Faith, Lust, and Hypnosis

Chapter 23-3 (Fallen)

"Your task for now is simple."

Ginova's last words echoed in Loraley's mind. The task that was entrusted to her before she was let go.

"Return to Solheim Empire, and by my eyes and arms from inside. From now on, you are my spy."

Loraley Rainfield, her golden hair somewhat disheveled and her red eyes cold and calculating, found herself sitting inside her royal carriage before the grand entrance of Solheim Empire.

The events of the recent past flashed through her mind like a fever dream. The forced sexual acts with Alter, the humiliating pleasure, and the subsequent transformation into a hermaphrodite at the hands of Ginova had left an indelible mark on her. She could still feel the ghost of Ginova's touch on her skin, and the power that Ginova held over her body.

Those were real. Every single moment of it. She recalled her defiance against her goddess, her fall, and her succumbing to her deadly temptation. Now she has become her puppet. 'To be her eyes and arms from within' as the goddess put it. The mission she was entrusted with isn't light. It was risky and she could potentially lose her life along with her precious maidens.

Yet, her gait showed no hesitation, and her eyes, fearless.

The blessing of the goddess compelled her to march forward.

It has been a week since. Loraley regained her bearings and returned home at last to bring 'good news' back to her homeland. Accompanied by her men, she rode on through the gate.

Her return wasn't an urgent matter, but one that was anticipated. The High Pontiff received her letter a few days ago, and many were curious about her report. Especially since good news is rather hard to come by these days.

The empire was huge and vast, traveling from city to city took Loraley and her men several days before she managed to reach the capital city of Solheim.

"Loraley Rainfield, it has been a while since we last met." The high pontiff welcomed her with open arms and a warm smile on his face.

"Your Holiness." Loraley bowed, respectful but with a hint of distance. She straightened, her gaze cold and detached as she scanned the room. The Holy Pontiff's private chamber was lavish, with intricate stained glass windows depicting scenes from the scriptures. Yet she was unimpressed; her mind was elsewhere, on the task Ginova had set for her.

"It has indeed been some time, High Pontiff. I trust all is well here in the heart of the Empire?" Loraley asked, her tone calm and measured. She stood tall, her priestess' robes hiding the changes Ginova had wrought upon her body. The chastity cage was long gone, and her cock hung heavy between her legs, the tip almost touching the inside of her thigh.

"Yes, yes, all is as it should be." The High Pontiff waved a dismissive hand, his aged eyes sharp as they studied Loraley. "But enough pleasantries, High Priestess. We have been awaiting your return with great anticipation. Tell us, what news do you bring of this... Ginova?"

Loraley's heart quickened, but her expression remained neutral. "I have encountered this so-called goddess, Your Holiness. She is a formidable being, with powers beyond comprehension." Loraley chose her words carefully, knowing the weight they carried. "She has gained a strong foothold in Deltorra, and her influence spreads like a plague."

"In-indeed?" The High Pontiff stroked his beard, his eyes narrowing. "And what of the stories we hear? That she possesses both... attributes of a man and a woman?"

Loraley allowed herself a small smile, her red eyes glinting. "It is true, Your Holiness. Ginova called herself and her followers the hermaphrodite, a being of immense power and lust. Her followers worship her fervently, and their numbers grow by the day."

"This is most disturbing." The High Pontiff exchanged a worried glance with Saintess Aurora, who stood beside him, eyes unreadable.

"It is indeed, Your Holiness." Loraley inclined her head, her expression grave. "And I fear that her influence may spread beyond Deltorra. She seeks to corrupt the faithful and turn them to her cause."

"Then it is imperative that we act swiftly." The High Pontiff's voice held a steely resolve. "High Priestess, we must increase our vigilance. Ginova must not be allowed to take root here in the Empire. The faith of our people must remain strong and untarnished."

Loraley nodded, her golden hair shimmering in the light streaming through the stained glass. "I agree, Your Holiness. And I am prepared to do whatever is necessary to protect the Empire and the Church."

As the High Pontiff and Loraley discussed the threat posed by Ginova, Aurora watched them with a keen eye. There was something about Loraley that intrigued her, a subtle change in her demeanor that Aurora couldn't quite put her finger on.

