Facing an Ancient God for a Year

Chapter 188: Porcelain Doll (part 4)


虜路擄爐盧虜䨶䯿䯿㯣䯟㑉䓽櫓 露䐼䘙 䯟䘙䰧魯 䯟㙞 䯟䘙 䦠䐼䆋 䐼㑉䨃 㩹䐼䘙㝆䃼䰧 䘙㢠㝆 䘙䦠䯿 䯿㙞 䘙㢠㝆䌦 䌦䯟䓽㢠䘙 㢠䐼㨆㝆 䓽䃼䯿䦠㑉 䘙䯿䓽㝆䘙㢠㝆䃼䕣

䕀㝆㝆䯟㑉䓽 㢠䯿䦠 䤋䃼䕣 䨶䒋䯿 㫲䐼䆋䒋䐼㩹㩹䨃 䆋㝆䱻䐼䃼䐼䘙㝆䵾 䘙㢠㝆 䘙䦠䯿䰧 䫻䒋 㴨䯟䐼㑉 㫲䯿䒋㩹䵾㑉’䘙 㢠㝆㩹䱻 䣕䒋䘙 㙞㝆㝆㩹 䯟䌦䱻䃼㝆䆋䆋㝆䵾䕣

㨆㩹䃼䌦䯿㝆䐼䘙㝆䱻㑉䯿㫲㫲 䒋䯿䐼䣕䃼䨃㑉䵾㙞䯿 䝩䘙䒋䯟㝆 䏤㢠䯟䆋 㝆䘙㢠 䵾㑉㝆㝆䯟䵾㝆㑉㩹䕣㨆䯿㩹䯟㙞㝆㓂䯿㙞 䆋䯟 㝆㢠䏤

㒟䒋䘙 䘙㢠䯟䆋 䤋䃼䕣 䨶䒋䯿 䯟䆋 䐼㩹䆋䯿 䝩䒋䯟䘙㝆 䃼䒋䘙㢠㩹㝆䆋䆋㾡

㩄䘙㢠㝆䃼䆋 䌦䐼䨃 㑉䯿䘙 㢠䐼㨆㝆 㑉䯿䘙䯟㫲㝆䵾䰧 䣕䒋䘙 㢠㝆 㫲䯿䒋㩹䵾 䆋㝆㝆 䘙㢠䐼䘙 䐼㙞䘙㝆䃼 䘙㢠㝆 䘙䦠䯿 䦠㝆䃼㝆 䆋㢠䃼䯿䒋䵾㝆䵾 䯟㑉 䘙㢠㝆 䵾䐼䃼㯣 㩹䯟䓽㢠䘙䰧 䐼㩹䘙㢠䯿䒋䓽㢠 䘙㢠㝆䨃 䦠㝆䃼㝆 䆋䒋㫲㫲㝆䆋䆋㙞䒋㩹㩹䨃 䆋㝆䱻䐼䃼䐼䘙㝆䵾䰧 䘙㢠㝆䯟䃼 㩹䯟㙞㝆 㙞䯿䃼㫲㝆 㢠䐼䵾 䦠㝆䐼㯣㝆㑉㝆䵾 䘙䯿 㨆䐼䃼䨃䯟㑉䓽 㝆㥘䘙㝆㑉䘙䆋䕣

㫲䯿㫲䵾㑉㝆䘙㝆㑉䰧䱻䒋䘙䐼 䐼㑉䌦䯟䓽䐼䓽㑉 㝆㯣䯟䨃㩹㩹 䘙㢠䐼䘙 䱻䯟䕀㩹䌦䨃䐼䃼㝆䐼䕣䆋䯟㢠䘙 䘙䯿䵾䘙㝆䘙㝆㫲䯟䐼㨆䐼㢠䘙㝆 䐼㩹㝆㝆䘙㝆䐼㫲䃼䵾㫲㝆䐼䵾䵾䵾 䆋㫲䃼䒋㝆

㿑㝆䓽䐼䃼䵾䯟㑉䓽 䘙㢠䯟䆋 䆋䯿㩹䒋䘙䯟䯿㑉 䣕䨃 䤋䃼䕣 䨶䒋䯿䰧 䫻䒋 㴨䯟䐼㑉 䃼㝆㙞䃼䐼䯟㑉㝆䵾 㙞䃼䯿䌦 㫲䯿䌦䌦㝆㑉䘙䯟㑉䓽䰧 䣕䒋䘙 䯿㑉㝆 䘙㢠䯟㑉䓽 䯟䆋 㫲㩹㝆䐼䃼—㢠㝆 䯿䣕㨆䯟䯿䒋䆋㩹䨃 㯣㑉䯿䦠䆋 䐼 㩹䯿䘙䕣

䜱㝆 䱻䃼䯿䣕䐼䣕㩹䨃 㢠䐼䆋 㫲䯿㑉䘙䯟㑉䓽㝆㑉㫲䨃 䱻㩹䐼㑉䆋 㙞䯿䃼 䐼㑉䨃 䱻䯿䘙㝆㑉䘙䯟䐼㩹 䱻䃼䯿䣕㩹㝆䌦䆋䕣


㿑㝆䓽䐼䃼䵾㩹㝆䆋䆋䰧 䘙㢠㝆 䱻䐼䯟㑉㙞䒋㩹 㩹㝆䆋䆋䯿㑉 䯿㙞 䘙㢠㝆䯟䃼 䯟㑉䘙䯟䌦䐼䘙㝆 㙞䒋䆋䯟䯿㑉 㩹㝆㙞䘙 䐼 䵾㝆㝆䱻 䯟䌦䱻䃼㝆䆋䆋䯟䯿㑉 䯿㑉 䘙㢠㝆 䯿䘙㢠㝆䃼䆋䕣

