Faith, Lust, and Hypnosis

Chapter 1-1 (Pilot)

Gin, a man in his late 20s. A blue collar worker who starts working from 9 to 5, five days a week, every single week.

He made just enough money to pay for his bills and food. He managed to save some change bit by bit throughout the years and bought some decent stuff for himself. A peaceful life albeit quite boring and monotone.

‘It’s quite depressing, to be honest.’

Gin laid on his bed, ruminating on his life so far.

‘I’m grateful that I managed to find a decent job in a restaurant. It’s a minimum wage job, but it is enough to live. Saving money bit by bit was possible because I get free lunch at work. I managed to buy a decent PC and a nice smartphone for myself. But… why does it feel so empty?’

Gin sighed quietly, staring at the ceiling of his old and cramped apartment.

‘I don’t have much time to spend at home. I can’t go hang out because I don’t have friends nor a girlfriend. I don’t even have time for my hobbies anymore because I’m dead tired after work.’

‘Maybe, if I quit and find a different and better job with better incentives and wage, I could move to a better place to live, buy a car and maybe even find myself a partner to spend the rest of my life with…’

Tapping the back of his phone, Gin’s mind began to fly away to the land of his own made up world.

‘It’s a depressing life, I don’t feel hopeful… If only I could just die in my sleep, a painless death would be great. Living is just painful…’

It has been years, yet everything stayed the same. There was no up nor down. No passion nor hope to motivate him to strive for improvements. He saw no future for himself, no joy, no happiness, no point.

If only he could leave the world without having to experience great pain, having no more need to struggle, to stop being a wage slave, to cease to feel pain, then—


Gin slapped his own cheeks. He gritted his teeth and got up from his bed.

‘I can’t fall into despair like this! I’ll be in my thirties soon! I can’t squander this precious time! I can’t dilly dally around anymore!’

“A new job…”

Gin sat in front of his computer, started to look for a job listing on the internet. He began typing away and read through many pages for a while. He brewed a coffee for himself and even began to make his resume from scratch again, hoping to increase his chance of scoring a better job. Something he hasn’t done in years.

Gin was motivated, he would finally give his earnest effort to change his life, and even if he fails, he would try again.

‘I have to find my own opportunity, no matter how long and difficult it is…’

As the night grew deeper, the adrenaline in his blood dissipated and vertigo struck him before long. His eyelids got heavier and heavier, and before he even realized it, Gin fell asleep on his desk.

Thump-thump…! Thump-thump…! Thump-thump… Thump…Thump….




Gin opened his eyes, a jolting sensation shocked him to his senses almost immediately. He stood up and realized the ground was unfamiliar. He wasn’t standing in his old and cramped apartment room anymore.

The floor felt cold and hard. It reminded him of porcelain, yet not quite the same.

‘A dream? It can’t be…’

A surreal feeling, his body felt different somehow.

The room he was in was covered in foreign designs, decorated by shiny objects such as vases and weird looking plants. Rows of pillars on his left and right, and the extravagant feel reminded him of a ballroom.

Finally, on the most edge of the room, a figure of a person could be seen. A woman wearing long, thin, and transparent fabrics stood on the balcony. The fabrics were barely covering her most sensitive part of the body, sparkling under the light of the moon outside.


Gin took a step forward. Every sense and fiber of his being were screaming in doubt and fear. He had no recollection of how he got to this foreign place, only the feeling of unfamiliarity with everything. Even to his own body.

Slowly, he closed his distance with the woman covered in transparent fabrics. He could see her back, the shape of her waist and buttocks, white as snow. Her skin was pale as if the sun had never caught a glimpse of her body.

Gin could not help but move his eyes downward. The transparent fabrics barely did anything to cover the dark thin line separating her two plump cheeks. In fact, the fabrics only enhanced her allure and charm.

Having absorbed the graceful view, Gin raised his eyes towards the woman’s smooth nape. Her golden hair was tied neatly into a bun, held together by juda sticks.

After that he looked at the curves of her waist once more, then her slender arms and legs, her shoulder, and finally back to her buttocks again.

Gin didn’t say a word. He simply stared in silence. His breathing calmed down and the blood in his body started to focus in his crotch.

‘This is a dream.’

“Enjoying the view?”

The woman spoke. She didn’t turn around as if she were glued to the ground, only her voice echoed throughout the ballroom.

‘Such an alluring voice, who is she?’

