Faith, Lust, and Hypnosis

Chapter 5-2 (Rapture)

‘It seems that I still couldn’t completely alter her psyche to my will.’

That night, when Gin used Dream Walker on Sera’s dreams, he tried to increase her Trust to the maximum.

‘It wouldn’t work—’


-Not enough Faith points to perform such an act of miracle.

-??? Faith points are needed.

‘—Rather, I don’t have enough points to make Sera mine.’

Not only that, but what bothered him the most wasn’t because he didn’t have enough, but the fact that the required amount needed was unknown.

‘What do the question marks mean? Is it incalculable?’

Gin recalled the time when he asked the system if he could revive the dead. It gave the same answer, a bunch of question marks. He didn’t think too much of it then and waved it off, but now, there were some suspicions he wanted to confirm.

‘Grant me the ability to see through objects.’


-Not enough Faith points to obtain such ability!

-1.000.000 Faith points are required!

‘The cost is insane, but still, it wasn’t just question marks.’

It was something Gin already checked before. He tried asking the system about numerous skills and abilities, as well as manifesting an object out of thin air. They cost in the thousands to the millions, he almost got a heart attack just by seeing the numbers.

‘No matter how expensive or cheap it is, the system would still tell me the price of my wish. Yet, there seems to be exceptions where the system wouldn’t tell me how much it cost. Reviving the dead back to life and raising the Trust stats to the maximum were some of them.’

Just like when he came to this world and put Coll, Teressa, and Sera under his Minor Hypnosis, he was unable to make them obey his will completely. He needed to gain their trust, gradually evolving the hypnosis state tier by tier.

Teressa was the first person he conquered in this world. It was a long game, and took a lot of patience. Once he managed to raise her Trust to 7, Gin used his Hypnotic Voice to make her fall under a Trance state and altered her psyche to fall in love with him, to be lustful for his touch and body. After that, he had to let her develop her own feelings and emotion through time, letting it grow stronger and rooted itself in her heart.

With his Minor Hypnosis evolved to Medium Hypnosis, and Teressa’s Trust increased to 8, Gin’s second and last therapy managed to completely break her mind, transforming her into a slave of love and carnal desire. At the end, she consumed his divinity, evolving the Medium Hypnosis to its final stage, Absolute Hypnosis, and won her complete trust.

It was a slow and methodical process. Gin couldn’t immediately increase Teressa’s Trust to the maximum despite giving her tons of hypnotic suggestions. It only increased from 7 to 8. The second time increased it from 8 to 9, then after their intimate time together 9 to 10.


The more Gin thought about it, the more he realized just how complicated hypnosis was.

‘There are restrictions. I can alter her psyche— her perception of things, but not direct emotions.’

It was then he recalled the entire process of Teressa’s descent into perversion.

‘I made Teressa to feel pleasure to hear my voice, to feel my touch, to lust for my body. To make her feel warm and peaceful just by basking in my presence—‘

Like a sudden epiphany, Gin reached a wild conclusion.

‘I altered her perception to make her feel like she was in love with me. But I didn’t alter her emotion itself to be in love with me.’

He nodded to himself, as if he finally understood how his hypnosis ability works.

‘I didn’t even realize it myself… I was just simulating the experience of love and lust in her mind. Through time, because she saw me everyday, heard my voice and even felt my touch, the suggestions only grew stronger and stronger until it solidified itself as the truth. Teressa’s current emotional state is no longer just a simple hypnosis. Even if I were to lift the hypnosis— her feelings towards me, to take me as her absolute master, to indulge all my sexual pleasures, none of them will disappear.’

Gradually, the pieces began to fall into place.

‘I have nothing to worry about at all. Teressa is already mine, body and soul. She has no way to escape my clutches unless I allow it. With my authority over her very being, perhaps I can even transform her entire personality into a literal living fleshlight without any capability to resist whatsoever, but there's no need to. I like her the way she is right now. A perverted and depraved mother.

Finishing his train of thoughts, a new plan began to formulate in his mind. Gin understood what he had to do at that moment.

‘On Teressa’s case, I was somewhat clueless on what to do. Furthermore I was lacking in Faith points at that time. I was desperately trying to raise her Trust stats so I could alter her psyche, giving me complete control over her. Now that I’ve secured food and shelter to survive, I think I can afford to experiment and play around with my hypnosis a little bit.’

