
01- Despair

Cadel and his close friend and grand magus Geoffrey paved the way through a high level dungeon. Cadel, a man who awakened the hero class in his coming of age ceremony was tasked with defeating the demon king. Cadel was a man in his late twenties who despite his amiable demeanor, was physically imposing. He stood 6'5" and was ladened with muscle, had silky blonde hair, aquamarine eyes, and a smile that brights up the room. He wielded great two handed weapons to unleash devastating damged.

 He gladly accepted and immediately left his city. Cadel grew at an unprecedented rate tackling one challenge after the next, you could not find his equal anywhere. His only shortcoming was magic. Apart from daily life magic and body augmentation magic he was a hopeless case. He was already level fifty and had hardly any mana in his pool. Due to this major weakness, he teamed up the Grand-M Geoffrey as he called him, and the two of them took the world by storm decimating the demon kings armies, and the dungeons gaining several powerful artifacts. That is why they're currently raiding this dungeon, procurement of a high level artifact capable of defeating the demon king.

 Cadel didn't know what the artifact did, but Geoffrey did and he said the artifact didn't have the capability of defeating the demon but rather give one the power to accomplish the act. Cadel saw his friend, the Grand Magus, in high regard, the same could not be said for Geoffrey. 

Geoffrey had grand ambitions and now that he had spent a lot of time with the hero made him convinced he'd never be able to achieve them. He was in his late fifties possessed an impressive beard that he was able to tuck into his belt to prevent it from being snagged or grabbed, brown eyesand for the first thirty years of his life devoted himself to the study of magic. It was his calling, he understood it to quickly rise through the ranks to Grand-M the title given to those at the apex of magical study. For the next ten years he devoted himself to dungeon diving applying a more practical application to his magic. It was at that point the hero approached him, an eighteen year old boy with zero magical talent barely able to use lifestyle magic. Things like cleaning yourself or sharpening your blade. 

It was during that time though, Geoffrey noticed just how powerful a hero class was. He learned at lightning speed, achieved levels incredibly quickly, his abilities were bordering on the insane. He had women literally falling at his feet and while he was nice enough he paid them no mind because he was married. Insane! Geoffrey thought he could use the prestige of a hero much better. 

He launched a condensed ball of fire at some monster that tried to sneak attack the hero's back. The hero smiled and gave him a thumbs up and Geoffrey glared. 

Another thing that burned him the core was Cadel's good looks the man looked like one of the gods carved out in stone and he was hung. With the exception of magical talent the hero possessed everything HE wanted and everything HE deserved. Geoffrey struggled his whole life and was level 65 and someone who is less than half his age just hit level 50, it was maddening. 

The hero easily cut down twenty enemies before finding the next set of stairs downward. They needed to reach the bottom of the dungeon to get to the artifact, and once there disable any traps. The two of them hacked, slashed, and magic-ed their way through to the dungeon basement. Once they stepped out onto the floor, the fire sconces that decorated the walls went ablaze bathing the room in plenty of light. The room was enormous and held up by beautifully designed pillars joinging height archways. In the center of this fairly empty chamber was a giant pillar with an oxegonal artifact bathed in gold, floating and slowly spinning upon its pedestal.

 This is what they've come here to get, but the moment they got within thirty feet of the pedestal two fifty foot giant golems had awoken, one with a jackal head wielding a massive greatsword and the other with the head of a crocodile wielding a massive dual bladed axe. Pandemonium ensued, Cadel took of at the speed of a meteor, using a skill to increase his movement speed exponentially.

 Croco and jackal went to smash him but Geoffrey threw a bolt of lightning at jackal to keep it at bay, but to his dismay the bolt rebounded off the golem and nearly zapped Cadel in the process. Cadel tuck and rolled out of the way dodging the blow of both weapons, he jumped and ran up the shaft of the axe to get a good hit on croco but his swing was intercepted and his blade nearly broke. 'Sigh,' Cadel thought, 'not a fan of blunt weapons but this time it calls for it.'

 His greatsword disappeared in a circle of darkness and he immediately pulled out a studded greatclub. This weapon vs stone would be significantly more effective. While Cadel was running around dodging multiple attacks and counter attacking in the golem's brief lull, Geoffrey was gathering massive amounts of mana so much so that a rumbling could be felt in the basement.

 Cadel ran timed his move perfectly, he dashed between the legs of croco and, altering its swing mid attack, jackal swept the legs out from under croco with a big attack. Cadel put mana into his legs leaping into the air. [Devastation] Cadel used his skill to obliterate the croc head forcing the golem to deactivate. The attack left Cadel open, jackal was about to land a significant blow on him as he tried to hurry his defensive buff skill, when a massive rock came hurtling through the air crashing into the jackal head slightly cracking it. Cadel wasted no time and with another huge baseball bat type swing took the head from the golem.

 The golem swayed in place before crashing to the ground inanimate once again Cadel shouted over to Geoffrey, "What the hell did you do? Wasn't it repelling magic?"

"Well that's the brilliance of thinking outside the little box. I used my mana to rip up the floor over there and hurl it at the thing with magic, the rock isn't magic." He explained pointing to a bus sized hole in the floor.

"Whatever you call it, it was wicked good work. Now I can finally release my shackles and take on the demon king." 

Geoffrey's eyebrow twitched, but he stood back slightly. Cadel picked up the beautiful artifact each oxegonal side had a different rune he could not read or interpret on it. His finger brushed a particular spot and a needle like appendage shot into its hand sucked in his blood and receeded back into the artifact before he was able to do anything.  The artifact opened up, the oxegonal pieces floated around the center of a shiny glowing golden light. Cadel backed away, he clearly activated something he didn't intend to. 

Geoffrey cut his hand slightly letting it bleed and shoved his hand directly into the artifact, binding the two of them to it. The only difference was Cadel couldn't move and he could hear Geoffrey laughing crazily.

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