“I am.”

Gin replied as it is with a dry tone. He didn’t blink nor hesitate. There was no need to do so, he thought. Soon everything will disappear and be forgotten just like the other thousands of dreams he had before.

“It is a rare sight for a mortal’s soul to enter my home. Even more for someone as candid as you.”


‘Gin simply acknowledged her words.’

“Pity that you have not realized you have died.” She spoke plain without a care in her tone. As if a switch had been flipped, her words snapped Gin back to lucidity.

“….Died? I have died…?” Gin repeated her words. His heartbeat suddenly became harder. The desire that had been building up in his body was blown away as if it were a lie.

“For you to not even realize such a thing. You must have died in your sleep or you are simply slow. Were you poisoned? Murdered? Or was it a natural death? Which one could it possibly be?”

“Death… in my sleep….? Oh no…”

Gin took a step back. He covered his face with his hands, unable to digest her words.

‘I have died? In my sleep? No way I died! I still have things to do! I have to wake up! Please wake up!!’

The woman turned her head to the side ever so slightly, just enough for Gin to see a faint smirk on her cheeks.

“All mortals, rich or poor, clever or dimwitted, kind or evil, male or female, they are all the same and equal after death. It is always an interesting sight to see.”

“…Who are you?”

“Who am I? The concept of my existence would be a difficult thing to understand by your kind. Perhaps to you, I could be described as a ’God’.”

“A God? The one true God?” Gin’s eyes opened wide, he couldn’t breathe for a second.

“No. Perhaps a deity would be more accurate. I do not control the universe according to my whim, but I do hold some authority.”

“…What kind of deity are you, then?”

The self-proclaimed deity didn’t answer immediately. She turned her body around, facing Gin and their eyes met directly.

Eyes filled with stars, face fairer than a fairy, and thin soft lips smirking with confidence.

“My followers call me the goddess of virtue. The one who brings salvation and redemption to those in need.”


Gin was awestruck by her words. Such a display of confidence and charms made his heart flutter, but only for a moment. That is because—

‘That thing between her crotch. It’s not what I’m thinking about, is it?’

Gin gave it a hard look and was convinced by what he saw.

“You are a guy.”

“Hm? Oh, this?” The goddess of virtue moved her(?) hand towards the crotch area. She(?) lifted the thin transparent fabrics and pushed her(?) hips forward for Gin to have a better look.

“This is indeed a penis.”


“And what lies below my testicles is—“

The goddess of virtue(?) reached for her testicles and lifted it up, and what was hidden behind it blew Gin’s mind.

“—A vagina.”

Gin blanked out for a moment. He caught a glimpse of her labia. It was on the thicker side.

“I don’t understand.”

“It is simple. The concept of gender does not apply to us. We are beyond such crude limitations.”

“Then you are a hermaphrodite, right?”

“That would be close, but not quite. I could have either, both, or none of them if I wish it to. As I said, I’m not bound by such primitive concepts.”

‘That indeed would make her something else entirely.’

Gin’s gaze landed on her chest. It was big and perky, the nipples were bright pink and the size of the areola was quite big.


Desires clouded his mind for a moment, but Gin quickly shook those thoughts away. There are more important things than boobs and ass. His dire situation, for example.

“…I died, probably in my sleep. I still have things to do there—“

“Do you, now? Pray tell me, what sort of important duty do you have in the mortal world?”


Gin stopped for a moment and asked himself. His life was not exactly fulfilling nor grand, but it was peaceful and boring. His future was not looking very bright but rather on the darker hue if anything. He doesn’t see a good ending for himself, yet at the very last moment, unknowingly to himself he wanted to try again. To strive for a better future for himself however naught it may be.

That feeling of hope, although faint, was the light in the tunnel.

However, another part of himself was rejoicing that he could finally leave such a depressing life and world in peace, dying in his sleep. There was no more need to wake up early in the morning to do a mindless job in a restaurant, living paycheck to paycheck, over and over again. In a sense, he finally got his wish.

He felt relieved.

He felt he was given… salvation.

Salvation through death.

The strings that tied him to the material world were no more. Gin no longer had to sustain himself with food, shelter, and mindless entertainment. To put it into a positive perspective, he got his wish granted.

Yet, the final struggle he felt—

It was all too sudden. He was not prepared for it. Death came too sudden and he was robbed out of his hope to continue living. Perhaps had death come sooner he would be completely filled with joy and glee.