"With Ginova's influence growing, we must consider the possibility that she may have agents within our own ranks." The High Pontiff's eyes flickered to Aurora, then back to Loraley.

"Tell me, what of your encounter with Ginova? Did she reveal any weaknesses? Any information that could aid us?"

Loraley's mind flashed back to the dungeon, to the depraved acts she had been compelled to perform. She took a steadying breath, her expression hardening. "Ginova is powerful, Your Holiness, but she is not invincible. I believe her strength lies in her followers. If we can sever the connection between them, disrupt their faith, then her power would wane."

The High Pontiff's eyes darkened. "This… how did you come to this conclusion?"

"I did not, Your Holiness. Rather, he did." Loraley signaled to the guard standing by the corner with her eyes, and the guard nodded in response and left the chamber.

Loraley watched as the guard dragged in a young boy, his arms bound and a gag in his mouth. He struggled against his restraints, his eyes wild with fear.

"He is one of Ginova's offsprings. His name is Alter. I had him captured and brought here for interrogation." Loraley explained, her voice cold and devoid of emotion. "I believe he may hold valuable information about Ginova's plans and weaknesses."

The High Pontiff's eyes narrowed, and he stepped forward, his gaze fixed on the captive. "Very well, High Priestess. We shall interrogate him here and now. Guards, remove his gag."

The High Pontiff and the Saintess exchanged glances, a brief pause that was barely noticeable, but it didn't escape Loraley's sharp eyes.

"As you wish, Your Holiness." The guards moved forward, their hands rough as they pulled the gag from Alter's mouth.

The boy, appearing to be no older than twelve, struggled against his bonds, his eyes darting around the room. His fear was palpable, but there was something else in his eyes—a flicker of recognition as his gaze landed on Loraley.

A shiver ran down Loraley's spine as she recalled the dungeon, the feel of Alter's skin beneath her hands. She pushed the memory aside, her expression schooled in detachment.

"Speak, boy," the High Pontiff demanded. "Tell us everything you know of Ginova and her cult."

Alter's eyes widened, and he shook his head vigorously, his breath coming in short gasps. "I-I know nothing! Please, I'm just one of her many offspring, I swear!"

Loraley watched the exchange, her heart beating a steady rhythm. Ginova's command rang in her ears—to ensure her position in the Aria Church uncompromised and have Alter remain under her supervision. Beyond that, she was free to do whatever she wanted with him and the others. The thought sent a thrill through her, and she wet her lips unconsciously.

"Very well, if he doesn't want to talk, we have ways to make him talk." The High Pontiff waved a hand, and a guard stepped forward, a sinister smile on his face. The guard carried an assortment of instruments—sharp knives, hot irons, and other implements of torture.

Loraley's stomach twisted at the sight, but she schooled her features, knowing her role in this charade. "Your Holiness, perhaps I may be of assistance." She stepped forward, her eyes never leaving Alter's terrified face. "I have... experience in extracting information from reluctant sources."

The High Pontiff's eyes narrowed, then he nodded. "Very well, High Priestess. Proceed."

Loraley moved closer to Alter, her presence looming over him. She reached out, her fingers trailing along his jaw, enjoying the way he flinched at her touch. "Tell us, boy," she purred, "Tell us what you told me before in Deltorra. Who is Ginova and what is her aim?"

Loraley's fingers trailed along Alter's jaw, her touch sending shivers through the captive boy. She leaned closer, her lips curving in a sultry smile as she whispered, "Come now, Alter, surely you remember our little encounter. It would be such a waste to make you relive it here."

Alter's eyes widened, the recognition turning to fear as he realized what her words meant. He opened his mouth, but no sound escaped.

Loraley's smile widened, her thumb caressing his bottom lip. "That's better," she purred. "Now, tell the High Pontiff what you told me. He deserves to know the truth, don't you think?"

Alter licked his lips, his eyes darting between Loraley and the High Pontiff. "She... Ginova, she's not just a goddess. She's a force of nature, an embodiment of lust and power." His voice was hoarse, his words rushed. "Her followers worship her, and she grants them pleasure beyond their wildest dreams. In return, they offer their faith, their devotion..."

The High Pontiff's eyes narrowed, his gaze fixed on Alter. "And what does she plan for the Solheim Empire? Does she seek to corrupt us as well?"