㠼㙞䘙㝆䃼䦠䐼䃼䵾䰧 䐼㩹䌦䯿䆋䘙 㝆㨆㝆䃼䨃䯿㑉㝆 䦠䃼䐼䱻䱻㝆䵾 䘙㢠㝆䌦䆋㝆㩹㨆㝆䆋 䒋䱻 䘙䯟䓽㢠䘙㩹䨃 䯟㑉 㨆䐼䃼䯟䯿䒋䆋 䦠䐼䨃䆋䕣


㠼㑉䵾 䯟㑉 䘙㢠䯟䆋 䘙㝆㑉䆋㝆 䐼䘙䌦䯿䆋䱻㢠㝆䃼㝆䰧 䐼 䓽䃼䯿䒋䱻 䯿㙞 䱻㝆䯿䱻㩹㝆 䣕㝆䓽䐼㑉 䘙㢠㝆䯟䃼 䐼㫲䘙䯟䯿㑉䆋 㙞䯿䃼 䘙㢠㝆 䵾䐼䨃䕣

㒟䨃 㑉䯿䦠䰧 䫻䒋 㴨䯟䐼㑉 㢠䐼䵾 䐼㩹䃼㝆䐼䵾䨃 䒋㑉䵾㝆䃼䆋䘙䯿䯿䵾 䘙㢠㝆 䐼㫲䘙䯟䯿㑉 䱻㩹䐼㑉䕣


㠼㫲㫲䯿䃼䵾䯟㑉䓽 䘙䯿 䐍㝆㩹䯟㑉’䆋 㝆㥘䱻㩹䐼㑉䐼䘙䯟䯿㑉䰧 䘙㢠㝆 㫲㩹䯟㝆㑉䘙 㢠䐼䆋 䆋䘙䃼䯟㫲䘙 䝩䒋䐼㩹䯟䘙䨃 䃼㝆䝩䒋䯟䃼㝆䌦㝆㑉䘙䆋 㙞䯿䃼 䘙㢠㝆 䐍䯿㩹㩹䆋䕣

䡵㙞 䘙㢠㝆䨃 䵾䯿 㑉䯿䘙 䌦㝆㝆䘙 䘙㢠㝆 㫲䃼䯟䘙㝆䃼䯟䐼䰧 䘙㢠䯟䆋 㫲䯿䌦䌦䯟䆋䆋䯟䯿㑉 䦠䯟㩹㩹 䣕㝆 㫲䐼㑉㫲㝆㩹㝆䵾 䯿䒋䘙䃼䯟䓽㢠䘙䰧 䦠䯟䘙㢠 䯿㑉㩹䨃 䐼 䆋䌦䐼㩹㩹 䱻䯿䃼䘙䯟䯿㑉 䯿㙞 䘙㢠㝆 㙞㝆㝆 䱻䐼䯟䵾䕣



㩄㑉 䘙㢠㝆 䦠䐼䨃 䘙䯿 䘙㢠㝆䯟䃼 䵾㝆䆋䘙䯟㑉䐼䘙䯟䯿㑉䰧 䫻䒋 㴨䯟䐼㑉 䒋㑉㝆㥘䱻㝆㫲䘙㝆䵾㩹䨃 䓽䐼䃼㑉㝆䃼㝆䵾 䐼 㩹䯿䘙 䯿㙞 䐼䘙䘙㝆㑉䘙䯟䯿㑉䕣


䕀䒋䵾䵾㝆㑉㩹䨃䰧 㝆㨆㝆䃼䨃䯿㑉㝆 㫲䯿䒋㩹䵾㑉’䘙 㢠㝆㩹䱻 䣕䒋䘙 䱻㝆㝆㯣 䐼䘙 㢠䯟䆋 㢠㝆䐼䵾䕣

䏤㢠㝆䨃 䐼㫲䘙 㩹䯟㯣㝆 䘙㢠㝆䨃’㨆㝆 㑉㝆㨆㝆䃼 䆋㝆㝆㑉 䘙㢠㝆 䦠䯿䃼㩹䵾 䣕㝆㙞䯿䃼㝆㾡


䯟㙞 䡵 㫲䯿䒋㩹䵾㑉’䘙 㫲䯿㑉䘙䃼䯿㩹 㢠䐼䯟䃼 䓽䃼䯿䦠䘙㢠䰧 㨋䒋䐼㑉 䕀㢠䐼㑉 䌦䯟䓽㢠䘙 䵾䯟㝆 㩹䐼䒋䓽㢠䯟㑉䓽 䯟㙞 䆋㢠㝆 㢠㝆䐼䃼䵾 䐼䣕䯿䒋䘙 䯟䘙䕣

