Failure IS An Option

Arc 1 – Now or Never: Chapter 26

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.



Arc 1 - Now or Never: Chapter 26

A week later*

"I can't believe what should take a couple of days train ride would extend to a week." Erza said in disbelief, not noticing the guilty look on my face that appeared briefly.

I want to say it's because we kept on having sex that delayed the trip, but there wasn't much to do while on a train for a long trip.

"Well, the Phantom Maidens are satisfied with Master Renato taking care of their sexual needs during the train ride." Bari said calmly, giving me a small smile that just glows for odd reasons.

"Well, Renato-sama is amazing to be able to satisfy so many women." Juvia hugged my right arm. "Also, was that all the Phantom Maidens?" She looks at Bari.

"Not all of them, and the rest are still waiting for their turn." Bari answered.

Are you fucking seriously?! Just how many are there?! FUCK!

This is pretty much a massive harem that's forced on me. Not that I hate it, but still. Well, there goes my idea of getting any more girls from other worlds in the future.

I feel a little lightheaded. Talk about horny ghost girls. Then again, I would never expect the Phandom Maidens would have physical needs still, including Bari. Thanks to my previous usage of Failure Manipulation, I'm glad they can't really drain my life essence.

"Could you be more perverted enough to talk such naughty things around Wendy?!" Carla scolded us. She looks at us with disgust.

"Carla!" Wendy blushed and avoided looking in our direction.

Machio let out a loud chuckle, "Come now, Carla. Wendy is at the age of knowing these kinds of things!"

"Like heck she is!" Carla shouted at Machio. "If anything, she is still too young for this! And I don't want to hear it from a big pervert like you! You're even worse than them over there! You barely have any clothes on all day; even now, you're not even wearing proper clothes!"

True to Carla's words, Machio is in his muscular form and only wearing a speedo.

"Put some clothes on already, you muscle head of a pervert!" Carla continues to shout at Machio, who just laughs it off.

"Carla, calm down...!" Wendy looks around nervously.

I ignore the three and look around the place.

"You girls see our client anywhere?" I didn't see the disgusting demon shown in Fairy Tail, or it could be one of the demons that lost their memories, thinking they were humans that would turn into demons at night.

"I don't see anywhere within 100 feet." Erza replied.

"So, do we just wait here until someone shows up?" Juvia looks around with a frown on her face.

"I have another idea instead." I crouch, touching the ground with my right hand. "Come to life... Tania."

The ground starts to shake, causing almost everyone to look at me in shock for causing an earthquake.

"What's going on?!" Wendy cried in fear, grabbing Machio's hand in comfort.

Machio looks at me with his eyes narrow.

"Oh, I wasn't expecting Master Renato to summon her." Bari didn't seem to be surprised one bit, nor did she seem to be fazed by the earthquake.

Soon, a brown gate made out of the ground appears before everyone's eyes. It is slowly opening itself, revealing a vast land filled with nature on the other side. The presence coming from the brown gate makes everything feel heavy.

"Well, I see you've finally summoned me, Renato." A mature woman's voice came from within the brown gate, then the brown gate closed itself and crumbled to pieces, revealing a voluptuous beauty with flowing long black hair that covered the right side of her face and brown eyes. She wears a white strapless gown with a vertical slit up to the thigh on her left side, revealing a long, shapely leg ending in a pair of tall, pointed heels on each foot. She also wears a long mantle with two layers, lined with fur at the collar; it splits into an outer layer going to her hip and outer edge decorated in gold, and a long blank layer draping to her ankles. In addition to her white gown, her chest is covered by a black zippered bodice, with three metal studs linking attachment strings from the left to a single stud on the right. The bodice ends just under her large breasts, displayed with little modesty: majority of her luscious cleavage is uncovered, with a broach attached to her gown. Finally, a single ring on her right index finger and a pair of small hoop earrings finish the entire setup outfit.

Tania's primary weapon seems to be a staff, with a large crystal attached to the top. Most likely to be used as foci, or she knows how to wield as a melee weapon.

"Tania, good to see you again." Bari greeted Tania, then looked at everyone that doesn't know Tania. "This is Tania, one of the most powerful Phantom Maidens using the element of earth and is also known as the Empress of the Land." Bari's eyes land on me. "I wasn't expecting you to be able to summon her due to how much energy is required to summon and having to meet her standard of mediums to be used for her summoning."

"It's good to see you again, Bari." Tania nods at Bari. Yet, her eyes never left me this whole time. "So this is Renato, who been the main talk among the rest of us Phantom Maidens for some time now." She looks at me up and down. "I'm impressed and find you worthy of using me. However, the moment you fail to meet one of my standards, you'll be punished and trained to meet them."