Using the system, the space within her dreams began to shake. The ground trembled and the sky turned dark. The world cracked and shattered into pieces.

Void has arrived.


Sera fell down into the abyss, unable to understand what was happening around her.

Gin stood alone as the world engulfed in complete darkness.

‘I cannot raise her Trust directly with my hypnosis. It’s at rock bottom, she would never lend her ears to hear a single word I say… But what if I can make her listen regardless of her feelings? What if I created an environment where she was forced to ‘socialize’ with me?’

Gin recalled his memories from a lifetime ago, when he was just an ordinary highschooler.

‘At that time, I wasn’t exactly the worst, but I wasn’t the best either. I didn’t stick out and managed to befriend some people. But that was it. Our interactions didn’t go any further beyond classmates. We’ve never seen or talked to each other again once we graduated highschool.’

That was his plan, to create an environment where the both of them will be forced to interact with each other, to make a connection and develop their relationship together.

‘However, there’s no guarantee that our relationship will improve just because we communicate with each other. There’s a possibility that the opposite might happen. Just like me and my classmates in high school, we spoke to each other quite a lot, but that was it. We didn’t become close friends or anything like that. Our time in highschool was just lukewarm at best.’

Gin opened his mouth and started to alter Sera’s psyche.

‘I will create a special environment. It will be unique. We will be forced to socialize with each other— it’s like having a group project with someone you hate, Sera. You won’t like it at first, but I will make sure that you will in the end.’


Gin snapped his fingers, and just like that, it was done.

Sera’s fate has been sealed.

‘Truth be told, I don’t think this is the most effective and efficient method to make her fall or anything. I’m just having fun and enjoying myself. There’s no need to rush. Rather, I believe taking things slow and carefully would be the best approach with Sera. Like mother, like daughter.’

The authority Gin held over Sera was high due to his stats and title. The degrees of tamperation he did to her psyche wasn’t small. It was the exact opposite. Every single suggestion he planted was completely against her moral compass.

‘Basically, I planted an absolute rule in her mind that she cannot defy or break.’

First alteration: Every morning, Sera must drink semen and urine specifically coming from Gin and Gin only. It’s preferable to be eaten together with a meal, but it is also fine on its own. Breaking the rule by not consuming his bodily fluids will cause extreme anxiety, terror, discomfort, and nausea throughout the rest of the day.

Second alteration: Asking for and consuming Gin’s semen and urine will be considered as a normal and mundane thing to do. After Sera drinks her first serving of ‘protein’ and ‘juice’, her common sense will be returned. Naturally, the absolute rule is still active and the consequences for breaking it will apply.

Third alteration: All of Gin’s bodily fluids are to stimulate her sense of taste to feel extreme euphoria. The taste will cause severe addiction to consume more of it. The more she consumes, the worse the addiction becomes. It is a never ending circle.

Fourth alteration: Eating any sort of food without his semen or urine mixed in it will taste horrible and vomit inducing.

‘This is quite a lot to take in. I wonder if it will work?’

The idea behind the suggestion was to make Sera who hated his guts to be addicted to his semen and piss, forcing an interaction between the two of them. How would she deal with her craving? How would Sera react once she regained her sanity? Gin himself was curious on what she would do after the fact.

‘For now, this should suffice. Hm…’

Gin thought for a moment and added extra alterations into her psyche. After all, there was no reason to hold back after going this far. Gin was making sure that she wouldn't rebel or do anything that could jeopardize the situation.

‘Well, this should be good enough. I’ve put a trigger on her mind. Every time she heard me snap my fingers, she would instantly fall into a Trance state. That way I can keep on altering her psyche anytime and anywhere without having to enter her dreams like this again. It will be convenient, I can just make changes on the fly according to the situation.’

Gin yawned and covered his mouth.

‘I’ve spent quite a while in her dreams. She’s gonna wake up with a headache later, I’m sure.’

The present time.

Gin had just finished railing his cock into Teressa’s anus and shot his seeds deep into her rectum. It has been a while since Sera passed out.

“Hah… hah…”

Gin wiped the sweat off his forehead and wiped the semen on his shaft with the nightgown Teressa still wearing, drenched in both of their bodily fluids.


