Fate/Zero Requiem

Chapter 28: Battle of the Best Part 2

"Whew," Lelouch stopped to catch his breath. "This should be far enough."

Leaning Kariya against a tree, they made to take a short break. After noting they'd just be in the way of their Servants' battle, they'd left the ruined church to seek shelter in the woods behind it.

Technically not the best option should Archer have opted to flee here and hide from Avenger's ranged harassment, but considering he'd initially planned for her to hide in the forest beforehand, Nobu being a deterrent coincided with her being the lynchpin.

For the two Masters, one frail and physically drained, the other a mere child that was exhausted, this was the best place to hide.

"You sure… Haaah… that the bastard isn't… gonna come for us?"

"Yes." For now, at least. "With Berserker and Avenger herding him, there's no chance for Gilgamesh to escape alive."

Not unless he had a contingency plan or a tool hidden in his armoury capable of letting him slip away. No plan survived contact with the enemy, but with two Servants that were direct counters to the King of Uruk, it was highly unlikely they'd fail tonight.

The Demon Emperor sat on a tree stump to catch his breath. Even now, he wasn't as physically fit as his role demanded him to be. Just carrying an adult who weighed less than the average man was exhausting. A certain immortal girl would likely be mocking him for it, not that he wouldn't welcome some criticism said in her voice.

Being nostalgic in the middle of a mission was unacceptable. But now that they'd taken care of three out of four priority targets, he need not stress himself too much.

Tohsaka Tokiomi, Kotomine Kirei and Kayneth Archibald. Three of the original seven masters had been removed from the war permanently. With this and the risk he took to expose Kayneth in front of Kariya, it should be enough to convince the man of the miracle he could create for him and the child he wished to save. Speaking of,

"How do you feel?" Lelouch asked. With the Crest worms having awakened, it meant that, once Sola-Ui's potion has expired, he'd undergo the strenuous pain of being eaten alive once more. The man didn't look bothered though, in fact, he looked satisfied. Yet Lelouch wasn't one to observe only what others showed. "Can you still keep moving?"

"Yeah… Ngh!" Lelouch noted a light squirming as Kariya's hand shot up to touch his belly, but other than the grunt, the man made to sigh lightly. "Haaah… If not for the sudden awakening of these little pests inside me, I can probably keep up with you with just this victory high." Kariya chuckled slightly before his smile withered. "I… should've killed that priest from the start… instead of letting his words… get to me—"

"If you did that, I wouldn't have been able to expose Kayneth," Lelouch interrupted with a simple shaking of his head. "Relax. Kotomine Kirei is no more. Do not worry about him or what he'd said. It's all in the past now."

The man's expression lightened slightly, but it went back to souring mere moments after. As expected of a man whose true nature was exposed, Matou Kariya moving on from it all would prove to be a little more difficult than he expected. Lelouch sighed, drawing the man's attention.

"From what I overheard, that fake priest had been trying to provoke you. Since he'd claimed to have tailed us all and even knew the hidden location of Emiya Kiritsugu, it's safe to guess he knows about your current state as well. Most likely, he hoped to agitate you enough that the worms would finish you off before he expired himself."

"Heh… And people say priests are kind and understanding." Kariya scoffed.

"Then, let this be a lesson to both of us. That no matter how holy a man claims to be, they still have their demons." Lelouch agreed with a scoff of his own. "Really now, to cause suffering because they lack enjoyment in other mediums…"

Adding that last bit was meant to imply that Kariya at least killed for the sake of another. Not out of selfish reasons. That he was able to relax slightly with a nod was a good sign. "So, what now?"

"We stay in hiding until Avenger gives us the all-clear. Getting rid of Archer before he finds another Master is a top priority. Staying as far away from their fight would allow the two the leeway to go all-out."

Even if he was the brains of this operation, the fact still remained that he was just a normal person, in a way. He, as well as Kariya, would only be obstacles, unlike the other Masters who were capable of riding into battle alongside their Servants.

Kariya nodding along meant he too understood the facts. Even after losing his temper earlier, he was at least able to comprehend the line of reasoning.

"After they're done, we'll have to retreat to a safe place." Lelouch continued. "With both the arbiter and his son dead, other magi circles might try to intervene in the Grail War. We can't be caught unawares should they try. Kayneth has served his purpose, but with Sola-Ui departing Japan soon, we can't rely on their old base. Avenger and I have a base of our own, but… it's located on the far end of the city…"

"We can crash at my place." Kariya offered. "My motel shouldn't be too far from here. It isn't spacious enough for all of us, but it's out of sight for the common folk yet densely populated enough that those magi bastards wouldn't try anything too flashy."

"That'll work," Lelouch said. "No need to worry about the space. I'm sure I can convince her to be frugal for a day or two."

"I'll take your word for it."

