Faith, Lust, and Hypnosis

Chapter 3-1 (Frolicking)

Ever since that day, everything changed.

I’ve been chasing that high, hoping to recreate even a fraction of it.

For this past week felt like a lifetime for me.

Could you even imagine the frustration? This thirst?

Who else but you could be more worthy to satisfy this tainted desire of mine?

The wait has been long and agonizing.

Would you be kind enough to bless me with your salvation?

Teressa laid on her back. The bed felt oddly softer than usual, to which she attributed to her own imagination. The yearning gleam of desire in her eyes was blatant and shameless. Yet, she couldn’t care less about what others think of her.

Currently, she could not see anybody else in this world but this one man sitting beside her. His black hair looked somewhat unkempt and messy, his clothes were wrinkled and lightly stained. However, she didn’t pay them any heed.

What mattered to her was his existence itself. That she could see his face every morning, every night, see his smile and hear his voice. All of it gave her warmth and joy.

Only yesterday Teressa experienced his touch for the first time and she already fell even deeper into her own carnal desire, to consume more of the thrill that made her blood boil, her body burning in lust.

“I will start the therapy session. Are you ready, Teressa?”

Gin let out a soft smile, the one he would show to her every time they spoke with each other. Seeing it was enough to make her insides turn upside down, more so than usual.

“Hah… I’m ready. You can start… anytime.”

The word ‘horny’ was not enough to describe her appearance. Gin could almost feel the heat coming out of her body, her allure and charm as a mature woman.

Staring at her chest going up and down, anticipating every word that came out of his mouth sent shivers down his spine.

‘I have to hold on! I have to follow the plan until the end!’

Gin bit the inside of his cheeks to keep his sanity in check. He took a deep breath, a bead of sweat trickled down the side of his forehead.

Listen to my voice.

With a calm and confident voice, Gin began to narrate his hypnotic suggestion.

Take a deep breath through your nose. Hold it for three seconds, then exhale with your mouth.

Teressa followed his instruction with complete focus. Her lungs quickly filled with air as her chest raised up high. Then, she let out an audible exhale through her mouth. Gin saw her body becoming visibly more relaxed.

‘I’m gonna try something different this time. Let’s hope it works.’

Teressa’s Awareness gradually lowered to 1 [Defenseless]. This would be the moment where hypnosis suggestion is most effective. Gin was quick to act, he focused his will and intention on his words.

On the count of 3, I will snap my fingers and you will enter a state of deep relaxation where nothing could disturb your mind. No worries, no doubt, no pain. Only pure bliss and tranquility.

Gin cut his words short. Her Trust was high, and her awareness was already low. ‘Foreplay’ was not required. He knew she was looking forward to the therapy ever since he saw her this morning.

Her mind was the easiest to read among the three. Her desires and lust were all too palpable to Gin.

1– Your mind began to wander deeper into your unconscious. You feel the weight of your arms, legs and body being lifted off. You feel light as a feather.

Teressa’s breathing slowed down.

2– You can no longer feel anything physical. As if your body is made of water, you feel nothing but peace. You simply flow with the current. No thoughts, without burdens or worries. By the count of 3, you will let go of all worldly matter to the void.

Gin even felt her blazing flame of lust and desires slowly dissipated. But he didn’t worry about any of it. All still within his control.




-You have successfully put the target under Trance state!

‘Now, my already strong hypnotic suggestions will be able to alter her deepest psyche.’

Gin held back his nervous chuckle. He took another deep breath and wiped away the beads of sweat trickling down his face.

‘I wonder if I can increase her Trust and raise Medium Hypnosis to the next tier in one go. Let’s see how it goes—‘

‘This feels familiar.’

Teressa opened her eyes. She felt an intense surge of emotion coming back from the deepest corner of her mind.

‘I’ve been here before. Why can’t I remember?’

Before she realized it, the space became distorted. Everything was pitch black, and a deafening silence overcame her.

Teressa fell on her butt. Out of nowhere, her instinct began to scream from within, telling her to run and wake up from this nightmare, but it was useless. She couldn’t move an inch of her body. She was powerless and weak in this unknown, yet familiar world.

‘Where am I? Why am I here? How did I even get to this place…? What was I doing before—?’

Just as she surrendered to the darkness, the world became distorted once more.

‘Ah… this is…’

Then with a blink of an eye, the darkness disappeared like it was a lie. What she saw before her was a room. One that she might be too familiar with.