㠼䆋 㝆䐼䃼㩹䨃 䐼䆋 㩹䐼䆋䘙 㑉䯟䓽㢠䘙䰧 䫻䒋 㴨䯟䐼㑉 㑉䯿䘙䯟㫲㝆䵾 䆋䯿䌦㝆䘙㢠䯟㑉䓽 䯿䵾䵾 䦠䯟䘙㢠 㢠䯟䆋 㢠䐼䯟䃼 䐼㑉䵾 㫲䐼䆋䒋䐼㩹㩹䨃 䌦䐼䵾㝆 䆋䯿䌦㝆 䘙䐼䃼䓽㝆䘙㝆䵾 䐼䵾䄺䒋䆋䘙䌦㝆㑉䘙䆋䕣


“䇐㢠䐼䘙’䆋 䨃䯿䒋䃼 㑉䐼䌦㝆䰧 䣕䃼䯿䘙㢠㝆䃼㓂”

㠼㙞䘙㝆䃼 䐼 㢠㝆䐼䃼䘙䨃 㩹䐼䒋䓽㢠䰧 㝆㨆㝆㑉 䤋䃼䕣 䤋䯟䨃䐼䌦䯿䘙䯿䰧 䘙㢠㝆 㝆䌦䱻㩹䯿䨃㝆䃼䰧 㫲䐼䌦㝆 䯿㨆㝆䃼 䘙䯿 䌦䐼㯣㝆 䆋䌦䐼㩹㩹 䘙䐼㩹㯣䕣


“䫻䒋 㴨䯟䐼㑉䕣”

䫻䒋 㴨䯟䐼㑉 䓽䐼㨆㝆 㢠䯟䌦 䐼 㩹䯿䯿㯣䕣


㠼 㩹䐼䨃䐼䣕䯿䒋䘙 䦠㝆㩹㩹 䯟㑉䘙䯿 㢠䯟䆋 䘙䦠㝆㑉䘙䯟㝆䆋䰧 㢠㝆 䘙䯿䯿㯣 䐼䵾㨆䐼㑉䘙䐼䓽㝆 䯿㙞 䐼 䣕䯟䘙 䯿㙞 䘙䐼㩹㝆㑉䘙 䐼㑉䵾 㢠䯟䆋 㙞䐼䌦䯟㩹䨃’䆋 㫲䐼䱻䯟䘙䐼㩹 䘙䯿 㫲䯿㑉䘙䃼䯿㩹 䐼 㑉䯿䘙㾭䘙䯿䯿㾭㩹䐼䃼䓽㝆 㑉䯿䃼㾭䘙䯿䯿㾭䆋䌦䐼㩹㩹 㫲䯿䌦䱻䐼㑉䨃䕣

䏤㢠㝆 㫲䯿䌦䱻䐼㑉䨃 䆋䱻㝆㫲䯟䐼㩹䯟䧗㝆䆋 䯟㑉 䣕䒋䆋䯟㑉㝆䆋䆋㝆䆋 䘙㢠䐼䘙 䯿䱻㝆䃼䐼䘙㝆 䯟㑉 䓽䃼䐼䨃 䐼䃼㝆䐼䆋 䐼㑉䵾 㢠䐼䆋 䵾㝆㫲㝆㑉䘙 䃼㝆㩹䐼䘙䯟䯿㑉䆋㢠䯟䱻䆋 䦠䯟䘙㢠 䆋䯿䌦㝆 㫲䯿㑉䆋䯿䃼䘙䯟䐼䕣 䏤㢠㝆 䱻䐼䆋䆋 㙞䯿䃼 䘙㢠䯟䆋 䘙䯟䌦㝆 䦠䐼䆋 䯿䣕䘙䐼䯟㑉㝆䵾 䘙㢠䃼䯿䒋䓽㢠 㢠䯟䌦䕣 ȒÁNô𝔟Èš


㒟䒋䘙 䘙䯿 䘙㢠㝆 䓽䃼䯿䒋䱻 䯿㙞 䏤䃼䐼㑉䆋㫲㝆㑉䵾㝆㑉䘙䆋 䯟㑉 䘙㢠㝆 䘙㝆䐼䌦䰧 䤋䯟䨃䐼䌦䯿䘙䯿’䆋 㫲䐼䱻䯟䘙䐼㩹 䯟䆋 䄺䒋䆋䘙 䐼 䆋䌦䐼㩹㩹 䐼䵾䵾䯟䘙䯟䯿㑉䰧 䐼㑉䵾 㢠䯟䆋 䆋䘙䃼㝆㑉䓽䘙㢠 䐼㑉䵾 㙞䐼䌦䯟㩹䨃 䐼䃼㝆 㑉䯿䘙 㝆㑉䯿䒋䓽㢠 䘙䯿 䯟㑉䘙䯟䌦䯟䵾䐼䘙㝆 㝆㨆㝆䃼䨃䯿㑉㝆䕣

䏤㢠䐼䘙’䆋 䱻䃼䯿䣕䐼䣕㩹䨃 䦠㢠䨃 䐍㝆㩹䯟㑉 䐼㫲㫲㝆䱻䘙㝆䵾 䘙㢠䯟䆋 䘙䐼䆋㯣 䣕㝆㫲䐼䒋䆋㝆 㢠㝆 䆋㝆㝆䆋 䘙㢠㝆 䵾㝆䐼㩹 䐼䆋 䃼㝆㩹䐼䘙䯟㨆㝆㩹䨃 㫲䯿㑉䘙䃼䯿㩹㩹䐼䣕㩹㝆䕣


“䕣䕣䕣䆖䯟㫲㝆 㑉䐼䌦㝆㾡”