Kariya relaxed against the tree bark even more. The sounds of fighting had started to die down. Taking a peak towards the graveyard where the three Servants were last seen heading, Lelouch thought that they might have succeeded by now. The lack of flashing lights and explosions in the distance told him as much.

However, Lelouch felt something familiar churn his insides.

'This sensation… a drain on my mana reserves… Nobu finally used her noble phantasm.' So she and Berserker managed to cut off Archer's escape route and successfully lured him close enough for her to catch him in her world. Then, it was their win now! 'This is it! Another down. Mission success—'

'Lulu… sorry, but… I got careless—'

"Hm?" However, as soon as Lelouch heard her voice, his insides churned with a different feeling. One that came only when the worst was to be expected. Keeping his mouth shut, he asked. 'What happened?'

'Bastard had a world-ending ace up his sleeve. He managed to temporarily destroy my Reality Marble and escaped me at the last second.'

Lelouch paused in silence for a moment. A world-ending power… wasn't in the realms of impossibility. Having been made known of the legends of Gilgamesh and given a rundown of how the Gate of Babylon seemed to work, Lelouch was aware that Archer's noble phantasm was the greatest, if not the only, Pandora's Box.

As they didn't know its full potential, he was likely able to do anything. The only thing keeping him from doing so was his flippant attitude. Perhaps, Archer used a getaway-one-use tool to escape, but he couldn't rely on such a vague guess without gleaning the details from Nobu later.

In any case, they may have gotten three out of the four, but they couldn't leave without eliminating Gilgamesh entirely. He was dangerous, yes. But he was also his most vulnerable now without a master. If they left him alone, the blonde servant may somehow be able to find another replacement and recover his wounds. The fact that the Archer class had an Independent Action skill partnered with his until-recently unknown escaping tool made him more of a hassle to finish off than defeat.

'Perhaps it would've been ideal to get Rider on board in the first place—No, that wouldn't work.'

Nobunaga would likely be against it, even if Iskandar didn't reject him first. Rivalries often got in the way sometimes. Regardless, he had to focus right now. He directed his orders to Nobunaga.

'Search area. Locate and end him as soon as you can. We can't let him escape after revealing this much.' If the demigod survived, he would be more cautious as to how he would handle them. The only reason they'd gotten this far was because Archer had underestimated them until now.

If Nobu's words weren't an exaggeration and he really did have a weapon capable of destroying the world, then he'd likely use that against them as soon as he was able to.

"What happened?" Sensing his unease, Kariya spoke up, grunting lightly when he pushed his back off of his tree. "Is it done? Is Archer defeated?"

"He is, but he isn't dead yet." He opted not to lie as he turned to face the man still resting. Berserker, mad as he was, would likely be able to communicate still to his Master. "Gilgamesh managed to escape, but he's wounded and on the back foot. I've ordered Avenger to give chase before he manages to run away—"

"No one is running away, Lelouch Lamperouge."

The familiar voice had both of them stiffening. Kariya out of surprise and fear, but Lelouch out of frustration. 'Of all the places for him to be…'

Lelouch didn't need to be told where Gilgamesh was. Kariya's pale expression told him enough about where the Servant chose to materialize. He simply raised a hand to stop and calm his ally before Berserker was accidentally summoned to their aid.

Even weakened like Nobu said he was, Archer would still be able to kill them faster than they could initiate a command seal.

'Nobu, he's here with us in the forest.' He didn't hear the response but sensed anger through their bond. His partner was certain to rush towards their position. 'Calm down. He hasn't told us what he wants yet—'

"Turn around and face me, Lelouch Lamperouge." He gulped. So much for asking her to be patient.

Having no choice but to obey, Lelouch did as demanded and turned to face the king who could kill him with a simple flick of his wrist.

The image that greeted him nearly had him retching into his own palm.

Archer was a bloody mess. And that was saying it lightly.

He was missing his left arm. The clean-cut continued to gush out with blood, most likely dealt by Nobunaga. That is unless Berserker managed to find a good sword to fight with. However, he was certain it was his Servant that did the rest of the damage.

The King of Heroes' once-pristine armour was but shattered metal riddled with round and haphazardly-scattered bullet holes. His skin was reddened and marred with ash… or, his skin had been burnt to ashes as the man's fair complexion had been replaced by raw and smoking flesh. His hair was in a similar state, having lost its golden lustre.

Even more disturbing was the lack of a lower-body for, as the demigod leaned back against a tree-like Kariya, only his upper half existed. A bloody mess pooled and seeped into the forest floor beneath him as he stared them down from his low stature.

Even with his face looking like he'd taken to diving face-first into a pool of lit kerosene, the man's confident air and the danger he posed remained.

Yet, with bloodshot eyes and slow laboured breaths, it only took a glance for Lelouch to know that Archer didn't have much time left.

