Fantasy Evolution

Chapter 4: search of secrets

Chapter 4: search of secrets


There are things that he was interested in just like the software, combat or other things that he put his heart into.


His body is not fully developed and so is his brain.


He wanted to know more to perfect the things that he has learnt already.


There is the thing related to cooking that he wanted to learn, there is some things that related to disguise that he wanted to learn from the professionals.


He has made a complete travel plan to visit after searching for many things through dark net and underground information networks.


With the money he has on hand right now he can visit and get information from only half of the places


But he was not bothered because there are always ways to earn more as there are many greedy people in the world.


He started to learn starting with the disguise skill.


At the same time he started to get different native identities in various countries with large amount of investments.


Then he moved to learn various cuisines along with poisoning specialisations.


He did not stop at that and started to learn various fighting styles.


Because of his natural insight instincts he was able to grasp the main points very quickly and his hard work was largely supported by his strong will.


Everything was done systematically to the point of perfection.


The reason he wanted to learn all of this is to search for something that can make him feel content with it.


This world seem too boring to him and the thing that actually interests him is the things like magic, future science or some other things that was said in movies and stories.


He knows that there is a restriction on human mind of imagination.


That is unless a person experience something through any of his 5 senses then that person was unable to imagine something new that he has never experienced before.


For example can you imagine a new colour that is not of the seven colours or their combinations?


Can you think of a new taste that is not the basic tastes or their combinations?


Similarly if a person tells a ghost story then he should have heard the description of the same ghost somewhere.


If this was followed to the root then there is a possibility to find the real ghost or at least where the original description of the ghost came to be.


So there are hundreds and thousands of stories and there are strong beliefs related to magic and powers.


He did not believe that all of these things came out of thin air just like those stupid scientists said.


Well this is not the only thing that he wanted to get but there are things that a normal man wants to have.


In order to get all the things he wanted the life span of a human is not enough.


If he wants to have a great harem of women that truly loved him he needs to have enough life to enjoy and enough stamina to satisfy them, enough power to safeguard them and enough financial power to treat them greatly.


So in order to get all these things he has to find the source of all those stories to know the truth.


His strong will was fuelled by his desire and this strong instinctive insight is was supported by his strong will.


His will is like an obsession not just a will of a lazy student or the current scientists that would do work for 10 minutes a day and try to complete the main work with numbers rather than using their brain.


With his search for the knowledge he moved to Europe and went through the details related to the alchemists.


But he found that most of these things were not self made by stolen things from the real alchemists of other countries in the name of friendship.


Then he diverted his attention towards the cultivation details and searched in the countries like china, Japan, Korea and Tibet.


But he found that all of these countries only have half knowledge where the basics were severely damaged.


For example acupuncture, medicine and Chinese Kungfu were taught and spread through these countries of the east by the Bodhidharma also known as Dámó.


The people of these countries are shameless enough to just claim that all of this was their discovery and changed the original name of the techniques with their country name.


Vikram also traced the details related to all the Buddha and found that the so called Buddhism was modified version of Sanyasa.


This means leaving all the things that are worth to make a human trying to find the higher truth.


Well the result Vikram found is that it was a dead end to take Sanyasa unless that person completely lost interest in everything that a human can desire.


This is not what Vikram wanted.


Instead he wants his desires to be fulfilled.


Tracing these things back to the roots Vikram was pointed to his mother country which is India.


He did not have much faith or sentiment in the current state of India.


But after some enquiry he found that not all things are what that he felt they are.


There are secrets in this country those other countries unable to steal or exploit.


The secrets were so well hidden that they were placed in plain sight where others will simply ignore it as waste.


But the thing is the secret is open to everyone.


The ancient Indians are really intelligent to make this way of hiding.


Without knowing that you are holding a diamond is nothing more than holding a shining rock.


A thing that is for free and accessible to all is always looked down upon.


That is right everything was put in the open but the key is gone.


So even if you have the entire thing in front of you it will not work without the key to understanding that.


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