Evil-like Duke Household

Chapter 58: Interlude: Sorcerer Kings Meeting One

Interlude: Sorcerer Kings Meeting - One

On the country that spread wide, adjoined with the Azolias Kingdom in the west, <<Sorcerer Country Rizzeta>>

The place where Balder, the game that created to train sorcerer’s mind, born, and the place where their holiday was used to hold a tournament for that game.

Also, the sorcerer’s position in Rizetta, just like how knight is in the Azolias Kingdom. Were held high unrelated to their birth or their social status, it is truly a country made for sorcerers.

In the middle of that country, there was a single building that not even a noble could carelessly enter.

The outside appearance is not all splendor like a royal palace or noble’s mansion, but still a high-grade item.

It had a modest design that still tolerated to be a simple building, but... that was also the reason that this white building could emit its mysterious aura akin to a sacred place.

The name of that building is <<Rizetta country’s sorcerer king meeting’s hall>>

Just like its name implied, that building was only used for a meeting between the present existed four sorcery king.

And even at this moment, it’s function still never diverted from its origin, as the Rizetta country Sorcery king meeting hall was about to serve its function.

In one room inside the meeting hall, where could be seen several Rizetta’s armies encircle the building in guard.

In the middle of the room that remarkably huge... four solemn armchairs encircle a big round white table that was made from marble, the chair placed equally splitting the table in a four.

Three of that chair, already have person sat on it.

An old man with a strong body, red eyes, brownish red hair. With navy blue robe that seems to be easy to move in.

An old man with blonde hair that already turned white on its tip, with golden eyes.With slender brownish robe, and round glasses that gave him an intellectual impression.

And an old woman with hair that smeared in white and grey eyes, her back was slightly bent forward, what she wore was white robe with embroidery stitched on it.

That’s right, they were the person that people who walk the road of magic wouldn’t know of. They were the people, except royalty, who freely entered or exited the royal palace as they wanted... The <<Sorcery Kings>>

They were the person who left an achievement that others couldn't follow, related to war, research or development that related to magic.

This achievement was praised, and so they were people who were recognized as the people who stand at the summit of sorcery, and so they praised as the sorcerer-king.

[... Slow]

In the meeting hall that was wrapped in silence, one male voice resounded.

[ What did that dusk guy doing right now? It’s not like I have some urgent matter right now, but I don’t like to wait. Also, it’s boring here. Oi, Alchemist, let’s just leave that guy alone, and have one match with me?]

The one who mutter so with an expression of displeasure as if blaming the owner of the empty seat, was the red-haired stout old man as he spoke to the glasses wearing blonde old man.

His name is Volga=Karuga, the <<Sorcery king of Blazing prison>>

A sorcery king with sorcery trait of flame, and magic aptitude that out of the norm, he is a sorcery king that adept in close range battle.

From his another title, different from his title as <<Sorcery King>>, but the title <<Magic knight>> could be seen that he was a person that posses different battle style than the other sorcerer had.

While he is a sorcerer, he is also a knight. With a weapon that he created from his own flame, he ran around the battlefield and murdered his enemy with his martial arts.

The thing that made that possible, was because his magic aptitude is so high out of the norm, and his unique way to deploy his sorcery trait.

He able to create a combusted flame that possessed its own mass.

Of course, the only one who was able to do this up to this point was only him. And so, he is the <<Sorcery king of blazing prison>>

Hearing the invitation for one match... in balder from Volger, the blonde old man answered.

[No way. You already understand that I’m weak in Balder right? I don’t have any intention of playing a match that I already know how the outcome is. You just need to wait until he comes, right? I’m sure he will come soon]

Without changing his expression, the glasses blonde old man answered in monotone.

Of course, he is also one of the sorcery kings.

<< Sorcery King of Alchemy>> Terret=Seeker. That is the name of the old man who wears glasses.

His age is 61 years old. At the present, he was the youngest sorcerer king.

He... Terret, have a little to none battle power. Even to the extent that if he fought a one on one battle with a knight, said knight would overwhelm him in battle.

But, it wasn’t like one could easily become sorcery king just because they had a high battle power.

For those who had a keen sense, they quickly understood when they heard his second name.

<<Sorcery King of Alchemy>> << The True Alchemist>> << Hand of Midas>>

That’s right, Terret is the only sorcery that was capable of creating gold.

Because of his achievement, he able to get the seat among the sorcery king, its even said that alchemist was the sorcery trait that only created for his sake.

That is Terret=Seeker.

Volga resting his chin on his hand making a bored expression as he heard the answer from Terret.

[ Gah! You wouldn’t become good if you keep rejecting to play like that, you fool. Also, you said that he will arrive soon? Did you forget that that person is three hours late on the previous meeting, oi, alchemist, are you finally started to become senile, huh?]- Volga

[ The time he late for three hours was the meeting previous to that meeting. It seems, that the one who finally became senile is the other sorcery king, heh]- Terret

[ You guys are full of sarcasm like always, hah!]- Volga

Volga and Terret who started a quarrel because of some silly reason.

Looking at that spectacle, their respective attendant were avoiding each other’s eyes didn’t know what should they do.

Before long, a voice came out reprimanding the two of them, from the white-haired old lady.

[Stop, you gramps. You should be ashamed of your age... rather, you’re noisy. I just able to comfortably doze off, because you guys, now I’m completely awake, didn't I]

The white-haired old woman with slightly bent back, pointed her ashen gray pupil, glaring at Volga and Terret.

