
12- Al’Haza

Vixen woke up around mid afternoon, and after getting a bite to eat, she left Eugene's to the east side of the city. 

'After the conversation I heard, it does seem like the drugs are more concentrated in this part of the city,' she thought. She exited through the eastern entrance to look at the road. It was open and although the forest touched much there were several miles of plains before touching the forest again. If she wanted to make a move, she'd want to utilize the forest. She walked towards the tree line, a vast expanse of tall wheat colored grass on either side of her. After walking for nearly an hour she made it to the woods, along the way she had only passed by one or two travelers. Compared to the other routes to the city this one was far less traveled. She had quite a lot of work to do for her plan to succeed, especially since there was no telling when the alchemist would come through. 

On the day the alchemist would arrive, Vixen was deep into the forest, she was a mile away from her set up point, and to her dissatisfaction, wearing a dress. This was not an "I'm still a man" disposition it's a "I'm used to having pants on in the woods" complaint. Her legs were itchy and the dress snagged on almost everything. She was in deep brush well hidden watching the road for the first sign of the alchemist. It was just after lunch that she saw a lizardfolk walking down the road. Assuming it's a he based on some of the placements of the small horns he had coupled with the clothes he was wearing, was leading a slow moving creature that was a mixture of a drake and a tortoise. It wasnt capable of fast speeds, but they didnt go slow, need to rest for a long time, and had a built in defense. The creature was carting around a small house type structure. 

'He must be well off, a moving station plus the affluent clothes he's wearing, how they match his green skin means he's probably had the tailor use custom fabric,' Vixen was speculating. She took off at a run, leaving the slow moving tiny caravan behind. She chose to run through more brush as she ran so the branches from the plants tore her cloths. She ran past a wrecked cart, this is the cart she's been prepping for the last two days. The cart lay in its side with a broken wheel spoke, a broken sword in the road, a hodgepodge of things strewn about that she had procured from within the city. When the road bent the cart out of site she took out a dagger and tore her dress to more. One breast was almost laid bare, a slit went up the skirt almost to the waist, and then she bent down and covered her skin in dirt before rolling around in it for a few minutes, she sat up and ruffled her hair more for good measure. She then laid down in a weird position and closed her eyes, waiting.

It was nearly twenty minutes till she had heard the thudding of the creatures tortoise like feet and the rattle its trailer and another few when she had heard the lizardfolk folk order it to stop in a tongue she did not recognize. The lizardfolk got off its cart and inspected the young beautiful female.

'She's not dead. Was that her cart back there?' He got on a knee and smelled her. Something happened to him, and he didn't know what. All he knew was that he desired her. It wasn't unusual for him to visit the brothels in the city and even though he preferred his own kind, he most certainly wasn't opposed to fucking exotic women. He could tell, she was one of the most attractive exotic women he has met. 

'I must handle this delicately,' he thought. He picked her up and brought her inside the house like structure. After ordering the beast to the side of the road. He closed the door behind and laid her down on a fur covered bed. Vixen could hear him clinking bottles and tinctures around. Opening her eyes just barely enough to get a glimpse of her surroundings she realized it was a traveling apothecary. The lizardfolk turned back around and she closed her eyes the rest of the way. She could feel and hear the lizardfolk talking a knife and cutting her dress the rest of the way off. She could feel his corse hands rubbing a rather cold ointment all over her body including her breasts and between her legs. It took everything she had to remain still. She felt him bandage her up in various places, around her breasts, on her forearm, and around her right knee before laying a blanket on top of her. The lizardfolk just sat down and now waited. 

"You sshould be feeling better in about fifteen minutess," he said out loud. 

Vixen was wet, once the lizardfolk touched her she knew she'd be having a hard time, but the fifteen minute comment concerned her slightly. She knew she had no actual injuries but he bandaged her anyways. It wasn't until the twelve minute mark did she get a clue of what was happening. Her body was on fire, her abdomen throbbed like never before, her nipples were, if possible, more sensitive than before. So much so that the bandages covering them were driving her insane. Her face was flushed, she squirmed and she her the lizardfolk address her, "That wasss quicker than normal, howre you feeling misss?"

Vixen used one of her arms to cross over her nipples to keep them from rubbing on the bandages and while it worked, her doing that made her crotch throb so much she squealed a little. Nonetheless she sat up and looked at the lizardfolk who smiled before explaining, "Young lady I am Al'Haza, I found you injured on the ssside of the road with youre clothesss in disssaray, in order to treat your woundss I had to cut the dresss unfortunately. I do have extra clothess in here that you can have though. How are you feeling?"

Vixen didn't have to lie to answer him, "I am burning up, what's going on?"

"It must be a ssside effect of the medicine I apllied. You might also have a fever, lucky I am verssed in medicccinal arts."

Al'Haza grabbed her breast with a scaly hand and began to massage her breast. Vixen couldn't hold back anymore and came. Vixen could see the outline of his massive dick and reached for it, stroking it through his robes, surprised it was ribbed. Al'Haza let out this gurgle that she thought was supposed to be a purr. He dropped his robes at his ankles and ripped the bandages holding her chest together. She grabbed the weirdly shaped dick and stroked it. He pulled her onto her feet his long reptilian tongue wrapping around her right breast's nipple while fondling the other. Her body shuddered as she came again. 

"Wh...what did you do to me," Vixen asked through spikes of pleasure. 

"I gave you my most powerful aphrodisssiac, hehe it'sss harder for human women to be with people like usss." Al'Haza's hands stopped moving and leaned backward to get a better look at Vixen's face. Her face was flushed in a deep state of arousal like it should be, but she didn't seem upset and she was still stroking his cock.

'I'm glad that didn't dissuade her, but why did I tell her that. For all she knew I was the hero that rescued her." 

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