Extra Nobody

27 Rapid Changes And More Foreshadowing

It was a steal. Two million won was far too cheap for Kim Hajin. He knew that Hyon Hyung’s sense of money was questionable, but he never expected it to be this bad. “I’m sorry, but your future as a businessman is bleak…” he thought, shaking his head slightly. That aside, the reason he accepted the contract wasn’t just because he would have help earning SP.

Hajin’s gaze landed on a particular clause in the contract, where it was implicitly stated that Hyon Hyung would not disclose the privacy of his client and would do as the client requested, regardless of gain or loss. Basically, Hyon Hyung was volunteering to become his errand boy.

“I have a shuttle now… I should treat him better in the future…” Hajin felt a brief twinge of pity for Hyon Hyung. He regretted suddenly pointing a gun at him just a little while ago.

Still, having an unconditional errand boy would prove to be a great help for him in the future. Moreover, Hyon Hyung’s combat abilities weren’t too shabby; he wouldn’t become a burden.

“I’m sorry for suddenly pointing a gun at you,” Hajin apologized once more, trying to convey his sincerity regarding his senseless aggressiveness.

In his defense, he was becoming especially tense lately. The ever-present sense of insecurity was eating away at him, and feeling weak was not a welcome experience.

“Hey, Hajin… what do you think of changing hair color?” Hyon Hyung suddenly blurted out.

“Huh?” Hajin felt a different kind of dread wash over him. “Why? What’s wrong with my hair? I like my hair now. So what’s up with changing hair color?”

Hyon Hyung grinned naughtily, a glint of mischief in his eyes as he hid the contract away. “Hey, Hajin… do you have a favorite color?”

Caught off guard, Hajin narrowed his eyes. “What does my favorite color have to do with anything? I thought we were discussing my career path here, not my hair!”

“Come on! You can’t tell me you’ve never thought about experimenting with your look!” Hyon Hyung leaned forward, clearly enjoying this sudden shift in conversation. “Just imagine it: new hair, new image, and it could even boost your popularity! We can make it part of your brand!”

Hajin sighed, half-annoyed, half-intrigued. “You really think my hair color is going to change anything? I’m not some idol or something.”

“Why not? You’re already a hero!” Hyon Hyung insisted, clearly on a roll. “Think of it as branding. Think back on the terrorism in the museum. People love unique looks and you already have a story. I mean, look at the other heroes; they all have distinctive appearances. If you’re going to be famous, you might as well stand out!”

Hajin rubbed the back of his neck, contemplating. “No. I like my hair the way it is… and aren’t you their too with Yeonha? Wait… I’ve read some tabloid you were romantically involved with her or something?”

“No fucking way…”


The Tower of Hero— the Hero Association headquarters in the heart of Seoul— loomed majestically over the bustling city, a symbol of strength and vigilance. On the 103rd floor, Yun Seung-Ah meticulously read the reports on the recent incident, her brow furrowing as she watched a video captured by the museum's surveillance cameras. The footage showcased the unexpected battle between Cube’s cadets and a djinn.

“If not for the Association's request for the Guild’s help, I might have chosen to sneak my way in,” she mused, her thoughts swirling.

“A trace of light attribute mana was found at the scene.”

Yun Seung-Ah understood the significance of attributes better than most. Light attribute magic was particularly special, serving as a natural counter to djinns. Not only was it rare, but it also held immense value. Light attribute heroes played a crucial role in suppressing djinns that wielded darkness.

As the video continued, a young man named Kim Hajin captured her attention. He seemed ordinary, even dull at first glance, but the strategic mind he exhibited was remarkable. The way he positioned himself to save his comrade stood out to her.

“It’s disappointing that he uses a gun,” she thought, watching him fire. “Such a weapon has its limitations.”

However, the fact that he could wield light attribute bullets made him noteworthy. The gun exploded with a brilliant flash as he fired, a brilliant white light illuminating the surroundings. The camera froze for three seconds, engulfed in the radiance. When the screen returned to normal, the scene settled into a calm aftermath.