Alter swallowed, his Adam's apple bobbing. "Y-yes. Ginova's influence knows no bounds. She desires to spread her... teachings far and wide. To make all succumb to her will."

"And how does she plan to do that?" Loraley's fingers tightened on Alter's jaw, her nails digging into his skin.

Alter whimpered, his eyes closing as he spoke. "Through her power of miracles, to create and transform others in her image. T-the so-called hermaphrodite… she plans to conquer the world, through sexual pleasures that people cannot resist…"

Aurora's eyes widened at Alter's revelation. Loraley saw the disgust and unease in her eyes, but the high priestess' face remained impassive. She knew her role in this theater was vital.

She'd been commanded to win the trust of the two powerful people in front of her while concealing her true allegiance. She was to become their eyes and ears, but most importantly, a spy to cull information for Ginova.

The High Pontiff's face darkened as he considered Alter's words. "This is most disturbing. Ginova's influence must be eradicated before it takes root here. High Priestess, we must act swiftly and decisively. We cannot allow the people to be led astray by this... abomination."

Loraley inclined her head, her golden hair cascading over her shoulders. "I agree, Your Holiness. Ginova's followers are drawn to her by the promise of pleasure and power. We must offer an alternative, a path that appeals to their senses but also leads them toward the light."

The High Pontiff nodded, his eyes shining with a newfound resolve. "Indeed, High Priestess. We must strengthen our hold on the faithful and provide an example of virtue and piety. Our teachings must be a beacon in the darkness, a reminder of the path away from corruption and toward salvation."

"Exactly." Loraley's voice was steady, her eyes holding the High Pontiff's gaze. "With your permission, Your Holiness, I would like to be in charge of this boy's interrogation."

Alter watched the exchange, his eyes narrowing. He recognized the look in Loraley's eyes—the same deranged gaze from their encounter in Deltorra. He knew she was trying her best to suppress the pleasure going through her veins right now, playing a dangerous game. But he also knew his role, being Ginova's avatar and all, Alter's mind and conscience was autonomous. Despite having their minds directly connected, Alter possessed his own personality and traits that differentiated him from his 'mother'.

Thanks to Ginova's power of miracles, she spent no small amount of Faith Points in creating him, a whole new existence. Fully controllable and malleable to her will. Her ultimate weapon.

Aurora, ever observant, noticed the subtle exchange between Loraley and Alter. A nagging suspicion formed in her mind, but she kept it buried deep. For now, she would watch and wait, her faith guiding her actions.

Loraley's heart thrumming with anticipation. She knew her performance thus far had been convincing, her acting skills honed by the very goddess herself. "Of course, Your Holiness. I believe this matter requires a delicate touch, and my experience in extracting information will prove most useful."

"Very well, High Priestess. We shall leave Alter in your capable hands." The High Pontiff nodded, his eyes holding a mixture of expectation and unease. "See to it that he reveals everything he knows. We must leave no stone unturned in our efforts to protect the Empire and the Church."

"Your will be done, Your Holiness." Loraley inclined her head, her eyes never leaving Alter's trembling form. "I shall ensure that he provides us with the information we seek."

As Loraley and Alter departed from the High Pontiff's private chambers, Loraley's gaze remained fixed on Alter. She saw the fear in his eyes, but also a spark of recognition and something more—a hint of the pleasure they had shared.

"You still remember, don't you, Alter?" Loraley's voice was low, meant only for his ears. "The things I made you do, and the things I did to you..." She let her words trail off, her thumb tracing his bottom lip.

Alter swallowed, his eyes flicking to the guards standing nearby. "Y-yes, I remember," he whispered, his voice shaking.

Loraley's smile was cruel, her fingers tightening on his chin. "Good. Then you know what to expect. But remember, this time, it will be much, much better." She leaned closer, her breath warm against his ear.

"And much, much worse." Loraley's eyes sparkled with anticipation as she guided Alter through the corridors of the aria church's grand monastery. "For the both of have still have a role to fulfill. Mine, the interrogator, and you, the captive."


"What do you think?"

The High Pontiff poured himself a drink, the smell of alcohol wafted subtly across the room.

"Loraley… she cannot be trusted."

"…That appears to be the case, yes."

The High Pontiff nodded his head with a dark expression.

