Failure IS An Option

Arc 1 – Now or Never: Chapter 14

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.



Arc 1 - Now or Never: Chapter 14

Well, I was somewhat expecting Erza to be on the same job as Juvia and me. Instead, Erza just happens to ride on the same train and her destination is in the same direction as the town Juvia and I are going to.

So with that said, I'm not surprised by the way Juvia and Erza are glaring at each other. With the former not liking the latter due to trying to have sex with me while the latter is mad at the former due to not getting to have sex with me.

I'm still baffled at the way Erza is acting compared to her canon version. Then again, this world barely has anything related to canon at this point.

Luckily, it's just Erza that took the ghost subduing job. Making this into a three-person job and depending on the ghost's level of danger. Any of us three should be able to take down the ghost without any trouble alone.\

"You should leave, Renato-sama and Juvia can easily finish this job just the two of us." Juvia said to Erza, breaking the silence that has been going on for some time now.

"There's no need. I should stay just in case you guys need backup." Erza replied back in a serious tone, but I got the feeling she wasn't clearly going to stick in the background and wait until either Juvia or I are unable to deal with the ghost.

"Ladies. How about we just find-" As I was about to try to stop a fight bound to happen between the two. The ground begins to shake, nearly causing all of us to fall on the ground if it continues to shake for a few seconds longer. "We better go check with the client about the job fast."

Juvia and Erza share a look with each other before they let out a huff at the same time and follow me further into the town.

30 minutes later*

It took us half an hour to discover the destruction of the town. Many buildings have collapsed and numerous deaths as well. Many that are still lived, 80% of that are badly injured with the remaining 20% are trying their best to help save that 80% of injured people.

The worst part of this whole thing? The whole earthquake wasn't the main cause for all this. Sure, it's part of the reason for many deaths compared to before. However, there are countless causes of death that are completely done by the ghost. Tearing many people limb from limb, even ripping many people's heads off.

Now, I would say that all this should be done by something other than a ghost due to remembering all those supernatural related to ghosts and shit. Yet, a different world, different types of ghosts.

Honestly, if I was one of those wannabe heroes. I would gladly use my cheat to resurrection everyone back to life, with all their bodies intact. But, I will never do such a thing that would for sure put me on everyone's radar. Even if I can just use my cheat to prevent that. There are many things I won't touch, that include resurrection. Something I know many characters from other series that could easily bring the dead back to life.

But, I'm not like them nor do I want to be one. Since I can see the many paths I might walk on the moment I start resurrecting others back to life.

Also, how do we know the ghost that we're hunting down to subdue for the job is the cause of the deaths in this town? There are many people nearby to explain, in a hurry, how all the deaths occur. This includes the client that barely survived and among the lucky few with little to no injuries.

"Juvia, watch over me. Erza, keep an eye for the ghost or anything that could cause more destruction." I said to the girls and didn't bother to wait for their response. As I create a massive Magic Circle that covers the entire town, channeling 99% of my Magic Power and using my cheat to make it so I won't fail what I'm about to do that is considered very stupid in many people's eyes. Well, people with common sense and decent intelligence.

Using Teleportation Magic with the support of the Magic Circle. In order to expand my range of space field to sense everything within the Magic Circle. Then, begin rapidly teleport all the townfolks that are alive, including those that are barely hanging on a thread of their life.

I gasp in pain upon using so much Magic Power and teleporting so many times compared to the previous times I've used Teleportation Magic ever since I learn it.

"Renato-sama!" I hear Juvia's cry of horror, but I ignore it and continue to teleport all the people out to safety.

I may be selfish enough not to use my cheat to bring the dead back to life, but that doesn't mean I'm at the point of not caring about not helping others if I can do so. Not out of being a hero to others, but due to my moral compass that is still intact. Something I know that won't last for long as the days go.

I quickly use my cheat to make it so this action of mine won't come to bite me in the ass in the aftermath. Especially if I'm pushing myself to death, which seriously feels like it with the pain I'm feeling at the moment. And by the heavens itself, this pain is beyond what I have ever felt throughout my lifetime!

However, I kept on going and finally rescue everyone that needed to be saved or else end up dead in a matter of time in their previous position.

"Renato! Enough! You got everyone!" Erza's voice came up next, then to my shock. I got punched to the side of my face!

