Fairy Tail: Swallow the Fire

Powers and Abilities Ver. 1




Picture (At Age 17):

Name: Lyssa Wisteria

Name: Lyssa Wisteria

Birth Name: Alesctsa von Ifriti

Eye Colour: Purple

Hair Colour: White (Formerly Black)

Race: Demon (Fire Devil - Formerly Hybrid)

Notable Physical Characteristics: Multiple Arms, Horns, Four Batlike Wings (Able to hide inside her body), Heavy Scarring Across Her Entire Body, Black Blood, Guild Symbol On Her Lower Right Stomach

Strengths: Enhanced Strength, Speed, and Recovery

Weakness: Unable to go near Sacred or Holy places, Demonic Take-Over magic, Holy and Excorcist Magic

Resistances: Poison, Flame, Heat, Darkness Magic, Curses

The Rule of Arms:

Lyssa's demon physiology is focused mostly on her arms and the musculature of her body and as such gives various benefits and detriments to her strength depending on the number of arms she generates.

Four Arms: The standard form she takes on. The muscles in her limbs are evenly distributed between four arms that are equal in strength to the average human with similar musculature. This bonus set of hands allows her to fight others with the added pressure they provide. If two of her arms are punching someone, the others can cast a spell. If two arms are holding someone in place, the others can attack them. These arms effectively double her combat potential through their mere existence.

Six Arms: Her magic-focused form. The musculature of her arms is divided between three sets of weaker-than-average arms, however, this added set of hands enables her to create and focus on more complex spell arrangements, shortening the time needed to make a more complex spell by three times. With this form she can focus more on ranged combat with a level of pressure most wizards are incapable of.

Two Arms: Her hand-to-hand combat form. The musculature of her arms is focused on only one set of arms, condensing the muscle mass and vastly increasing her strength at the cost of the pressure the bonus set of arms provides. One punch of her arms in this form is enough to punch a hole through the average human. The arms do not grow in size as the muscles are all condensed inside normal human-sized arms.


Stages of Demonization:

While she is generally indistinguishable from a human through the usage of transformation magic, Lyssa's innate demon physiology gives her access to insurmountable strength at the risk of losing self-control. Due to the insatiable nature of demons, Lyssa usually suppresses her strength and true nature. (Think of it more like Frieza's transformations where he suppresses his real strength)

Human: Lyssa uses transformation magic to take on a humanoid form. Nothing special about it.

Restrained Demon: Lyssa's natural form with her demonic nature suppressed. Her arms can vary in number between one set to three sets of arms, but the constant is the curved goat-like horns at the top of her head and the pointy ears. Her physical strength is slightly higher than the average human.

Demon: Lyssa's horns become much more pronounced, her ears become sharper, her strength vastly increases, and black markings begin to appear on her limbs while her nails harden and lengthen into claws. While more prone to violence, Lyssa is still able to hold control over this form and take advantage of its increases in her strength.

Demon Overlord: Lyssa's true form. The black ink on her arms and legs turns into scales and her physical strength and endurance skyrocket. Her behaviour has the potential to become savage if she succumbs to her demonic nature, leaving her to be nothing more than a battle-hungry monster.

Third Eye Opens: In her Demon Overlord form a third eye appears on her forehead. Although it is usually closed, when it opens up it gives her the ability to see and better comprehend the magical elements of the world. Her magical prowess and understanding match that of the gods and dragons but without the ability to restrain her chaotic nature, the wisdom is lost on her.


Fire Devil Slayer Magic:

The legacy of her bloodline and a magic that was lost to the ages, this lost magic that is tied to her genetics transforms any and all fire magic produced by her to take on the unholy element of the fire devils. This Magic also allows Lyssa to obtain information about a Demon by just observing it for a second, this includes abilities such as Curses and Curse Magic.

As a function of being an exorcist type magic, Devil Slayers have the ability to kill and/or exorcise demonic power by exerting their Magic Power upon the target, in other words using the "demon" side of their Magic to overpower the abilities of the Demon their fighting, given it being the true purpose of the Magic, this Magic is just as effective against Mages who utilise any form of demonic power. She also gains the ability to consume fire and gains a high level of immunity to fire-based attacks. However, she is unable to consume the fire she herself creates with magic. Lyssa also gains near immunity to Curses used on her due to both being a devil and the exorcising effects of this magic.

This form of magic is also very fickle and just as unstable as the foes it is most effective against, trading control and finesse for raw destructive power.