"Loraley has become a liability. She cannot be trusted. I'm still awaiting the complete report from her later, and Loraley is exactly the way I remembered her, cold and distant… but…" The High Pontiff took a sip, his eyes narrowing. "Everything she said seems to be too convenient."

"I believe the same thing, sire."

Saintess Aurora nodded her head.

"It's almost as if she's… playing us." The High Pontiff's eyes narrowed, and he took another sip, his gaze intense. "It's clear that she's hiding something. The way she presented herself, the selective information she revealed... it's as if she's toying with us, revealing just enough to maintain her position."

"Then is it true? That she's truly under this cult leader's control?" Aurora's voice was soft, her eyes downcast as she considered the implications. "Is she working for this Ginova while pretending to be on our side?"

The High Pontiff shrugged, the ice cubes in his glass clinked as he set it down. "I don't know. My first instinct is to lock her up and throw away the key, but we can't afford to make a move yet. Not until we know more. We need to keep an eye on her, closely."

"What of this Ginova? An abomination, you said." Aurora's voice took on a harder edge, her eyes flashing with determination. "We cannot let such a threat go unchecked. The church must take action."

The High Pontiff smiled, a cold, hard smile. "We will, my dear. We will. But first, we need to understand the extent of their influence and power. Loraley is our key to that information. We must play this game cautiously, gather our intelligence, and then strike with precision. This cult will not know what hit them."

Outside, the sun had set, casting the room in a warm, orange hue. The candles flickered, their light dancing across the room.

"For now, ensure that Loraley is comfortable and accommodated. We must keep up appearances, especially if she is to be our spy within the enemy's ranks." The High Pontiff's voice dropped to a whisper, his eyes flicking to the closed doors as if expecting Ginova's followers to burst in at any moment. "But make no mistake, we are not above using underhanded tactics ourselves. If Loraley is indeed working against us, we will root out her deception and make an example of her."

Aurora nodded, her face set in a determined expression. "I will ensure she is given every courtesy, but my eyes will be open. I will not be fooled by her charade. But… how do we confirm our suspicions of her betrayal?"

"There is a way, though the method is questionable and the answer it may bring might not be reliable… but it's a start."

The High Pontiff took another sip of his drink. Aurora gulped, awaiting her Lord's words with bated breath.


Loraley stood in her chambers, alone with her thoughts. The events of the day played out in her mind; the meeting with the High Pontiff, the careful dance of words, and the secret she kept—her transformation and allegiance to Ginova. She knew her role now, a spy in the heart of the empire.

A soft knock on the door interrupted her reverie. "My lady? May I come in?"

Loraley recognized the voice of one of the maid nuns, Sister Elise. "Come in, Sister."

The door opened, and Sister Elise entered, her eyes downcast respectfully. "Forgive me, my lady. I came to assist you in changing out of your travel clothes. It has been a long journey, and I thought you might appreciate some rest."

Loraley nodded, a slight smile playing on her lips. "Of course, Sister. Your thoughtfulness is appreciated."

Such an act wasn’t common in the church, but it was not so uncommon either to be surprised by the offer. Though, Loraley had an idea of how the other party might react when they see her naked.

As Sister Elise approached, her gaze flicked downward, and her eyes widened imperceptibly. Loraley caught the glimpse of recognition in the maid's eyes. She figured that this was no mere act of kindness; it was a test. They wanted to confirm something about her, to see if she had become a hermaphrodite, to see if became one of Ginova’s follower.

'Not very subtle, Your Holiness… not at all…'

Sister Elise helped Loraley out of her cloak, her hands trembling slightly. As the garment slipped from Loraley's shoulders, the maid's eyes darted to the hint of a bulge beneath her clothes.

Loraley feigned ignorance, allowing the nun to guide her to the bed. She sat down, her eyes never leaving the nun's face.

"My lady, if I may…" Sister Elise's voice trailed off, her cheeks flushing.

"Of course, Sister. You may proceed." Loraley's voice was calm, belying the anticipation coursing through her. She knew what was coming next, and a part of her relished the opportunity to display her transformation.

Sister Elise's hands worked efficiently, undoing the laces of Loraley's dress. As the fabric fell away, the nun's eyes widened further, taking in the sight of Loraley's full breasts and the hint of a muscular frame. But it was lower that her gaze lingered, on the thick cock that rested between Loraley's legs.