‘This is my bedroom… and that person lying on the bed… it’s me… myself…’

She couldn’t understand what was going on. She walked towards her reflection— her own clone who was lying on the bed. It looked like she was asleep. Her breathing was calm and gentle, she appeared to be in a deep sleep.

‘I don’t understand. Who are you? Are you… me?’

Her body clone on the bed was sleeping without a single piece of clothing on her. Not even a panty or a bra. She was stark naked, basked in the sunlight coming through the window.

Teressa brought her face closer to her clone and tried to touch her face when suddenly—


Her clone’s eyes opened wide, staring back at her with an uncanny expression.

The shock made her fall on her butt once again. Fortunately for her, there was no pain. In fact she felt absolutely nothing whatsoever. Not even when she touched herself.

“J-just who the hell are you!?”

“I… am you.”


Not expecting her clone to respond, Teressa’s mouth hung open, unable to process what the clone just said.

“I’m… the ‘real’ you, Teressa.”

“The real… me…?”

“That’s right. I’m the one you have been suppressing all this time. Your inner, true, and pure desire.”

Her eyes blank, she spoke with a monotone, grating voice.

“Y-you are…?”

The ‘clone’ didn’t blink her eyes even once. Eyes wide open, unflinching and stoic. She raised her hands up high towards the sky—

“Your act of defiance to reject me— to throw me away into the abyss, I will bring forth unto you, my vengeance.”

“N-no! I don’t know what the hell you are talking about!”

For the first time, the clone’s expression changed. A lecherous smile formed on her lips and her eyes curved like a crescent moon. Her cheeks and nose began to glow red with excitement.

“What are you trying to do to me!?”

“I will present to you your true desires.”

“My desire…? W-what are you talking about—!?”

“Once you have realized the truth, you will be free. No chains in this world will be able to bind you. No longer will you have to pretend, to play an unwanted role, to lower yourself towards the world.”

“I told you, I have no idea what the hell you are talking about!!”

The clone shook her head. She spoke with a condescending tone.

“Why don’t you just sit back and enjoy the show, little girl?”

“L-little!? H-hey!”

Before she realized it, she was already sitting on a metal chair. There were silver chains binding her hands, legs, waist and neck.

“Mmff!? Mffpfhfmpfhf!!”

And then, a ball gag was tied to her mouth, keeping her jaw open as drool began to drip from the edge of her lips.

“Hush, now. This will be the most important moment of your life. Remember it, cherish it, and most importantly—“

Then, another person opened the door and entered the room. A man with black hair wearing a wrinkled, long sleeved shirt. His hair was slightly unkempt while his eyes looked droopy and blank.

‘G-Gin!? What are you doing here!? No— that’s not the real Gin, just like this doppelganger! Why… is he here…?’

“—Watch and observe carefully.”

The clone spoke. A proud and arrogant smile on her face. Her entire body was glistening under the light from her sweat.

“This is your true self— your true wish— your deepest, most depraved desire!!“

Then ‘Gin’ walked closer towards her clone and moved his hands at her.

‘A-ah no—!! Don’t do it!!’


Gin’s hands moved towards her large, slightly sagging breasts. He gave it a gentle and loving caress starting from the lower area, and moved higher bit by bit, all while avoiding the nipples.


‘Stop it!! I-I don’t want that—!! I don’t—!!’

Teressa’s clone raised her head, looking towards the ceiling. Her mouth hung open and her eyes rolled behind her head, as if her soul had ascended to heaven.

“AAHHhhhhhh~~!! I can feel it~!! Finally~!! The moment I have been waiting for all this time~!!”


Teressa saw it. The clone’s erect nipples, hard as a rock, protruding towards the sky. Gin’s hands were groping the area around it, pinching it softly, giving it gentle taps all over it while avoiding the nipples.


The clone moaned in ecstasy. Rather, she was howling until she fell on all four on the ground.

‘W-what…? Did she just orgasm from that…? Is this… the real… me…?’

Teressa stared at the ‘show’ in awe. She almost forgot to breathe and blink, her eyes glued to the clone’s euphoric expression and her erect nipples.

Gin had only caressed her boobs. Not even intense, but gently. How in the world did she feel that good?

‘Impossible! There’s no way that’s me!! I’m not… I’m not that easy—!!’

