Faith, Lust, and Hypnosis

Chapter 7-3 (Miracle Worker)

‘I have been thinking about it for a while… about the goddess…’

The goddess of virtue, the one who granted Gin the power to become a god, had claimed that the notion of gender was nothing but a primitive concept. She, who had ascended to godhood possessed both a penis and a vagina. Not only that, she could also have neither.

‘Does she not derive pleasure from sexual acts, then? No… that’s unlikely…’

Gin was convinced if that was the case, she wouldn’t choose to have genitals in the first place. But she did.

So, what does that mean? Gin kept on wondering until he tried on altering his own physique to be stronger, more agile, and more charming with stats. Her words, that she was no longer bound by ‘primitive’ concepts, stuck in his mind.

‘The more I think about it, the more I use this power, the more I relate to her words.’

Gin understood what she meant now.

‘Everything that I did, everything I’ve done… none of it is humanly possible. Not even through the magic of this world, of that I’m sure. What does that make me? I’m not a complete god, no, not yet. But at this point, I don’t think I can be considered a human either.’

One night, Gin tried to ask the system if he could transform into an animal, for example, a wolf.


-Use 550 Faith points to transform into a wolf?

‘It is possible for me to transform into anything I wish for, so long as I have enough points. I can be anything I want—‘

It was then he realized it.

‘—I’m no longer bound by human concepts.’

It was the same exact sentiment as the goddess. Perhaps every god felt the same. There was no reason to abide by the morals of human standards.

What is right? What is wrong? Gin could no longer be measured by values created by humans. Was it wrong to make Sera drink his bodily fluids? Putting her at his mercy, she became a true addict. Her resistance has fallen, Sera would happily spread her legs open to him if she could taste just another drop of his urine.

To judge it by the usual moral standards, it was depraved and perverted. Gin felt the same, yet he wasn’t repulsed by it. Instead he kept on going, motivated by his curiosity to see the limit that never existed in the first place.

Teressa’s fall was the same. Her endless craving for Gin turned her into a loyal slave, one that will never be able to refuse any of his requests, much less betray him. It was an unconditional love in its purest form.

‘The rules that I have been abiding by… the values and morals that I have learned my whole life… they no longer apply to me. Not anymore.’

From the mother and daughter pair, Gin was certain of the potential of his hypnosis. Now, what was left was the father. There was one last thing he wanted to try on Coll—

‘—To what extent can I alter another person’s physique?’

How far could he toy with someone’s body? He knew he could do whatever he wanted to his own body, and thought about testing the limit. But why would he when there’s a perfect guinea pig already in front of him?

‘His Trust in me is already at the maximum, his mind and body is already mine. I can alter not only his psyche, but also his physique at a cheaper price now.’



There he was, Coll, lying on the dining table in a deep sleep as his wife and daughter watched from the side. Gin stood right behind his head, extending his palms over his face.

Sera gulped, a cold sweat trickled down her chin. She questioned what Gin was doing to her father, but considering this was of his own will, there was nothing she could do. She could only stand by and witness as everything unfolds.

Unlike her, Teressa was calm and collected. There was no sign of nervousness nor doubt in her face. She had complete faith in her master. Whatever he wants to do, she shall do her best to support him with all her being.

“Let’s begin.”

Gin declared so, and closed his eyes.

‘Let’s see how far I can go with Coll… I shall mold him into my will. I can do it in an instant, but why don’t we make it more dramatic?‘


Suddenly, out of nowhere, Coll’s body began to shine and a typhoon-like wind stormed the room. The plates and cups in the cupboards rattled loudly, the utensils shook and flew across the room. Fortunately, none of the sharp objects were bothered.

Sera flinched in fear and hugged her mother.


“Sshhh~ it’s gonna be fine, Sera.”

Contrary to her reaction, Teressa’s face was at peace. It was as if everything was within her expectations.

“The master is at work. Let’s not disturb him.”

“…Y-yes, mom…”

Gin focused on Coll. Questions appeared in his mind one by one.

‘How would I like him— her to look like? Her eyes? Lips? The color of her hair, length, density? Her musculature, breast size, buttocks, thighs, feet, toes? What about her hands? The length of her fingers and the length of her nails— her pubic hair? Her vaginal canal? How thick is her labia? What about her clitoris—?’

Gin's mind raced with desire as he envisioned the ‘ideal’ woman he referenced from his previous world. He wanted every inch of her to be flawless, from the way her eyes sparkled with beauty to the way her toes curled in pleasure. As he whispered quietly, his voice low with anticipation, Coll's body began to shift and contort before his very eyes.

In his mind's eye, he saw her with toned muscles, sculpted to perfection by hours of hard work in the gym. He wanted her breasts large and round, with perky nipples that’s easy to tease. Her buttocks had to be perfectly firm and round, a sight that would leave any man drooling. Her thighs had to be thick and curvy, strong and supple, just like the rest of her.