I give Tania a dry look, then use my cheat to make it, so I don't fail to meet Tania's so-called 'standards'. Better not risk it, going by how Tania is acting. Also, make it so Juvia doesn't outright attack Tania because I rather not have Juvia being killed if she angers someone that can easily kill Juvia. Since there are countless Phantom Maidens, she has the title: Empress of the Land for a reason.

"Can you scan for anyone nearby within 100 meters, Tania?" I ask the Empress of the Land.

"Can I?" Tania scoffs at me. "Of course, I can." She lifts her staff and brings it back down with enough force to pierce the ground. A second later, she nods her head. "There were a couple of people that were at this spot recently. 25 minutes ago, to be exact. Three males, one female, and a magical cat like the one over there. In addition, one of the males is a demon." Tania point at Carla.

"I guess Mages from other guild has accepted the job and the demon is the client." I said to everyone, but secretly, I'm a little excited to meet other Fairy Tail's Mages, yet at the same time, I dread the thought of finding out that they're different in characters or maybe they could be different people. Not even from the Fairy Tail Guild. "Actually, does it say who the client is?" I look over to Juvia.

Juvia pulls out the job flyer and rereads the information, "There's no name. So what now?" She looks at Machio since he is the leader of the team. Therefore, it's his duty for us to move forward or leave since another group of Mages had arrived before we did.

"Well, we've already accepted the job. So we may as well go to the island to see if the job was completed or not before going back to the guild. Unless anyone wants to do something else?" Machio asks everyone.

"I don't care either way." I shrug, "Tania. You can stay if you want; if not, you can return to where you were before."

"No, I'll stay. There isn't anything else that requires my attention back in my territory." Tania walks over to Juvia, causing the latter to be confused by this sudden approach. Then, Juvia let out a yelp as Tania grab her right breast for a split second. "Nice and firm. Alright, she has my permission to join our future sexual intercourses." Tania stated calmly to me.

"Unbelievable." Carla facepalm, "Is everyone you summon a pervert like you, Renato?"

"Quiet cat, I have my needs as other Phantom Maidens do. So don't you dare disrespect us by calling us perverts out in the open." Tania stares coldly at Carle. As her body coat in a brown aura of domination.

I see Carla's body shiver and take a few steps away from Tania; not like that would do anything unless she starts flying away, and even then, Tania has a high chance of striking Carla down before she gets too far.

"You should be Juvia, right?" Tania ignores Carla, who is hiding behind Machio, "There is a lot of talk about you and Renato, with a few talking about Erza. The redhead over there. I can say some of the rumors are true. I can't wait to taste you."

Juvia gulped, then quickly hid behind me and kept quiet, a little out of character from Juvia, but with someone like Tania giving off an otherworldly presence that screams danger. I wouldn't be surprised if-never mind; even Machio is looking at Tania with battlelust and cautious.

I glance over to my other shoulder, where Erza is hiding behind me. Great, Tania alone frightens two powerful Mages without even lifting a finger at them.

"You're scaring them, Tania. Calm down a bit." Bari looks at Tania for a few more seconds before looking in the island's direction. "We need to perform our job before doing anything else."

"Fine." Tania replied as she was no longer glowing and her presence was now back to normal-ish. "Let's get to the island then. And Renato, unlike the others. I'll be taking payment for my service."

"What she meant is she wants to have sex with you, Master Renato, to find out if what the others said about you in bed is true or not." Bari said to me and ignoring the way Tania was now glaring at her.

"Bari!" Tania blushes madly, then glance at me before looking away quickly. "Did you have to say it like that?!"

Oh... OH! So that is the type of person Tania is.

"Well, Master Renato would think you hate him or something on the line of looking down on him." Bari has a small grin on her face.

Tania begins to stutter, causing her previous image to break down and causing the tension to disappear.

"She seems cute." Juvia whispered in my ear.

Too bad, Tania heard her loud and clear.

"See what you did, Bari?!" Tania yells at Bari in embarrassment.

Machio let out a loud chuckle, "See, Carla. Tania doesn't mean any harm, and she is just shy-GOF!" He was cut off by a stone slab that hit him directly in the stomach, causing him to lose his breath briefly but still standing firmly. "Okay, I deserve that..."

"You have a strong body for a human." Tania praises Machio, "But, I have faced those with stronger bodies than yours."

Ah, crap. Tania just has to stay that to Machio.

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