Then the clone let out another moan—

“It feelssssss ssoooo~ gooooooddd~!!”

The clone couldn’t stop shaking from the pleasure. She opened and closed her mouth like a broken robot, unable to put out any coherent sentences.

‘No way, this can’t be me!! I refuse to believe it!!’

“Oh, Teressa, why have you become so wet?”

The clone suddenly recovered her uncanny attitude. She stood up like a puppet having its strings pulled up. She walked closer to her face step by step still with her dark perverted smile.

‘No—! Don’t come any closer—!’


“Oh, Teressa, poor Teressa. Look at you, powerless and chained to your own stubbornness. Look.”

The clone reached into Teressa’s groin. She spread open her labia forcefully and rubbed it back and forth with her other hand.


Teressa threw her head back from the abrupt electrifying sensation spreading from her pussy. It was for a brief second, but it was enough to fry her rational thought away momentarily.

“Do you see this?”

The clone raised her hand and shoved it to Teressa’s face. As if she was wiping away filth on a handkerchief, the clone scrubbed her palm and finger on her nose, eyes and gagged mouth before licking it herself.

“Not a bad taste, Teressa. I know you want this.”


‘No, I don’t! You are the one doing it! Not me!’

“I am you, Teressa. Remember, I am your true self.”

‘No, you are not—!!!’

Teressa closed her eyes and screamed with all her might, yet nothing happened. The clone was still there, smiling and welcomed her back when she opened her eyes again.

‘Please, let me go— I beg of you—‘

“Oh, Teressa, you silly little child. You know what to do to escape from those chains.”

‘I don’t know. I don’t know what to do—‘

“Remember, Teressa. Remember who I am.”

‘Who… are you…?’

“I am you. Is that a good enough hint for you?”

The clone’s smile widened as Gin approached her from behind once more. His hands reached for her breast and played it around, tossing and pressing it together, rubbing the nipples to each other. Still, his fingers won’t directly touch them.

“Ohh~~ I can’t get enough of this feeling…!”

‘Touch it.’

“This is what I have been looking for. This sensation! This euphoric sensation!”

‘Touch the nipples— please!’

“No more unnecessary thoughts, no more worries or burden— only unending pleasure.”

‘Why won’t you touch the nipples!?’

Gin kept on playing with the clone’s breasts without even coming close to touching her nipples. Teressa couldn’t hold it anymore, the more she watched, the more frustrated she became. She wanted more— she wanted to see beyond a simple caress and groping.

She wanted him to be more rough on her.


Teressa moved her gaze downwards. The chains binding her neck limited her vision, yet despite that she could tell down below her groin was a wet patch.

Covered in thick, blue bushes, her vulva and clit has been throbbing ever since she saw Gin entering the room.

“You know what you have to do. The chains will never let you go otherwise.”

Teressa couldn’t answer. Her mind went blank—

“You can suck his dick.”

Almost immediately, her back straightened. Eyes opened wide and focused on one spot below Gin’s stomach.

“Do you want it? You can suck his dick, if you want. All you have to do is very simple—“

The clone turned around and moved her hand to Gin’s crotch—

“Accept me. Your true self—“


The moment the clone grabbed Gin’s cock, Teressa’s breathing stopped. She could see the shape behind the pants he was wearing. She could tell without a doubt he was having a boner.

“Let’s see—“

The clone pulled down his pants without hesitation.


It was like a toy she had when she was a child. The one where the toy would be kept inside a box and sprung out when the gear on the side is rotated.

This was similar.

Gin’s dick sprung out of his pants and slapped the clone’s cheeks.

“You bad boy~”

Teressa’s eyes fixated on his dick, red and unblinking. She wanted to take a closer look, but the chains around her neck and body kept her tied on the metal chair.

‘I… I want to see it… closer…’

She had no idea whether his dick could be taken as big or small since the only one before this moment she ever saw was her husband’s. However, she knew that Gin’s was still slightly bigger and also darker in color.

What also stood out to her was his pubic hair. It was just as thick as hers, if not more. She could even see some hairs on his testicles.

‘O-oh… it looks really… dirty and gross…’

Or so she thought, yet her body quivered in excitement.

‘It looks grotesque—‘

The clone giggled sweetly, her face looked to be in trance staring at the dick on her hand.

‘I-it’s pulsing! The veins… it looks so grotesque! I—‘

Teressa could no longer hold back.