Gin imagined her petite feet with perfectly formed toes that would curl in pleasure at his touch. Her long, slender hands sparkled with manicured nails that shone with beauty. He longed to explore every inch of her femininity, from the length of her pubic hair to the thickness of her labia.

As he imagined her, Coll's body shifted, transforming into the sultry woman of his dreams. His broad shoulders softened, his eyelashes grew long and thick, and his lips turned a seductive shade of pink. His waist curved into an hourglass figure, giving him an alluring appearance.

Her once manly hands became feminine, with long delicate fingers. Her breasts grew to the size of a watermelon, firm and ripe, with nipples that begged for attention. As his gaze traveled down her body, he couldn't help but appreciate the meatiness and firmness of her toned, curvaceous ass. And when his eyes finally settled on her pubic area, he was met with the sight of her thick and plump labia and her surprisingly large clitoris.


Sera exclaimed as she watched the transformation happen in real time. She couldn’t believe what she was witnessing. Her own father, who was clearly a man had his complexion turned feminine, grew a pair of large boobs, and a sexy buttocks.

Gin let out a sigh of relief. It was a success, Coll had transformed into a woman of his will. His— her body wasn’t skinny, but toned with defined muscles, but not overbearing. In a sense, Coll resembled Sera, but the former was clearly superior in form and shape. Even Sera herself knew it just from a glance, her father was more beautiful than both her and her mother.

“You have been reborn.”

The wind and the light died down, Gin’s voice echoed throughout the sudden quiet room.

“For this, I shall grant you a new name.”

He reached his hands and caressed her cheeks—


And so, she opened her eyes.

‘I have poured everything into her. I have less than 500 Faith points left. Despite the lowered cost, full body transformation still took a lot… well, not ‘full’ full.’

Collette's eyes drifted down to her hands, admiring the curves of her fingers and the gentle arch of her nails. She lifted her hands up to her face, marveling at the delicate pink of her cuticles and the way the light danced across the smooth surface of her nails.

A soft sigh escaped her lips as she flexed her fingers, relishing in the sensation of the silky skin brushing against one another. Her hands were a work of art, a masterpiece crafted by the gods themselves.


Collette's hands moved from her nails to her full, curvaceous breasts. She couldn't help but marvel at the sheer size and weight of them, their softness and roundness begging to be touched. As her fingers traced the outline of her ample bosom, she felt a heat rising in her body, and a soft gasp escaped her lips.


With a gentle touch, she brushed her fingers over her nipples, watching as they stiffened and hardened under her touch. They were a delicate shade of pink, thick and firm, and they responded eagerly to her every move. A soft moan escaped her lips as she pinched and pulled at them, feeling a surge of pleasure course through her body.


She couldn't believe how sensitive her skin had become, every nerve ending screaming for attention. It was a simple touch, but it felt like a million fireworks exploding across her body. She closed her eyes and let out a soft moan, lost in the overwhelming pleasure that she had discovered.

Gin nodded to himself seeing how Collette reacted to her new body.

‘She must be feeling it. It wasn’t just a simple transformation, I added more nerve endings to her sensitive parts, increasing her sensitivity to touch and stimulation.’

A proud smile appeared on his face. ‘Not only that, I also altered her menstruation cycle a little bit.’

Generally, during the menstrual cycle, women may experience cramping or discomfort in the lower abdomen or lower back. They may also experience fatigue, mood swings, bloating, and headaches. In some cases, they may develop acne, and even experience constipation or diarrhea.

But Gin had changed those side effects using his power of miracles. Collette now would experience two things. First was a significant increase in sex drive, and secondly, her body would produce milk. There would be no pain or any sickness accompanying it whatsoever. Until her period is over, she would be trapped in a constant state of heat while lactating milk. It was the change that cost him the most.

“Co… Collette…?”

Sera tilted her head in confusion.

‘So… I have two mothers now? Wait—!’

As she approached closer, she noticed something familiar— something that women usually do not have—


Collette noticed it a bit too late. She was too captivated by her chest that she forgot to check her own genitals.

“Ah—! My… my…”

Gin smiled, “That’s right. It is my promise to you, to give you joy and salvation. I will let you experience the joy of being a woman, but that doesn’t mean I will take away what was yours to begin with.”

“This is… I don’t remember it being like this…”

Collette saw the remnant of her old self—

‘My manhood—! It’s still here! And it’s bigger than before!’

Her eyes locked onto her towering member, the sight of it sending shivers down her spine. The veins were bulging against her skin, a testament to the throbbing heat coursing through her body. Her cock was hard, pointing to the sky like a beacon of desire and every beat of her heart made it throb harder.