In the presence of two people already Masters, that meant he either came to end them or die trying.

While Kariya had managed to crawl himself up to stand out of fear, Lelouch's shoulders relaxed slightly. A polite smile hid away his disgusted expression.

"Well, well. To be visited by Your Highness in such a condition… Should I consider this an honour, or would you prefer I get you medical attention?"

Gilgamesh chuckled. "Normally I would strike you down for such mockery but I have come for a chat." He eyed Kariya as he added. "One where insects are not invited."

Lelouch gently sent a reassuring nod to his ally. That Gilgamesh would lie here, even in this state, seemed impossible for the haughty king. If all he wanted was their deaths, he would've killed them already, not let one get away.

If he desired a chat, Lelouch would give him a lengthy one. So long as Nobu could arrive as soon as she could and Kariya could escape, then he would willingly act as the bait.

Kariya seemed hesitant at first, but giving him a stern glare convinced the man he wasn't needed. As quick as his one good leg and arm could take him, he scurried off on his limp.

"You need to look for better allies," said the king as soon as Kariya was beyond earshot. "The first time it was an airy nobleman too full of himself. Now, it's a handicapped worm that could so easily snap under pressure at a moment's notice."

"I won't deny your assessment of Kayneth. He'd served his purpose, albeit if I could've worked with any other, I would've. Matou Kariya, on another hand, is someone worth fighting alongside. That, I'm afraid not even your words cannot dissuade me." Lelouch replied as politely as he could give.

"Oh yes, that worm's plight to save a child abandoned by the woman he loves and the man he hates." Gilgamesh nodded, earning Lelouch's surprise. "It was quite the plot for a potentially acceptable tragedy. A shame though that Kirei's story writing not only lacked a few pieces but also a proper climax."

"So, you'd heard about his wish?"

"Kirei and Assassin had more to their uses than Tokiomi ever did. His, Tokiomi, your former ally's and that of the boy's, who last I heard is the Master of Rider. I was made aware of all that they sought in this petty squabble."

"Am I to take that as you not being made aware of the wishes of Caster's and Saber's Masters?"

"I wasn't interested in what that abomination or his lunatic of a pooch wanted. Fanatics never appealed to me in my time, the ones in yours, less so. As for that of Saber's Master, I could care less of a man who doesn't hold their head high in a war they ought to be winning." Gilgamesh carefully eyed him. "But the greatest mystery of all is you, boy."

"Hoh?" Lelouch feigned surprise while remaining standing. "Forgive me for being surprised at this honor… but I was under the impression you were more interested in Saber, milord."

"Truly, that naïve girl's shine is one that piques at my inner desires the most, but as Saber isn't here, I can only turn my attention to you. You who went so far as to use not just your ally, but even yourself as bait." Lelouch couldn't help but narrow his gaze. "No need to be surprised, Lelouch Lamperouge. As you are the one who I find the most curious, it only stands to reason that you'd leave yourself before me while your own lapdog rushes her way to save you."

For the target to willingly accept being baited, Lelouch didn't know if that was the arrogance or resignation talking. The man's bisected torso was telling enough that he couldn't escape should she arrive. That meant he wasn't merely waiting for his end to come.

Curious, Lelouch designed to entertain him a little longer. "You're free to call me Lelouch, your Highness. With how much time you have left, it would be a waste to spend it on a mere surname."

"Then, answer me this, Lelouch. What is it that drew you to this war? With such a suicidal method to put even yourself in harm's way, why do you fight so?"

"'Why?' My methods are simply a means to an end." A false smile overtook his expression. "I simply want to win like everyone else, no matter the method, for a loss in any battle is a loss for me entirely. Knowing I will die if I lose or that I can still die even if I win, I'm willing to use anything and everything at my disposal for victory. Even if I, myself, put into danger, nothing will stand in my way of winning this war."

"You have spirit, Lelouch. I'll commend you that." Being complimented by half a corpse of a man should've been out of place if not for Gilgamesh's continued casual tone. "But as far as the Grail is concerned, what is it that you desire? What is your wish? Are you perhaps… planning to use it to return to your own world?"

The moment he heard these words, Lelouch's perfect mask of politeness faded. Complete shock overtook him before he managed to recompose to a more neutral look.

'How in the world…?' his mind couldn't help but race. Only, lacking any real facts, he couldn't come up with a proper conjecture as to how Archer would know. 'The only one who'd ever get a chance would be Nobu thanks to our dream-sharing. Is it some kind of skill of his? Or perhaps there's more to this Gate of his?'

Numerous questions, no concrete answers. As far as Lelouch knew with magecraft, anything was possible. That the bloody mess of a long-dead king before him was able to laugh at his expense spoke volumes of how far debased this world's reality was to him.