Sera's body slowly stirred as her eyelids fluttered, a low groan escaped her lips. She dragged herself up from the hard, wooden floor, her head throbbed as if it had been pounded by an anvil. As she rubbed her eyes, she suddenly felt a warm, wet sensation between her legs. It was as though a dam had burst, and she was left drenched in a pool of her own gush.


Sera's eyes bulged as a torrent of memories flooded her mind. The events leading up to her loss of consciousness came rushing back to her: the morning when she emerged from her room, boldly and unashamedly demanding to consume Gin's semen and urine as if it was the most natural thing in the world. The mere thought of it now made her stomach turn, but in that moment, it had seemed like the only thing she truly wanted.

Sera couldn't help but wonder what had come over her to make her act in such an unconventional and extreme way. The answer, however, eluded her for the time being, leaving her feeling confused and disoriented. Also the fact that her father didn’t mind her aberrant behavior, and witnessing her own mother giving a blowjob— it was all too much for her to process—

Sera, change your clothes. You are really late for training now.


Sera opened her mouth with a blank face, speechless. What was this guy saying to her? Late for training? She couldn’t comprehend what was happening at all, especially with her groins feeling extremely sensitive clouding her mind.

“Training, Sera. You don’t remember? I thought you wanted to quickly drink my cum and piss so you can leave for the village to train? Instead you passed out—“

“W-wait! H-hang on! What… what is even going on right now!?”

Gin shook his head, his face looking exasperated.

“Maybe this will help you remember—“

Gin immediately turned around and dug his index and middle fingers deep into Teressa’s asshole which already gaped slightly from his incessant pounding. He scratched the inside of her rectum as she moaned out of her mind, and pulled out his semen-covered fingers and shoved it into Sera’s mouth without warning.


As soon as his fingers touched her tongue, Sera's senses ignited in a frenzy of pleasure. The flavor was so intense, it sent her mind reeling and her body quivering with ecstasy. Her eyes rolled back into her head as she let out a deep, guttural moan, completely overtaken by the sensation. In a moment of pure ecstasy, Sera collapsed to the ground, her body trembling with delight as the flavor lingered on her tongue.

“Oh—! OHHH—!!”

Another wave of heat pulsed through her body. Sera's heart raced as she experienced a moment of intense pleasure, feeling her body climaxing again as she savored the taste on her tongue. She let out short, loud moans as she felt the dampness between her legs grew stronger, realizing she had lost control. Her body shuddered as she took a deep breath, trying to regain her composure as she gushed her pants wet again.


Gin kept on playing with her tongue with his fingers for a while until everything was licked clean without a single drop of his cum left.


“Now, do you remember? Get up and change your clothes or I won’t feed you my cum and piss again.


The moment Sera heard his words, her eyes snapped wide open. Despite the dull ache between her legs and the lingering scent of her release, she forced herself to stand up and make her way back to her room. She took off her clothes, stained with pee and her own gush, and discarded it in a pile on the floor. It was only after she pulled on a fresh outfit she realized something—

“What the hell… am I doing…?”

Sera thought she was going insane. She couldn’t believe what just happened— why would she listen to his words? Why would she obey his orders with such a lame threat?

Yet, she couldn’t help but to remember—

‘The absolute rule…’

Just as Sera was about to leave her bedroom, she stopped before the door.


Her mother, Teressa, was lying on the ground. There were semen coming out of her anus. It was only a glance, but she was certain of it. They had sex. Gin and her mother had sex using her anus—

‘Mom moaned… the look on her face when she sucked on his… his…’

Sera clapped her own cheeks—

‘I don’t understand—!’

Just then, the door was opened by someone.





Sera blinked.

‘Where…? What…?’

The sound of woods clacking against each other echoed into her ears—

‘I was in my room—’

Then she realized she was standing outside. Her surroundings looked familiar—

“Sera, you are late. Way too late. What happened to you?”

“…Uh… I… um…”

“Nevermind. You are here at least. Do your warm up and take your time with practice… after all what happened yesterday… Well, it’s fine to take it slow.”

“What happened… yesterday…?”

Sera tried to recall her memory. Yesterday was the first time she had lost in swordsmanship, ever. To Wyca to boot. It felt like so long ago—

“… You alright, Sera?”

“R-right. I’m alright, sir!”

The sun was high in the sky. The heat in the air stung her skin and sweat began drenching her outfit. Sera gave a quick salute and walked away under the shade.

‘What just happened…? How did I get here…?’