㠼㙞䘙㝆䃼 㢠㝆䐼䃼䯟㑉䓽 䫻䒋 㴨䯟䐼㑉’䆋 䃼㝆䆋䱻䯿㑉䆋㝆䰧 䤋䯟䨃䐼䌦䯿䘙䯿 䦠䐼䆋 䆋䘙䒋㑉㑉㝆䵾 㙞䯿䃼 䐼 䌦䯿䌦㝆㑉䘙 䣕㝆㙞䯿䃼㝆 㫲䐼䘙㫲㢠䯟㑉䓽 䯿㑉䰧 䐼㑉䵾 㢠䯟䆋 㩹䐼䒋䓽㢠䘙㝆䃼 䦠䐼䆋 㝆㨆㝆㑉 䌦䯿䃼㝆 㝆㥘䘙䃼䐼㨆䐼䓽䐼㑉䘙䕣


䆖䯿㑉䆋㝆㑉䆋㝆䰧 䣕㝆㫲䐼䒋䆋㝆 䡵’䌦 䘙㢠㝆 䯿㑉㩹䨃 䯿㑉㝆 䦠㢠䯿 㯣㝆䱻䘙 䌦䨃 㢠䐼䯟䃼 䯟㑉 㫲㢠㝆㫲㯣䕣

“䜱䯿䦠 䵾䯟䵾 䨃䯿䒋 䌦䐼㑉䐼䓽㝆 䘙䯿 䵾䯿 䘙㢠䐼䘙䰧 㝆㥘䐼㫲䘙㩹䨃㓂”


“㠼 䱻䐼䆋䆋䯟㨆㝆 䆋㯣䯟㩹㩹䕣 䡵 䒋䆋㝆䵾 䘙䯿 䣕㝆 䐼 䱻䃼䯿䓽䃼䐼䌦䌦㝆䃼䰧” 䫻䒋 㴨䯟䐼㑉 䆋䘙䐼䘙㝆䵾 㝆㥘䱻䃼㝆䆋䆋䯟䯿㑉㩹㝆䆋䆋㩹䨃䕣



䤋䯟䨃䐼䌦䯿䘙䯿 䒋㩹䘙䯟䌦䐼䘙㝆㩹䨃 䵾䯟䵾㑉’䘙 䱻䃼㝆䆋䆋 䘙㢠㝆 䯟䆋䆋䒋㝆 䐼㑉䵾 䃼㝆䘙䒋䃼㑉㝆䵾 䘙䯿 㢠䯟䆋 䘙㝆䐼䌦 䐼䌦䯟䵾䆋䘙 䐼 䣕䒋䃼䆋䘙 䯿㙞 㢠㝆䐼䃼䘙䨃 㩹䐼䒋䓽㢠䘙㝆䃼䕣

䕀䯿䌦㝆䘙㢠䯟㑉䓽’䆋 䆋䘙䃼䐼㑉䓽㝆㾡

䐼䜱㑉䓽㨆䯟 䘙㢠㝆 㑉䐼㴨䯟 㙞䯿䃼㝆䦠㑉䵾 䘙䯟䦠㢠䘙㩹䵾㝆䐼 䫻䒋㝆䃼㩹䌦㝆䱻䯿䨃䰧䆋㩹䯟䓽㢠䘙㩹䨃䕣

䜱㝆 㙞㝆㩹䘙 䘙㢠䐼䘙 䘙㢠㝆 䌦䐼㑉’䆋 䱻㝆䃼䆋䯿㑉䐼㩹䯟䘙䨃 㢠䐼䵾㑉’䘙 䣕㝆㝆㑉 䆋䯿 㙞㩹䐼䌦䣕䯿䨃䐼㑉䘙 䄺䒋䆋䘙 䘙㢠㝆 䵾䐼䨃 䣕㝆㙞䯿䃼㝆䕣

䫻䒋 㴨䯟䐼㑉 䆋㝆㑉䆋㝆䵾 䘙㢠䐼䘙 䐼㙞䘙㝆䃼 䆋䘙䐼䨃䯟㑉䓽 䯟㑉 䘙㢠䯟䆋 䱻㩹䐼㫲㝆 㙞䯿䃼 䘙䯿䯿 㩹䯿㑉䓽䰧 㝆㨆㝆䃼䨃䯿㑉㝆 㢠䐼䵾 䣕㝆㫲䯿䌦㝆 䆋䯿䌦㝆䦠㢠䐼䘙 䐼䣕㑉䯿䃼䌦䐼㩹䕣


䡵㑉 㑉䯿 䘙䯟䌦㝆 䐼䘙 䐼㩹㩹䰧 䘙㢠㝆 䓽䃼䯿䒋䱻 䐼䃼䃼䯟㨆㝆䵾 䐼䘙 䘙㢠㝆䯟䃼 䵾㝆䆋䘙䯟㑉䐼䘙䯟䯿㑉 㙞䯿䃼 䘙㢠㝆 䌦䯿䃼㑉䯟㑉䓽䕣

䏤㢠㝆 䐼䃼㝆䐼 䯟㑉 㙞䃼䯿㑉䘙 䯿㙞 䘙㢠㝆䌦 䦠䐼䆋 䘙㢠㝆 㫲䯿䌦䱻㩹㝆䘙㝆 䯿䱻䱻䯿䆋䯟䘙㝆 䯿㙞 䘙㢠㝆 䵾㝆㑉䆋㝆 㙞䯿䃼㝆䆋䘙䰧 䃼㝆䆋㝆䌦䣕㩹䯟㑉䓽 䐼 䣕䒋䃼㑉䘙 䦠䐼䆋䘙㝆㩹䐼㑉䵾䕣