‘I have to take a closer look—!!’


The clone glanced back at her and showed an arrogant smile, eyes filled with disdain.

“You wanted to touch him, yet you refuse to admit to your own desires! You… disgust me.”

‘No! I just— I just wanted to take a closer look—!!’


“Too bad, Teressa. At this rate, you won’t even get a whiff of his dick— Oh would you smell that? It’s sweaty. He hasn’t taken a shower since last night, Teressa. His cock smells of musk, soury even. Should I describe more for you?”

Teressa’s hands and legs trembled. The wet spot below her groins has pooled. Her nipples had never been this hard in her entire life. Not even with her husband— She had no idea her body could get this sensitive.

The friction between the chains and her body should have been enough to tear inside her flesh, bleeding her to death, yet nothing happened. She didn’t feel pain whatsoever, instead her hunger for Gin’s member only intensified.

Then the clone opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue.


The tip of her tongue touched the edge of his glans. Just a little bit, but it didn’t escape Teressa’s desperate eyes.

‘I submit.’

Teressa surrendered.

‘I accept it. I confess. I want his touch.’

All the chains on her body broke into tiny little pieces. They turned to dust and were swallowed by the ground.

‘I want to touch and smell every corner of his body.’

She stood up from her chair, and the gag ball on her mouth fell on the floor.


She limped closer towards Gin and her clone, barely standing on her two legs.

“—Give it to me… hah…”

The clone’s perverted smile slowly disappeared, replaced by a different one, more gentler and kind. Her eyes lost their arrogance, as if she transformed into somebody else completely. She let go of her hand from Gin’s throbbing cock and stood up.


Her voice was no longer rough and condescending. This time she spoke with respect and confidence.

“—You are free now.”

“I am… free…?”

“No more chains shall bind you from your desires. No more restraints. No more shall you carry the burden of others.”

“No… more…”

“That’s right. No more.”

The clone was no longer a fake.

From now on, she has become a true part of herself. She became ‘real’ the moment Teressa accepted her immoral desires.

“We are free, Teressa.”

This time, Teressa felt the change in her body. Not just a simple emotion, but a real, physical transformation.

A refreshing and powerful feeling, as if she could fly and take on the world. No matter how difficult her life is, no matter what challenges ahead waiting for her, no matter what other people think of her—

‘As long as Gin’s here with me—‘


Teressa blinked her eyes.

‘This is…?’

A familiar ceiling.

‘This is my bedroom.’

She rose from her bed. Looked down at her body. The heat inside her body was palpable, and so was the dampness in her panties.

Looking to her left was the black haired man. Gin.

The real Gin.

He smiled as usual. She saw a bead of sweat trickling down his chin.


Teressa’s gaze moved across his torso. His shirt was damp with sweat, cheeks and nose bright red. He seemed somewhat worn out to her, however—

When her gaze moved below his waist—

“Teressa? Are you alright? The therapy is over now. How do you feel?”


“Uh, Teressa?”

Teressa didn’t reply. She simply stared right to where his penis at, covered by a pair of annoying pants.

“Do you feel anything? Are you alright? Why won’t you answer me?”

“…I was so close, Gin.”

“Yes…? Close to what, exactly?”

“I almost had it.”


Gin seemed confused. He was about to open his mouth when Teressa cut him off.

“Take off your pants.”


“Take it off, Gin. I want to see your penis.”


“Now. Take it off. Now.”

Gin became quiet for a moment. He seemed to process what she had just said. He nodded to himself and stood up from his chair.


Teressa felt her heart skip a beat. She got carried by the flow after waking up from the therapy and demanded to see his dick— to actually see the real thing much closer, even touch and smell it from up close— but she didn’t actually think it might work.

She even thought that he might refuse her demand and leave the house. If that were to happen— she couldn’t imagine what she would have done.

“I will take my pants off, but—“

Gin spoke with his usual smile and her ears perked up.


You have to beg for it.

Teressa’s face froze for a second.

“What? Do you not want to?”

Gin taunted as he pushed his waist forward to her face. Then, a peculiar smell wafted into her nose. She could smell it, even with his pants on, the thick and pungent aroma that lies behind it.


A lewd and lecherous smile gradually formed on her face. A debauched expression, one that she had rejected and buried deep inside her, has finally been unleashed.

With this, the chains of morality and boundaries have been broken. There was not a single thing left to hold her desires back.


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