Fast Wear: on the Correct Posture of Counterattack

Chapter 239

Chapter 235: Doomsday Kindergarten Teacher Twenty-Seven


Looking at the woman’s belly, it should be eight or nine months old.

She clung to Xingyun’s hand tightly, like she was holding on to the last straw.

Xingyun pursed her lips, leaned closer to her ear and said, “Don’t worry, I will save you.”

Hearing Xingyun’s words, a relieved smile appeared on the corner of the woman’s mouth, and then her neck twisted, as if she had fallen asleep.

Xingyun hurriedly reached out and touched her neck, but she couldn’t feel the pulse beating at all. She held that breath, as if to wait for Xingyun.

Xingyun carried the woman out and put it on the ground with the fastest speed, and then took out the knife from the space and cut open the woman’s stomach.

After the mother died, the fetus had only five minutes to survive. Xingyun had to take the child out as quickly as possible.

The child who was taken out was a baby girl. She was wrinkled all over, her skin was purplish red, thin and small, and her cry was weak, like a kitten meowing.

After careful inspection, no other problems have been found for the time being except for congenital deficiencies.

Xingyun wrapped the baby in some soft clothes, and hurried back to the car.

This new-born baby attracted the attention of all the children, they surrounded Xingyun and tried to see this little baby.

Xingyun first gave the baby some water, then put the baby on the seat, told the children not to touch her, and then got out of the car again.

The trunk and back seat of the car were full of things, and Xingyun found two large bags specially for baby supplies, including milk powder bottles and baby clothes.

It seems that this young couple specially prepared something for their children.

Xingyun put most of the supplies in the car into the space, and then asked the giant bear to help dig the pit.

The mutant giant bear named Xiong Da by Duoduo was not very happy, but it was agreed before that if it wanted to follow Xiao Kawai, it would have to listen to this woman.

After Xiong Da hummed and dug a big hole, Xingyun buried the unnamed couple.

When Xingyun got back to the car again, the little dumplings had already started to help her name the baby.

Seeing Xingyun coming back, she even scrambled to ask her which name was the best.

“Teacher, let’s call her Xiaoxiao, she looks really small!”

“I think it’s better to call it baby.”

“I think Beibei sounds good!”

Every little dumpling wanted the new sister to use the name they had chosen, and Xingyun asked them to discuss it by themselves. When there was a dispute, the baby’s name was decided – Xiaoxiao.

The little eyes lying on the seat were tightly closed, and she cried faintly from time to time, making people wonder if she could grow up smoothly.

Xingyun wasn’t sure either, she could only say that she did her best.

I brewed some milk powder with warm water in a thermos cup, and the milked baby finally calmed down and fell asleep quickly.

Xingyun found a basin in the space and put her in it, then fixed it on the seat, let Chenchen sit beside her to take care of her, and restarted the car.

Qi Zai wanted to sigh a little. Originally, the mission was seven children, but three more were found in the kindergarten. Now there is one more nurse, and its host can’t stand it!

A system looks tired!

Xingyun doesn’t know if she can eat it or not, but when she meets it, she saves it if she has the ability. Who knows what happens next.

Because of the detour, it took them an extra day to reach their destination. Several times, Xingyun thought that the child would not be able to hold on, because her cry was too weak, and they did not Very good condition to help her check.

But the child managed to survive in the end. He worked hard every time he was breastfeeding, and seemed to be trying to survive.

The children like to praise Xiaoxiao to encourage her, especially Kiki. I don’t know if she thinks of herself. She is very patient with this little baby who is only a few days old. She even grabs her little hand and whispers. .

There is a research institute in the reserve, which is an institution specializing in cherishing animals and plants and protecting them, just inside the mountain.

Xingyun found the way up the mountain and drove up the road.

There were no people or zombies found along the way. There were lush woods outside the window, and occasionally a few birds flew by. Everything here makes people feel quiet and peaceful, and it seems to be two worlds from the outside.

When she arrived at the gate of the research institute, Xingyun found a thick chain wrapped around the iron door.


Xingyun thought for a while, untied the chain, and closed the door again after she drove the car in.

Parked the car at the entrance of the research institute, Xingyun got out of the car, noticed a look, looked up, just saw a head on the second floor shrunk in.

“Hello, anyone?!”

Xingyun shouted twice, and after a while, the head came out again.

It was a twenty-seven- or eight-year-old woman. She first looked at Xingyun with a wary expression on her face, and when she saw the baby in her arms and the children who jumped out of the car, her eyes widened involuntarily.

After confirming that the person who came was a girl and a group of children, her vigilant gaze turned suspicious again.

“Who are you? What are you doing here?!”

Xingyun explained the reason why they came here, the girl looked surprised, “Why did you guys come here?”

She turned around and ran downstairs, opened the door of the research institute and let Xingyun and her group come in.

The little dumplings obediently called out to sister, and the girl couldn’t help but reach out and squeeze their little faces.

The girl’s name is Yu Simin, a staff member here.

There were sixty or seventy people in the original staff of the institute, but now she is the only one left.

They either turned into zombies directly or were bitten, or they left.

At that time, Yu Simin also left with a few colleagues. Not knowing what happened, they wanted to go down the mountain for help, but found that the whole world had become like this.

They were attacked on the way, and in the end only Yu Simin escaped.

The future is uncertain, and Yu Simin, who has no food on his body, simply returned to the research institute, only to find that the colleagues who had turned into zombies in the research institute were all solved by the mutant beasts in the reserve.

Maybe they still remember Yu Simin and didn’t do anything to her, just like that, Yu Simin stayed in the research institute.

Yu Simin asked Xingyun about the situation outside, and when she knew that the government had long since disappeared, but instead were replaced by bases, Yu Simin sighed.

“I don’t know what happened to my family.”

Even if she was worried, she couldn’t She almost lost her own life, and she couldn’t help finding them.

“Anyway, I’m the only one here. You can just live here if you want. Although we don’t eat much, we have opened up a vegetable field in our backyard, and the vegetables are all very fresh!”

During the conversation, Xingyun found out that perhaps it was because she entered the reserve right after graduation. She had a small social circle and spent most of her time with colleagues and various animals. Yu Simin had a very simple and kind-hearted nature.

Just like now, she unreservedly talked about the place to put food, and told Xingyun that they have a lot of equipment for taking care of rare animal cubs, some of which can be used for small ones.

Of course, in Yu Simin’s eyes, Xingyun is also a powerful and kind-hearted girl, otherwise why would she bring a group of children who have little to do with her?

You can tell he’s a good guy!

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