She couldn’t remember what happened after she changed her clothes. The moment she blinked she was already here in the village, at the training field with the group. Treo was here teaching the boys and girls, and Wyca was there sparring against the others.


Sera felt something was wrong, she took a deep breath and had a flashback on what just happened this morning—


Sera's hand instinctively rose to her forehead, her face contorting in pain.

‘D-don’t think about it! Focus! Focus on training right now—!’

Before she could gather her thoughts, Sera noticed a figure standing next to her. It was Laven, with his tousled blond hair half-covering his intense blue eyes. His brows were furrowed in concern as he asked her what was wrong.

“Are you okay? You seem really out of it back there.”

“…I’m fine.”

Sera shook her head and started her warm up. Her mind was too occupied with the oddities that were happening all around her since this morning.


Laven stood silently, his gaze fixed on Sera as she stretched her legs, hips and back. He was lost in his own thoughts until she called out to him and snapped back to reality.

“Laven, what are you doing just standing there like an idiot?”

“O-oh! Uh, nothing! I’m just… resting… yeah, resting for a bit.”

“…If you say so.”

Sera went back to focus on her warm up and went to grab her wooden sword, the weight of it felt familiar and comforting in her hands. She tried her best to distract her mind by swinging the sword. The soft whoosh of the blade in the air and the clack of wood against wood brought her a momentary inner peace. But as she swung, trying to lose herself in the motion, she felt a presence behind her. A voice called out, and she turned to see Wyca, her fiery red hair pulled back in a tight ponytail.

“You are late.”


“Do you hear me? Your ears are filled with wax or something? You deaf?”

Sera gritted her teeth. She turned around and faced Wyca, the most annoying person in her life after Gin. “…The hell you want now?”

“Heh,” Wyca smiled smugly, her eyes turned into a squint. “Why don’t we have another spar?”


Sera looked at her in the eyes. She was annoyed and angry, but oddly enough, she wasn’t as agitated as she usually would. She tightened her grasp on her sword and nodded.



Wyca frowned. There was a hint of shock in her eyes, but it was too subtle for anyone to notice. Not even Sera herself saw it. She was too distracted by the event this morning, and also the fact that her vagina has been feeling sensitive for a while. It wasn’t as bad compared to when she was in her bedroom before, but it was still throbbing.

Doing a spar was a bad idea, but she couldn’t just back down from a challenge. Not from Wyca at least.

Both Sera and Wyca didn’t say anything as they walked into the middle of the field. Glancing into each other’s eyes, the flame of competitiveness flickered to life, the two swordswomen took their stance. Their silent exchange was enough for the onwatcher to understand how intense their rivalry was.



Their swords met, clacking against each other. They moved their feet on the ground, pushing and pulling looking for an opportunity to deal the winning strike. They slashed, thrusted, and dodged— crowds began to form as their spar became heated.

“It almost look like a dance.”

“Might as well be one, honestly.”

“Just how in the world did they get up to that level?”

“Talent and practice obviously. Sera has been good at it since she was a kid.”

“Well, Wyca didn’t. She just beat her yesterday. Maybe there’s a chance I can surpass her too, right?”

“You come to training like what, once or twice a week?”

Spar usually don’t last very long. It was rare for swordsmen and swordswomen their age to exchange over 20 strikes. It was continuous rigorous movements that utilizes their whole body, just from a few steps and swings was enough to make anybody sweat. Especially under the sun, Sera and Wyca both got half of their outfit damp with sweat.

‘I can’t do it—!‘

Sera’s face flushed red. She managed to receive Wyca’s attacks and successfully counter them, but she herself was at the edge of the rope. The throbbing in her vagina grew stronger the more she moved.

The sensitiveness of her genitals became a huge distraction, Sera was barely standing on her two legs. Laven watching from the side thought she looked quite sick. She was gasping for air, and her posture was somewhat unsteady. He frowned, thinking that Sera might lose again when suddenly—


Sera was dashing forward at Wyca, trying to go all out and end the spar in one final strike— Wyca herself was prepared to receive her attack and took a stance, but never in a million years did she think she would ever witness Sera tripping herself on flat ground.


Sera's heart pounded in her chest as she stumbled, her body tilting dangerously forward. In a split second, she reached out her left hand to brace her fall, her fingers grasping for anything to hold onto—


Just then, she touched something soft. It felt warm, plump, and firm in her hand—


Sera crashed into Wyca and both of them fell on top of each other. The dizziness and pain clouded her mind for a second before she realized what she just did.