But death has come and passed. It was outside of his control.

“…What do I do now?”

“The dead do not have much choice. The natural process would have you be taken to the sea of souls, purified and fused together as one with the others. You might be reborn or you might not. For time is merely a concept, a century might feel like a second, a millennia a minute, and an eternity is but a blink of an eye. Personally, I do not find either one to be attractive.”


“However, you being here is anything but natural. Occasionally, a soul or two might cross through my home. Hmm… it has been a while since the last one.”

“So… what does it mean for me?”

“It means you are in luck.” The goddess’ smile grew deeper. Her eyes filled with stars appeared to be shining to Gin. “You being here can be considered as a special event for me. For that, I will grant you a boon. Anything you wish, as long as it is within my capacity, I will grant it.”


Gin felt his heartbeat thumping in his chest. A very vivid sensation, one that would be ingrained deep into his mind—


“Anything you wish for.”

“Even if I wish to harm humanity, for example?”

“Even if you wish to harm or to help anyone.”

“Anything that I wish for, you will grant it for me?”

“As long as it is within my capacity, yes.”

Gin fell silent. The gears in his mind started to rotate. He dug deep into his memories, wishes and hope, bitterness and despairs, all the accumulated experience he had since his birth— this is it. This is the moment where it all counts. It was all for this moment.

‘Anything that I wish for, the goddess will grant it for me. Then, it is decided—‘

“Could you please reincarnate myself to a wealthy and nice family back on earth, while also giving me a superpower ability of my own choosing?”

‘I don’t want to be reborn or transmigrate to a different world. There are too many risks being thrown into a foreign world, learning how to live in a foreign land from zero. Especially starting out as a baby, what if I don’t like their way of life there? What if they don’t have the internet? What if they don’t have games? Pizzas? What if it’s a medieval world and technology isn’t as developed? Which is more likely to happen, dying of boredom or dying in war?’

‘I don’t want to kill or be killed. I don’t want to be reborn in a world filled with war and death. I don’t want glory on top of a mountain of corpses. I don’t want to be king or emperor, nor the smartest— strongest man alive either. What I wanted is living in peace, with money to buy what I want, to hang out with friends, to have someone I love, to be happy—‘

My wish is simple.

I want to live to my heart content and go out on my own terms.

I want to have control of my own life.

In other words, I want to be able to live selfishly without consequence.

“Pfft—!! Puhahahahaha!!”

The goddess of virtue laughed. The goddess’ teeth were perfect and clean. The colors were completely white without any impurities on them. Her trembling tongue was swimming among the saliva gleefully. Her eyes and cheeks curved in amusement—

Everything about the goddess was flawless. The embodiment of the ideal ‘human’. A body without blemish, free of worldly constraints such as gender and age.

“…Is it not possible?”

“No. It is not possible for me.”

“…Huh? No?”

“Not at all. Such a thing is beyond my capacity, truly.”

The gear within Gin’s mind came to a halt. He stammered for a moment, trying to understand what the goddess just said.

“To revive someone who is already dead would take a lot of ‘Faith’. Even if I do have that much ‘Faith’ with me, the odds of returning you whence you came would be another separate issue itself. The worlds are all over the space, constantly moving, dying, reborn, unending and infinitely vast.”


“You standing where you are right now is nothing short of a miracle. Returning you to the same world you came from would require at least double the miracles. Such an act is way beyond me.”

“……Then, can I truly not avoid… ‘death’?” Gin felt his body going limp, cold sweat began pouring behind his back.

“It is complicated. When you were born in a world, a connection was created that binds you to that world itself. You can call this connection ‘Fate’ if you like. When one dies, their ‘Fate’ comes to an end. To live again after death means to alter ‘Fate’. Altering mother nature herself would be no easy feat, even for deities such as I.”


“But that is not the end of all things. There are other ways to live again.”


“Your ‘Fate’ in your world has come to an end. However, your ‘Fate’ in other worlds has not. In fact, it has not even started yet. Connecting your ‘Fate’ to a new world is significantly much easier than altering an existing one. Do you understand what I mean?”

“…You cannot revive me back from the dead in my old world. But you can grant me a new life in a different one.”

“Correct. I can grant you a chance to live again in any world but yours. How does that sound? Is it good enough for you?”


“Hm? No? I can still grant you any power of your choosing for your second request, you know? I would say it is quite a fair boon myself.”