“Haah… haah… what… why…? Ah…!?”

Even her once deep and gruff voice has morphed into something new, something feminine, sweet, and soft. Her voice flowed like a gentle river, with a melodic quality that surprised even herself. She couldn’t help but to let out a small gasp, feeling the sound of her voice tickle her own ears.

“Take a look.”

As Gin held the mirror up to her transformed face, she was mesmerized by the reflection staring back at her. The once rugged features of her masculine appearance had now melted away into a delicate and feminine form.

Her almond-shaped eyes were now round and captivating with double eyelids that gave them an alluring depth. Beneath them, a small fat deposit gave her a youthful glow that only added to her beauty. Her nose was petite and adorable with a perfectly round tip that begged to be kissed.

But what truly amazed Collette was the transformation of her own jawline. What had once been a chiseled and angular feature was now a soft and subtle v-shape, giving her face a delicate and feminine contour. She couldn't help but to run her fingers along the new curve of her jawline, feeling the softness of her own skin and reveling in the newfound femininity.


Gin whispered into her ears, “I will give you pleasure that won’t pale out in comparison to your wife and daughter.”


Collette couldn't believe what was happening to her. She felt Gin’s breath touching the back of her nape and ear, sending another shiver down her spine. The pleasure coursing through her body was unlike anything she had ever felt before. She could feel her cock pulsating with need, but it wasn't just that. There was something else, something new and exciting that had been gifted to her.

As she reached down between her legs, her hand brushed against a bundle of nerves she had never felt before. It sent shockwaves through her body, causing her to moan softly. She couldn't resist the urge to touch it again, this time with more pressure, and it sent her back into an outburst of pleasure.


Her body arched off the table as she spasmed and convulsed, her mouth opened wide with a silent scream. She could feel the sensation building, spreading through her body like wildfire. And just when she thought she couldn't take anymore, it all came crashing down on her at once, sending her over the edge in a mind-bending orgasm.



Gin wondered if he put too many nerves in her body.

‘It’s still a bit early to tell. I’ll give her some time to explore her new body. I might have to tinker with a few things here and there until I find a good balance.’

Collette let out a deep groan as she felt another intense pleasure building up inside her.


She could feel her testicles tensing and her prostate contracting, sending waves of pleasure coursing through her body.


And then it happened. With a sudden surge of ecstasy, Collette released a massive load of cum, shooting it high into the air and drenching herself and her family in the sticky white fluid. The amount was nothing to scoff at, far exceeding the average male's output and rivaling even Gin's impressive capacity.

“Ah! Ew—!”


Teressa, who was drenched in her husband’s viscous fluid, dipped her index finger on the stain on her cheeks and gave it a lick.


“Oh, it’s… it’s actually sweet…?”

“Huh!? There’s no way—!!”

Gin nodded, “Right, her cum should actually taste sweet now. Give it a lick Sera.”

“A-are you crazy!? I’m not going to taste my own dad’s spunk!”

“Well, technically, she’s no longer your father.”


Sera opened her mouth, trying to say something but nothing came out. She had no idea how to reply to that. What he said was right. Coll was no longer her father. From now on, she was Collette, who became a woman but also has a penis…?

‘What should I call her now? I already have a mom… so, uh… mom number two? No, that doesn’t sound right… so just another mom, then?’

Gin waved his hands, “Well, you can also call her daddy too, I guess. It doesn’t matter at this point. She’s a woman with a dick, someone you would call a hermaphrodite.”

“Herma… phrodite…?”

“There are also other names, but that is the official name for it.”

“I never heard such a thing before, though?”

“The name came from my old memories. Anyway, quickly, give it a lick. Tell me how it tastes.”


Sera relented and dipped her finger on her dad-now-mom’s cum and gave it a quick lick—

“Oh!? It is sweet! How is that possible? It doesn’t give me the same feeling when I eat yours, but it’s not that bad.”

“That’s good.”

Gin had specifically changed the way Collette’s semen was produced. He couldn’t be sure which organ contributed the most in flavor, so he used the system to compensate for his gap of knowledge. There was a cost naturally, the less he knew about the thing he tried to change, the more expensive the price became.

Though, he didn’t mind. He wanted to see if he could change the taste of her semen, and it worked. It was something that he also wanted to implement to his own body in the very near future.

‘Now, I want to check one more thing…’

Collette experienced her first blissful state. Unlike male, female’s orgasm lasts longer. Despite cumming from both penis and vagina, her cock was still erect and throbbing with vigor.

‘Right, I think it’s working.’

When men ejaculate, they will experience a refractory period soon after. They will feel fatigue and sleepiness, although there are cases where some may experience a sense of euphoria or a rush of energy after orgasm.

For women, the post-orgasmic state may be shorter, and they may be able to have multiple orgasms without a refractory period.