Basic Spells

Fire Devil's Rage: The most basic spell in which the user gathers magic power in their mouth and unleashes a stream of fire that scorches anything in its path. It can easily melt through walls and steel while water dragon slayers find their water unable to extinguish it and also being evaporated slowly.

Fire Devil's Stakes: The user gathers magic energy and turns their hand or hands into flaming blades to strike their opponent leaving behind a trail of fire. Can also be used as a projectile that is thrown at opponents.

Fire Devil's Parade: The user turns their body into a rampaging whirlwind of flame that immensely boosts their speed and uses their body as a catalyst for a rushing attack.

Fire Devil's Laughter: The user gathers magic power in their hand and does a swiping motion, creating a series of floating fire stakes that are fired towards the target, piercing and setting ablaze anything in their path.

Fire Devil's Carnival: The user can generate a stake of flame which they stab on the ground, filling a certain radius with countless fire stakes that erupt from the ground.

Fire Devil's Stomp: The user gathers magic power ignites their feet with flames and proceeds to assault the opponent with a powerful fire-enhanced kick, with the flames greatly augmenting the power of said kick.

Fire Devil's Embrace: The user coats a target of choice in flames that heal them, capable of sustaining a damaged heart to maintain homeostasis. Cannot regrow limbs, but a skilled user is capable of reattaching severed limbs with ease.

Advanced Spells

Fire Devil's Morning Star: The user gathers great amounts of magic power in their hands and sets them ablaze before slapping them, creating between them a big orb of fire that gradually becomes bigger once thrown and causes a destructive explosion.

Fire Devil's Infernal Pillars: The user gathers great amounts of magic power in their fingers and finishes with a grabbing motion towards a specific spot, generating numerous pillars that surround the target and with a mere thought, the user can combine them into a huge pillar that traps and immensely hurts the target.

Secret Arts

Cthonic Wrath: Ifrit Danse: The user gathers huge amounts of magic power in their legs and starts spinning in a handstand turning their body into the axis of a giant blazing tornado. This tornado can grow on its own as it burns objects for fuel or with the aid of other magics in the form of a unison raid.

Cthonic Wrath: Surtr Surge: The user thrusts their hand into the ground and releases a shockwave of flame under the surface that destroys the surrounding terrain and engulfs the area in flame.

Forbidden Arts

Mind Brand: The user burns away the free will of a person within their grasp, leaving them open to suggestions and more than willing to obey the user. The effects of the spell disappear when the user cancels the spell or dies.


Pyrokinesis: Lyssa has the ability to control all the fire in the area around her. This remains true even for Magical fire produced by other Mages aside from her own, putting her at an advantage against other fire-wielding Mages. Should the Mages happen to be generating the flames directly from their person, then Lyssa would also be able (to a limited degree) to directly manipulate their bodies by extension. She generally gestures in order to control flames coming from outside sources, often placing her hand(s) in a knuckle with only the middle and index fingers sticking out. However, she's incapable of controlling the fire of a Mage who has achieved complete mastery over it.


Enchanting: The process of Enchantment amounts to the user to add their own Magic onto living or inanimate objects, thereby increasing their natural attributes; i.e. enchanting wood to make it stronger than steel, or enchanting swords into human beings with immense power. While a normal user of Enchantment is simply called an "Enchanter", a "High Enchanter" is one who has immense prowess in the art. For them, it is possible to attach their Magic in a manner that allows them to change and alter climates, manipulate the atmosphere, completely change geography, modify an organism's physique, and even vastly enhance the power of individuals past their normal limits. High Enchanters also have the ability to extract Magic from human beings. If one has enough Magic Power, such as the amount possessed by a Dragon, they can even cast "Master Enchants", which allow them to enchant heavenly bodies themselves.

Notably, Dragons teach Dragon Slayers their signature form of Magic via an Enchantment process, and Sky Dragon Slayer Magic is a Magic that almost exclusively specializes in performance boosting. It is also possible for Dragon Slayer Enchanters to attach the basic properties of their Dragon Slayer Magic onto something, thus allowing the person of their choosing to, albeit temporarily, become a Dragon Slayer as well.

According to Irene Belserion, Enchantments are divided into ranks starting from the basic. enchantment, followed by the "High Enchant" and "Master Enchant". Within a sole Enchantment could exist a sub-skill variant underneath, such as different types of Separation, Residual Thought, and Personality Enchantments.

