Faith, Lust, and Hypnosis

Chapter 10-3 (Craving)

‘It is a matter of time.’

Gin shared the rest of the energy drinks to everyone in the training field. He entrusted them with a single objective planted in their minds—

“Share the ‘energy drinks’ with everyone you know.” This was his first mission for these unsuspecting subjects, planting an insatiable need within them to spread the intoxicating addiction.

Confusion drew across the faces of everyone, Wyca included, sensing something amiss but unable to pinpoint exactly what it was. Yet, their instincts told them to comply, nodding their heads in agreement while a flicker of anticipation ignited deep within their souls.

Sera, however, shared a knowing glance with Gin. They understood the true nature of this devious plan. And so, they continued their activities— training and conversing with others— while concealing their wicked intentions behind innocent masks.

Go on with your day as usual—


For a brief moment, she heard a voice inside her mind. Wyca tilted her head and took a break on the side of the field, continuing where she left off right just before Gin arrived bringing the drinks.

Unable to resist the alluring voice, Wyca resumed her training but knew deep down that something inexplicably strange was unfolding. Her heart raced with suspicion, a subtle inkling of doubt weaving through her being, yet there was no clear direction or purpose to grasp onto.

As the hours passed and the sun cast long shadows across the field, an unrelenting heat coursed through Wyca's veins. Every movement intensified the sensations rippling through her body, igniting a primal fire within her core. Aching desire surfaced from the depths of her soul, spreading like wildfire throughout every inch of her being.

And Wyca was not alone in this arousing sensation. The other late-teens, one by one, began to feel a stirring within them—a flicker of warmth and pleasure that kindled deep inside their bodies.

‘Was this the effect of the energy drinks?’

The energy drinks coursed through their body, desire surged through every fiber of their being. Each touch felt electrifying, sending shivers of ecstasy down their spines. It was as if invisible hands caressed their heated flesh, fueling the flames of passion that burned within.

Savor it, enjoy it, drown in it—

Another echo of whispers entered her mind. This time the voice was much clearer, more adamant and irresistible.


Without realizing it, Wyca's body began a transformation, brought forth by an overwhelming surge of energy. Every fiber of her being pulsated with an intoxicating vitality as dopamine flooded her bloodstream, intensifying every sensation. Her breath hitched in her throat as waves of pleasure crashed upon her shores, causing her skin to glisten with a dewy sheen.

Her body was reacting intensely to the energy drink she had consumed, and though Wyca couldn't comprehend the true nature of what was happening, she found herself embracing the inexplicable sensations that washed over her. It didn't feel bad—it felt exhilarating, like tapping into a wellspring of uncharted pleasure.

‘This doesn’t feel bad…’

Yet, for the boys, there was a sense of familiarity in these surges of emotion. Their bodies responded to the intense spikes with an attuned understanding, as if they had experienced this before, if not something similar.

The heat continued to gather between their legs, an ache building with each passing moment. The voice in their minds whispered seductively, urging them to embrace the intoxicating desire that pulsed through their bodies. Yet, it also commanded them to maintain control, to savor the pleasure without losing themselves completely.

“...Hmm. Good.”

Gin watched as everyone continued their ‘usual’ activity with flushed faces. Using his authority over their very beings, he held their arousal and lust in check. Just enough to keep them sane and not lose control over themselves.

‘The aphrodisiac properties inside the energy drinks are working. They are strong aphrodisiacs, so it would be quite fatal to these people. I could remove the aphrodisiac properties entirely… or I could just make them endure the pleasure without question, which isn’t a bad idea.’

That was Gin, he developed a newfound of entertainment once he conquered the family of three. With his power of miracle, he realized he could ‘torture’ people using pleasure. It was exactly what he did to Teressa, making her unable to reach climax for 24 hours and breaking her mind— what he also did to Mora, making her to constantly cum from her balls overproducing semen—

‘Isn’t it fun to make people feel good? It’s quite fulfilling to me.’

This was on a similar level to what he did to Teressa and Mora. None of the late-teens looked bad or anything, rather, it was the opposite. They are all good looking and have a good frame to them.

‘Hmm, I wonder what they would look like once I transformed all of them like I did to Collette?’

A smile curved his lips, knowing that this village was on the cusp of an extraordinary transformation— an evolution towards a whole new hermaphrodite species.

‘I put a lot of attention and care for Collette and Teressa’s new hermaphrodite body. Both of them should be pregnant with my child by now, if not soon.’

Their hermaphrodite body was special. Gin has completely eliminated their recessive genes, and other detrimental side effects from inbreeding such as genetic disorders, reduced reproductive fitness, and the potential loss of adaptive traits.

‘This means that my hermaphrodite races do not require outsiders to create more offspring. As long as two hermaphrodites survive, regardless whether they are siblings, or parents and children, they could repopulate the earth again.’

The gender barrier no longer existed for them, any of them can get pregnant, and any of them can inseminate each other. Not only that, the hermaphrodites are also blessed with strength, agility and stamina beyond the average person.

The hermaphrodite species that blossomed within the village held a profound allure. They embodied the epitome of perfection— an ideal and superior race capable of immense power and survival. Their genetics were pristine, devoid of any recessive traits that plagued other beings. As they matured, their bodies developed adaptive abilities, further enhancing their dominance in this newfound world.

With this in mind, Gin's ambition swelled like an endless abyss. He yearned not only to become a god but also craved to build his own kingdom— one tailored to his darkest desires and whims. The village shall become his fertile ground from which his dominion would rise, serving as the foundation for his conquests.

‘Well, it’s still a bit far away. Also, who knows? My plans might change somewhere along the line.’