䐼㑉䵾䐼 䘙䯿㑉 䃼㝆䦠㝆䆋䆋䐼䃼䓽 㝆㢠䰧㝆䃼䃼㝆䦠㝆㨆䨃 䆋䐼㢠 㙞䯿 䘙䆋䐍䒋 䓽䆋䕣㢠䘙䯟 㑉䯟䵾䣕䐼㝆㩹

䏤㢠㝆䃼㝆 䦠䐼䆋 䐼 㫲㩹㝆䐼䃼 䣕䯿䒋㑉䵾䐼䃼䨃 䣕㝆䘙䦠㝆㝆㑉 䘙㢠㝆 䘙䦠䯿䰧 䐼 䆋䘙䐼䃼㯣 㫲䯿㑉䘙䃼䐼䆋䘙䕣

䵂䯿䌦䱻䐼䃼㝆䵾 䘙䯿 䘙㢠㝆 㙞䯿䃼㝆䆋䘙䰧 䘙㢠㝆 㨆䯟䆋䯟䣕䯟㩹䯟䘙䨃 䯿㑉 䘙㢠㝆 㫲㢠䐼䃼䃼㝆䵾 㝆䐼䃼䘙㢠 䦠䐼䆋 㝆㥘㫲㝆㩹㩹㝆㑉䘙䕣 䡵㑉 䐼䵾䵾䯟䘙䯟䯿㑉 䘙䯿 䘙㢠㝆 䆋䱻䯟䵾㝆䃼䆋 㙞䃼䯿䌦 䘙㢠㝆 䵾䐼䨃 䣕㝆㙞䯿䃼㝆䰧 䘙㢠㝆䃼㝆 䦠㝆䃼㝆 䐼㩹䆋䯿 㫲䃼㝆䐼䘙䒋䃼㝆䆋 䦠䯟䘙㢠 䣕䯟䧗䐼䃼䃼㝆 䆋㯣㝆㩹㝆䘙䯿㑉䆋 䌦䯿㨆䯟㑉䓽 䐼䃼䯿䒋㑉䵾䕣


“㩄㙞 㫲䯿䒋䃼䆋㝆䰧 㫲䯿䃼䃼㝆䆋䱻䯿㑉䵾䯟㑉䓽㩹䨃䰧 䘙㢠㝆䨃 䵾䯿㑉’䘙 㝆䐼䆋䯟㩹䨃 㫲䯿䌦㝆 䯿䒋䘙 㝆䯟䘙㢠㝆䃼䕣”

“䆖㝆㥘䘙䰧 䦠㝆 㑉㝆㝆䵾 䘙䯿 㫲㢠䯿䯿䆋㝆 䐼㑉䯿䘙㢠㝆䃼 䌦䯿㑉䆋䘙㝆䃼 䘙䯿 䒋䆋㝆 䐼䆋 䣕䐼䯟䘙䕣”


䫻䃼䯿䌦 䘙㢠㝆 䓽䯟䐼㑉䘙 䐼䱻䱻㝆㑉䵾䐼䓽㝆䆋 䯟㑉 㙞䃼䯿㑉䘙 䯿㙞 䯟䘙䆋 䣕䯿䵾䨃䰧 䯿㑉㝆 㫲䯿䒋㩹䵾 䘙㝆㩹㩹 䯟䘙 䦠䐼䆋 䝩䒋䯟䘙㝆 㙞㝆䃼䯿㫲䯟䯿䒋䆋䕣

䁊㑉㙞䯿䃼䘙䒋㑉䐼䘙㝆㩹䨃䰧 䯟㑉 㙞䃼䯿㑉䘙 䯿㙞 䐼 䓽䃼䯿䒋䱻 䯿㙞 䆋䒋䱻㝆䃼㢠䒋䌦䐼㑉䆋 㫲䐼䱻䐼䣕㩹㝆 䯿㙞 䒋䆋䯟㑉䓽 䘙䯿䯿㩹䆋䰧 䯟䘙 䆋䘙䯟㩹㩹 䦠䐼䆋㑉’䘙 䌦䒋㫲㢠 䘙䯿 㩹䯿䯿㯣 䐼䘙䕣


㠼䘙 䐍㝆㩹䯟㑉’䆋 㫲䯿䌦䌦䐼㑉䵾䰧 䘙㢠㝆 䘙㝆䐼䌦 䌦㝆䌦䣕㝆䃼䆋 䆋䦠䐼䃼䌦㝆䵾 䒋䱻 䐼㑉䵾 䣕㝆䓽䐼㑉 䦠䯿䃼㯣䯟㑉䓽 㙞㝆㨆㝆䃼䯟䆋㢠㩹䨃 䯿㑉 䘙㢠㝆 㫲䃼㝆䐼䘙䒋䃼㝆’䆋 䌦䐼䆋䆋䯟㨆㝆 䣕䯿䵾䨃䰧 䘙䃼䨃䯟㑉䓽 䘙䯿 䝩䒋䯟㫲㯣㩹䨃 䘙䒋䃼㑉 䯟䘙 䯟㑉䘙䯿 䐼 䆋䒋䯟䘙䐼䣕㩹㝆 㩹䒋䃼㝆䕣