She... is also one of the sorcery kings. <<Sorcery King of Sorcery>> Christina=Teaser.

In some meaning, she was a special existence, different from another sorcery king.

Not because that she was the oldest Sorcery king ever existed, or that she was the only woman who became sorcery king.

Those specialties could be sensed hearing her second name << Sorcery king of sorcery>>

She... was the only sorcery king who didn't have special sorcery trait among the sorcery king.

Just like <<Sorcery king of alchemy>>, Christina’s achievement is that majority... or rather, almost all the research regarding sorcery that ever existed was thanks to her.

Those magic spell that noted in education book, from beginner to the expert, the spell that seems like everyone knew about, almost all of those spells were developed by Christina.

She also invented an item that could examine sorcery trait and magic aptitude. Investigating the trait of sorcery from its colour and on, she was the person who built a common sense that had relation with the present magic.

<<Sorcery’s Sorcerer>><< Mother of Sorcery>><<Treasure of Sorcery>><<Living Encyclopedia>>

Her erratic achievement that people praise for that the sorcerer wouldn’t reach the same stage as the present sorcerer without her.

A sorcery king that deemed that her achievement in sorcery itself was could be called as sorcery and so she became one of the sorcery kings.

Not little who thought that she was the true sorcery king, and so she was the true sorcery top with her second name, <<Sorcery king of sorcery>>

Volga and Terret who were reprimanded by Christina all together stopped their quarrel----

[Haaah, an old granny who is older than me by eight years don’t have the right to call me gramps! You, Granny!! Eh? I see your wrinkle grow again, am I right?] –Volga

[I’m still 61, wouldn’t it be too fast if I called gramps, right? Rather, it’s still high noon, and you already dozing off? So it’s true that you cannot stay awake at noon when you become old, huh, seventy-five years old Christina-san. You’re already a complete granny, so please take care of your body more, the one who is fourteen years older than me, Grann... oops, Christina-san]- Terett

(TL: You guys are so childish!!)

They had started to mock Christina.

Hearing those remark from the two, the corner of Christina’s eyes elevated, even more, a vein started to pop on her temple, she started to enraged to those too, and finally, she shouted in refute.

[It’ll not change the fact that you guys are damned old gramps even if I am older than you old bastard! Also, the wrinkle didn’t increase! You stupid fool!! Sixty years old is plenty old enough! Finally, don’t emphasize on the age! You’re impolite to a lady!!]- Christina

[Eh, did you just call yourself a lady? Terett, ain’t that too much?]- Volga

[It’s indeed quite dangerous, Volga-san. From my eyes, it’s more of a witch rather than a lady. Perhaps, Christina-san never looked at the mirror... no, perhaps she didn’t even know what mirror is? A mirror did not exist at the time she lived after all]- Terret

[ It exists! A mirror already there the time I born, you fool!!]- Christina

To Volga and Terett started an alliance to mock her, unthinkable when looking back at how they quarrel before, Christina's voltage started to rise.

I say it once again, they were the sorcery king. The one who stood on the top of the sorcerers.

Even though they were at the age that could be appropriate to be called senior, they were now insulting each other, but still, they were the one who admired by everyone who was learning about sorcery.

Thought they were doing some stupid war of insult, but they had an achievement that would make no one protest if they called as sage.

Perhaps today their condition was just bad. Surely it’s just the day. Yep.

At the time when their quarrel reached its peak, that made one worried if they would start to throw a punch on each other’s face, suddenly a sound of double leaf door that connected to the room opened could be heard.

Looking at the sudden appearance of the person in the middle of their quarrel, the three sorcery king hold their tongue.

The one who entered the room, with a black robe and black hair that become red on its tip, a glare that seems like a bird that looked on its prey.

Accompanied by a girl with bluish grey hair on his side, his staff sway as he walked, an old man with oppressive looks.

That’s right. He is the owner of the last empty seat inside the room.

A rare person that had a rare << Sorcery Trait of Shadow>> that in the present only two person who possess such a trait.

The fourth sorcery king that create many achievements in the previous wars, and create a lot of legend on the battlefield.

Diebold=Ractos <<Sorcery king of the dusk>>

In the room that returned to silence by the entrance of Diebold, the clacking sound of the staff collided with the floor echoed inside the room.

Diebold, who stopped right beside the seat where he should sit, started to weave his word.

[ Let me apologize for my lateness, o kings who attain the crown of sorcery. But my lateness this time is something unavoidable. The heat that the sunlight bring, make my thought sluggish... that right, my mind was captivated inside the white realm that could be called as heaven or paradise. You guys understand, right?]- Diebold

Hearing the unintelligible word that came from Diebold’s mouth, the three sorcery king started to look at each other.

And then, they started to look at the woman who's standing beside Diebold.

Received those stare, the girl didn’t change her expression a bit and spoke with a clear voice that resounded within the room.

[... Diebold-sama wanted to say, [[ Sorry, I’m late because I oversleep. But the sunlight today is so comfortable, it can’t be helped, right?]], that’s it]- Rinna

The three sorcery king looked at Diebold with a disgusted look.

[... There's no truest word that I could utter]- Diebold

[Diebold sama said [[ I’m very sorry, seriously]] ]- Rinna

And so, the four sorcery king assembled at Rizzeta Country.

All of them are those who raise their sorcery to perfection, the sorcery king to its essence.

The meeting that held by those people, will be started soon.

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