If an Enchanter dies, all of their existing Enchantments will cease to function, and any physical changes that resulted from them are reverted.

Lyssa's Basic Enchantments:

Disappear: The user creates multiple enchanted explosions in the nearby radius.

Concept Enchantment: This type of Enchantment focuses on forging different types of attributes with other attributes, techniques, or people.

Wound Enchantment: An Enchantment that allows the user to transfer a wound from a living being to another. Effectively healing the target while another receives the damage instead. However, the wound can only be transferred onto the Enchanter casting it.

Deus Corona: By chanting "Elemental resistances rise", the user is able to temporarily increase their combat capabilities quite significantly against all types. However, against particularly powerful attacks, the resistances added onto the user can be broken through.

Deus Eques: By chanting "Physical ability rise!", the user is able to temporarily increase their chosen target's overall physical capabilities.

Lyssa's High Enchantments:

Universe One: A type of Magic that, when in use, enchants the very ground itself, and, if cast by someone extremely powerful, could potentially affect a region as large as the whole of Fiore. It causes a bright light to burst forth from the earth and engulf all caught in its area of effect.

Separation: This type of Enchantment generally focuses on separating Magic from a person or object. Depending on the type of Separation Enchantment used, the effects can range anywhere from removing a powerful Magic like Fairy Heart from its container to reverting a partially dragonized Dragon Slayer to its original form by temporary removal of their Magic to even undoing the effects of another Enchantment. It's been noted that this Enchantment can possibly cause Magic Deficiency Disease due to the forceful removal of Magic.

Deus Zero: Deus Zero is an Enchantment that allows the user to negate another Enchantment. Examples range from being able to cancel out another Deus Zero in rapid succession, to forcefully nullifying a Personality Enchantment.

Personality Enchantment: This type of Enchantment allows the user to augment a personality onto an object or human. The ability ranges from giving a sword human characteristics and Magic to enchanting one's own self into another body, in turn becoming its new primary host or sharing the body as another incumbent. If the user successfully casts a Personality Enchantment into another's body to become the primary host, they are then given access to the target's various abilities, solely limited based on the host body's Magic Power. In this situation, the original body of the user is left in an inactive state, devoid of any consciousness. Likewise, the targeted body's own self is rendered unable to physically control their body while under the effect of the Enchantment unless the caster of the Personality Enchantment only uses the body as an incumbent, in turn simply sharing the body.


Curses: Curses are accordingly run off of Curse Power, which in and of itself is the manifestation of powerful, negative human emotions, that can be accumulated into Cursed Energy that allows Curse users to employ Curses.

Similar to Magic Power, Curse users can store their Curse Power within their bodies and employ it to cast various techniques. The amount of power they can have is limited, overuse of their power will render them drained of strength and stamina should they exhaust most of their Curse Power.

Curses can be rendered ineffective through exorcism abilities that purge the Cursed Energy. Devil Slayers, also known as Exorcist Mages use their Devil Slayer Magic to nullify Cursed techniques. Devil Slayers also exhibit a degree of immunity towards Curses.

Pride: The user enhances the weight of gravity upon the intended target. By using the curse on the user they can make themselves feel heavier and harder to move, as well as doing the inverse and making themselves lighter and quicker. By using the curse on an opponent they can force them to generate curse power if they themselves don't already. The more curse power the opponent has the more they are affected by gravity.

Envy: The user restricts or enhances the vision of the target.

Wrath: The user breathes out a toxic cloud of bane particles to blind or poison their opponent. Bane particles are toxic to living creatures, wizards especially, as they destroy ethernano which is an important chemical that sustains life. Demons are of the few races that don't need ethernano to live.

Sloth: The user gains the ability to fight at the peak of their strength even if injured or tired.

Greed: The user generates concussive quakes upon the object they impact with their body. These quakes can be used to affect the landscape or be used to augment their punches and kicks when striking an opponent.

Gluttony: The user affects the space between the target and the object they are trying to affect. They can either increase the "distance" or shorten it, making it easier or harder to strike a person or object.

Lust: The user generates an uncontrollable green flame that cannot be extinguished by an outside source. The user cannot control the flame in any way beyond choosing where it spawns and the ability to dissipate the flame.

Paradise: The user generates golden waters that can alter the memories of the subject. They can erase, resurface, alter, or transfer memories between multiple subjects so long as the water is touching them. The state of water is only its manifested form, and it cannot be used in place of actual water.





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