"Ahahaha! My, seeing such an expression on a stoic like you is priceless. It would've been perfect if we could both enjoy this over another glass of wine." Even as Gilgamesh spat blood off to the side, the man didn't let his air wane. "Oh, but you must be asking yourself now. How is it that I came to learn of your being an outworlder?"

"Magecraft? Or is it True Magic as Kayneth said exists in this world? If it's neither, then forgive me for my lacking knowledge, milord." With those being his only proper guesses, he had to accede this one. And since the man was confident enough in his answer to be aware of a lie, Lelouch admitted it. "After all, it is as you say. I… am not of this world."

"So it is true." Gilgamesh smiled. "Worry not your little head on the mortals' concepts of Mystery and magic. I am aware of it for I am the King! And so long as I do it, nothing can hide from my eyes."

Gilgamesh placed emphasis on the last word. His crimson gems focused on Lelouch's violet orbs. For the first time in a while, Lelouch sensed something odd within them, now that it was brought to his attention. The way the man looked at him, wasn't directed at him but seemed to look beyond him.

Had it been just the Servant spacing out, it'd be a perfect excuse, but the boy wouldn't doubt the man if he was going to boast about it this much.

"May I ask, milord?" at the man's weak nod, only then did he continue. "Since when have you known, Your Highness?"

"Back on that night, when I and the rest of the kings, including your barbarian woman, enjoyed my wine. On that eve, I noticed something. When my eyes fell upon the others, I was made aware of their legends, of their pitiful myths that were crystallized into the Servants who dared claim my title before me. Yet, when I laid my eyes on you, a mere mortal, I sensed something that shouldn't be—GAHAK!" The king narrowed his gaze as he coughed even more blood. Clearing his throat by spitting to the side once more, he added. "You… you wear the guise of a mortal, but something within you screamed that you weren't one. The others may not have noticed it, but my eyes would rarely miss an oddity like you. You… that which hides within you, it is an aura akin to that of the Heroic Spirit, albeit a lesser one."

Lelouch said nothing. Intriguing a revelation this might be, he tried not to now show any signs of it being new to him. He himself knew little about how he was resurrected and brought into this world, only that he was. That entity wasn't very particular about the matter of his transfer after all.

'All I know is that I am now bound to his world and its history.' Whatever that meant, it went way over the Demon Emperor's head. She was not so much a conversationalist, but rather simply gave him the minimum information before dispatching him here. 'For there to be someone who could actually give me a clue… now he's just about to die…'

What a waste, he didn't say as Gilgamesh continued.

"Still, after my revelations, I was left with more questions than I wanted. When mere guesswork troubled me more than working with that annoyance of a magus Tokiomi, my curiosity for you only worsened." The hunger in the broken man's expression would've been a regal smile had he not been burned so. But Lelouch didn't classify the man to have gone mad yet. "A brat like you couldn't be a true Servant for there were already eight. Not even Tokiomi or the priest would be able to accept it should the Master of the abnormality that is Avenger also be a Servant. Yet, neither were you some sort of Ghost or Wraith as you had no attachment… no real desire that could be found in this world. It was then that I came to the conclusion of an outlier among outliers. An outsider of this reality." Gilgamesh's stare deepened into a bloodstained yet victorious smile. "With how you reacted earlier, I'd already claimed my guess to be correct."

It wasn't even a question. The man stated it as if it was a fact even before he'd admitted to it. Lelouch sighed, wondering where this man got his confidence. "Hm. Yet Your Highness doesn't sound very surprised."

"What do you take me for, mongrel from another reality? I am the sole ruler of this world! Finding out an outlier in my garden, it wouldn't be the first time I dealt with one such as you." Archer replied while his gaze wavered slightly. "In the past… or was it the future, I feel like I already experienced something similar. Meeting one far detached from this world, an outsider that belonged to a different reality… a different time. Even now, I can still sense the anomaly, that of an organization… a camaraderie and a master not of this war..."

"Hm?" It appeared like he was reminiscing about something. Something there, but also not. Lelouch couldn't help himself. "What… do you mean?"

"To you, it will be taken as a dead man's rambling. But to a god king such as I, it is definitive proof that there exists an anomaly. My eye will always be able to sense oddity apart from the mundane. Even if I could be uncertain in my guesses."

'So I'm not the only one? Are there… others like me? She didn't mention anything like this.' Lelouch put that thought aside as he carefully watched the now-weakening Servant before him. "So, Your Highness came all this way to confirm all this? I trust you are satisfied—"

"I am not." He so casually interrupted as if expecting the polite question. "Back in that castle, your braggart of a Servant claimed you a prince. The progeny to Saber's lineage. Of the latter, it was a lie… and yet, I sense it isn't the complete truth." The man glared up at him, judging him, studying his expression more intently than ever before. This is what Gilgamesh came here for, half-dead and about to vanish. "I've already confirmed the falsehood of your origins, Lelouch. Now, answer me sincerely. In what manner were that bitch's words false?"