“Yes, I think it is also a fair— no, it is actually a very generous boon to be honest. I would be forever grateful if you could grant me my wishes, only—“


Gin had an epiphany.

It seems that the goddess isn’t as omnipotent as he initially thought. The goddess of virtue, or so she claimed— said that altering ‘Fate’ is possible but outside of her power to do so. Also the fact that she said the word ‘deities’. Does that mean there are other beings just like this goddess?

Knowing such information, a few ideas popped out in his mind.

Altering ‘Fate’ has been done before, possibly by deities even more powerful than the goddess in front of him.

Is it possible to meet them? And have them alter his ‘Fate’? Would they even be willing to help him?

How do these deities become even stronger and powerful?

‘The word the goddess spoke…’


‘What does she mean by that? Why does she need a lot of ‘Faith’? Is it prayers? Believers? Her followers call her the goddess of virtue. Her followers gave her ‘Faith’?’

‘Is it possible for me to meet other gods? Rather, become a ‘god’ myself just like her?’

“—Can I change my wish? It’s not too late, is it?”

“Oh? Something more important than your life? Interesting, I would like to hear it.”

“No, I still want to live again. But in a different way.”

“Hm, whatever do you mean?”

“…Can you grant me the power—“

‘Should I ask her this?’

‘What if things go awry?’

“—The power… to become a god just like yourself?”


The goddess of virtue fell silent. Her facial expression remained the same. A gentle and beautiful smile, but her starry eyes spoke of a different tale.

“Interesting.” The goddess said with a flat tone, “Truly interesting.”

Gin gulped his dry saliva and forced himself to speak.

“I would like to live again, and become a god— a deity just like you. That way I can possibly alter my own ‘Fate’ and return to my original world.”

“Did you not hear what I said? It would take multiple miracles to find your world and revive you back from the dead.”

“Yes, I know. But it is possible, isn’t it?”

“Funny. Are you saying you will become a better god than me? That you will be strong enough to go against mother nature, herself?”

“No… but I would like to take my chances. Besides, even if I fail, being a god still won’t be so bad, right?”

‘Would you believe me that I don’t care about other worlds but my own? I literally grew up there. I don’t love my hometown nor the shitty apartment, but I do love the things people have created there— be it music, video games, histories, technologies— the things people would create in the future…’

‘What if I could restart my life from scratch back in that world, but with superpower, tons of wealth, and potentially live for a very long time? The things I could achieve, maybe I don’t even have to work like a slave and just enjoy what the world has to offer… I think I would enjoy living in it a lot more.’

‘Besides, even if I still can’t go back, I can probably do some other things with my power…’

“You said it yourself that the worlds in space are constantly moving right? There’s no way to know what kind of world I would end up in. I would rather not jump into a random world…”

“That is correct. There are more than a billion worlds floating through the space around us right now. I can check them one by one and give you a fair place to live, that much I can promise.”

“O-oh, that’s great news. So, is it possible for me to become a god? How does it work?”

The goddess of virtue put her index finger in front of lips.

“Nothing is impossible around here. The more appropriate question would be— do you have what it takes to be one?”


For the first time since they met, the goddess took a step forward toward Gin. Her bare feet were without dirt, smooth and clean. She walked with grace and confidence regardless of the transparent and thin fabrics she wore.

Before long, the goddess stopped right before Gin’s face. They were close enough for him to feel her breath on his skin.

‘She smells amazing—‘

The goddess touched his chest. She felt his beating heart and drew her lips closer to his ears, she whispered—

“I shall grant you an opportunity to become a God.”

And then, a sweet and warm sensation came from his lips.

A kiss.

One that came from one goddess of virtue.

She closed her eyes and dug even deeper into Gin’s mouth. She inserted her tongue into his lips with such force and vigor that he couldn’t help but to be shocked.

He felt her tongue running through his teeth and gums, over and under his own tongue, even the walls of his inner cheeks, there was no spot left untouched by her. Even his saliva was sucked dry by her.



Gin heard it. Her gulp.

And then came an odd sweet tasting liquid in his mouth. It was then he realized it was the goddess’ saliva. She took his, and in return she gave hers.


The sound of them both exchanging bodily fluids echoed through the empty ballroom. It was the most vulgar thing Gin ever did in his whole life, his first kiss, one that would be burned permanently in his very soul…

It was only for a brief moment, yet to him it felt like forever.