"My lady…" Sister Elise's voice was hoarse, her eyes unable to look away.

Loraley stood up, letting her dress fall to the floor. She stood tall, her golden hair cascading over her shoulders, her red eyes fixed on the nun. She was proud of her form, of the power it represented. "Is something wrong, Sister?"

Loraley stroked her cock, her eyes never leaving Sister Elise's shocked face. With a slow, deliberate movement, she reached into the discarded folds of her High Priestess dress and retrieved a small vial. The liquid within glowed softly, a faint aura emanating from it.

"Do you know what this is, Sister?" Loraley's voice was low, almost a purr.

Sister Elise could only shake her head, her eyes fixed on the vial.

"This," Loraley continued, "is the essence of power. It is the holy water of Ginova, the goddess who transformed me." She held the vial up to the light, admiring the way it seemed to pulse with a life of its own. "A single drop is enough to bestow great strength, and to bind one to Ginova's will."

She paused, letting her words sink in. Sister Elise's breath quickened, her eyes flicking between the vial and Loraley's cock.

Loraley took a step forward, her movements purposeful. She stopped mere inches from Sister Elise, close enough that the nun could feel the warmth radiating from her body. With a gentle motion, Loraley uncorked the vial. The room filled with a heady aroma, like wildflowers in bloom.

"Kneel, Sister," Loraley commanded, her voice soft but unwavering.

Sister Elise's mind raced as she knelt before Loraley. She recalled the simple orders she had received: to attend to the High Priestess and assist her in changing out of her travel-worn clothes. Never in her wildest dreams had she imagined that she would be confronted with such a sight.

"Sister Elise," Loraley's voice was like velvet, "you are no doubt curious about my transformation. About the power that now flows within me."

The nun's mouth opened and closed mutely like a fish, her eyes unable to look away from the vial of glowing liquid.

"This is a gift," Loraley continued, "one that I can share with those who prove their loyalty."

Sister Elise's heart pounded in her chest. She knew that her actions in this moment would have consequences. But as a loyal servant of the Aria Church, her duty was clear.

"N-no… I-I… I need… I need help…!"

Sister Elise's feeble protests were cut short as Loraley seized her, effortlessly pinning the nun to the bed. The High Priestess loomed over her, her golden hair tumbling forward, framing her face like a lioness about to strike.

"Shhh, Sister," Loraley purred, her eyes glinting with a dangerous light. "This is for your own good. You will understand soon enough."

Sister Elise struggled weakly, but it was futile against Loraley's newfound strength. The once-pristine nun, dedicated to a life of service and piety, now found herself at the mercy of her superior. Loraley forced Sister Elise's mouth open, tipping the vial and letting the white viscous liquid drip onto the nun's tongue.

Sister Elise choked as the essence of Ginova's power flowed down her throat. The liquid seemed to come alive inside her, spreading through her veins like wildfire. Her body arched off the bed, her eyes rolling back as she experienced sensations unlike anything she had ever known.

Loraley watched with a mixture of lust and satisfaction as Sister Elise succumbed to the power of the holy water. The nun's body twitched and contorted, her breath coming in ragged gasps.

"Do you feel it, Sister?" Loraley whispered, her lips close to the nun's ear. "The power of Ginova coursing through you?"

Sister Elise could only moan in response, her eyes glassy and unfocused.

Loraley's eyes glittered with anticipation. She reached down, tearing at the nun's habit, baring her soft, heaving breasts. Sister Elise's mouth hung open, letting out a moan as she felt her body respond to the High Priestess's touch.

"Such a pure, devout one you are," Loraley whispered, her breath hot against the nun's ear. "Ginova's power will bless you, transform you."

Sister Elise felt Loraley's weight shift, and then the full length of the High Priestess's cock pressed against her thigh. She gasped, her eyes flying open as she felt the slick head of Loraley's shaft nudge against her entrance.

"No… please… I… I serve the Aria Church… I…"

Loraley silenced Sister Elise with a rough kiss, her tongue plunging into the nun's mouth even as her cock pushed insistently at the nun's wet folds.

"You will serve a new goddess now," Loraley growled, her eyes flashing.

