Fairy, Please Take Care of Yourself

Chapter 6 - Remove tiger

At this time, Li Qinglin walked up the mountain alone. The mountain is the place where the clouds and fog converge the most. The scene is filled with various rocks and is blurred in the fog. It really looks like a fairyland.

伸 He reached out and stroked it. The edges and corners of the rock were rough, and it was obvious that it was not often touched by people, nothing special. It was just that there were dries of blood everywhere on the rocks, as if someone had been seriously injured here and the blood was spilling on the mountain.

He groaned for a moment, deliberately reached out, pierced the stone edge, wiped a piece of blood on it, and waited for a moment without any movement.

I can see that this blood stain is indeed irrelevant, there is no secret.

The texture is engraved with textures on the ground, which is very complicated and has no rules. I do n’t know the purpose. It seems like a child is bored and messy.

Li Qinglin thought for a while, and then unwrapped a jade pendant around his waist, and set it aside.

He originally seemed to be hiding from the clouds and mists, but he no longer hid him, but avoided the jade pendant. Li Qinglin shook his head, and there was a faint brilliance around him.

These are “resentment”, but not because he is hiding from his battlefield, but because he is hiding from his treasures. But similarly, their warriors can control these resentments with no problem.

青 Li Qinglin put away the jade pendant and was about to look at the strange tiger in the chaos. At this moment, there was a sudden smell in the middle of the chaotic stone. He stared with a gun, and in the night a pair of blood-red eyes the size of copper bells slowly appeared.

A half-height tiger appeared slowly, Li Qinglin squinted and looked at the meat wing on the tiger’s back. The meat wing stretched, already several feet long. There was a bit of discomfort in the blood-colored pupils. Compared with the mutant wild boars I saw before, this tiger obviously had a bit of wisdom … have become a demon.

There was a tiger howling, and the tiger flew forward.

青 Li Qinglin deliberately tested the so-called “not chasing people” and then pulled out of the Stonehenge.

Sure enough, the tiger seems to have something in the way, but he can’t get out.

青 Li Qinglin’s eyes fell on the texture of the ground again with a smile. This must be the formation that binds this tiger, and there are indeed superior people here.

既 “As it is, I’ll save it for you.”

青 Li Qinglin’s spear flickered, throwing out the shape of a silver dragon. There was a dragon chant between the spears.

青 Li Qingjun didn’t sleep. She was so angry that Qin Yi couldn’t sleep, so she meditated with her knees down and calmed down. Before long to meditate, the sound of Hu Xiaolong Yin faintly heard from the wind, Li Qingjun opened his eyes suddenly: “Tianlong Yin? Brother!”

She couldn’t sit still anymore, picked up the silver gun on the bedside, and quickly went out.

I watched Li Qingjun disappear into the night, Qin Yi slowly followed.

He deliberately distributed the news of the immortal trail, which had long been ignored, in order to attract new seekers to come and get rid of the tiger.

老虎 This tiger has been demonized, but he can’t fight, so he has to learn from the tassel to bind the demon array, and bind it to the rubble to avoid hurting people. But this is not a long-term solution, in case one day cannot be restrained? After all, it is to remove this hidden danger.

I waited for the demon tiger to remove it, and I was able to dig out what kind of demon monster myself. From then on, the sky is high and the sea is wide, whether it is living here or traveling around the world, there is no problem.

I hope that brothers and sisters of the Li family can be reliable.

Before He reached the top of the mountain, he could already see silver light like electricity, shining stars. The aftermath of the terrible energy in the air shook the grass and gravel scattered around and got close. It seemed to be felt that the whole space was full of sharp sharp brilliance, and it was about to be pierced with scars.

“A very powerful warrior, I am afraid that I have already passed the menstrual period and entered the top of the congenital.” Liu Su said: “I can’t think of this deserted small country, but there are people who have trained martial arts to such a superb level.”