Sera put more strength into her left hand and groped the soft and nice firm feeling even harder.



Sera raised her head and saw what she was groping on to. Wyca looked back at her, face just as flushed if not more. She gritted her teeth and spoke out with force in her tone.

“Are you done…?”

“Urk— !”

Sera pulled her hand back and stood up immediately, forgetting the throbbing in her groins. She was dazed, the warmth hadn’t left her hand. She tried to help Wyca stand up by reflex and offered her hand—

“Get away from me!”

Instead Wyca shoved her off and stood up on her own and walked away, still gnashing her teeth. Her breathing was rough as her chest heaved. Sera thought her reaction was a bit over the top, but then realized she almost choked her to death just yesterday.


The spar ended just like that. There was no winner or loser. Both of them backed off and went on doing their practice by themselves. The atmosphere ended on an awkward note.

Laven watching from the side thought this was a good opportunity to ask her to get lunch together.


This had been her eating schedule for years. Have breakfast at home in the morning, lunch in the village, and dinner back at home again. Yet, the moment she heard Laven mentioning lunch, she couldn’t feel but dread.

‘It’s… it’s just eating lunch… why do I feel scared all of the sudden…?’

Laven, being the son of the butcher, had easier access to procure meat as his daily meal. However, he wasn’t a big fan of eating them and preferred bread and soup as his favorite meal. It was one of the main reasons why he was on the shorter and skinny side of things.

Even so, he was grateful that his father was a butcher. Because of that, he got an excuse to have lunch together with Sera. To build muscles, protein was essential. Sera naturally craved to eat meat and Laven was exactly the person who could provide it to her for a discounted price.

That’s right, his father was not only a butcher, but also owned a small restaurant that serves boar and deer meat as the main cuisine. He used his connection as the son of the owner to sell the food at half price to chase after Sera. It has been going on for a few years now.

Sera herself didn’t necessarily rely on Laven’s offer to get protein. Her father was a hunter, they have enough supply of meat at home, but she thought there was no harm to consume more of it when given a chance to do so. Especially when the meat would be properly prepared by a chef. It tasted great, and she enjoyed every moment she spent in the restaurant.

Despite all of that, Sera hadn’t noticed his feelings towards her. She was too busy with her training and didn’t make room for romance in her life. Laven realized it too after a while, but he didn’t give up and continued to try to court her for years now.

“… What’s wrong, Sera?”


Sera sat on her chair, staring at the grilled meat in front of her. Covered in seasonings and spices, the aroma it emitted was usually enough to make her stomach rumble.

‘But why…? What is this fear I’m feeling…?’

Sera grabbed her fork and knife, sliced a small piece off the meat and brought it closer to her nose.

‘There’s nothing wrong with it. The smell was still the same as usual, it’s good… it should be good, so why…?’

She parted her lips open, putting the meat into her mouth and munched on it. Slowly, her brows creased and a disgusted expression became apparent on her face. This didn’t escape Laven’s notice, he asked, “What’s wrong, Sera? Is it bad?”

“N-no… it… is… g-good….”

Laven reached over to her plate, cut a small slice of the meat and took a bite. He chewed on it carefully, savoring the taste and the smell. It tasted good, he thought. Everything was as usual, so what caused Sera to make such an expression?

‘The texture… the seasonings… it’s all there, I remember it tasting the same, but… but… I-I don’t think I can swallow this…’

Sera had been chewing the meat over 50 times now, it had turned into a paste in her mouth but she still couldn’t swallow it. It was as if her throat closed up on its own whenever she was about to gulp it down. Her body refused it— rejected to ingest whatever she had in her mouth.

‘Why—!? What’s with the taste—!? I can’t— I can’t eat this! I need water—!’

Sera reached for the cup of water on the table and tried to gulp everything down, but—

“Urk—! Blargh—!!”

The moment she forced the meat paste down her throat with water, her gag reflex triggered. It was a strong and instantaneous reflex, Sera immediately vomited out everything on the table—


Tears dropped from the corner of her eyes. She covered her mouth with both hands and fell into panic attack—

After that, everything was a blur.

Before she realized it, she was standing in front of her home.


