
67- The Mean One

Permanently steal [Mithril Skin]? Y/N? 

Vixen took the ability but did not permanently steal it. The new ability gave her skin the tensile strength of the rare mithril metal, several of dozens times stronger than steal. She wasnt able to focus on her own thoughts though, as Obsy grabbed her hips and repeatedly pulled her into him as he thrusted, the hard pounding on her cervix forcing her back to arch. With one last powerful thrust-pull he came into her, the orgasm powerful enough that Vixen grabbed the hair on the top of her head as her back arched even further. When he pulled out Vixen's stomach was momentarily distended from the copious amounts of fluid and visibly shrank as her body expelled it. 

They were both left panting, "My dear, that was marvelous. Are you sure you weren't a dragon in your previous life?" Obsy asked her.

"Yea, I'm positive. This is a newfound talent I suppose, " she replied.

"Allow me," Obsy used cleaning magic and she was squeeky clean for the first time in hours. "What is your next objective after this?"

"Well, I was told to meet with all the Great Wyrms and so far I have met with you and two others." 

Vixen told him of her other two encounters and he simply nodded allowing her to finish her narration. "Seems like you only have two or three left. I'd recommend getting the black wrym Naix next. I doubt he will be as considerate as myself. 

"I appreciate the sentiment, where would I find Naix?"

"In the large cave at the base of the island. I'm pretty sure you navigated your way through it to get to the summit. This time though you'll need to go as low as you can go."

"Why thank you, I guess I should head out now."

"You're insatiable aren't you?"

"Not particularly, but I do have a goal and I don't see the point of putting it off, the longer it takes the more powerful my enemies become."

"Here, leave with this."

Obsy walked into the cellar where he got the meat and returned with an incredibly conservative dress. Vixen raised an eyebrow at him.

"Naix has a particular kink, this will help."

"Sigh, very well."

Vixen donned the dress, it was long sleeved and baggy, the neck of the dress was turtled and came up right below her jaw line. You were unable to ascertain the quality of any of her assets due to the fit of the dress. The dress was also homely, the ugliest dress she had ever seen even, it was a dull, muted grey and had a smell to it she couldn't place. If that wasn't bad enough after the dress was completely on and tied up she received a notification.

[Current Scantly Clad bonus- 0%] 

She rolled her eyes. 'Terrific,' she thought as she bid Obsy farewell. 

She meandered on the third subfloor of the cave she had first entered upon passing the guardian dragon's test. Contradictory to her expectations, the subfloors of the cave were quite well lit from giant bio-illuminous mushrooms that decorated the cave walls. As she descended floors, her temper rose. The blasted dress she wore inhibited her movement significantly slowing her down, what would take her an hour now took thrice as long. 

She descended a few more floors, time was difficult to keep track of without being able to see the sky. She no longer had a sense for how long she had been underground, or how long traversing each floor took her. The scenery had changed when she reached the tenth subfloor, instead of endless rock formations she found a pool filled with crystalline water.  The emerald liquid bathed the walls in a warm light green that she felt gave the area a fairly peaceful ambiance. 

"Well well well, if it isn't the harlot whose come to collect my seed." A disembodied voice echoed off the walls of the cave. 

"Naix?," ask Vixen, her eyes darting around trying to catch a glimpse of him. Her nerves were on edge, being ambushed frequently through dungeons and other excursions throughout her previous life had left a hate of being surprised. 

"How DARE thee call my name in my sanctuary when I did not offer it to you. You come here seeking a child reeking of others, you have no pride, no dignity, you're not worthy of having my offspring."

Vixen's temper flared, "You know nothing about me lizard, you think I wanted this? This was a mission given to me by forces more powerful than myself and for the sake of my own personal goals it has aligned who the fuck are you to judge me." 

Vixen had a sharp slip of the tongue.  Dragons, no matter their size or origins were extremely prideful creatures and reducing an apex predator to a lizard was a grave error. 

The water in the crystalline pool erupted and in its place was no man, but a great wyrm. The magic power emanating off of Niax was enough to bring Vixen to her knees. 

'The others only used their power to intimidate me, he's suppressing me," she thought. 

The cave vibrated from the deep growl Naix rumbled before disappearing from the water. The suppression did not end, Vixen currently felt like prey, even as the shadow of a man eclipsed her. A rough hand grabbed the front of her dress and tore away the cloth, her breasts slightly stinging in the cool cave air. 

A rough hand grabbed a tuft of her hair, "Suck it," Naix ordered. He pulled her head into his cock, but she noticed something unusual about Naix. She had braced her hands against his legs and did not do as ordered, before her cheek was pressed hard against his dick, she noticed two of them. Both a foot long and both hard. 

Apparently dimorphism was a unique physiology for black dragons, while they were usually a little bit smaller than the other dragons, they had two working members. Naix does not tolerate defiance, he yanked back her head forcing her to make eye contact with him, and the dragon had slits in his eyes even in his human form.

"Perhaps you didnt understand me," he pinched her cheeks to open her mouth wide enough to force his cock in. While he thrusted into her throat, the second was grinding her breasts. 

'Nothing like fellatio and a simultaneous tit fuck," he thought while he thrusted deeper into her throat.

"Dont be lazy and pinch your breasts together," Naix ordered. 

Vixen complied, there was still a strong grip on her hair and a cock down her throat. Her crotch started to moisten as Naix's members started to swell, and when his second hand grabbed the top of her head as well she knew what was next. A huge amount, though not like Obsy, exploded into her throat and all over her chest she orgasmed in response. 

[stats awarded]

Her mouth remained on his cock until he pulled it from her, he then through her roughly on the ground. He pushed her face into the dirt and held onto the back of her preventing her from getting up. With his other hand he tore the back half of her dress off, "A slut through and through, you're enjoying this even though you're not meant to." Naix taunted. 

He lined up his two cocks and thrusted them in to the base, Vixen moaned as she could feel his cocks grind against each other, her body clamping down tightly. 

"As expected of a slut, you sure are a great fuck. You should be thanking me for pleasuring you."

Vixen remained as quiet as she could between her moans as Naix thrust his cocks into her ass and pussy simultaneously, cumming periodically from all the stimulation. Once she came a second time, Naix stopped thrusting. 

"I havent heard you thank me yet bitch."

"Why should I?"

"Fine then, I guess you can leave without my seed..."

He pushed her head into the ground as he stood up, he began walking to the water. Vixen, even though she had orgasmed a couple times felt unfulfilled, especially right after the incredibly long sessions she has had with all the other dragons. That isnt even considering she wouldn't fulfill her mission either. 

She gnawed her teeth together, she hated she felt forced to abide by something designed to wound her pride. 

"Wait..." she called out hesitantly.

 Naix stopped when both his feet had hit the water, he didnt turn around. He had only turned his head enough to glimpse at her, "Is there something you wanted?"


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