Family Essence – Deviant

…Chapter 19, Charity Driving…

...Chapter 19, Charity Driving...



I used to hate doing charity runs when we were younger. Especially when I first got my license. Because most of the run was walking up to our neighbors’ doors, asking them to donate things, and then lugging tons of cans around. The only redeeming thing was Madison was always with me.

And that was the same for today's drive. After getting back inside and getting a chance to get dressed, we met over a cold breakfast as we discussed our plans for the day. Despite mom's original plan to have us all go together, Bethany quickly pointed out that my car wasn't that big. And that we needed to save fuel. So, we split up. Bethany even managed to convince mom to talk to Mr Farlin while I recruited the Clarksons and their cars. We'd gone from a single team, to five. And we'd confirmed our plan was going to work. Well, we'd confirmed that the System would absorb computer components if we dropped them on the table. And that the critical shortage got a little less critical.

The part about reminding people we weren't dictators or anything worse...

Well, we were hoping we could at least get a lot of computers.

Even with everything from Mr Farlin's basement, which turned out to be over ten discarded computers worth of parts, we'd barely moved the bar a single percent of what we needed.

So now, Madison and I were going door to door together. Just like we used to.

"This is kind of fun," Madison says as we walk back from a lady who had her hair done up in curls and greeted us in nothing but a towel. And tried to flirt with me the entire time we were there, despite the fact she had to be at least twice my age.

"You enjoy watching old ladies flirt with me?" I ask as Madison opens the door to the backseat, where I load our collection of old cellphones and a broken touchpad toy behind her seat.

"Not Mrs Abernee. Us going out and collecting people's junk together. Just like we used to," Madison says, elbowing me as she grins. "Cruising around the neighborhood, just the two of us."

I can't help but return her smile as I get into the driver's seat. "Yeah. I was just thinking that spending time with you was always the best part of the charity drive."

"See. Great minds are foolish together!" Madison proclaims, taking my hand as we drive all of two houses down the block before getting out to hit the next houses.

"Pretty sure that's not how it goes," I observe as we knock on the door.

"Does now," Madison replies, sticking her tongue out at me as the door swings open, preventing me from following up.

We're greeted by a thin man who interrogates us for five minutes about why we're not wearing proper Adida's apparel before we return to the car with a wheelbarrow full of discarded stuff. And two Adida's hats. To make sure we're properly 'representing'. Whatever that means.

"Remember last time we visited him? He was all about Nike?" Madison asks as we shovel everything into the car.

"Wait? That's the same guy? He's lost weight," I say, looking at where the man is standing in the doorway, waving at us.

"Pretty sure," Madison says, holding up a Nike brand alarm clock.

"Huh. No wonder he had so much stuff."

We continue like that throughout the morning, collecting people's useable garbage. And a bunch of not so useable garbage. But it’s easier to take it than argue. After our first trip out, Madison looked at me struggling to lift an overloaded box out of the car. One I didn't remember loading. She walked over, wrapping her arm around the box. "You getting close to upgrading yet?"

"I... what?" I ask as she takes the box from me with a laugh, holding it over one arm. The box I was struggling to lift held as easily as one of her wrenches.

"Your Status? I upgraded last night, after I got the armor essence. Used it after you guys went to bed. Bethany upgraded too. Twins said they're both pretty close this morning. And I figure, with the amount of loving you've been giving us, you must be close too," Madison says, her last sentence emphasized with a bump of her hip.

Staggering slightly, I quickly regain my feet and attempt to repay her with a side-tackle. And end up almost bouncing off her. As I rub my nose, I open my Status. "Ninety-five percent for Body and Mind. Pretty close."

"Guess we're gonna need to get more cuddles in today," Madison teases even as she darts around the house with the box over her shoulder.

Shaking my head, I follow her with a smile. When we lay the components down on the table, it takes all the computers. It doesn't always take the things they were attached to.

Not until Bethany figures out we can store everything as a building component.

Knowing that we can literally take any and everything, we return to our quest. Shortly after lunch, Madison and I are listening to old lady Kellis complain about her family not visiting her anymore when we got a notification.

I read the notification while Madison tries to explain for the fifth time that Mrs Kellis's family can't visit her anymore. And finally manages to finish her sentence.