Lelouch thought about it. Honestly, he'd have preferred the man keep his comments about Nobunaga to himself, but thinking professionally, there was no point lying to him right now. Especially when Archer was in this state. Taking into account that Kariya was nowhere in sight, likely being guarded by Berserker, it was just him, Gilgamesh, and Nobu.

She'd been here for a while now. Just feeling out for her, Lelouch could sense that Nobunaga was close. Very, very close. Like Archer, she was watching him, waiting. But unlike the broken king who sought answers, Nobu was merely anxious for his safety.

What better way to reassure his concerned accomplice and appease the greedy king than by performing a classical act?

"There was a time when I was once a prince. I threw away that title when I took up a mask of a messiah and led a revolution." Crossing his arms, he hid half of his face with the palm of his left hand as it touched on the eye that once held his greatest power. With a simple gesture of unmasking himself despite the lack of one, he proclaimed to the curious king. "Then, when I was betrayed by that revolution, I discarded that mask as well and stole back the throne. With my hands, I overthrew that which I once called father and took over as an emperor."

"You? The Emperor?" Gilgamesh with excitement. "And what, pray do tell, are you an emperor of?"

The hunger in his bloody expression, the greedy smile in his burned face. Had he not resembled a lump of flesh, Lelouch would've likened him to a certain journalist-turned-terrorist-PR-turned-traitor-once-more.

Lelouch could only smile fiendishly. The King of Heroes oft called himself the true owner of the world. But the boy wondered, would the king react the same as the man who had been awestruck by Zero's first appearance?

"I apologize for the delayed introduction, Milord Gilgamesh, King of Uruk." Offering the man an esteemed bow, the boy held a hand behind him while the other covered his heart. Raising his gaze ever so slowly and capping it off with a dramatical waved of his hands, the formal introduction befitting his former title was given. "I am Lelouch vi Britannia. The former Emperor of Britannia, the man who was once abandoned by his homeland, the man who raised the flag of rebellion under the guise of a masked hero known as Zero, and the one who conquered the world in less than a year, proclaiming an era of peace the likes of which neither your world nor mine had ever experienced before."

For a time, all was silent. The only thing that made a sound was the trickling blood of the Servant's severed arm that continued to drip into the pool of the forest floor. Then, the king seated back against the tree's roots shifted with teeth grit hard like it seemingly held back laughter.

"Heh… So, you… aren't lying…"

"I have no need to." Disappointed that Gilgamesh had nothing to offer but an expression of mixed emotions, Lelouch dropped the dramatic charade. "My past matters little in this conflict, not to mention, it is of a world different to your own. Nothing from my former life would be relevant to us of the present day." None except the past made him the Demon he was today, but that was neither here nor there. "Now, King Gilgamesh are you satisfied?"

Archer said nothing. The man's expression was hard to read. A likely haughty laugh being held back, a studious gaze that continued to stare deep into Lelouch's own. Had he not been covered in so many injuries, missing half a body as well, Lelouch may have been able to see if the king had other noticeable quirks that he could glean a reaction from.

"You said you are the former emperor." Instead of praise, surprise, or even mockery, Lelouch received a demand. "Explain."

Lelouch pondered why he was still on his case but proceeded anyway.

"As any tyrant, my end was predictable. Opposition from those who didn't agree with my rule eventually led to my downfall. I was slain by a new leader of the revolutionary army I once led." Excluding what need not be said, the boy instead looked up into the stars, wondering what his killer and friend was doing now. "Hm. It was quite the anticlimactic end mere months after my absolute victory. Henceforth, I am but another monarch fallen from grace, now a mere teen who'd formerly been a ruler of the entire globe."

"Fool." Gilgamesh scoffed with a foolhardy smile. Even near death, the king wasn't above mocking him with a smile. "There is no such thing as a former ruler. Once a monarch, you will forever be a ruler. It is inscribed in history and therefore forever true."

"While that may be true for milord and other Heroic Spirits, as you surmised, I am not the same—"

"Doesn't matter what world you live in, you imbecile—GAHAK!" Spittle mixed with blood stopped the man as soon as he interrupted. But the pain he must've been feeling spewing out red didn't deter him from lecturing the boy. "No matter if it is time or some rebellious mongrels that managed to claim your life, you were, are, and will always be a ruler. One need only look at examples of old! Need I remind you of myself? Even that brute Rider or naïve child you falsely claimed your ancestor, Saber. Both had fallen from grace in life as I did, yet both continue to be follow through with their kingship even after death! The end of your rule does not end with your life. It ends with the complete and total annihilation of your legacy, what you'd built and what bore fruit thereafter!"

