **"Best employ better alchemists when next scheming regicide."** 

The Ravenscroft ancestral crypts awaited.

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