With a swift thrust, Loraley impaled the nun, their bodies connecting with a wet slap. Sister Elise screamed into Loraley's mouth, her nails digging into the bed sheets as she felt herself stretched around the thick shaft.

Loraley began to move, her hips snapping forward with force. Sister Elise's eyes rolled back in her head as she felt every inch of the High Priestess's cock fill her. Her body reacted traitorously, her walls clenching around the invader, her juices flowing.

"You like this, don't you, Sister?" Loraley taunted, her hands gripping the nun's hips to pull her closer. "You're a wanton nun, a sinner in need of punishment."

Sister Elise could only moan in response, her head falling back as Loraley pounded into her. The room was filled with the slick sounds of their joining, the grunts and moans of two women lost in a frenzy of lust.

Loraley reached down, pinching the nun's nipples roughly, eliciting a keening wail from Sister Elise. The sensation coiled tighter within her, an intense pleasure she had never experienced before.

"Cum for me, Sister," Loraley demanded. "Let me feel your walls clench around my cock."

Sister Elise's body obeyed, betraying her once again. She cried out, her nails raking Loraley's back as her release washed over her. Her walls clamped down on Loraley's shaft, milking it as the High Priestess continued to thrust into her.


Loraley threw her head back, a throaty growl escaping her lips as she felt the nun's release. Her own orgasm was building, a coiled serpent ready to strike. With a few more brutal thrusts, she tumbled over the edge.

"Ginova!" Loraley cried out, her hips stuttering as she spilled her seed into the nun's depths. "I offer this one to you, my goddess!"


Sister Elise felt Loraley's cock pulse within her, shooting rope after rope of cum. The nun's eyes widened as she felt the hot liquid fill her, marking her as Ginova's own.


Sister Elise lay sprawled on the bed, her breath coming in ragged gasps. The sensation of being completely filled by Loraley's thick cock was overwhelming, and the essence of Ginova's power coursing through her veins only heightened the pleasure. She could feel Loraley's penis twitching inside her with each powerful spurt, marking her as Ginova's servant.

Loraley's eyes shone with a manic light as she dominated the nun, her inexperienced but enthusiastic technique making up for any lack of skill. She held the nun's hips in a bruising grip, slamming into her with abandon. Sister Elise's virgin pussy was no match for the High Priestess's relentless assault; it was being thoroughly plundered, stretched, and battered by Loraley's powerful thrusts.


Elise's eyes rolled back, her head thrown back in ecstasy. Her mouth hung open in a silent scream as Loraley's thrusts became more erratic. The bedsheets were bunched in her fists, the fabric providing little relief from the overwhelming pleasure. She felt each thrust to her core, her body responding with a need she had never known existed. The essence of Ginova's power heightened every sensation, turning her into a vessel of pure pleasure.


Loraley cried out, her eyes flashing as she felt another release building. The sight of Sister Elise, reduced to a quivering mess beneath her, only fueled her lust. The High Priestess's cock twitched and throbbed, ready to unload a torrent of cum into the nun's waiting womb for the second time.

"CUM WITH ME, SISTER…" Loraley growled, her hips snapping forward with animalistic force. "LET OUR PLEASURE BE OFFERED TO GINOVA…"

Sister Elise's eyes widened as she felt Loraley's cock swell even bigger within her. The High Priestess's thrusts became more urgent, the bedsprings creaking in protest. Loraley's face was a mask of ecstasy, her golden hair tumbling over her shoulders as she slammed into the nun with brute force.

"AHH… YES… GINOVA, I OFFER THIS WOMAN'S BODY TO YOU…" Loraley cried out, her hips snapping forward in a frenzied rhythm.

Sister Elise's body arched off the bed, her back bowing as she felt her own orgasm building. The essence of Ginova's power had transformed her, turning her into a creature of pure sensation. Her body betrayed her pious upbringing, responding eagerly to Loraley's domination.

Loraley's breath quickened as she felt her release nearing. Her eyes flicked to the vial of holy water, now empty, which lay forgotten on the bedside table. With a fierce growl, she reached down, her fingers digging into the soft flesh of the nun's hips. She pulled Sister Elise closer, their bodies slamming together as she unleashed her passion.