Sera had no idea how she even got back home. She remembered feeling sick throughout the rest of the day, spending the rest of her time sitting under the shade on her own, not even touching her wooden sword at all. All of it felt hazy, like having a fever dream.


Her thoughts were empty. Sera walked to the front door and held the door knob—

“Ah~! Ah~! Ah~! M-more—!! More—!!”

Her body froze, she couldn’t believe what she was hearing coming from beyond the door. Her hand holding the door knob trembled, her pupils constricted in fear—


She turned the knob and opened it. The sound of the incessant pounding and her mother’s loud moans became more apparent in her ears.

“Fuck me—!! Fuck me—!! H-harder—!! Ah~!!”

“Hah—! Hah—! You like my dick that much—!?”

Sera simply stood there outside the door, unable to comprehend what was happening in her own home.


There they were.

Her mother was leaning on the dining table with her hands, spreading her legs wide open as the black haired man behind her was busy moving his waist like a piston. The plates and cutleries rattled loudly, making the atmosphere even more chaotic.

“Oh, Sera— Ah! Ah! You… are… back…! Oh~! Oh—!!”

Even knowing her very own daughter was watching, Teressa didn’t push Gin away or ask him to stop pounding her. Sera saw it, her mother’s vagina was wet, her love juice was dripping onto the floor, and the shaft coming in and out of it was covered in white froth.

“H-hang onnnn… a… se-second!! Y-your dinner! … Will! … Be! …Ready soon!! Ah~! F-fuck me—!!”

“M-mom… what are you doing?”

Gin, who was busy fucking her mother’s brains out, answered her question in her instead.

“Hah—! We are preparing your dinner, Hah—! can’t you see—!?”

“What…? What are you—“

“Just sit back and relax! Oh—! I’m cumming soon—!”

Gin tugged on Teressa's disheveled and damp hair with force, causing her head to tilt back as her jaw fell open and her tongue lolled out in rapture. Sera gazed at the both of them in a daze as her mother's expression transformed into a blissful state. The sheer ecstasy emanating from her face was a sight to behold, and Sera found herself unable to look away.


As the pleasure coursed through her body, Teressa's eyes crossed and her moans grew louder, filling the air with a symphony of unrestrained desire. Her senses overwhelmed, losing herself in that very moment. The intensity of her passion rendering her world a blur of raw sensation. The only things that remained crystal clear were the waves of ecstasy crashing over her and the sound of her own voice, a primal expression of the pleasure consuming her every thought.

“Ah… there you go, Sera. Dinner is ready.” Gin gave Teressa’s buttcheeks one last rough groping before pulling out his penis out of her pussy. Semen was trickling onto the floor.

“Hah… hah… sit down, sweetie, hah… I’ll get it ready… in a moment…”

Sera’s mouth opened and closed, no words came out of her. She wanted to speak out, but found herself completely dumbfounded. What was there to say? What would be the appropriate thing to do in this situation? Sera had no idea. Her legs were rooted to the ground. The heat that had already subsided began to throb again in her groins. It grew stronger and stronger as she witnessed her mother and this foreign man reach climax together.

“Haah… Huff…”

Sera heaved her chest. She felt her face become hotter and hotter. She realized the feeling was familiar, something she experienced not too long ago— in fact, it just happened this morning.

“Ah… this one's for you… sweetie.”

Her mother sluggishly climbed on top of the dining table. Still with her face covered in bliss, she squatted above her food. There was freshly grilled boar meat with a little bit of seasoning in it, a cloud of white steam could be seen coming from the surface of the hot meal.

Teressa dug up her pussy with her fingers. She inserted them deep into her vaginal canal and scratched every bit of semen she could get, pouring them all out on top of Sera’s dinner. Naturally, she moaned from the pleasure—

“Ah~… Oh~…”

It took her a minute to get it all out of her pie hole completely. Sera watched without blinking even once, almost forgetting to breathe.

“It is… ready…”

Teressa sucked on her fingers a few times, making sure there were no wasted left over. Once she finished, Gin gave her asscheeks a light slap, beckoning her to get off the table.


He opened his mouth and said, “Well, what are you waiting for?”


Sera stared at him in silence, speechless.

The dampness in her panties were palpable. Seeing her meal covered in semen, she couldn’t help but to gulp down her saliva.

Gin smiled innocently as he pulled the chair out for her—

Have a seat, Sera.

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