Now, what if both of them were to be combined into one? A person with both a penis and a vagina experiencing an orgasm?

Collette was the answer. She didn’t just orgasm through one genital or the other. She clearly stimulated her clitoris, yet she also spurted out her semen through her phallus. Her refractory period passed by almost instantly, the proof was the fact her cock still remained tall and solid.

‘This could mean that she has a dick with no refractory period. Then my design works unconditionally regardless of science or reason. As long as I have enough points, the system will cover my gaps of knowledge to grant my wishes, no matter how ridiculous it is.’

Gin put away the mirror and caressed Collette’s cheeks with both hands.


His touch was electric, igniting a fire within her that she couldn't control. She surrendered to him completely as he squeezed her cheeks, his strong hands pulling and rubbing them together, his thumbs slipping into her mouth and exploring every inch of her tongue. Gin's touch was insistent, his palms sliding over her lips, nose, and face as she let out a low, guttural moan, consumed by pleasure.

“NGhH—!? NGHH—!! ANGH—!!”

Collette's eyes rolled back into her head as she cried out in ecstasy. She felt herself melting under his touch, her mind becoming consumed by the sheer pleasure he was bringing her. It was almost too much to bear, but she didn't want it to stop. She needed more.


Collette lay sprawled on the table, her body glistening with sweat as she reached the peak of her pleasure. With a primal moan, she arched her back as the waves of ecstasy washed over her.


Spurt—!! Spurt—!!

Her cock twitched and throbbed, releasing another stream of hot, sticky sperm, while her pussy clenched around nothingness, dripping with the sweet nectar of her release. Her mind was lost in a haze of euphoria, unable to form coherent thoughts as she babbled like a madman, lost in the moment of pure bliss.


Gin smiled in satisfaction. Despite ejaculating twice in a row, Collette could still maintain her vigor.

‘It seems you don’t have to be a god to enjoy being a hermaphrodite.’

There were already some plans Gin hatched in his mind to create his own community of followers. Followers who will possess certain characteristics that cannot be copied by other cults or religions.


“Yes, master?”

“Why don’t we give her a little bit of a hand? Have her a taste of our love?”

“Of course, master.”

Teressa nodded without hesitation. She walked up towards Collette’s groins and spread her thighs apart forcefully, moving her face closer towards her semen-covered bushes.



Teressa's eyes widened in arousal as she inhaled the intoxicating aroma of Collette's musky essence. The scent of her member mingled with the pungent scent of sperm, igniting a primal hunger within Teressa. She darted her tongue out, tracing the edges of her folds, lapping up the sticky residue with a feverish hunger. Collette writhed beneath her touch, gasping and whimpering as Teressa explored her depths with a skilled tongue.


As Teressa continued to feast on Collette's nectar, she could feel the weight of her master's gaze on her. She glanced up to meet his dark eyes, feeling a flush of excitement wash over her. She knew that he was enjoying the show, relishing in the sight of his two willing playthings entwined in pleasure.

“Oh~! Ah~!”

With a knowing grin, Teressa returned her attention to Collette, teasing and coaxing her closer and closer to the edge of climax. She could feel her body tensing, and her muscles quivering with need. And then, with a final, shuddering cry, Collette exploded in ecstasy for the third time, drenching Teressa's face with a torrent of hot, sticky love juice.

“T-Teressa—! I’m cumming—!!”

Splurt—!! Splurtt—!!

Teressa drank in every drop, savoring the taste of Collette's release. And as she lay there, spent and trembling, she knew that she could never go back to her old self. The euphoria she just experienced, it was all thanks to that man. She couldn’t think straight. There was nothing but her primal instinct screaming that it still wasn’t enough. She craved more of that same raw, unadultered pleasure that had just consumed her. She wanted to be used and taken, to be lost in the ecstasy of the moment. The itch below her testicles— her clitoris and vagina, she wanted more—

—The joy of being his slave.

Teressa licked her lips clean, her tongue still tingling with the taste of Collette's essence. She looked up at her master, anticipation written all over her face.

“Oh, now we can do it together, dear. Together with master…”

“That’s right.” Gin gave Collette a gentle pat, “We are just getting started.” He pulled her hands behind her head, and tightened his grip on her wrists.



Gin's eyes glinted with mischief as he called out to Sera, who was busy touching herself. She pulled her hands away in panic and embarrassment, her face flushing red like a ripe cherry.

“Come here. Don’t you want to play with your new mommy?”

“Uh, uhm, can I?”


Gin smiled at her.

“Aren’t you curious? The night is young. There’s a lot to explore.”

Sera hesitated for a moment before straightening her back, determined to satisfy her curiosity. Her eyes sparkled with excitement as she tiptoed towards them, ready to explore the depths of her own depravity and perversion with her new family.

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