“We can exclude him from the suspect list. A djinn cannot wield light-attribute abilities.” She sighed, knowing the Association’s line of thinking could be frustrating. “Since the Association is requesting that we investigate the little heroes first, we shall proceed with that… To be honest, this is distasteful…”

Yun Seung-Ah rolled her eyes at the Association’s logic. Why suspect these kids, who were clearly trying their best? Yet, despite her disagreement, she understood the necessity of performing her duties effectively.

But her presence in the Tower was not just a mere obligation. While other guilds sent representatives to investigate on their behalf, Yun Seung-Ah, the Vice-Leader of Creator’s Sacred Grace, had chosen to be here on her own accord. In a sense, she was the Guild Leader’s representative.

From the start, she had displayed a keen interest in the current Cube cadets. This was why she had attended Cube’s unofficial meeting instead of sending her Guild Leader. “Kim Suho, Yoo Yeonha, and Kim Hajin… they are excluded from the lists of suspects,” she declared, recalling the interrogations she had witnessed.

“Hmmm… Now, we only have Hyon Hyung… After we check him off the list of suspects, we can proceed with our mission. If there really are djinns within Cube, we must uproot them immediately.”

She felt a sense of urgency welling up inside her. The longer the investigation lingered, the more chaos could unfold. With her determination set, she resolved to uncover the truth behind the disturbances in Cube, even if it meant confronting the unknown dangers lurking beneath its facade. As she prepared to delve deeper into the investigation, she steeled herself for whatever awaited her in this complex web of heroes and shadows.


Kim Hosup was a portly young man, his appearance reminiscent of a pig, but it was not as disheartening as it sounded. In fact, his cute, bubbly demeanor and love for food gave him an air of endearment. If a sudden famine ever struck his neighborhood, he was sure he would be the last to suffer.

Despite his charming exterior, Hosup was a talented individual gifted with the ability known as [Superhigh Speed Network]. This gift allowed his brain to interface seamlessly with computers, making him an exceptional information gatherer. In a world increasingly reliant on technology and the internet, his skills held great potential. Yet, even with such a valuable gift, Hosup struggled with self-esteem and often failed to see his own worth.

As a prominent member of the Computer Club, he had quickly gained a reputation, which came with its share of bullying and ridicule. However, his resilience had allowed him to develop a thick skin, making him tolerant of the occasional jibes about his appearance.

“Watashi wa saikōdesu~!” he cheered himself up, excitement bubbling within him as he quickly set up the Personal Computer that the Computer Club had provided for its new prospects. Despite being ranked 2900— a remarkably low position— Cube recognized his potential and was determined not to let him slip through the cracks.

Gifts like his were not easy to awaken, especially the specialized ones. To unlock a gift, an individual had to push beyond their human limitations and reach a moment of insight that would qualitatively change their soul. For Hosup, this moment of enlightenment had come after countless days and nights spent engaged with computers, surfing the internet, and consuming mass media.

Once his PC was operational, he plugged himself into it— quite literally. He felt the familiar buzz of his gift stirring to life as he connected to the internet. His fingers danced over the mouse and keyboard while his eyes flicked through streams of zeroes and ones, scanning multiple processes at once. He was not fast enough to interpret information instantaneously, but his capacity for multitasking made up for his lack of speed.

Someday, he hoped to wield his gift so proficiently that he could work parallel to his thought processes. He imagined a future where extracting information would be so quick and effortless that he would only need to think of what he needed to find— theoretically faster than any built-in search engine. For now, though, he was content to watch his favorite anime while simultaneously reading its manga and light novel adaptations.

“Oh, Hajin-chan and Hyung-chan… I almost forgot them…” He nearly lost track of time in his excitement, quickly opening several social media tabs to add Hajin and Hyung as friends, clicking the follow button with glee.