"So you may believe, King Gilgamesh. However the same cannot be said of one whose legacy would be remembered as the darkest times in history."

'Even if it was designed that way' went left unsaid. He'd played his part as the demon that held the world in the palm of his hand. He was not the messiah that saved it. Merely the martyr that orchestrated the demise of a 'great evil', manipulating people to unite against him. Even if it was a peace that came as a result, the method he used was not a legacy worth being proud of.

Even if one couldn't change the world without getting their hands dirty, there should've still been better ways to go about it. Let it not be said that Lelouch Lamperouge would've taken another path had he had the chance to.

"I… was not a just ruler. Merely a tyrant… I ruled not for the sake of my people, but to achieve my own goal. I did not hesitate to kill whoever tried to stand in my way. Be they a town, a city, or country, the ninety-ninth emperor, Lelouch Vi Britannia, was never the benevolent sovereign."

"And? What of it?" Gilgamesh scoffed. "You ruled as any ruler should. Your people lived for your sake. They lived for the sake of your desire. Not bad, Emperor Lelouch. Not bad for a child as young as you. Do not fall into the same pitfall as that foolish Saber. No king should rule selflessly for they are nought but fools destined to regret what they wrought. That is not how a king should behave." With his one working arm, Gilgamesh pointed at Lelouch's face. "A ruler, you see, should be the star that leads the people. It is by their word, their actions, their presence, that the people act. Wherever the star goes, the people must follow. A King's path is one of isolation for he treads where others will not. Having heard your answer, I am satisfied knowing you do not fully share the same views of that girl. But, you are stepping on a line that would tarnish the sacrifices made should you step over it."

"I would still disagree with you to some degree, King Gilgamesh. But I feel like my words will be ignored." Lelouch sighed but smiled.

He understood the man's advice for he too once second-guessed his actions.

Like Saber, there was a time he questioned whether he should continue or stop and make amends. But time waits for no one. The path of redemption leads to nowhere if all he does is apologize and retreat. No. Once he'd crossed a line, cutting off the path of many others, there was no going back. Ever.

He never became emperor to rule, for him, it was just another mask. But like Archer's adamant yet bloody expression said. He shouldn't discard it like one. He should proudly wear it through and through. No matter how much blood it was stained in.

In his mind, it was, in some aspect, fine to accept the Babylonian King's view on kingship. "Be that as it may, my past has nothing to do with present matters any more. As I said I don't intend to use Grail for myself."

"Oh? And why is that?" Gilgamesh turned curious. Like a bully questioning a stubborn child. "I spent a great amount of time showing Kirei his true nature and desires. Must I go through the same with you?"

"I doubt you'd have enough time." The joke was taken with another bleeding chuckle. "But no. It isn't that I don't know what I would wish for. It is merely the fact that I already achieved what I wanted before my death."

Lelouch paused. He debated whether he should tell the Servant of what was to come. He might incur the king's wrath… but, after the length this man went through to give him advice… it was odd to say, but he felt he owed Gilgamesh a little on this.

Breathing deep, the young man made his decision. "This Holy Grail War… it is pointless. The prize is claimed to be able to grant any wish. However, that is a lie. It does not grant wishes, much less be able to give me anything I could ever want."

"That, I am aware of, boy." Lelouch's eyes widened slightly. "You don't think I kept Kirei because he was an amusing actor, do you? Nay, that man had far more uses than Tokiomi ever will. For one, he would've kept me supplied with mana to see this war to its end and beyond. For unlike the many other participants, what that man sought was not victory, but purpose." The king then followed up with a sneer. "Heh, well, he would've had that had you not ended him prematurely."

Meaning he'd wasted his time deliberating what the man sat before him already accepted as a fact. Lelouch couldn't help but deride himself for wanting to show gratitude to a man as arrogant and willful as Gilgamesh. But then again, what use was an all-powerful wish granter to one who used to rule the world, no?

'A lot, actually.' Lelouch knew better than to go back on his own words.

He thought to use the Grail himself when he was told of its omnipotent wish-granting powers. Perhaps undoing his wrongs, saving people who didn't deserve to die because of him, maybe even recreating the world for Nunnally without the needless sacrifices he and many others were forced to suffer through.

Shirley and Rolo certainly didn't deserve their end. Euphemia more so. 'If I could do right by them again… then…'

Lelouch didn't bother entertaining that thought any further than he already had. Not now when he knew it was futile to rely on this Grail.

Not only would it fail in granting any wish, but the Demon Emperor also suspected his sponsor already knew that the magic artefact would instead corrupt those wishes, morph the winner's desires into something grotesque. Why else was he brought here to 'stop anyone from claiming it' instead of 'win it for himself'?

From experience, Lelouch knew that power comes at a price.