What the hell, Erza?! Violence isn't the answer! And ouch!

Then, I feel something soft and heavy place against the back of my head, where I see a pair of arms wrap around my face.

"Juvia?" My brain finally registers that Juvia's lovely breasts are pressed against my head and her arms around my eyes. As well as almost covering my nose and mouth, making it a bit hard to breathe. Not to mention being unable to see anything too. Also, why do I feel something wet at the tip of my mouth?

"Renato-sama, don't do that ever again! Juvia is so scared!" Juvia cried out, and I can hear her sobbing at the end.

"Just letting you girls know. I am aware of the number of people needed to be saved. Furthermore, I was about to stop at the exact you punched me, Erza." I said dryly, causing the sound of Erza coughing in embarrassment and the tightness around my head got stronger. Along with pushing me further into Juvia's breasts. Yet, this also made it a little harder to breathe compared to a second ago.

"Renato-sama, you were bleeding from your nose, eyes, and ears!" Juvia replied in despair. Making her grip over my head tighter even more, which is now getting to the point of being painful and no longer feeling nice like before.

"Juvia. You may want to let him go, I don't think the pressure is going to do any good to him as he is." Erza said to Juvia with a hint of fear, something I did not expect to hear from Erza anytime soon.

"No! I'm healing him!" Juvia shouted at Erza, not realizing the deep shock she gave me! Holy shit! She just talked in 1st person!

Also, the pain is slowly fading away as a cool refreshing feeling is washing over me and I can feel my head clearing up.

"Since when did you learn Healing Magic or you've already learned it ages ago?" I ask Juvia, completely surprised by this as I don't remember her ever using Healing Magic or anything related to one. "Also, can you lessen your grip over my head? It's getting hard to breathe."

"Since I got myself injured for the first time as a child, leading me to learn Healing Magic on the side to treat myself straight away instead of waiting for someone else to come to treat my injuries." Juvia replied to my question, still talking in 1st person instead of her 3rd person. "Also, sorry." Then, loosen her grip over my head, but she still has her arms around my head and not letting me go anytime soon.

So, this is something. I honestly didn't think it would be possible to get Juvia to switch to 1st person speaking until a couple of years from now, or that Juvia could be able to do it without subconsciously switching back to 3rd person speaking. Plus, I'm used to Juvia talking in 3rd person and find it cure that Juvia does it, but I would be lying if it didn't get annoying sometimes.

"It's good we have a Healing Mage here then." Erza said to Juvia and me, I think.

I still can't see anything. But, at least Erza is level head enough to understand the importance of having a healer on the team. Otherwise, I don't think I have enough time to create a Healing Card at short notice unless I use my cheat.

"That's good and all, but Juvia. I think it's best you heal the townfolks that are injured. Erza, if you have ways to do the same, that would be great. I'll take this time to take a break and rest until then." I said to the girls, but I didn't get a response after a few seconds of silence. "Seriously, we kind of need to help these people before the ghost shows up and finish them off while we try to take it down."

That and I was barely able to find the ghost while teleporting the townfolks to safety. And boy did I nearly shat myself upon 'seeing' what the ghost look like. But, luckily, I was too busy searching for all the people that are still alive to save to keep on focusing on the ghost. And hot damn, forget thinking about finding a handsome/beautiful ghost that could potentially become a companion or just to know after a good old fight before the ghost turn over a new leaf.

Fucking hell, this is just to show me I ain't no main character like Naruto who could talk his way into an enemy's heart and make them become the good guys after fighting them. Nor am I blinded from not understanding no matter how the bad guys are just misunderstood people, they have killed many people in the past. No question about it, whether those people were innocent or not.

So, no persuading the bad guys to become good. I'm ending their life one way or another if they appear before me and try to mess with me, to the point I know my life is threatened. The kiddy gloves are off!

"I'm sorry to say, that I don't have any magical gears towards healing other and just myself only." Erza responded after being silent for some time now. "But, I'll make sure the ghost doesn't harm the people here any further. I've already prepared a set of weapons and armor to deal with the ghost."

"That's good to hear." I sigh in relief inside. "Juvia?"

"After I finish healing you, Renato-sama." Juvia said firmly, not caring if she pushing others closer to their death by not helping them soon and only caring for my well-being.

Yeah, I'm still not used to hearing Juvia speaking in 1st person.

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