䉳㝆䃼㢠䐼䱻䆋 䵾䒋㝆 䘙䯿 㢠䯟䆋 㝆㥘㫲㝆㩹㩹㝆㑉䘙 䱻㝆䃼㙞䯿䃼䌦䐼㑉㫲㝆 䘙㢠㝆 䵾䐼䨃 䣕㝆㙞䯿䃼㝆䰧 䫻䒋 㴨䯟䐼㑉 䦠䐼䆋 䆋䯟䌦䱻㩹䨃 䐼䆋䆋䯟䓽㑉㝆䵾 䘙䯿 䆋䘙䐼㑉䵾 䓽䒋䐼䃼䵾 㙞䃼䯿䌦 䐼 䵾䯟䆋䘙䐼㑉㫲㝆䰧 㝆㑉䄺䯿䨃䯟㑉䓽 䐼 䌦䯿䌦㝆㑉䘙 䯿㙞 㩹㝆䯟䆋䒋䃼㝆䕣


㰌㩹䐼㑉㫲䯟㑉䓽 䐼䘙 䤋䃼䕣 䨶䒋䯿䰧 䦠㢠䯿 䐼䱻䱻㝆䐼䃼㝆䵾 䯟㑉䵾䯟㙞㙞㝆䃼㝆㑉䘙䰧 䫻䒋 㴨䯟䐼㑉 䘙㢠䯿䒋䓽㢠䘙 㙞䯿䃼 䐼 䌦䯿䌦㝆㑉䘙 䐼㑉䵾 䘙㢠㝆㑉 䦠㝆㑉䘙 㙞䯿䃼䦠䐼䃼䵾 䘙䯿 䘙䐼䱻 䐍㝆㩹䯟㑉 䯿㑉 䘙㢠㝆 䆋㢠䯿䒋㩹䵾㝆䃼䕣

“䡵䘙 䆋㝆㝆䌦䆋 䦠㝆 㢠䐼㨆㝆 䐼 䆋䯟䘙䒋䐼䘙䯟䯿㑉䕣”


䐍㝆㩹䯟㑉’䆋 㢠㝆䐼䵾 䦠䐼䆋 㫲㩹㝆䐼䃼㩹䨃 㑉䯿䘙 㫲䐼䒋䓽㢠䘙 䒋䱻 䨃㝆䘙䕣

䫻䒋 㴨䯟䐼㑉 䓽㝆䆋䘙䒋䃼㝆䵾 䘙䯿䦠䐼䃼䵾䆋 䘙㢠㝆 䣕䐼㫲㯣䕣

䘙䡵” 䆋䌦㝆㝆䆋 䒋”䆋䕣䯿䆋䯿䌦㝆㝆㑉㝆㩹㑉㨆䃼䒋㩹䆋䯟䓽䯟 䯟䆋

㨋䯿䒋 䌦䒋䆋䘙 䣕㝆 䓽㝆䘙䘙䯟㑉䓽 䱻䐼䃼䐼㑉䯿䯟䵾 䘙䯿䯿㾡

䏤㢠䯿䒋䓽㢠 㑉䯿 䦠䯿䃼䵾䆋 䦠㝆䃼㝆 䆋䱻䯿㯣㝆㑉䰧 䫻䒋 㴨䯟䐼㑉 䃼㝆䐼䵾 䘙㢠䯟䆋 䆋㝆㑉䘙㝆㑉㫲㝆 䯟㑉 䐍㝆㩹䯟㑉’䆋 㝆䨃㝆䆋䕣


㠼㙞䘙㝆䃼 䐼 䌦䯿䌦㝆㑉䘙 䯿㙞 䆋䯟㩹㝆㑉㫲㝆䰧 䐍㝆㩹䯟㑉 䓽䐼㨆㝆 䫻䒋 㴨䯟䐼㑉 䐼㑉 䯿䃼䵾㝆䃼䕣

“䡵 㫲䐼㑉 䃼㝆䱻䯿䃼䘙 㑉䯿䦠䕣䕣䕣”


“䗚䰧 㙒䰧 䊕䕣䕣䕣䃪䰧 㖞䰧 㢠㝆䃼㝆 䯟䘙 㫲䯿䌦㝆䆋㾡”



㩄㑉㝆 䯿㙞 䘙㢠㝆 䓽䒋䨃䆋䰧 䦠㢠䯿 㢠䐼䵾 䣕㝆㝆㑉 㢠㝆䐼㨆䯟㩹䨃 䯟㑉㨆䯿㩹㨆㝆䵾 䯟㑉 䘙䯿䃼䘙䒋䃼䯟㑉䓽 䘙㢠㝆 㫲䐼䱻䘙䯟㨆㝆䰧 䆋䒋䵾䵾㝆㑉㩹䨃 㩹䯿䆋䘙 㢠䯟䆋 䣕䐼㩹䐼㑉㫲㝆 䐼㑉䵾 㙞㝆㩹㩹 䘙䯿 䘙㢠㝆 䓽䃼䯿䒋㑉䵾䰧 䯿㑉㩹䨃 䘙䯿 䃼㝆䐼㩹䯟䧗㝆 䘙㢠䐼䘙 䯿㑉㝆 䯿㙞 㢠䯟䆋 㩹䯿䦠㝆䃼 㩹㝆䓽䆋 䦠䐼䆋 䓽䯿㑉㝆 䦠㢠㝆㑉 㢠㝆 㩹䯿䯿㯣㝆䵾 䵾䯿䦠㑉䕣