His former countrymen and their corrupt empire turned everyone against one another. His parents and the power of Geass led them to their mad plan to kill God. Power always took more than it gave back. A literal trade with a devil. He'd partaken in one himself, good intentions be damned. No way in hell would he suspect the Grail to not have caveats and underlying strings attached.

Besides, even if it wasn't a scam, the fact it would end up using Nobunaga, his partner, as fuel was as much an insult to him as it was a mockery of every participants' struggles.

'Why offer a Heroic Spirit such a reward upon victory if it would sacrifice them to that end? I will not use my partner for something like that.'

Nobu didn't deserve to be betrayed a second time. Ignoring her stunt at the king's banquet, she was still his ally. His one and only accomplice in this world. Not to mention, Lelouch enjoyed her company greatly. For someone as detached from the world as he, she was the only solace he had. Speaking with her… it just let his mind fall at ease.

'The promise I made with her on that day still stands. I… I'm not going to act ignorant of its meaning. But… at the same time, I don't know how much time I have left.' Seeking her out with their connection, he felt her far closer than ever before. Maybe it was the sentimentality of it all, or she was actually this close yet unseen by the bloody Archer, but he felt it. Her concerns, her yearnings. It was subtle, but they were there. 'Such feelings… I don't want to betray them. But I understand my position more than anyone.'

He might die the moment war is over for all he knew. And yet, if it truly was the last of his numbered days, he preferred to enjoy it with someone who would accept his company. Whether it be smiling with her or fighting alongside her until his last breath, Lelouch wouldn't squander the trust she'd placed on him.

'Thank you…' The thought came to him. But they weren't his own. The young man simply shrugged as if to acknowledge it in silence. Being connected as they were, she need not see the appreciative smile on his face. Assured in his position, he broke the silence between himself and the king. "Well, regardless of what we know and what we do not, I have to say, I find our positions interesting, Your Highness."

"How so?"

"During the banquet, you said that you would judge to see if anyone was worthy of the Grail. All this time, it was my goal to prevent such judgement from coming to pass." He need not say, but he knew the king appreciated the irony as much as he did. "Not to keep the prize for myself but to deprive it from all others."

"Indeed. A king who would reward and one who would steal it away. You make for the appropriate Master of the woman after all," Gilgamesh chuckled. "But now that the winds have changed, I suppose that works out well for me."

Lelouch raised a brow. "You would accept my taking away your self-proclaimed treasure, milord?"

"Do not misunderstand me, Lelouch. The only person who I thought was worthy to have it was Kirei. But such a decision was done merely out of curiosity, an interest to see how that device would answer the wishes of a man who truly had none." The King of Heroes sighed, seemingly regretting the loss of opportunity to see things through. "You know, Lelouch. I don't have a master anymore."

"Of that, I am aware, milord." Lelouch smiled a little, knowing the man wasn't implying what a certain eavesdropping daimyo would assume he'd be. "However, I must refuse if you would mean to grant me the honour of being yours."

"Don't think so highly of yourself, brat," the king snapped back with a smile. "While I may deem you somewhat worthy as an emperor, I have not yet come to trust that smug grin on your face. And I'd rather disappear from this world than join forces with the barbarian bitch that inflicted these wounds of mine that won't heal." With his only arm, Gilgamesh pulled his hair back, cleaning the blood off of his scarred forehead, but at the same time, staining the locks of his ash-ridden hair with maroon. "Hmph, I may not accept falling to such a savage, but a king must admit defeat when his foe is one as cunning as you."

"I'm honoured that you would praise me so." Lelouch walked up to the injured man and knelt to one knee. Giving a genuine bow, he offered his thanks in the form of a smile.

"Hmph, only now do you show your true colours." The king graced him with a simple scoff. "For a competent strategist and capable leader, you are quite the demon to offer a dying foe a sneer as vicious as yours."

"It is a smile I've only given a rare few," Lelouch replied. "For there are hardly many foes that I feared more than you, King of Heroes."

"You're lucky I find you interesting, Emperor Lelouch vi Britannia. Had my one and an only dear friend been summoned alongside me, I'm sure they'd enjoy meeting you as well." Gilgamesh returned the smile with his own. "As my parting gift, I shall grant you the honour in finishing this war as you see fit."

How presumptuous… For a loser to be offering the rights of victory to his killer. Then again, Gilgamesh lived by his rules, his kingship. If he'd deemed him worthy, then at least there was no need to worry about him being killed here and now. Not anymore.

"Then, as my parting gift to you, I would bestow upon you the swiftest end to your suffering." Lelouch stood up, a smile widening further than ever before. In the eyes of many, it would appear cruel. But to Lelouch, he genuinely meant every word he said. "In the modern era, I've read it's what's called a 'gun salute'. An honour reserved only for the mightiest of warriors who'd fallen in battle."