"CUM, SISTER ELISE!" Loraley commanded, her voice hoarse with desire. "LET YOUR PLEASURE BE AN OFFERING TO GINOVA'S WILL!"

Sister Elise screamed as her climax hit her like a lightning bolt. Her body convulsed uncontrollably, her juices flowing freely as her walls clamped down on Loraley's cock. The High Priestess threw her head back, a primal roar escaping her throat as she felt the nun's release milking her shaft.


With a final, brutal thrust, Loraley surged forward, burying herself balls-deep in the nun's wet heat.


Loraley's hips stuttered as her climax erupted. Her cock twitched and throbbed, shooting rope after rope of hot cum deep into Sister Elise's quivering womb. The nun's eyes rolled back, her body trembling as she felt herself being filled, branded as Ginova's servant.


Loraley's balls contracted, pumping a thick load into the nun's depths. Her cock swelled within Sister Elise, defiling her womb even further. The nun's body twitched with each spurt, her walls clenching around the invader, milking it for all it was worth.

Loraley collapsed onto the bed, her chest heaving as she fought to catch her breath. Sister Elise lay beneath her, her body spent and trembling, the essence of Ginova's power still coursing through her veins.

As Loraley's passion cooled, a cruel smile curved her lips. She leaned down, her breath tickling the nun's ear. "You're mine now, Sister Elise. A gift for Ginova, and a toy for me to play with."

Sister Elise whimpered, her body still reeling from the intense pleasure. She felt Loraley's cock soften and slip from her depths, leaving her feeling oddly empty. She knew that her life had changed forever, that she was now bound to the will of the goddess Ginova and her servant, High Priestess Loraley.

The potency of the holy water was irresistible. Even now, Sister Elise's mind has fully connected with Ginova's divinity and will.

Her fate was sealed thanks to Loraley, but that wasn't all. Ginova didn't just supply her with a task and vials of holy waters, but also a piece of her authority. The goddess knew that surviving inside the heart of her enemies alone would be too risky without a boon, therefore she knew she had to spend extra Faith Points to ensure Loraley's safety.

Loraley lifted her hand, a smug smile playing at her lips. With a casual wave, she unleashed a soft glow that bathed the room. The bedsheets, once rumpled and soiled, smoothed themselves out, the stains of their passion disappearing. The air seemed to shimmer, and the bruises that marred Sister Elise's fair skin faded, leaving her unmarred. Not a trace of their violent coupling remained.

The High Priestess stood, her body still humming with satisfaction. She glanced at the nun, who lay dazed on the bed, her eyes unfocused. With a swift motion, Loraley gathered her clothes, slipping her tattered dress back over her head. Just like the room, the clothes too, repaired itself.

"You will keep everything that happened here a secret, Sister Elise." Loraley said, her voice now cool and detached. "Only that you helped me change and nothing out of the ordinary happened. Everything is as usual."

Sister Elise stirred, her eyes blinking owlishly as if waking from a deep slumber. She sat up, her body moving with a grace that belied the violent defilement it had just endured.

"Yes, my lady," she said, her voice calm and steady. "How may I be of service?"

Loraley's lips curved in a satisfied smile. She knew that the nun had become her own and Ginova's, that Sister Elise will do whatever she asks without hesitation or doubt. The holy water had done its work, ensuring the nun's loyalty and obedience.

"I will require your assistance in the coming days, Sister," Loraley said, fastening the last few buttons of her dress. "I have an important mission for us, one that will require your dedication and discretion."

Sister Elise nodded, her expression serene. "I am yours to command, my lady. I live to serve the Aria Church and, through you, the will of Ginova."

Loraley's eyes glinted, and she turned to face the nun fully. "Excellent, Sister. You will prove to be a valuable asset in the days to come. Now, attend to your duties, and await further instructions."

With a slight bow, Sister Elise rose from the bed, her movements graceful and poised. As she turned to leave, her eyes fell on the empty vial that still rested on the bedside table. She paused, her brow furrowing slightly, but the moment passed, and she continued on her way, leaving Loraley alone.

Loraley watched the nun go, a satisfied smile on her face. She knew that Sister Elise was now irrevocably bound to her and, by extension, to Ginova. The nun was nothing but the first step in this espionage, to conquer Aria Church, and finally, the world.

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