Qin Yi is a bit stunned, he also learns martial arts, knowing that this means that Li Qinglin’s martial arts grade is already first-class in the world, and who is stronger than him can be regarded as a peerless power in the world. If you want to go one step further, that is to follow the path of sword repair, or sanctification of the flesh, that is no longer a martial art in the world, and few people in the world have this opportunity.

That’s why someone is looking for fairy.

I stepped on the top of the mountain, and at first glance I saw Li Qinglin’s Yinmang flash, the strange tiger actually flew away and was extremely agile. Li Qinglin stabbed into the air with a shot, swept straight, and drew on the side of the strange tiger. The strange tiger swept its wings, the fin guns intersected, and a loud noise was heard, and the tiger was actually pumped sideways and hit the side of a mountain wall.

And Li Qinglin only took a step back, apparently prevailing.

With a flick, Li Qingjun joined the battle with his gun. The stiff tiger who had just hit the mountain wall received another silver gun on his face, carrying the exact same coldness and the same forward momentum.

At the same time, Li Qinglin cooperated with one another and shot straight at the other side of the tiger, blocking the dodge space.

“Roar!” The strange tiger jumped suddenly, cut off the tiger’s tail, and slid it on Li Qingjun’s gun. Li Qingjun groaned but didn’t let it go, instead he went up against the trend and was astonished.

The strange tiger lost the opportunity to make a breakthrough from this side, and could no longer avoid Li Qinglin’s gun, and was finally poked in the flank with a shot, and blood was flowing.

The injured tiger roared and slammed in the direction of Li Qingjun. Li Qingjun made a horizontal shot and a huge force came in. She was directly hit by a long flight, and her boots dragged a long mark on the ground. Li Qinglin poked a gun in the flank of the tiger and dragged it around. He actually slammed the giant tiger on the rock with a bang, shaking the mountain.

青 Li Qingjun bumped into the other side of the rock, a ray of blood dripped from the corner of her lips, she didn’t wipe it, and fit again.

“It’s pretty good, this girl.” Qin Yi felt some admiration in her heart. This tiger is much more powerful than when he set up the bound demon array. It seems that it has absorbed a lot of demon enchantment from here and has evolved. If it was so strong at the beginning, I am afraid that I have not even bound the demon array. The solution is laid out.

But Li Qingjun looked at Jiao Didi’s little girl, she was so stupid!

The brothers and sisters really have the temperament of a **** soldier. Although Li Qingjun is a little proud, he is not a flower in the greenhouse. I don’t know what family can cultivate such a pair of brothers and sisters. They look like generals?

Li Qinglin alone was enough to deal with the demon tiger, plus Li Qingjun’s joint strength, there was no suspense. The injured tiger could no longer hold the brother and sister together, and finally struggled to be strangled to the ground.

A ray of demon swayed in the air.

Qin Yi sighed. Sure enough, the brother and sister are still reliable …

Tassel hummed. The success of Qin Yi’s plan meant that his more vicious scheme had entered the stinking ditch.

“Brother Qin, come out.” Li Qinglin smiled unchangingly over the face: “It’s not interesting to watch for so long, this is a beast in your mountain.”

Xi Qin Yi walked out of the shadow without heartbeat and laughed: “I have my own duties and I have other things to do.”

Li Qingjun snorted at the gun and watched strangely Qin Yi walked into the rubble. The brother and sister looked at each other and followed.

I soon saw Qin Yi squatting down and pulled out a small shovel to dig on the ground. After a while, whispered: “Sure enough.”

I saw Qin Yi pull out a mud-filled thing from the ground, and looked away, like a small incense burner, carved in the shape of a monster near the hearth, and there was a dark red smoke on the hearth.

青 Li Qingjun suddenly woke up to something: “It turned out that you intentionally distributed the news that there are immortals here, just to coax people uphill and remove tigers, so that you can take what is here!”

Qin Yi turned to look at her and smiled: “It’s not what I want, but …”

As he said, he held up the mace and smashed the incense burner with a stick.

青 Li Qingjun stunned for a moment, but still hesitant: “Then you also used us!”

