Shuri and Akeno

After Azazel and Jun had enough fun bullying Barakiel over his insecurities, the big man and Jun went over to his house, or more like Shuri and Akeno's house, a temple, where Barkiel now lived as well so Jun could set up some nice defense should anyone with less than good intentions show up.

After they entered Barakiel introduced Jun to his family.

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you Jun-kun. You're quite different from what my husband described." Shuri greeted with a bow.

"Oh? I would love to hear all about that later. But it's a pleasure to meet you as well." Shiki greeted back with a nod of his head.

All the while, Akeno hid behind her mother with a huge blush on her face  and only after some encouragement from Shuri did she come out and gave a bow to Jun before running off.

"Don't be offended Jun-kun, my daughter Akeno is just being shy. Probably because of how handsome you are." Shuri lightly smile.

Jun smiled in return and replied.

"Non taken and thank you for the comment. If Akeno-chan follows after her mother I'm sure she will grow up to be quite the beauty."

Shuri gave an elegant giggle and responded.

"Oh you flatter me. But where are my manners, please enter and make yourself comfortable, I'll have some tea ready in short time."

"Thank you. Jun replied and entered further into the house and sat down in their living room.

Meanwhile Barakiel was straight up ignored but all parties, Jun, Shuri and even Akeno who was still around peeking at Jun when she thought he wasn't looking.

Jun himself was  in his 14 year old form rather than the mature form his skill growth had given him so he looked far more innocent that the handsome diabolical being that stole hearts with accursed charm everywhere he went with no regard the Barakiel had described to Shuri.

The preemptive dissing was probably what got him ignored or perhaps he was into that type of stuff, he seemed to be quite the masochist from the rumours Jun hear going around. Or more like the gossip Azazel shared when he and Jun got drunk together.

A few days went by, as Jun steadily built up the foundations of the Bounded Field he was going to put around the house. He was being careful and not skimping, taking advantaged of the shrines good location and the leylines to create a powerful and complex system.

In the case of his little workshop in Kuoh, Jun had just remodeled and rebuilt while adding new features as his skills improved, even ending up forcefully changing Kuoh leylines to fit his need since there was currently no designated ruler from any faction watching over the place.

His current job however was different since he already had the skills, he just needed to spend some time in the preparations and the final product would come out exactly at the level and with the features he wanted.

Jun ended up sleeping in the house with Shuri preparing a room for him. Little Akeno, who was actually Jun's age got over her shyness a fair bit and now followed Jun around, asking what he was doing and, since he had nothing better to do and the girl was quite cute, he entertained her.

He liked Shuri and Akeno, they were good people and very welcoming to him, Barakiel was getting on his nerves with his constant questions of why he was taking so much time and why was he staying here when he could always go back to his dorm and return with the teleportation methods.

Thinking the big man would get tired of annoying him and just go back to spending the last of his vacation time with his family, Jun just gave some basic but truthful answers but he was wrong.

Clearly Barakiel was suspicious and it irked Jun since he had already repaid his favor to Azazel and this was him doing Grigori a favor, not repaying one. He had no obligations and no business being doubted when it was they who asked for him.

For who know what time, Barakiel started asking Jun questions when the family had a meal and invited him.

"Aren't you taking too long? What exactly are you doing? Why are you staying in house for the duration of the job?" Questions upon questions.

They made him no friend too. Shuri thought he was being rude and Akeno who had a crush of Jun loved that he wa staying in the house and wanted him never to finish his work to the point she considered messing it up before deciding against it because he might get mad at her.

"Alright old man! I have had just about enough of you!" Jun suddenly said.

"Why am I taking so long? Do you want it done fast or done right?" Jun questioned.

"The reason I'm here is because at better at this than all of Grigori put together and your people asked for me in the first place." He scolded.

"What exactly am I doing? Would a musclehead like you even know the intricacies of my Bounded Fields, Azazel might figure some stuff out if I explain, maybe Ajuka Beelzebub but you? I doubt it." Jun continued without give a damn.

"As for why I'm staying here . . . It's convenient, Shuri-san offered, and the company other than you is quite nice and easy on the eyes to boot. It boosts my morale." He said, making little Akeno blush at the last part.

"Alright let us calm down, this is enough from both of you! Dear, you will stop bothering Jun-kun and let him finish his work in peace. Is that clear?" Shuri said.

Jun wisely shut up and while Barakiel still looked like he wanted to say something he ended up clamming up too after a look from his wife.

'Shuri-san sure has him tamed . . .' Jun thought as he finished his dinner.

A few days later, Jun was just finishing up and the Bounded Field could now be activated at will. He made one admin key and one emergency key, for Shuri and Akeno respectively.

They fused with the holder so they could not be taken and a though was all it needed to activate them. Shuri's key could control all the features of the Bounded Field. She could allow people to enter and exit, activate or deactivate the defences, etc.

It had one other function which was the only one Akeno's key possessed, the emergency system. If a key holder found themselves in any danger, the Bounded Field would override all commands and protect the holders through any means required.

Jun had built this feature in case Shuri-san, in a moment of weakness allowed someone she shouldn't past the defences or deactivated some of the more . . . extreme ones out of softness. This emergency protocols could only be stopped or overridden by him and him alone.

Akeno was accompanying Jun as per usual so he turned to look at her and spoke.

"Well, I'm done, all that's left is to activate the Bounded Field and presto!" He said.

Akeno lost her usual happy mood and looked down sad.

"Does that mean you won't live with us anymore?" She asked.

"Yes but don't worry. I'll be sure to visit once in a while okay?" Jun patted her head.

With this, she blushed and got some of her happy mood back as they both walked to the house.

Suddenly though, Jun sensed some visitors. Jun and Akeno were pretty far from the main house since he worked from the core of the field outwards and as such, his final touches were on the outer edge but now that he got closer to the house he could sense them.

"Hold out your hand Akeno." Confused she did as he asked and Jun lightly touched the back of her hand, leaving a small flower shaped mark.

"What is it?" The girl asked.

"With it, so long as you're in the mountain, no one can hurt you. And something to remember me by." He winked when he said the last part making Akeno blush happily.

"Let's get back to the house, there seem to be some visitors" Jun then said.

"Visitors? Who?" Akeno asked.

"I wouldn't know but let's find out." He replied as they both made they way back and entered only to hear shouting.

"SHURI, DON'T WASTE THE CHANCE I'M GIVING YOU!" A voice shouted loudly, seemingly from an old man.

"A chance uncle!? At the cost of my daughter!?" Shuri replied in a loud and outraged but still in control tone.

"That filthy spawn between you and that filthy black winged beast. That fact that I'm willing to forgive you for that sin is a privilege others can only beg for!" The old man said in a lower tone, one filled with disgust.

Akeno looked shocked at the words being spoken and just clutched Jun's clothes. Meanwhile, Jun just kept moving.

Arriving at the room where the voices come from, Jun spotted Shuri, an old man, the one who was shouting, two attendants the old man had probably brought with him and a young girl who looked like a younger but just as well endowed or perhaps even more.

"What do we have here?" Jun asked in a jovial tone but the sheer, nearly physical hostility just emanating from him painted a different story.


P.a.t.r.e.o.n is officially up!

The link is: https://www.p.a.t.r.e.o.n.com/lusoba  without the extra dots of course.

You'll get to read up to FOUR week ahead, a full month, but I'll still post here.

There's also my other novel Archon of DanMachi, do check it out!

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