Gilgamesh raised his eyebrow before Lelouch took a few steps back. At the same time, the leaves rustled underfoot as another made their appearance behind the boy. A river of crimson hair made her way between Lelouch and the staring yet wildly grinning Gilgamesh.

"I apologize for having relegated her as my substitute. But, as you've said, I am not a real Heroic Spirit nor a proper Servant," Lelouch bowed once more from behind rows of rifles that manifested in the air. "Anything I would do would only end up prolonging your pain."

"Heh," the king's mocking smile was riddled with seething hatred. But Lelouch thought he might've seen a little fear mixed in it as well. "For this bitch to be my executioner in the end… What a laugh!"

"Die by my hand, or get ripped apart by Berserker, you choose." Nobu raised her Katana at the one-armed, legless, defenceless King of Heroes. "Or I could grant you the honour of being made into sashimi while you live. Don't worry. I may not be a cook, but I understand the basic concept."

Lelouch wondered where all the bile in her voice came from. Though he was aware of her potent rage against all her foes, the way she was threatening a defeated Gilgamesh… it was odd.

It wouldn't be until later that the young man would understand. The rage and anger in her scowl was not out of blind bloodlust like Berserkers. No. This was just Oda Nobunaga being far more petty than she'd ever reveal to anyone.

She didn't like how Gilgamesh managed to destroy her world with a swing of an unknown sword. She didn't like the fact that the escapee went behind her back and managed to sneak his way to her Lulu. She didn't like knowing that, somehow, the foe who refused to see her way of things managed to connect with someone she wished to keep for herself.

It wouldn't be until later that the furious woman would understand. The throbbing in her chest, the wrath she managed to hold back was not mere hatred for the Servant her entire being was designed to kill. No. This was just Nobu being a little jealous.

"What's with that threat, mongrel bitch?" To the all-seeing eyes of the King of Uruk, it might as well be plain as day. "Don't tell me, this is enough for the seeds of envy to blossom? Oh, how rich!"

"Try me, and I'll make your last moments an eternal hell—!"

"That's enough, Nobu!" Lelouch had to step in lest she loses control. He didn't want her to lose composure over a dying man's words. 'Calm down. I'll grant you anything you want in return, but please. Stay your temper, my foolish Daimyo.'

It was only by the clinking of her katana that Lelouch knew she would stay her hand.

Gilgamesh though," "Ahahahahah! Truly, from reactions alone, you're both made for one another!" He was unrepentant. Even with his lungs heaving and soaked in lifeblood, the arrogant King wouldn't hold back his mirth. "Ah, a child emperor more mature than his years and a savage daimyo who'd never known being a jealous brat. Ah, yet another potentially good plot I would never see thanks to a poor playwright at work."

"You must have terrible luck with playwrights, Your Highness," Lelouch said whilst consoling, as well as holding back, Nobu with a hand on her shoulder. "Might I recommend reincarnating to my world? You may find more entertainment there than you would dreary endings here."

"Enough with the jests, former Emperor of Britannia. Unlike you, as I live and breathe, now and forever, I still have a duty to my kingdom that is this world, rotten and foul it may be. Once I get another chance, I shall end this farce the moment I find no worth in letting it continue or joy in participating in it!" The king loudly proclaimed before finally losing the energy to hold his head up high. "Yet… if Fate would permit it, I'd hope to meet you in the Throne of Heroes."

"Perhaps. Or our paths may cross again. Maybe, in a different war." Lelouch noted the man's acknowledgement in the form of a nod and smile. "Fare thee well, King of Heroes, Gilgamesh."

"Do not disappoint me, Lelouch vi Britannia—, nay. Lelouch Lamperouge." The boy's eyes narrowed upon the removal of his title. "A ruler, you may not believe yourself to be. But an enjoyable actor you are. Make sure you continue this dance until its very end. Else, I shall be a bored audience in the afterlife."

With their last words said, Lelouch bid the man who was more than an enemy yet less than a friend a final adieu. Stood back, he watched as the numerous rifles clicked, ready to fire.

"I'll admit this, barbarian woman." Gilgamesh then directed to Avenger who stood still yet patient. "You are strong. But I will not acknowledge you for you are neither a worthy ruler nor a great conqueror. You are but a sham who accepted your false power upon your ascension."

Nobunaga said nothing. Instead, her rifles just clicked. All those that she spawned tore through the corpse, blasting the arrogant smirk of the fallen king's face.

By night's end, the number of participants in the Grail war had fallen.

Four Servants remain. Four Masters yet live. The Fourth Holy Grail War has reached its midpoint by the dawn of the next day.


End of another Chapter and End for another great Character.

Sorry for the late update I've busy with my college life that I don't even have time to update this fanfiction but don't worry I'm not going to drop this story

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