Qin Yi fumbled and found out a piece of silver: “Will I … give you money?”

Li Qingjun was vomiting blood and was about to fire his gun. Li Qinglin waved his hand to stop: “Brother Qin had already reminded him of the strange tigers on the mountain. I wanted to see it myself. Who’s here? But look at it this way, this tiger is bound by Brother Qin? “

Qin Yi nodded: “Can’t let it hurt people.”

Li Qinglin said: “There is another grievance in the mountains. Brother Qin can solve it with one pill. In addition, he is familiar with this special thing, and he knows the formation method of restraining monsters. Real talents, I do not know what the teacher inherited? “

“It’s not an alchemist to fumble for fun …” Qin Yi could only say: “What can Brother Li teach?”

“Oh, this is it.” Li Qinglin sighed slightly. “My father has been bewildered by some swindling alchemists in recent years and abused elixir, which has caused his body to deteriorate. Children look in their eyes and are worried. Brother Qin has the true skill I wonder if we can see that our brother has a filial piety and has gone out of his way to mess up with his father and to save the truth. As for the reward, Brother Qin must be satisfied. “

He paused and said, “Because of this, Qingjun has never liked the liar and the alchemist. He has acted too hard and offended.”

It seems that he thought that his sister had troubled Qin Yi before, and it must have been Qin Yi’s loss. Li Qingjun didn’t speak, and Qin Yi didn’t know what to say, so he said, “I’m a wild person, I’m used to it, I’m afraid I’ll let Brother Li disappointed.”

青 Li Qinglin said: “Bento is my reward for removing the tiger for Brother Qin, how?”

Qin Yi stunned for a moment, and said with a smile: “It turned out that Brother Li had a good idea in addition to tigers.”

青 Li Qingjun glanced at his brother. No wonder his brother didn’t care about himself being shot. He clearly wanted to be shot this time.

Only myself always knows nothing, like a fool.

秦 Qin Yi still wants to refuse here. He has a better temperament and already feels better in the village. Where is he willing to go out and get involved in what alchemy dispute? He groaned for a while, and UU read the book www.uukanshu.com and took out the Jiedu pill just trained, and said, “This medicine should be rewarded by Brother Li for removing the tiger for me.”

青 Li Qinglin sighed and was still persuaded. Li Qingjun couldn’t hold back anymore, and said angrily, “If you don’t go, don’t go, what’s so great! We have found other people, and we don’t believe that there is only one alchemist from South!”

Li Qinglin soothed softly: “Qing Jun, you know, looking for someone else is a long delay.”

Li Qingjun said angrily: “Looking at the bad water in his stomach, I know it is not the second Donghuazi!”

Qi Qin Yi had already turned around and left, and the words “Donghuazi” came to his ears. He stopped suddenly and turned suddenly: “Who do you say you are dealing with?”

Sugawara’s soul has been swallowed by tassel, and the strongest obsession and hatred remain in his body. The so-called “Guo Shi”, which was deeply hated in the disillusionment, wanted to ask “why”, and how deeply the obsession affected Qin Yi’s nightmare. Of course, Qin Yi has heard these days. South Liguo, the Taoist Donghuazi!

Seeing Qin Yi’s discoloration, Li Qinglin regretted it. Qin Yi was already reluctant, and if he revealed that he was going to deal with the National Teacher, he would be even less likely to go. Originally intended to flicker, but my sister could not hide, but still leaked out.

看着 He looked at Qin Yi helplessly and said slowly: “If Brother Qin Donghuazi is afraid of the South Liguo, if he is afraid, then he will have to look for another cleverness.”

“No.” Qin Yi said, “I’ll go with you.”

Li Qinglin was surprised: “Brother Qin, this is …”

Qi Qin Yi pointed coldly at the incense burner on the ground: “I want to ask him a question, why!”

Even Li Qingjun looked at Qin Yi for a moment. She never thought that this seemingly unformed person would have such a cold and stern expression.

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