“Is this your first kiss? That’s cute.”


Then all too sudden, Gin felt searing heat coming from his mouth. It spread across his face then to his whole head. The heat soon turned into sharp stabbing pain, it seeped deep into his flesh, through his muscles and tearing his bones.


“No take backs, now. To become a god, one must prove oneself to be worthy to be one. I will give you a chance to do so. I will even give you a handicap to start your journey.”

The stabbing pain grew stronger, it spread across his neck down to his chest. Gin felt throbbing pain every time his heart beat. His muscles and veins bulged as if they were about to explode.

Gin couldn’t even speak a proper word. He opened and closed his mouth like fish, eyes red as blood coming out from every single orifice in his body.


“Your mortal body is too fragile. I shall give you my ‘blessing’. Use it however you wish, it should be good enough to help you achieve your goals.”

The pain spread across his chest to his whole body. Gin couldn’t breathe nor ask for help. He could only wiggle around on the floor like a fish would be on land. All his strength has left his body along with his consciousness.

“I have checked all the worlds around us. Your luck seems to be quite good, there appears to be one world suitable enough for you.”

The goddess let out a gentle hum.

“Now, what sort of god will you become? Will you be able to return to your old world, I wonder? Will we meet again in the future? Or will you fail along the way?“

At this point Gin had lost his hearing. He saw nothing but the void. His body had grown numb from the pain, there was nothing to feel but emptiness.

“—From now on, everything will depend on you. Your life is your own now. You have to carve your own ‘Fate’, and most importantly—“

Yet, the goddess’ words rang crystal clear in his mind.

“—Have faith.”




Gin opened his eyes. An unfamiliar ceiling greeted him.

He woke up to himself lying on a bed, covered in a warm blanket. The faint sounds of birds chirping outside the room could be heard.

Gin left the bed and found himself wearing a plain shirt and pants, one that he knew for sure never bought or had before. He walked around the room, checking the surroundings and looking outside the window. A normal backyard, surrounded by trees.

‘Where in the world am I?’

Gin thought his meeting with the goddess of virtue was nothing but dreams, but the pain that he experienced felt way too real. Furthermore, his first kiss… it had to be real too.

‘I feel great. Refreshed, actually. I feel like I can fly and smash mountains. Is this the ‘blessing’ she spoke of? Vitality?’


Just then he heard a mechanical sound. It rang clear and crisp in his ears. Out of nowhere, floating opaque words appeared in his vision.

-Full body reconstruction has been completed.


Ping! Ping! Ping! Ping—!

Successive mechanical sounds echoed in his ears along with more floating opaque words in his vision.

-‘Goddess Essence’ has been completely absorbed.

-You have absolute control of your physique.

Strength: 3
Agility: 2
Intelligence: 5
Mind: 10
Charm: 2

-‘Goddess Essence’ has granted you 100 ‘Faith’ points.

Faith: 100

-You can spend Faith to perform ‘miracles’.

‘What? I can create miracles with Faith? And these RPG-like stats… they can’t be what I think they are…’

Before Gin could even finish his thoughts, he heard the door knob turned.


“You are awake?”


A man with short brown hair and an unkempt beard appeared behind the door. At a glance the man seemed to be ordinary, perhaps in his mid to late 30s. He wore a plain shirt with leather vest and boots, nothing sticks out as odd to Gin.

“You can sit on the bed first, I have a lot of questions for you buddy.”

“Y-you do…?”

Gin wasn’t prepared for the situation. This brown haired man is the first person he met not long after coming back from the dead. The development felt way too sudden.

‘I’m starting to get panicky here…!’

The brown haired man seemed oblivious to Gin’s inner thoughts and began to speak.

“Lad, I found you unconscious not far from my house not too long ago. What happened to you? What’s your name?”

“My name is Gin.”


“It’s Gin with G, not J.”

“Right, lad. So what happened to you out there? Where did you come from? Where do you live? I never see you ‘round here, black hair isn’t a common sight. I would remember you if I ever saw you out there.”

‘Too many questions old man! I can’t process all that! Shit, can someone get me outta here? I’m just gonna go with it!’

“I, uh, I don’t actually remember. I don’t even know how I got here.”

“Huh. You don’t know?”

The brown haired man narrowed his eyes. The ordinary and casual appearance he showed earlier seemed to disappear without a trace. Instead, Gin recognized it as the face of a hunter looking at its prey.