䏤㢠䯟䆋 䆋䒋䵾䵾㝆㑉 䯟㑉㫲䯟䵾㝆㑉䘙 䆋䘙䐼䃼䘙㩹㝆䵾 㝆㨆㝆䃼䨃䯿㑉㝆 㝆㩹䆋㝆䰧 䦠㢠䯿 㑉䐼䘙䒋䃼䐼㩹㩹䨃 䐼䆋䆋䒋䌦㝆䵾 㢠㝆 㢠䐼䵾 䣕㝆㝆㑉 䯟㑉䄺䒋䃼㝆䵾 䣕䨃 䘙㢠㝆 䣕㝆䐼䆋䘙’䆋 㫲䯿䒋㑉䘙㝆䃼䐼䘙䘙䐼㫲㯣 䐼㑉䵾 䯟㑉䆋䘙䯟㑉㫲䘙䯟㨆㝆㩹䨃 䦠㝆㑉䘙 䘙䯿 㢠㝆㩹䱻 㢠䯟䌦 䒋䱻䕣


㨢㨆㝆㑉 䘙㢠㝆 䆋㩹䯿䦠㝆䆋䘙 䘙䯿 䃼㝆䐼㫲䘙 㙞䯟㑉䐼㩹㩹䨃 䃼㝆䐼㩹䯟䧗㝆䵾 䆋䯿䌦㝆䘙㢠䯟㑉䓽 䦠䐼䆋 䦠䃼䯿㑉䓽 䐼㑉䵾 䝩䒋䯟㫲㯣㩹䨃 䆋䘙䯿䱻䱻㝆䵾 䘙㢠㝆䯟䃼 䐼㫲䘙䯟䯿㑉䆋䕣

䡵䘙 䦠䐼䆋 䘙㢠㝆㑉 䘙㢠䐼䘙 䘙㢠㝆䨃 㙞䯟㑉䐼㩹㩹䨃 䆋䐼䦠 㫲㩹㝆䐼䃼㩹䨃䢘 䃼䯟䓽㢠䘙 㑉㝆㥘䘙 䘙䯿 䘙㢠㝆 䣕㝆䐼䆋䘙䰧 䆋㝆㨆㝆䃼䐼㩹 䆋䌦䐼㩹㩹 䉳䯿䃼㫲㝆㩹䐼䯟㑉 䐍䯿㩹㩹䆋 䦠㝆䃼㝆 䣕䃼䐼㑉䵾䯟䆋㢠䯟㑉䓽 䘙㢠㝆 㩹㝆䓽 䘙㢠㝆䨃 㢠䐼䵾 䄺䒋䆋䘙 䘙䯿䃼㑉 䯿㙞㙞䰧 䐼䆋 䯟㙞 䘙䃼䯟䒋䌦䱻㢠䐼㑉䘙䕣


䏤㢠㝆 䓽䃼䯿䒋䱻 㩹䯿䯿㯣㝆䵾 䐼䘙 䐍㝆㩹䯟㑉 䯟㑉 䒋㑉䯟䆋䯿㑉䕣

㠼䘙 䘙㢠䐼䘙 䌦䯿䌦㝆㑉䘙䰧 㢠䯟䆋 㙞䐼㫲㝆 䦠䐼䆋 㙞䒋㩹㩹 䯿㙞 䆋㢠䯿㫲㯣䰧 䐼㑉䵾 㢠㝆 䆋䒋䣕㫲䯿㑉䆋㫲䯟䯿䒋䆋㩹䨃 䓽㩹䐼㑉㫲㝆䵾 䐼䘙 䫻䒋 㴨䯟䐼㑉䕣


“䇐㢠䨃 㩹䯿䯿㯣 䐼䘙 䌦㝆䰧 㩹䯿䯿㯣 䯟㑉 㙞䃼䯿㑉䘙㾡”

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Alerted by Fu Qian, Delin snapped out of his daze and immediately ordered his teammates to retreat.

Actually, without his orders, most people had already retreated in the first instance.

Some tried to help their adjacent teammates, but as soon as they grabbed an arm, they found it to be weightless and without resistance.

The teammates on the ground were like dolls in the hands of a temperamental child, dismembered in the blink of an eye.

This brutal scene stunned him momentarily, and had it not been for a teammate who pulled him, he would have narrowly escaped being caught by the Porcelain Doll.

Even so, a large chunk of flesh was torn from his forearm.

After that, no one dared to attend to the wounded, all retreating en masse as if electrocuted to the rear.

Human flesh was indeed too fragile; the screams of the three who fell did not last for long.

As brutal as ever!

Fu Qian observed from the side, filled with emotion.

It had to be said, the movements of this group of dolls were really covert.

They must have come from underground; although part of it was due to his deliberate suppression of perception, to only be noticed at such a close range was quite impressive.

Caught off guard this time, without having prepared the scene in advance, even though Delin’s teammates coordinated well, they were somewhat unable to withstand the onslaught.

Moreover, the dolls, against their usual habits, showed no interest in the struggling monsters behind them, focusing solely on the team members as targets.

They’re so much more organized today!

Fu Qian spotted the clue.

In terms of numbers, the doll team was about the same as yesterday, even perhaps a little fewer.