"Computing Power restored. Primary contributors:"

Again, there's a list of contributing parties, with ours at the top. And mom's Rock Out Geology Nerd. The Clarkson's have actually used their family name as their party name, and they're in third. None of those surprise me. But I almost laugh out loud when I realize that Mr Farlin has to be Rock Out Geology Nerd's Biggest Fan.

"Points awarded to all contributors. Minimum Operational Thresholds reached. New options-"

"Optimal computing thresholds reached. New options-"

"Settings updated. Emergency election scheduled. Due to recent election, the next election has been scheduled for Seven days from now."

"Ha, knew that good for nothing William was wrong. This is what happens when you have women in charge!" Mrs Kellis exclaims, cutting Madison off. Then she turns to Madison, who's staring at Mrs Kellis in shock. "Of course, they can't come visit me now. But they could've come before we all got shuffled off to heaven, now couldn't they?"

"I... uhm, yes," Madison says, looking at me. All I can do is shrug as I finish packing the box of electronics Mrs Kellis donated. No reason to waste the trip.

"Well, you kids take care. And tell your mom she has my vote!" Mrs Kellis declares, shooing us towards the door. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go find William. That boy is such a little told you so. Can't wait to tell him so! Always coming over to make sure I've eaten. As if I can't handle myself."

Madison and I watch, sharing a bemused smile as Mrs Kellis hobbles down the sidewalk. As we're stepping off the porch, I notice a mobility scooter parked there. Following Mrs Kellis wobbling form, I look back to the scooter. "You don't think?"

"We got stronger. Why couldn't she?"

"Huh. Guess you're right," I say, hefting the box as the contents try to shift. "You know, I'm amazed how many people are staying in their own houses."

"I mean, we are too."

"Yeah. But our place is a fortress. I just thought people might be... you know, bunkering up."

"Some are. Remember the Connelis and Smiths?" Madison reminds me as I stuff the box into the back seat, referring to a house we visited that wasn't just holding more than one family, they'd barricaded the doors and started digging a trench. Still donated lots of old electronics though.

"Yeah, but they're the exception," I reply as I climb into the front, securing the sawed-off under the seat.

"Mhm. But we made it safe for them. So why move?" she asks, gesturing at where a pair of raptors was standing on a nearby roof, watching over the neighborhood instead of eating anyone.  It had taken an hour to get used to them perched like that. The second I move out of park, Madison takes my hand again.

"I guess," I say, squeezing her hand back. We've been holding hands almost the entire day. Even when we've been visiting people. With Jackson out there, already spreading rumors of how he found me with the twins... Well, I figured we should embrace it.

Madison hasn't complained once.

As we drive back to the house, Madison sighs while looking out the window. "You know, it was supposed to be Bethany's day, today."

"It was?" I ask, only glancing at her for a second before returning to the road.

"Yep. I was going to get two days, back to back. But with the whole... getting her pregnant thing. Well, we decided she'd probably need the back to back days more than I would," Madison says, squeezing my hands.

"Yeah. I'm... that's still weird."

"And all of us having sex isn't? Besides, she's really looking forward to it. Which... not a total surprise. Remember how she used to declare that you were our husband when she was little. And then made us all dress up."

Shaking my head, I chuckle. "I'd actually forgotten about that. She was, what, ten?"

"Nine. It was right after... Dad. She said you were the only man we could trust," Madison chokes up a bit. "She... never really stopped saying that. She's wrong, of course. There are lots of decent guys out there. Just not..."

"Hey," I say, squeezing her hand again.

"She'd given up on ever finding someone, you know? Figured you were off-limits. Especially when you moved away."

"I... had good reasons," I say, though looking back on them, I realize. "Or so I thought. I... I've been in love with you for a long time, Mads. And I knew it was wrong."

Madison nods and I slow the car as I realize my vision's getting blurry. "I understand. Oh, hell take me, do I understand."

"Jackson?" I ask, my throat closing up as I ask.

"Jackson," Madison nods. "He... reminded me of you. Physically, at least. Thought it would help."

"Fuck," I say, gripping her hand tight as I look at her. She sits there, tucking her red hair back as she lifts her chin to meet my gaze.

"It wasn't your fault. I made my own choices," Madison says, her eyes burning into mine as she pulls me closer. "And it doesn't matter now, does it? We can do whatever we want. Be whoever we want. And I want you. More than I've ever wanted anything else, I want you."

