Chapter 96: Chapter 92 - Interlude 4
One day before the Summer Vacation with Illya, Kuro, Irisviel, Miyu, and Shirou are walking to Kuoh Mall to do some shopping for Miyu, Illya and Kuro birthday party tomorrow.
"Mama, are you sure papa that wouldn't angry to us if we go to the mall and doing some shopping?" Asked Illya. "Because the last time we shopping together you almost made papa broke, and since that papa didn't trust you to hold his credit card anymore and papa give the credit card to Sella. So Sella is the one who take care what we need from our clothes to our food. Papa even forbid you to using the money that you get from your inherintance, because he worry that you will use the money that you inherit to buy a lot of useless thing."
"Don't worry Illya-chan," Answered Irisviel with a smile. "Because the money we will use to buy a new bikini for you, me and Kuro-chan, is not your papa money! But my own money! That I got from my hard work! And because of that we can't buy anything we want with this credit card!"
Irisviel took out a shiny rainbow credit card from her breast pocket. And showing it to Illya, Kuro, Miyu, and Shirou.
"Ooh that was a rainbow credit card with a limit one billion yen," Shirou said after his eyes use Structural Analysis Automaticly to the card, he was so shocked when he know what kind of credit card that Irisviel took out. "Mama where did you get that?"
"Well let's just say I'm doing some bussiness that give me a lot of money," Irisviel said.
"Ma-Mama what kind of bussiness that you do that make you can have a credit card with one billion yen limit?" Asked Illya feel so shocked by what Irisviel took out.
"Y-yeah I want to know it too!" Kuro said who feel as shocked as Illya even she herself only got one million yen in her bank account.
Kuro and Shirou agree with Illya question they also want to know how did Irisviel can get a lot of money? The answer is came from a source they didn't expect.
"Irisviel-san got more than 2 billion yen by selling two set of Shirou-san topless photo and the other merchandises to Luvia-Sama," Miyu said in a monotone voice but with a blushing faces. "Luvia-Sama have a very bad nosebleed because she saw Shirou-san photo allnight, right now she is hospitalized because she lost a lot of blood."
'That's so embarassing,' Shirou said inside his heart. 'How the hell she can get my topless photo! I was really sure that I will know if she try to shoot me with a camera! Because I never let my guard down!'
'Are you never realized that she have put a hidden camera in the bathroom a couple a days a go?' Zelretch said. 'She using a lot of runes to hidden her presence from you when she put that camera in the bathroom!'
'I didn't realize it at all!' Shirou said. 'From the beginning rune magic is not my speciality even though I now how to use it! How advanced her rune magic to the point she can hide her presence from me?'
'Quite advanced,' Zelterch said. 'I even having a hard time to feel her presence because of her runecraft.'
'But to think she got 2 billion yen only by selling my photo,' Shirou said. 'Her luck is much more better than me!'
'Of course because in terms of luck, I think her parameter is 'A',' Zelretch said.
"Mama! How dare you sold Onii-chan topless photo, to Luvia-san!" Shouted Illya.
"Illya is right," Kuro said. "You supposed to be giving that photo to us! Not sold it to Luvia!"
"I'm sorry Illya-chan, Kuro-chan," Irisviel said. "But Shirou-chan topless photo is my top selling merchandise! If I'm giving it to you for free, I will not have a profit at all. If you want me to give you the photo in return you must to give me something so I will not suffer a financial loss! And for your information young lady both of you are too young to see Shirou-chan topless photo!"
"Mama you're so cruel!" Illya said. "Me and Kuro are your cutes daughter! Why you must be so cruel to us!"
" Illya-chan, Kuro-chan maybe I look cruel in front of you two," Irisviel said. "But in bussiness I must be cruel even to my own family!"
"She even sold a daimakura with Shirou-san photo on it to Luvia-Sama, Akeno-san, Rias-san and even to Sona-kaichou," Miyu said. "And she got a lot of money by selling that."
"Miyu-chan how did you know a lot of detail about what mama doing?" Asked Illya.
"The selling of Shirou-san merchandise is done inside the Edelfelt Mansion," Answered Miyu. "That's why I knew all the detail about it."
"Illya and Kuro is right, mama you are so cruel," Shirou said feel angry by what Irisviel doing. "Why are you doing that!"
"Eeeh that's because there is a lot of girl that really like you, but they can be with you Shirou-chan because you already have Rin-chan as your girlfriend," Irisiviel said. "So I think maybe I can help them while made a little profit by making a merchandise based on you!"
"Mama two billion yen is not a little profit!" Shouted Shirou who didn't believe about what Irisviel is do. "Is a lot of money! And how did Luvia want to buy my topless photos with that prices!"
"At first I only want to sold it for about ten thousand yen, but when the other girl who like you like Rias-chan saw it she offer a bigger money than the prices that I but when another girl who loves you like Rias-chan sees that I'm about to sell your photo to Luvia-chan she offers a much higher money than the price I set, and suddenly other girls who also loves you Sona-chan and Akeno-chan also appear and bandwagon offers a higher price. After that, there is a very tense photo auction and the price of your photo continues to rise until Luvia finally wins the auction! That's the reason I can get a lot of money by selling you photos! Of course I also had extra money by selling the daimakura to the other girl! And because of that I can have a money that I need to buying a new bikini for me, Illya-chan and Kuro-chan!"
"Sigh mama, I don't mind you made profit by selling my merchandise, because I knew you need a money to buy a new bikini and clothes for Kuro and Illya," Shirou can't be angry to Irisviel after he knew the reason why she selling a merchandise base on him. "But atleast you ask a permission to me first! So there is no misundertanding!"
"I'm sorry Shirou-chan," Irisviel said with regret faces. "I will ask your permission first when I want to sell the next batch of your merchandise that in the procces on the making by Sella and Leysritt!"
"Whaaat you already prepare making a next batch of my merchandise!?" Shirou said. 'She had no regret at all using me to making some money!'
"Of course," Irisviel said in a happy tone. "Rias-chan, Akeno-chan, Sona-chan and the other girl in your class already order the next batch of your merchandise! They they will pay a lot of money for it!"
Shirou didn't know what to say right now after he hear what Irisviel say to him, and he became confused are Irisviel is really selling the merchandise for Illya and Kuro, or only for her own profit?
"Mama is really cruel to Onii-chan," Kuro said.
"Yeah, she really making a lot of money by using him as a money maker," Illya said.
"For her a profit is number one priority, after her family of course," Miyu said. "That's what she said to me before."
The chaos summer of Emiya family is only just started.
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