Falling For The Idol

Chapter 3: 3

The oh so beautiful being who's care accidentally bumped into mine the previous day before, stood before me. He still looked elegant as always, however his hair wasn't slicked back it was let free into loose curls which framed his perfectly sculpted face.

He was whispering something into the ear of one of his members when his amber eyes landed on me, flashing a dimpled smile my way. He recognizes me.

My eyes went to the ground, suddenly interest the black pumps that I was wearing. It wasn't until Mr Rick spoke that my eyes went back up.

As he was talking, I tried paying attention to what he was saying, he was talking something about how our company was partnering with Starry night to create dolls and T-Shirts so that they could distribute it to their fans.

After the talk, he asked us if we had any questions, Clara, a pretty girl with blonde hair and bright red eyes, raised her hand up.

"Why can't they just create the dolls and T-Shirts within their own country?" A simple, yet stupid question. It took me so much to almost clamp her mouth shut.

How many times a year do we get to receive such a huge opportunity? And she wants to ruin it with such a dumb question.

However Mr Rick answered the question, stating that their country was facing bit of slack in the working class sector, thus the reason why they decided to come to our aid.

Clara just nodded her head, though I had a feeling that she still had another question to ask, but it would be better if she keeps her mouth shut.

"Any other questions?" No one else raised their hands. "Good, now the reason why the boys are here is because we need to use them as a model for the dolls."

My eyes looked at this seven handsome men, that could quite literally make any woman fall at their feet. The man in the middle eyes were still on me, I could have sworn that his pupil went silted like a cat's own. He looked me up and down, assessing my every being, but not in a pervertious way, more in a curious way.

I lean from one feet to the other, feeling rather uncomfortable and wondering when we can get back to work.

It seems that Mr Rick was reading my mind, cause he was quick to dismiss us and we left the room. As we stepped outside we hit with the damp air of summer.

I felt my skin perspire, I was about to move to the elevator when I felt a hand on my shoulder, I turned to see the source of the hand and it was Tina's.

"What?" I asked her, she then looked up at me, her eyes getting teary eyed. My eyebrows suddenly furrowed in worry.

"Hey, Tina what's the matter? Why are you teary eyed?" I used my hands to cup her face.

"I just met Starry Night." Was all she said, and then I saw her black out and almost fell to the floor. But luckily I was quick to hold her.


Work was over for the day, but our department had plans for late night drinking. I turned it down, I can get drunk in my own home, but I had to do a little research about Starry Night tonight.

I walked outside, and the sky was painted in beautiful colors of red, orange, purple, and yellow. The wind hit my face, and I took in a deep breath.

My car was at the body shop at the moment, so I was to take public transportation. By that I mean I am taking the bus home.

It was a walk from here to the bus stop, but that wasn't too far. I would have asked Tina to drop me off if she wasn't going to be involved in the late night drinking.

I watched as cars drove by in swift motions, a group of teenagers were lounging in corner talking and laughing with each other, a mother held her baby in her hands as the baby cried for something that the mother couldn't give.

From the corner of my eye, I saw a car following me closely behind. Panic settled within me as I picked up the pace in my walking, was I about to be kidnapped and sold off for human trafficking?

The panic became worse as my thoughts became more negative, the car didn't seem to want to slow down either. I swallowed deeply, I felt sweat beads form on my forehead, I wanted to hold someone and pretend that we are buddies so that the car could leave me alone.

Then the car got to my side, I stopped walking, more like froze. The car window slowly rolled down and I saw an old man, not just any old man but the one that bashed my car yesterday.

He flashed me a gummy smile, I saw gold tooth in the upper part of his teeth.

"Hey there missy, going somewhere?" He asked. Me on the other hand didn't know if I should say yes or no.

"Yes I am going somewhere."

"Where is the place so that I can take you there?" This question threw me off, why does he wants to drop me off at my house. Panic rose again within me.

The man seemed to sense the panic, and he then tried to reassure me that I was safe. Pressing a bottom the window to backseat rolled down and I saw. Him.

He was wearing sunglasses, as if trying to conceal his identity.

He shot a smile at me, trying to make me relax a little bit. What and why does this driver think that seeing a world class celebrity would make me feel relaxed and not want to run away screaming for help.

"See we are completely safe." One of them had gone bonkers and my bet is on the fine ass man wearing sunglasses hiding those beautiful eyes of his.

Or am the crazy one, cause all of a sudden I see myself opening up the door and getting inside.

The window rolled up and the driver proceeded to drive down the busy road.

I gave directions on where my house is, and the driver took the direction.

Both me and this handsome that sat at the backseat were both quiet. He was humming a particular tune that I couldn't remember, maybe a song of theirs.

The silence would have continue if not for the fact that the man turn to look at me, his sunglasses still on his face. "What's your name?" His deep voice reverberated through my spine. I don't remember his voice sounding like this on the red carpet the previous night or when he spoke me yesterday.

"My name is Anna." I said, trying to keep my voice stable.

"Anna, nice to meet you Anna. My name's Tae-Won." His name just flow off his lips, like a wine you drink when you get a promotion or your salary at the end of the month.

"Nice to meet you Tae-Won. Did I got the pronunciation right?" I asked to be sure.

He just nodded his head, nothing else was said, the car suddenly pull up to a very familiar neighborhood, I told the driver to stop in front of a blue colored building.

I express my gratitude to him, for dropping me off at my apartment. He waved it off as nothing, I got out of the car and told him another thank you.

I then proceed to enter inside my all to familiar apartment, letting out a deep breath that I didn't know that I was holding. My heart felt like it was about to explode.

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