“I-I can’t remember. I don’t know where I came from, really. I only remember my own name, that is all.”


‘Shit this guy is giving me creeps! Just who is this guy!? Why would the goddess spawn me close to this dude’s house of all places in this world!?’


-Use 1 Faith point to obtain target’s information?

‘Huh!? I can use it like this!? Yes, please use it!’


-1 Faith has been consumed.

Strength: 7
Agility: 6
Intelligence: 3
Mind: 2
Charm: 4

‘Uhh, what do I do with this information exactly…?’

“Lad, you are not very good at lying, you know that?”

“A-am I? I’m not sure what you mean.”

“Look lad, I don’t expect much. I don’t even expect you to repay me or anything, just a simple thanks would be enough. You can even keep the shirt and pants. Lying though, I don’t like that.”

“Y-you sure you aren’t reading too much into this?”

“Yep, I’m sure.”

The brown haired man turned around and reached for the door.

“I’m not gonna shelter a liar in my house. Get outta here.” The brown haired man did not hesitate to speak such cold words to Gin. His hand was about to turn the doorknob when suddenly—

‘Ah shit! Can I not convince this guy to listen to me!? I don’t wanna wander around the street and become a beggar this early!!’


-Your Mind stats overwhelms the target’s.

-You can put the target under a Minor Hypnosis state.

-With Minor Hypnosis you can persuade the target to listen to your orders as long as you don’t go against their moral code.

-Spend 10 Faith points to put the target under ‘Minor Hypnosis’ state?


Gin didn’t get to process all of those words, but he saw the word ‘hypnosis’ and agreed to it directly.


-Target has been successfully put under Minor Hypnosis state.

“Please wait!”

“—Huh? What is it?”

‘Is it working!? It’s working right!?’

“Believe me old man! I wasn’t lying! I really don’t remember! Please don’t kick me out! I don’t know where to go! I don’t even know where the hell I am right now!”

“I-is that so…? Hmm, that would be difficult if that’s the case then… Crap, maybe you are telling the truth after all…”

“I am telling the truth!”

Gin immediately bowed on the floor with his hands.

“Old man! I have nowhere to go! I would die out there on my own! Please let me stay for a few days at least!”

“Urggh… fine. Let’s talk with the others first…”

“Oh! Thank you old man! …Wait, the others?”

“Stop calling me ‘old man’ lad, I have a name. It’s Coll.”

‘Ah, this must be the effect of the ‘Minor Hypnosis’ or whatever that was. This old man suddenly changed his mind just like that! Wow, is this the ability that was granted to me by the goddess? It seems like I don’t get to choose my own ability in the end…’

The old man called Coll opened the door as Gin raised his head. Beyond the room were two people sitting by the dining table.

Two women. One seemed to be in her early to mid 30s and the other one seemed quite young, perhaps she had just recently stepped into her 20s.

“Let me introduce you. My wife, Teressa, and my daughter, Sera.”

“A-ah hello.”

The wife, Teressa, looked at Gin with an innocent face and then back to her husband.

“Coll, what was that ruckus I heard? What were you guys talking about?”

“Ah, it seems like the lad lost his memories or something. He couldn't remember a thing except his own name. Don’t even know where he came from or where he is right now.”

“Huh, reaaally?”

The daughter, Sera, was the opposite of her mother. She had sharper eyes and a skeptical expression on her face.

“Are you sure he wasn’t just lying?”

“Well, he said he was telling the truth, so it’s gotta be the case.”

“What the hell do you mean, dad? That’s just ridiculous!”

“Sera, That’s not the way to talk to your father! Also don’t be rude in front of a guest!”

“Mom! He is clearly a suspicious person! We shouldn’t let this guy stay in our home! Not even for another minute!”

“Now, now, settle down now, Sera. Why don’t we talk it out first with the lad together, huh?”

‘Ahh this is such a pain, can I also hypnotize this brat?’


-Use 1 Fath point to obtain the target's information?

-1 Faith point has been consumed.

Strength: 5
Agility: 5
Intelligence: 4
Mind: 5
Charm: 7


-Your ‘Mind’ overwhelms the target’s.

-You can put the target under a ‘Minor Hypnosis’ state.

-With ‘Minor Hypnosis’ you can persuade the target to listen to your orders as long as you don’t go against their moral code.

-Spend 10 Faith points to put the target under ‘Minor Hypnosis’ state?


‘Do it quickly!’

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