To his surprise, Hosup stumbled upon an overwhelming number of social media accounts for Hajin. “Hajin-chan… I never realized you were this prolific…” he snickered, the image of his friend being so active on the internet amusing him. However, his amusement quickly turned into confusion as he noticed a peculiar detail: all of Hajin's accounts had been created just the day before. “Hajin-chan works fast…”

Curiosity led him to check on Hyon Hyung next. It was not his usual habit to stalk his friends online, but with a gift that made him an expert at gathering information, it was almost second nature. Upon searching, he was met with a disconcerting realization: Hyon Hyung seemed to lack any digital footprint whatsoever.

Unlike Hajin, who had a minimal but recognizable online presence, Hyon Hyung was a ghost. “I… should try harder…” Hosup thought, a sense of dread creeping in. The absence of information sent an unsettling shiver down his spine. “Maybe I just missed it. I can’t claim to be the best out there…”

Hours passed as he delved deeper into his research, yet he found nothing on Hyon Hyung beyond a class picture and some official documents from their time at the Agent Military Academy. In the unofficial class photo where friends gathered together, Hyon Hyung sat at a distance from both Hajin and Hosup. The disparity made him realize that Hyung’s claim of friendship was questionable.

“He is lying…” Hosup concluded, his mind racing. “What are you hiding, Hyung-chan?” The thought of Hyon Hyung as a ghost only deepened his suspicions. He pushed himself further into his research, even attempting to trace Hyon Hyung’s history from his earliest days, only to come up empty-handed. There was no record of baby Hyon Hyung anywhere. It might have been easy to assume that he had no parents if he had been raised in an orphanage, but still, the absence of any trace was unnerving.

“I might be overthinking this,” he said to himself, pulling the plug on his computer and disconnecting from the virtual world. “There’s no way he could just pop into existence… He must have a history. Just something… but there must be a reason why he is hiding it. Maybe it’s not even him who is hiding it… Or maybe ‘Hyon Hyung’ isn’t even his real name…”

As various conspiracy theories swirled in his mind, he felt himself becoming overwhelmed.

His thoughts were interrupted by his smartwatch vibrating on his wrist. The screen displayed [Hyon Hyung]. With a sense of curiosity, he accepted the call. “Yo~ Hyung-chan! How are you?”

“Man, I have a business opportunity for you. The gig has low pay, but just think of it as helping a friend…” Hyon Hyung’s excitement was palpable, yet Hosup sensed an underlying nervousness.

“Sure, but it better not be a hassle,” Hosup replied cautiously. He was wary of anything that might distract him from his true priorities— video games and anime.

“It’s fine! I’ll pay you 2 million won a month. This is for Hajin. I don’t plan on taking any money; the work itself is payment enough for me. So, the gig is like this—”

Hosup listened intently, quickly grasping the concept. “So it’s something like a promoter, huh? And you want Hajin-chan as your first client? Does Hajin-chan want to get famous? That’s new…”

“Yes!” Hyung squeaked, the fear of rejection evident in his voice.

“I’m in. If it’s for Hajin, sure…” Hosup responded enthusiastically.

There was no reason for him to reject this opportunity. Kim Hajin (Chundong) had been a great friend throughout the years, showing kindness that went beyond appearances. If he could help his friend achieve something significant, he was more than willing to lend a hand.

As Kim Hosup received the various data regarding Hajin’s social media accounts, he made a mental note to keep tabs on them from then on. “Back then, Chundong was introverted but still had an outgoing personality. But now… he seems more guarded as if he’s a different person…”

An invisible correction force of nature swept through Hosup’s mind, momentarily stirring a thought. “Eh? I feel like something is wrong… Chu—what? Chun-jin? Ha-jin?” But just as quickly as it surfaced, the thought slipped away.

Breezing past the truth and remaining blissfully ignorant might be a blessing in disguise for Kim Hosup.

As he began to ponder over his two friends, a notion crossed his mind: perhaps Hyon Hyung was simply another person whom Hajin had helped, just as he had helped him. There was no need for him to be overly suspicious. After all, they were friends.


The turning of time continued to deviate from the original.

Thus, heed this warning— Change. Had. Already. Come.









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