Falling For The Idol

Chapter 7: 7

Entering inside the taco shack, we instantly ordered for a two tacos, and two cans of sodas. While Amarie ordered for a can of cola, I ordered for a can of citrus burst. To at least be a bit healthy. They brought it over for us and we began to eat, some of the meat fell from my taco onto the ground.

I would be lying if I didn't admit that this taco was tasty. I looked at my sister as she used her fingers to wipe some sauce from her lips.

I looked up at the TV that was hung up on a wall, they were songs that were popular that I did not know of or heard.

I looked to my sister and saw that she had dropped her taco on the plate. "Amarie you like Starry Night right?" I asked.

She nodded her head, "I listen to their songs. Their songs are very diverse and nice to listen too."

"Are you by any chance a huge fan of Starry Night?"

Amarie gave me a side eye, probably wondering why I was asking so much questions about whether she likes Starry Night or not.

She however shrugged her shoulders and said nothing else, taking her can of cola and drank out of it.

I decided to just keep quiet, suddenly as if on cue a Starry Night music video began to play on TV. I looked up and once again saw Tae-Won, looking flawless with the rest of his members.

As I was watching the video, I didn't even noticed that my sister was looking at me, until she said. "You are slowly becoming a fan of Starry Night aren't you? During the week I heard their songs coming from your room. You should really invest in getting yourself headphones."

I felt my cheeks heat up, the fact that my secretive fangirling was no longer a secret anymore.

"Well, they are cool." I said playing off my embarrassment with a simple shrug of my shoulders.

"Yeah they are cool. And I heard that getting their tickets are almost impossible to attain." My sister picked up her remaining taco and finished it up.

"Yeah, you are right."

"Did you know that this is the last lap for their tour?" I nodded my head, hearing it from almost everyone around the fandom.

"Too bad I couldn't secure tickets, would have loved to attend it."

"Yeah, would have loved to attend." I said remembering the ticket that Tae-Won oh so gracefully handed to me, that was laying in the dresser in my room.


When we got home, it was already 2pm. I felt slightly sleepy, but at the same time not so sleepy. I went to my bedroom, the realization that I hadn't selected clothes to wear for the concert hitting me.

I went to my phone to search up clothes that could be worn at a concert. Then I saw a notification popped on my screen. Ever since I got into the fandom there has been a lot of notifs, and my phone has been blowing through out this week. So much so that I needed to put on silent whenever I went to work.

The notification was talking about the fact that some people hadn't bought VIP tickets yet and that they were the only ones left.

I clicked on the picture that showed how the VIP tickets looked like, it looked like the one that was laying in my dresser, going to double check I realized that not only did Tae-Won gave me a ticket, he also gave me a Backstage pass to meet the band.

I looked at the ticket then looked up to stare at the cream colored walls of my room. Backstage passes huh. I picked up my phone to see if could call him, that's when it hit me that I don't have this man's phone number.

I slapped my forehead with palm, realizing that I could have collected his number. Anyways that was the wasn't that much of an issue, I could just ask him when I go backstage.

I decided to go back to the reason i picked up my phone in the first place, as I looked through the internet on what to wear, I couldn't help but feel excitement. This would be my first ever concert and it would be with a boy group I just started getting to know this week.

My face couldn't help but break into a smile, I decided to play Starry Night songs into full blast. Needing that adrenaline rush coursing through my vein.

The excitement of attending their concert was something not many people could even begin to explain, especially if you are someone that have watched their concerts through videos. They were so energetic, let's not forget how much the fans hype them up at each concert.

As I was prepping up my clothes to wear, I paused I didn't have their official light stick to wave around when I get to the concert.

I bit my bottom lip, shit. But it was just yesterday that I got the ticket so I guess it wasn't that much of a big deal anyways.

I finally decided to opt for a pretty pink dress–pink being the color of the fandom. Black boots, as for jewelry I decided to go for pink studs, and a black chocker, along with a pink colored purse.

I hopped into the shower and rinse myself off all the grime and dirt, gliding and scrubbing my fingers through my scalp as the warm water cascaded down my body.

After I was done, I dried myself and then started prepping myself up, doing my makeup and hair–i went for a minimalistic makeup, and I did my red hair in an up down hairstyle.

Then I wore my clothes, grabbed my car keys, ticket plus backstage pass, along with my phone and head on outside.

As I stepped out of the room, I quickly checked the time on my phone, it was 5:30, and the concert starts by 7.

I saw my sister just laying about in a singlet and shorts, with an open bag of chips by her side, munching on it while watching TV.

She looked up at me, giving my outfit a once over, she tilted her head to the side analyzing me. "Where are you going too?"

"I want to go and meet a friend of mine." I didn't mean to lie, I just don't want her to know that I am going out to a Starry Night concert, cause she would definitely ask questions on who gave me tickets to attend it.

"You look cute, is the person you are meeting a guy?" She dipped her hand into the bag of chips and brought out a handful and stuffed them into her mouth.

I nodded my head, I then headed for the door. "Wait, what time would you be back?" She turned her head to ask.

"Probably around 10," I open the door, "Don't wait up on me." I said closing the door behind me.

Heading to my car that sat on the driveway, I open it up, revved it up. Before driving out of the driveway I played one of my favorite songs from Starry Night latest album, called 'Take my heart and soul'. The backed away from the driveway onto the road.

A smile etched on my face, the happiness blossoming inside me.

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