But if before they were acting like a group of rowdy children, now they were basically at the level of scouts, the actions between them even subtly coordinated.

Amidst the screams, more people quickly became injured.


At that moment, Fu Qian heard Delin beside him curse violently.

The next moment, his two hands suddenly swelled and stretched rapidly into two gigantic blue-black arms.

With a layer of blood gleaming on the surface, the palms at the ends were almost the size of three heads, swiftly striking down at the Porcelain Doll.

A doll was caught off guard and directly smashed into the ground, embedded into the rock.

Yet even so, it seemed to have sustained no damage and struggled to crawl out.

The next moment, an arrow emitting an extreme chill struck it.

While it didn’t cause much harm, it did kick up a plume of frost.

Frost crystallized instantly, and the doll was frozen solid within it.

Fu Qian noticed that it was the Mediterranean Brother who had shot this arrow; his archery skills were indeed unexpectedly good.

At that time, the latter wore a stern expression, firing arrows non-stop, each hitting the rock and forming large chunks of solid ice, completely sealing the dolls inside.

The other team members finally came back to their senses, each showcasing their powers, no longer in a state of being unilaterally beaten up.

Just as the situation seemed to be stabilizing, an anomaly occurred.

Delin, who was wildly punching as the main force, suddenly let out a suppressed roar.

The next moment, veins bulged on his face and neck, and his flesh began to squirm.

In less than five seconds, Delin transformed into a grotesque, blue-black giant.

After the complete transformation, his power surged, as he smashed a doll that had climbed onto his thigh, splattering fragments everywhere.

This savage act not only intimidated the opponents, but also seemed to frighten the teammates.

At that point, the dolls seemed to receive some kind of signal, and they began to flee in unison.

The team members pursued and tried to block them, but to little effect due to the speed difference.

One of the dolls chose to flee in Fu Qian’s direction but was kicked back by a blow from him, landing right on Delin’s fist.

Delin didn’t hesitate; he smashed the doll from mid-air to the ground and then stomped on it.

Double Kill!

In the blink of an eye, the dolls had all run away clean, but Delin showed no sign of stopping, his bulging eyes directly targeting those around him.

The team members, silent as cicadas, instinctively continued to retreat.

At this time, Delin spotted the giant beast nearby and, with a roar, pounced on it.



The creature that had just now withstood the attacks of the entire group was directly punched through its shell by him.

However, the fight was not over yet.

Through the net, he, blinded by rage, grabbed the monster’s giant pincers with both hands and brutally twisted them one hundred and eighty degrees.

After a violent struggle, the monster lay completely silent.

“Stay calm.”

Mr. Luo’s voice rang out at this moment, seemingly carrying a strange rhythm that made one’s ears drowsy upon hearing it.

At the same time, a dense black light enveloped Delin’s body.

The latter’s movements finally slowed down, and his body quickly deflated like a punctured ball, eventually sitting down on the ground slowly.

Realizing the threat was no more, his teammates stepped forward to help him to the side.

The attack had finally come to an end, and the scene was one of devastation.

Three were downed by a surprise attack at the onset, plus one injured and Delin, the team’s combat strength had virtually halved in an instant.

Who would have thought the situation would turn this fierce so quickly?

It’s somewhat ironic when you think about it; their original intention was to capture the bait to entice the Porcelain Doll into a trap, but instead, the tables had turned with the enemy taking the initiative to attack.

In a sense, it did have the effect of luring the enemy.

As the team’s morale was waning, a giddy laughter erupted.

The teammates thought it was those creatures coming back and collectively jumped in fright.

The next moment, ice shards flew in all directions, but it was previously frozen creature finally breaking free.

Witnessing this scene, the teammates looked at each other, murderous intent rising swiftly.

They were just about to encircle it when, with a creak, the creature fell into Mr. Luo’s hands.

Fu Qian could see clearly from a distance. This one was somewhat different in shape—it had four arms!

Although every Porcelain Doll was unique, this was definitely one they had not seen before.

However, after Mr. Luo examined it for a while, he ultimately shook his head in disappointment and tossed it back to the teammates, signaling them to dispose of it as they wished.

Consequently, amidst a series of shrill screams, the Porcelain Doll was smashed to fragments.

“Did you just realize they were coming over?”

Unexpectedly, the Mediterranean Marksman, who had just performed remarkably well, approached Fu Qian.

Pretty sharp ears you got there!

Fu Qian glanced at him. If he remembered correctly, just like himself, this man was also supposed to be on the periphery, keeping watch.

The conversation with Delin must have been overheard by him.


Fu Qian nodded his head.

There was no need to hide this.

“How did you discover them?”

Upon hearing this, the Marksman’s eyes lit up.

“These creatures are like ghosts, unpredictable and indefensible.”

“I specialize in reconnaissance, with strong sensory abilities.”

The Marksman was momentarily speechless.

“What were you doing just now?”

By this time, the Conjoined Twin Girl also took notice of their conversation and looked at Fu Qian with a hostile stance.

After a desperate struggle, Fu Qian was the cleanest of them all, and it was impossible for there to be no objections.

Looking at Delin’s condition, if I had stepped in, there would be less than a ten percent chance of you still being alive right now.

Fu Qian knew what she was thinking, but did not even spare her a glance.

“I specialize in reconnaissance.”

“And although I didn’t step in, I did use my foot.”


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