I cradle Madison's cheek, even as the tears blur my vision. "I..." I almost can't say it. Not after everything I've done with Sawyer and Kaylie. Or what I know they expect me to do with Bethany. "I want you too. More than anything."

"Good. Glad we got that out of the way," Madison says, her voice suddenly super casual.

"I... yes?"

"Don't mind me," Madison says, squeezing my hand super tight despite her demeanor. "Just... trying to keep it in my pants until you get us home."

"Oh? OH!" I say, realizing that we just made a massive confession for each other, but Madison is still worried about what our neighbors will say. I almost want to kiss her right there, to hell with the consequences. No. I do want to kiss her right there. But if Maddie's not comfortable with it, then that's enough for me.

I almost break the gearshift off when I slam it out of park, causing Madison to laugh as it cracks and we lurch forward.

Grinning sheepishly, I smile as we make our way home. Where we're greeted by a giant gathering on our lawn.

"You've got to be fucking..." Madison trails off, her hand still squeezing mine. "This must be how Sawyer felt yesterday. Can't people just leave us the fuck alone?"

I almost say something in their defence. But honestly. I'm pretty much right there with Madison. I notice that the Clarksons are there. And so is Mr Farlin. They're standing near mom and our other sisters. And I realize there are at least three different groups on our lawn. My family and our friends. Some angry people yelling at them.

And the much larger crowd of other people watching.

I ease the car up the driveway, which most people are avoiding in favor of the lawn or street. Which kind of pisses me off. We take good care of our lawn and they're trampling all over it.

"Oh, thank goodness," mom says when Madison and I walk over. "See, my family are all totally normal humans. No weird mutations here."

Some of the muttering dies down from the angry group. Except for one man who's almost as tall as Mr Farlin. Nowhere near as broad though.

"Well, who's kid is it then? We've all seen him. He took my daughter and... And your damn raptors just ignored him. Even as he..." the man slumps down, all life going out of him. "He took my little girl."

Kaylie is next to him before he gets a chance to hit the ground, a chair of vines forming underneath him as she holds his hand. There are several more angry mutters, but I recognize the fear. I don't blame them. Not if someone's taking kids.

"Well, shit," Madison mumbles from beside me. "Now I feel like an asshole."

"Yeah, me too," I agree, still holding her hand.

"Guess we need to do something about it, don't we?" Madison declares, loud enough for everyone to hear. "We might not have chosen to be elected as councilor's or anything. But the settlement's our responsibility, right?"

Madison's bravado wavers for a second as she glances to me. I squeeze her hand, holding it tight as I nod. "Right."

"Right," she repeats again, then turns to the man next to Kaylie. "Where did you last see this... person?"

"An apeman!" one of the angry mutterers volunteers. "Near the jungle, by the highway."

"Not an apeman. It was clearly a wolfman. You heard its howls," another person volunteers. "And I heard it down by Oak street. That's nowhere near the highway."

"Oak runs right up to the highway," a third voice points out.

"Okay. Got it. Mutated wolf-ape-man-thing. Somewhere by the jungle or Oak Street. Or the highway," Madison shouts out. "We'll take care of it."

I glance at the rest of my family, and realize that they're all focused on the crowd. Except mom. She nods. "You two should be able to handle it. Just... don't take too many risks. Run if you have to."

Nodding, I pull our haul out of the accord before climbing back in. Then I stare at the fuel. "We're getting pretty low."

"I figured. Might be able to siphon some off someone else."

Firing up the car, I don't say anything else until we've turned the corner and are on our way to Oak street.

"Fuck. I can't believe there's a monster taking kids and we were worried about..." Madison says, leaning her head against the window as she sighs.

"We couldn't have known," I say, reaching over and taking her hand. Which immediately causes her to smile. Which almost as quickly turns into a frown.

"This isn't fair. I'm so happy. But I'm feeling guilty about it. How messed up is that?"

"Pretty sure that's normal," I say, squeezing her hand again as we both go quiet.

We stay that way until we turn onto Oak St.

I'm no longer worried about finding the ape-wolf-man-thing. Cause he's hanging off the front of the building in front of us, slamming his arm against a door. Through the window, I can just make out the tussled hair of someone frantically holding it closed.

Welp, guess it's time to do the hero thing.

I'm not sure I'll be able to work it in... but I realized that Bethany isn't just a Yandere. She's a Yan-Darren. Yeah, I went there. And you didn't expect better of me.

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