When she awoke the next morning, sunlight filtering through the curtains painted her room in a soft, ethereal glow. But as Wyca tried to piece together the fragments of yesterday's events, a dull ache throbbed at the base of her skull. It was as if some hidden force was teasing her memories, dangling them just out of reach.

"What happened… after the training?" she said aloud, her voice tinged with both curiosity and a hint of anxiety.

“The training…” Wyca rubbed her temples and recalled some vague memories after she finished her daily activities.

“Mom… dad…?”

As Wyca's mind sifted through the foggy remnants of her memories, a faint recollection emerged like a distant echo. The energy drinks… She remembered bringing them home, the vibrant packaging promising an invigorating experience. An innocent smile formed upon her lips as she shared the forbidden elixir with her parents, unaware of the potent concoction hidden within those plain-looking vials.

‘I can’t remember much after that… huh?’

Wyca noticed her lower body felt damp and wet. Pulling her blanket away, she saw her pants were completely drenched—


Wyca's eyes widened in disbelief and shock as she beheld the unexpected sight before her. Her pants, once a deep shade of indigo, were now soaked through with an unfamiliar wetness that clung to her skin. A flush of embarrassment spread across her cheeks like wildfire, mingling with the confusion swirling in her mind.

"What… what happened?" she stammered, her voice quivering with a mix of surprise and shame.

Unable to confront the reality of what had transpired, Wyca hastily concealed the evidence of her nocturnal emission, burying it deep beneath layers of fabric and shame. With a heavy heart and an empty stomach, she made her way to the training field, determined to distract herself from the confusion gnawing at her thoughts.


As Wyca stepped onto the field, a flurry of thoughts raced through her mind. Could the energy drink make her stain the bed? How could that be? And also, the pounding headache on the back of her head grew more painful as time passed on.

‘What’s happening to me today…?’

Many things have been happening around her lately. Many of them were positive for her. Winning over Sera, regaining her confidence and excitement for the future— things were looking bright for her, for a moment.

It wasn’t until Gin appeared and brought everyone questionable drinks and made everyone swallow it. She knew the drinks were suspicious, especially the moment when her instincts were screaming for help when she was drinking it. Yet, she couldn’t resist— the voice echoed in her mind, telling her to submit and enjoy it.

‘What’s… going on…?’

It wasn’t long before Wyca arrived at the training field and saw everyone was crowding around someone.


There he was, the black haired man, standing in the center of the crowd. A giant backpack by his side, filled with vials containing dubious looking liquid inside them. Knowing that she shouldn’t be drinking them, Wyca gulped. Sweat began pouring from all over her pores, and her pupils constricted.

Gin reached into one of the vials, and handed her one of them. An innocent smile plastered on his face.

“Go on. Take it. You will feel better.” He said, his voice soft and gentle. It was as if he knew the predicament she was in, and handed her the panacea to quell her pain.

Her fingers trembled as she raised them towards the vial in his hand. The closer she got, the louder the screams inside her head became. Yet, she was powerless to resist. There was something about the vials— the energy drinks contained inside them that seemed so alluring to her. Was it the pleasure that she felt? The coursing, endless dopamine that flowed through her system?

She tried to resist with all her might, but it was in vain. Her mind turned blank, and her slender fingers grasped the vial. Slowly and surely, she uncorked the lid of the vial, and took a whiff of it.

As she thought, the intoxicating aroma of apples filled the air, teasing her senses and igniting a primal hunger deep within her core. Her mouth watered in response as saliva pooled on her tongue— an involuntary reaction to the seductive scent that enveloped her.


Unable to deny herself any longer, Wyca's lips parted in a silent gasp of anticipation. She tilted the vial with utmost precision, allowing its contents to flow freely over her tongue. The liquid flowed across her taste buds, setting off an explosion of sensations that reverberated throughout her entire being. A shiver coursed down her spine as the elixir delivered wave after wave of forbidden ecstasy. Her body trembled with newfound sensations, aching for more—more than this mere taste could offer.

"Nghh…!" Wyca couldn't contain the guttural moan that escaped from deep within her throat. The elixir had awakened an insatiable craving within her— a thirst that demanded quenching with every essence of pleasure it held.

As Wyca continued to swallow the liquid, her body responded with an intensity she couldn't have anticipated. Her eyes rolled back, exposing the whites as a surge of pleasure crashed her body and soul. Every gulp sent ripples of erotic delight flowing through her very being, awakening a new kind of addiction that demanded fulfillment.

Her nipples, sensitive and responsive, hardened within moments, straining against the fabric of her clothing as if seeking attention. The throbbing in her pussy grew more pronounced with each swallow, aching for release and craving the touch it so desperately desired.

Then, Gin spoke out loud for all of them to hear.

“Today, we’ll be doing a special training. One that I think all of you might enjoy.” There was a peculiar smile on his face. “Well, some of you definitely will.”


Gin snapped his fingers and two figures walked into the scene from the side.

“Hello, everyone!”


There stood familiar figures to the entire village. Both Teressa and Collette stood beside Gin, wearing tight, skimpy clothing that emphasized the curves of their figures such as their chests and buttocks.

Teressa wore a blue dress, with a V line that goes down right to her navel. Her blue bush was faintly visible to everyone. Meanwhile Collette also wore the same exact dress, except her color’s were red.

Their sexy and explicit figures were free for everyone to feast their eyes on. The both of them exuded confidence and mature charms that were practically irresistible to these late-teens.


“Uhh, what’s happening…?”

Wyca, who had just recovered from her mini-orgasm, also tilted her head.

‘What are they doing here…? And what’s with those clothes…?’

Everyone on the field was beyond confused until Gin continued his explanation.

“We shall commence a competition. The three who made it to the top will be given a ‘special reward’ and will also receive other ‘special services’ from these two beauties. How about that?”

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